Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 408 [Dimensionality reduction and contempt, Cai Lian Fairy]

Du Daxing's move really hit Xu Changan's blind spot.

He really didn't know there was a place like this outside the Divine Spring of Youth.

"Wait..." Beside Xu Changan, Wulian Nihong looked at Du Daxing and asked: "Senior, I want to ask you, what is this excellent place that you mentioned that nourishes many ghosts and mummies? mean?"

She looked at Du Daxing sensitively and a little uneasily.

Du Daxing smiled and said: "Literally, there are a lot of mummies inside, a lot!"

"Hiss, hiss..." Wu Lian hugged Xu Changan's arm and said, "Otherwise, we won't go, I'm afraid..."

Not to mention Wu Lian, even Miao Yin next to her looked a little pale.

"Haha..." Du Daxing smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist Xu, you may not know that this spring of youth has several extremely rare places. If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life!"

"To tell you the truth, the rest of us came here for the Divine Fountain of Youth!"

Xu Changan cupped his hands and said, "Ask me, Brother Du!"

"Well!" Du Daxing said: "First of all, the spring water of this immortal spring is very unique. It contains pure energy and the power of rules. After eating a drop of it, the depleted mana in the Yuanying monk's body can be instantly restored. Complete!”

Xu Changan nodded, he had heard of this too.

"Second!" Du Daxing continued: "The so-called holy spring of immortality, immortality refers to immortality. Of course, it cannot make people immortal, but it can increase the longevity of all monks, including ordinary people!"

"One drop can increase the lifespan of an ordinary person from a hundred years to two hundred years, adding a hundred years to one's life!"

"Of course, the relationship between heaven and earth treasures only works for the first time!"

"In addition to mortals, it can also increase the life span of monks in the foundation building stage, Qi refining stage, golden elixir stage and Nascent Soul stage. However, the effect is compromised and can only increase the life span by sixty years!"

Xu Changan's eyes glowed with some brilliance.

If so, it would be much more interesting.

Longevity, no matter who it is, is in short supply.

There are indeed pills between heaven and earth that can increase longevity, but refining those [life extension pills] can only add thirty years, not to mention it is particularly harmful to Tianhe.

Many people are unwilling to do it.

This divine spring of immortality can increase one's life span by one thousand years without harming Tianhe.

The point is, mortals gain one hundred years.

This seems useless, after all, it is of no use to a mortal to extend his life for a hundred years, right?


There is another kind of person who can also live a hundred years longer: the national scholar.

Those national warriors who are unable to practice rely on the power of incense to run rampant in the world and compete with the Xuanmen monks, but in front of the Xuanmen monks, they are always missing something.

That is Shouyuan.

No matter what kind of national scholar he is, he can only live ten years at most.

That is six hundred years!

Even if your cultivation is comparable to that of a fusion.

However, a powerful Xuanmen Nascent Soul can easily live for a thousand years.

It takes two thousand years to become a god, and the great monk of Lianxu can suppress a party for five thousand years.

Not to mention the ten-thousand-year-old fusion above and the hundred-thousand-year-old feather!

Therefore, one can imagine the attraction of this thing to national scholars.

"Then..." Xu Changan nodded and said, "We really have to fight for it!"

"Haha!" Du Daxing smiled and said, "Let me just say, how could Fellow Daoist Xu give up such a good thing?"

"Come on, come with me, let's discuss together how to get through this dark place!"

Xu Changan, Miaoyin and Wulian followed Du Daxing and walked into an extremely bright and huge bubble not far away.

The bubble is very large, dozens of feet in diameter.

In addition to Du Daxing, there were four other people inside.

They are Feng Jiu and Lin Guifan!

Xu Changan didn't know the other two female cultivators, but they were both at the Nascent Soul stage. One of them was tall and beautiful, wearing a purple robe, and sat at the head of the class somewhat arrogantly.

The female cultivator next to Feng Jiu didn't look too big. She was close to Feng Jiu and looked like if she wasn't Feng Jiu's Taoist companion, she was Feng Jiu's sister.

"Fellow Daoist Xu!"

"Fellow Daoist Xu!"

"We meet again, haha!"

Lin Guifan and Feng Jiu happily greeted Xu Changan.

Du Daxing said: "I just happened to meet fellow Daoist Xu, don't I bring him back now? With Fellow Daoist Xu joining our team, I think it will be easier to deal with these ghosts and monsters!"

"Hmm..." Feng Jiu and Lin Guifan both believed in Xu Changan's strength and nodded involuntarily.

But the purple-robed woman at the head frowned tightly and said: "A person with a mere golden elixir cultivation level, and a third-level golden elixir, what can he do?"

She was rude and said it directly without even saving Xu Changan's face.

"Uh..." Lin Guifan looked a little unhappy, and he quickly stood up and said: "Auntie, Xu Changan is different. Back in the Ruins of Qiuren, with his cultivation in the foundation-building period, he killed everyone everywhere, and he was unparalleled! "

"Yes!" Feng Jiu also raised his hand and said, "Senior Caihe, Xu Changan is truly a genius among geniuses!"

"Genius!" Fairy Caihe glanced at Xu Changan and sneered: "Genius is not judged by tyranny!"

"For us monks, the most important thing is our cultivation!"

"It has been almost sixty years since the opening of Qiuren Ruins, right?" She stared at Xu Changan and said, "It has been more than sixty years. Even if you were in the foundation-building stage, it took you sixty years to advance from the foundation-building stage to the third level of the golden elixir. Such a genius, hehe..."

"I don't need it!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she looked at the two women behind Xu Changan and said, "What's more, there are two burdens?"

"How will we pass this heavy yin land later?"

"This..." Lin Guifan smiled bitterly.

If it was someone else, he would dare to come out and argue.

But this person happened to be his aunt, and she had a good influence in Pingtianmen.

Du Daxing was also a little embarrassed.

Xu Changan's face was quite indifferent. He bowed to Du Daxing, Lin Guifan and Fengjiu and said, "Everyone, see you in the immortal spring later. I'm leaving now!"

Xu Changan took one in each hand and went straight out of the dazzling bubble.

"Hmph..." The fairy Caihe behind snorted coldly, looking at Xu Changan's back as he left, and said, "When we cultivators practice, aren't we seeking the way of heaven to comfort our longevity? Is a man who is surrounded by women like this worthy of practicing?"

"Guifan, stay away from him in the future!"

"Uh..." Lin Guifan nodded: "Okay, aunt!"

"I'm so angry, this is too contemptuous!" After getting out of the bubble of Lin Guifan and others, Wu Lian cursed: "Damn it!"

"How about!" Miaoyin said: "If they don't want to take us, we don't have to go. The so-called immortal spring is not something we need, so we don't have to!"

Miaoyin is open-minded.

"No!" Wu Lian said angrily: "We must break in and let her look down on us?"

Xu Changan looked at her with some surprise: "Aren't you afraid of ghosts?"

Wu Lian said: "Afraid... but it's no big deal if I die!"

"Anyway, I can be reborn after I die!"

Xu Changan: …………

Miaoyin: …………

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