Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 041 [Basic Formation, Minghe Zhenren]

"You're not dead?"

Ning Xiangxuan looked at Xu Changan, who was jumping around in front of him, and opened his mouth in shock: "No... you defeated the giant spider?"

Once he said this, not only did others not believe it, but he himself didn't believe it.

Can a cultivator of the third level of Qi Refining defeat a demon king who has reached the great perfection of Qi Refining?

"Junior Brother Xu escaped with a earth escape talisman..." Qin Kuo added.

"Oh..." Ning Xiangxuan nodded, and then a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face, and he said: "Junior Brother Xu, you also know that everyone returned empty-handed on our last underground trip, and I even lost the flag of the Four Symbols Sword Formation!"

"Since no one has benefited, isn't it a bit too much for you to ask me for contribution points now?" As he spoke, Ning Xiangxuan's aura slowly rose, and the pressure of the sixth level of Qi Refining approached Xu Changan.

However, Xu Changan was not afraid, but said: "At the beginning, I said I would never venture deep into the ground, but Senior Brother Ning said that he would give me 1,000 contribution points regardless of success or failure, and that he would protect my safety, so I risked my life to follow you!"

"But at the critical moment, Senior Brother, you ran away and did not protect me. If I did not have a life-saving earth escape mansion, I would have turned into a pile of dry bones by now. How can I bargain with you here?"

Ning Xiangxuan's face flushed immediately, and he said: "Forget it... I'll give you 1,000 contribution points!"

As he spoke, he took out his nameplate and transferred 1,000 contribution points to Xu Changan's nameplate.

"Junior Brother Xu!" Ning Xiangxuan asked, "Did you collect the pair of golden eggs from the spider mother?"

Xu Changan showed a sneer on his face: "Brother, what you mean is that I didn't take the opportunity to escape, but ran over to turn over the spider mother's body, took out the egg sac, and then took out the golden eggs inside before running away?"

"Uh... okay, I thought too much!" Ning Xiangxuan touched his forehead. He also felt that under that situation, there was no chance to collect the golden eggs.

After all, the golden eggs were pressed in the spider mother's abdomen!

"Brother Ning, thank you!" Xu Changan bowed, and then quickly left Ning Xiangxuan's dojo.

"Junior Brother Xu!" Fu Nianzhen sent Xu Changan to the teleportation array, and then asked, "Do you want to join our Wanghe Peak and become a true disciple of Wanghe Peak? If you are willing, I will go and beg Master to accept you as a disciple!"

The outer disciples guarding the teleportation array next to him were drooling with envy: Damn, why?

This guy is obviously plain-looking, how can he attract the famous Senior Sister Fu so much?

Oh my god, this is too unfair!

Xu Changan said: "Senior Sister Fu, my talent is very mediocre, the elders don't like me, let alone the peak master?"

"It's okay!" Fu Nianzhen said: "I'll ask for you!"

Xu Changan didn't take it seriously. After all, his talent is here, and no peak master would look down on him.

At worst, I'll show you my mixed spiritual roots with all ten systems. I don't believe you dare to accept me as your disciple?

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

A wave of energy surged on the teleportation array, and Xu Changan immediately disappeared.

Fu Nianzhen's face became cold again. She stared at the disciple guarding the teleportation array next to her: "I'll remember you, you'd better keep your mouth shut!"

"I..." The disciple guarding the teleportation array was scared: I'm just watching a formation, do you want to do this?

Qingzhu Peak, at the entrance of Chengdu Pavilion

Xu Changan looked through all the stalls in the square, but didn't find what he wanted. He took a step and walked towards the Acceptance Pavilion.

The Acceptance Pavilion is a place dedicated to the exchange of Taixuanmen's inner and outer disciples.

As long as you have contribution points, everything in it can be consumed.

Of course, there is actually nothing good here. They are all some resources that the upper and lower fourteen peaks don't use. They are mainly prepared for outer disciples.

The inner disciples all have a master, so who would come here?

"Is there a book introducing the characters of ancient times or ancient times!" Xu Changan asked the girl in the third level of Qi Refining in front of him.

The girl is also an outer disciple, so working in the Acceptance Pavilion must be a sect task.

"This... It seems that there is no!" The girl shook her head.

The reason why Xu Changan asked this was because when he was underground before, he saw three ancient characters on the stone door guarded by the two stone Weng Zhong.

He couldn't understand it and didn't know what it meant, so he wanted to study it.

Since there is no, forget it, Xu Changan doesn't care much about this thing.

"Then let me take a look first!"

The woman followed Xu Changan and turned around in the hall on the first floor. There were a lot of items here, including skills, spells, medicines, talismans, magic tools, storage bags, etc.

Xu Changan stopped in front of a counter and reached out to pick up a jade piece: basic formation!

Now Xu Changan's consciousness can be projected outward. He doesn't need to stick the jade slip on his forehead. He can easily scan the contents inside, but he can only see the first small part of the contents inside.

The female cultivator seemed to see through Xu Changan's intentions and explained: "Each piece of this jade slip is encrypted. After you pay, you can naturally see all the contents!"

Xu Changan asked: "How much is it?"

The woman said: "Five hundred contribution points!"

"Okay, I want it!" Xu Changan gave his nameplate to the woman.

"The woman immediately brushed five hundred contribution points!"


The next moment, another identical jade slip of the basic formation popped out and appeared on the counter.

Ah this...

Xu Changan said: "Is it the same?"

"Yes!" The female cultivator smiled and said: "Once the basic formation is bought, an identical one will pop out for the next cultivator to choose!"

Good guy!

Xu Changan couldn't help but be shocked: Taixuan Sect is so good at playing, and it earned 500 contribution points without any effort.

This is the income of the disciples guarding the formation for five months!

Next, he bought a book [Primary Talisman Making] for 1,000 contribution points, a [Primary Talisman Pen] and some talisman paper!

Xu Changan's contribution points were spent in an instant.

From the teleportation array of Qingzhu Peak back to the hall outside, Xu Changan returned to his courtyard without stopping, but as soon as he pushed the door, he was stunned.

There was actually a middle-aged man in a purple Taoist robe sitting in the courtyard.

The middle-aged man had a towering golden crown, a powerful aura, and three strands of green beard under his chin, flowing like an immortal.

Went to the wrong courtyard?

Xu Changan took another step back and went back to look at the number on the sect.

"Don't look, this is your courtyard!" The middle-aged man in purple robe spoke, his voice a little hoarse.

Xu Changan saw that he also had the cloud pattern logo of Taixuan Sect on him, so he walked into the courtyard with a nervous heart, and then saluted respectfully: "Outer sect disciple Xu Changan, meet the senior!"

The senior flicked his sleeves: "No need to be polite, this seat is Minghe Zhenren!"

Minghe Zhenren?

The head of Wanghe Peak, Fu Nianzhen's master?

Xu Changan was stunned.

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