Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 419 [Greedy Yuanying, Shuanghuan Taoist]

"Can it be used directly without refining?"

Miaoyin asked without giving up.

Wulian said: "Refining?"

"Fellow Taoist Miaoyin, it's not that I look down on you. If you run out of life in this life, you won't be able to refine even one layer of restrictions on this immortal weapon!"


Miaoyin opened her mouth in surprise.

Wulian Nihong said again: "I heard from my mother that the broken sword in our family is a famous high-grade innate spiritual treasure in the immortal world. There are 45 layers of restrictions on it. Not to mention you, it is the Mahayana period What about the ones in the fledgling stage?”

"They will never even think about refining it in their lifetime!"

"It's a pity that our fairy sword is not complete, it's just broken. Only thirty-five of the 45 levels of restrictions on it are left!"

"Although it is only the thirty-fifth level, the quality has dropped from a high-grade innate spiritual treasure to an ordinary fairy weapon!"

"But it is still a first-class immortal weapon."

Xu Changan nodded.

He knows that there are four types of treasures in the world of cultivation: magic weapons, spiritual weapons, magic weapons, and ancient treasures [holy weapons].

The most powerful ones are the best holy weapons. Xu Changan has one, which is the Netherworld Treasure Lamp.

There are 31 levels of restrictions on top of the top-grade holy weapons.

Anything above level 31 is an immortal weapon.

But immortal artifacts belong to the immortal world and will not wander into the world of cultivation for no reason.

On top of the immortal weapon, there is another treasure called [Lingbao].

The Asura Clan's Abi Immortal Sword has exceeded the category of an immortal weapon and is a spiritual treasure.

Xu Changan didn't know how powerful this thing was, but he could use his brain to think about it. It must be so powerful that it makes people scared.

Otherwise, Yan would not be able to bring this broken sword with him to the capital and turn the Tiandao Sect upside down.

You know, Tiandao Sect has two old gods in the Void Refining Stage.

Two old gods were crushed by a transformed god.

How terrifying?

The key is that Yan Qujing probably didn't refine even one level of this fairy sword.

Just thinking about it makes my head tingle.

The three of them walked forward while chatting.

The evil spirit is coming!

A tall figure suddenly broke into Xu Changan's bubble island. At first, that person was just passing by in a hurry, but when he turned around and saw Xu Changan, a hint of joy suddenly appeared on his face: "Yes. you?"

Xu Changan scratched his head: I don’t know him.

"Your Excellency?"

"Hehehe..." The man did not answer Xu Changan's words. Instead, he looked at Xu Changan like a hunter staring at his prey, and said: "I have been looking for you for several days. I was planning to let you go, but I didn't expect to see you again. you!"

"As the saying goes, you can't find anything without iron shoes, but it takes no effort to get there!"

Xu Changan looked cautious and already held a [Swallowing Talisman] in his left hand.

The wisdom in his eyes swept across and he realized that the old guy in front of him was actually a great Yuanying at the fifth level of the Yuanying stage.

"Senior is..."

"My Taoist name is Double Ring!" The man stared at Xu Changan with a half-smile but not a smile: "Boy, you are lucky and have a good chance. You actually got half a barrel of [Spring of Youth] from the mouth of the black dragon..."

"I won't bully you. I want to make a deal with you in exchange for some spiritual spring water!"

Xu Changan nodded and said, "Okay, I wonder how many seniors need?"

Deep down in his heart, he definitely didn't want to change, but after all, he was facing a great Yuanying. Forget it, one more thing is worse than one less thing, as long as he doesn't open his mouth like a lion and changes to something else.

Shuanghuan Taoist chuckled and said: "Half, give me half of your spiritual spring water!"

Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly.

This person's tone must be too loud.

"Then..." he asked, "I wonder what Senior Shuanghuan would exchange for Junior's spiritual spring water?"

Shuanghuan laughed and said: "Your life!"

"Is it worth it?"

In fact, there were many people who wanted to take advantage of Xu Changan in the Shenquan Valley. Unfortunately, there were hundreds of people there, and they were all respectable people. It was impossible for them to do this murder and seize the treasure in full public view.

Nascent Soul also needs face.

But it was different when we met in private.

Just three golden elixirs, hehe...

"Haha..." Shuanghuan Taoist said with a smile: "Don't blame me for being unreasonable. The so-called ordinary man is not guilty, but he is guilty of having a jade!"

"My little friend, I am not a greedy person. I can spare your life for just half of the spiritual spring water!"

Although he said this, in his heart, Shuanghuan Taoist had already rowed Xu Changan to the intersection of Huangquan.

Not to kill you?

Do I want you to go out and make irresponsible remarks?

"Hehehe..." Xu Changan also laughed. He stared at Shuanghuan Taoist and said, "Then... you'd better come and grab it!"


Xu Changan's aura spread out.

He held the Devouring Talisman in his left hand and the black [Ashul Compass] in his right hand, and his spiritual thoughts communicated with the Netherworld Treasure Lamp.

Outside, if you encounter the Great Yuanying, you will have to run as far as you can.

But in this Zhenwu Jedi, you can't communicate with the power of the rules of heaven and earth, why am I still afraid of you?

"court death……"

Shuanghuan Taoist felt insulted.

A mere third-level Jindan guy dares to challenge me?

Looking for death?

"Since you want to die... haha..." Shuanghuan smiled: "I'm sorry, I will help you, and I will help you too!"

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, the Double Ring Taoist waved his hand and took out his magic weapon: Yin and Yang Double Rings!



One black and one white, two rings made of unknown materials attacked Xu Changan from two directions.

The strong spiritual power gushed out, and the palm-sized rings instantly turned into several feet in size, carrying the huge power of a Yuanying cultivator, sweeping the whole body, forcing the Yin Sha power to fall on Xu Changan's head.

One on the left and one on the right!

Although there is no power of rules, this mighty attack is like the sea, swallowing everything.

Xu Changan stood still, he shouted: "Open..."


When the attack came, the swallowing talisman on his head suddenly unfolded!

The two attacks, one on the left and one on the right, were all collected by him into the swallowing talisman.


The Shuanghuan Taoist was shocked: "How is it possible... How could this happen?"

"What kind of talisman is this?"

Xu Changan smiled and said: "Talisman... I got it from an ancient relic. As for what kind of talisman it is, I don't know..."

"Ancient relic?" Shuanghuan sneered: "Hehe... This kind of treasure is indeed against the sky, but you only have this one!"

"See how you take this attack from me!"


The same attack!

The black and white double rings swept everything with unparalleled energy.


Xu Changan took out another swallowing talisman: "Open..."


The second attack was also swallowed up by Xu Changan's swallowing talisman.

"You still have it?" Shuanghuan Taoist was a little surprised.

This kind of talisman that can swallow other people's magical powers is unusual at first glance, and it is definitely against the sky.

This thing must not be made by the current cultivators. It must be handed down from ancient times. Since it is handed down from ancient times, there must be not many.


Let me see how much you have.

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