Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 434 [Two promises, the Immortal Sword is in hand]

Zhou Tianzi's voice was not loud, but it was like a loud bell, hitting Xu Changan's heart hard.

That's right!

Dao, how could it be given by others?

It was cultivated by oneself.

What's the use of escorting it all the way to Mahayana?

Can it ascend?

The words of Shenlong before really made Xu Changan have some kind of fantasy.

Now that Zhou Tianzi broke his mouth with a word, Xu Changan was shocked and broke into a cold sweat.

"I see that you have the breath of the original god drum, so I conclude that the stone drum is on you!" Zhou Mian said again: "This thing is used by Dingding Bafang Siji, not the kind of treasure you understand, so it's useless for you to hold it, take it..."

This time, Xu Changan no longer kept it to himself.

He waved his hand and took out the original god drum from the golden talisman space.


The god drum turned into a beam of light and flew towards Zhou Tianzi.

Then the golden light on it shone brightly, and it fell on the island with a bang.

Emperor Zhou nodded with satisfaction: "Yes... Zhenwu, I can suppress you for billions of years with the God Drum!"

"My friend!" Emperor Zhou turned his head again and looked at Xu Changan and said: "I, Zhou Mian, have never owed anyone a favor in my life!"

"Although this original God Drum also belongs to me, I have fallen for a long time after all. Whoever gets these treasures will own them!"

"Today I use your treasure, but it is not in vain!"

"I can fulfill your two wishes!"

"Of course, I am just a remnant soul here, so this wish can only be realized in this valley!"

Xu Changan was overjoyed and said: "Your Majesty, can you wait for me for some time, I will discuss it with my two junior sisters!"

Emperor Zhou nodded: "Okay... go!"

Xu Changan landed on the ground, waved his hand, and the fourth-grade formation was sacrificed.

He looked at Wu Lian and Miao Yin in front of him and said, "Two Taoist friends, I have it... Wait a minute, I will ask the emperor for the [Avici Broken Sword], it should not be difficult!"

"Secondly, I also want him to send you two away in advance!"

"Oh..." Wu Lian nodded and said, "I know, I will implicate you!"

"That's not what I meant!" Xu Changan stretched out his hand and rubbed her head, saying, "You go out first and help me see what the situation is outside, otherwise even if I get the immortal sword, it will be troublesome to go out!"

"Here are six concentric talismans, waiting for me to send messages!"


On the vast snowfield.

Cang Shu Zhenren cried with joy!

He is the head of a small sect, and the sect has always been bullied.

Now a deep valley has cracked in the snowfield, and there is such a heaven-defying cave paradise in this deep valley.

In the future, moving the sect here will surely prosper.

Just as Cang Shu Zhenren was dancing with joy.

The hundreds of feet of cracks on the snowfield suddenly closed with a rumble.

The vast snowfield returned to its original state.


Cang Shu Zhenren, who was extremely happy in the void, opened his mouth wide in an instant.


"Have you thought about it?"

Zhou Tianzi asked Xu Changan.

Xu Changan clasped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I have thought about it!"

"First, please send my two junior sisters out of Zhenwu Jedi, just send them to the valley entrance!"

"Yes!" Zhou Tianzi said, "Okay!"

Boom boom...

He waved his hand, and Fairy Miaoyin and Wu Lian were directly sent out of Zhenwu Jedi.

"Second!" Xu Changan took a deep breath: "I want the [Avici Broken Sword] in the Sword Valley..."


When Xu Changan said this, countless people looked over with fiery eyes.

Zhou Tianzi nodded and said, "This is easy!"



As the emperor's voice fell, the red broken sword in the distant Sword Valley flew back and landed in the space in front of Xu Changan.

Xu Changan stretched out his hand and grabbed the hilt of the sword.

Hiss, hiss, hiss...

The sword intent spread throughout Xu Changan's body like an electric current.

He did not comprehend any sword intent.

He did not refine any level of this immortal weapon!

But at this moment, Xu Changan felt that he could kill the God of Transformation.

Of course, this was an illusion.

"Goodbye, my friend!"

"I hope I will have a chance to see you again in the future!"


The statue of Zhou Tianzi fell on the island again.

He was tall, with his back to all living beings, and his whole body was exposed between the fighting bulls of the twenty-eight constellations in the void, with unparalleled momentum.

Xu Changan retracted his gaze and looked at the immortal sword in his hand.


Xu Changan shouted, and the first thing he did after getting the immortal sword was to chop at the head of a tall cultivator.

This man had just attacked him when he got the [Taiyi True Water].

He was one of the six great Yuanying who attacked him.

This person was at the seventh level of the Nascent Soul Stage. He was fixed in place by the power of the sword, unable to move at all.

He hurriedly used his strongest defense.

"Daoyou... don't do it!"


The silver-white sword light fell with a tail of dozens of feet, and the big Nascent Soul died!

A soul flew out and was about to escape.


Xu Changan took out a soul-raising wood, shook it at the soul of the man, and immediately collected the soul.

Speaking of this soul-raising wood, it was obtained after killing Zhongli, a disciple of the Tianchui Sect, in the Ruins of Seeking Benevolence.

"Want to leave?"

Xu Changan suddenly turned around and slashed out with his sword again.


Similarly, the Great Yuanying that attacked him before was chopped into ashes by him.

Collect the soul.



The other four also failed to escape Xu Changan's sword.


Really too powerful.


With this sword in hand, what great golden pill, what great Yuanying?

They are all chickens and dogs!

"Maybe... I can really kill the God of Transformation!"

Xu Changan retracted his gaze and looked around.

Good guy... It's over.

That's right!

Seeing Xu Changan holding the sword and killing the Great Yuanying left and right, the rest of the people were already scared.

Hurry up.

Especially Yan Pingjing and the geniuses of Yan State.

Yan Pingjing had a grudge against Xu Changan.

And the geniuses of Yan State were intimidated.

You know, they joined hands and played a trick on Xu Changan before.

Who can guarantee that Xu Changan didn't see this?

If he saw it, he would be dead if he attacked at this moment.

As for the others, they were also scared away.


Xu Changan took a deep breath and said, "It's better to run away!"

He directly took out the Seven Evils Ghost Banner unscrupulously. As soon as the ghost banner was swung, the souls of the six Yuanying period masters were all absorbed by him.

This ghost banner already has seven souls.

It is worthy of being the Seven Evils Ghost Banner.

Xu Changan put away the immortal sword and looked at the valley entrance.

In fact, just now, he could have a second choice.

First, get the immortal sword first.

Second, let Zhou Tianzi send the three of them out together.

But Xu Changan didn't do this, not because he was stupid, but because he didn't know what the situation was outside.

What if there is a great power in the God Transformation period outside to investigate.

Can I leave if I go out first?

Not necessarily.

After being detained, I will die if others come out and tell the news that Laozi got the immortal sword.

It's better to let these two girls go out first and show me what's going on outside.

If I can go out, I'll go out!

If I can't go out, I'll just stay in seclusion in the Jedi for a hundred years.

Anyway, there is an oasis over there.

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