Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 494 [Strategies and strategies, two strategies]

"Let's go, let's go..."

Wujiang stretched out his hand to hold Xu Changan and walked towards the courtyard behind Zhibing Hall.

This is a dormitory for several students.

Several people quickly crossed the courtyard!

Xu Changan said as he walked: "What is this guy doing in Mafu? Why do you need us to carry him?"

Feng Ping said: "He is injured!"

"Ah?" Xu Changan was speechless: "Isn't it right...have you met an enemy?"

"Didn't he calculate everything? Why didn't he calculate it?"

Wujiang next to him curled his lips and said, "Fourth brother... who could have predicted that a carriage would hit him on the street?"

"Pfft..." Xu Changan almost burst into laughter: "What the hell... the horse suit is a third-level national scholar... a third-level... can be injured by a carriage?"

"Isn't it?" Wujiang said: "I'm surprised too. A third-grade national warrior was hit by a carriage on the street. When he landed, he broke three ribs and a leg bone. Hey... who can I ask to explain this? !”

The three people were talking and walking, and unknowingly arrived outside Ma Fu's room.

With a creak, the servants opened the room.

At this moment, Ma Fu was lying on a hard bed and said with an unconvinced look on his face: "I'm not a Xuanmen monk, and I can't hold the incense and luck to my head all the time. Isn't this a coincidence?"

"Let's go!"

Under Wujiang's command, Xu Chang'an and Feng Ping each raised their heads and carried the horse clothes and the bed out together, then crossed the courtyard and returned to Sun Wu's teaching hall.

"See Master!"

The disciples bowed their hands one by one.

Sun Wu sat on the futon and raised his head slightly: "Everyone, sit down... um... just fall asleep, Ma Fu!"

"There are six volumes of Jiang Taigong's Tao of Strategy, each with ten chapters, totaling sixty chapters!"

"Tao includes literary Tao, martial Tao, dragon Tao, tiger Tao, leopard Tao, and dog Tao. These are the six Tao..."

Sun Wu was sitting on the steps, giving a eloquent lecture. Wujiang, Ma Fu, and Feng Ping were listening with great interest, but Xu Changan's mind was in chaos, but he couldn't listen to anything.

Even if you listen to it, it still feels a bit paradoxical and makes you drowsy.

Fortunately, although Sun Wu was strict, he also knew the temperament of his disciples. He did not have too many demands or expectations for Xu Changan. Even if Xu Changan fell asleep in class, he would not blame or abuse him.

Of course, this is just a metaphor, Xu Changan will not really go to sleep.

"Okay!" Half an hour later, Sun Wu said: "Today's strategy is over. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me!"

Ma Fu, who was lying on the bed and tied with a white cloth strip, suddenly spoke, "Teacher, I would like to know, what is the current war situation between Yan and Qi?"

Sun Wudao: "You can ask Wujiang this question!"

Wujiang said: "Yes, yes, I just got the news from my father yesterday, saying that after the Yan State army defeated Qi State Linzi, they did not rush to continue the attack, but stopped!"

"Stop?" Ma Fu suddenly twisted and sat up and said, "Why did you stop?"

"Hehehe..." Sun Wu chuckled and said, "Yes, why did Le Yi stop suddenly... We can discuss this issue!"

"Wujiang, tell me first!"

Sun Wu looked at Wujiang.

Wujiang thought for a while and said: "It doesn't make sense... I thought that at this time, we should take advantage of the high morale and conquer Qi State in one go. If Qi State is destroyed like this, Yan State will become the largest country in the world!"

"But why stop now?"

"I understand!" Wujiang slapped him on the head and said, "Leyi Leyi...doesn't this guy want to be independent?"


Several people looked at Wujiang.

Wujiang said: "What do you think I am doing? Le Yi is deliberately dragging his feet. This is because he wants to be independent and break away from the Yan Kingdom!"

"This is called raising bandits to respect themselves!"

Sun Wu cursed: "Idiot!"

"I..." Wujiang looked aggrieved.

Sun Wu looked at Xu Changan and said, "Xu Changan, tell me!"

"Me?" Xu Changan couldn't figure it out himself.

Let's put it this way, at this time Le Yi captured Linzi. According to Xu Changan's idea, he should quickly recall him to the people of Linzi, and then use the remaining half of his luck to bless the Yan State, thus destroying Qi.

But the fact is that Le Yi didn't do that.

So Xu Changan was puzzled. He thought for a while and said, "Teacher, you should call me a fool!"

"Hahaha..." Wujiang laughed!

Sun Wu was speechless and said: "Feng Ping, tell me!"

"I..." Feng Ping thought for a while and said: "I think there should be a problem within the Yan State, or there is a problem with the coalition forces. Han, Zhao, Wei and Qin may be limiting it!"

"Yeah!" Sun Wu said: "It is possible!"

"Ma Fu, tell me!"

It's the horse's turn.

Ma Fu thought for a while and said: "Disciple thought that destroying Qi by the Yan State would be as simple as searching a bag for something. But now what Le Yi and Emperor Yan are thinking about is how to deal with the problems after the destruction of Qi. Now the princes are watching eagerly, and they all Keep an eye on Yan State, if they are not careful, they will lose everything."

"Yeah!" Sun Wu nodded and said, "If you were Le Yi, how would you deal with it?"

Ma Fu said: "I have two strategies: upper and lower!"

"The next best idea is to take out some of Qi's major counties and distribute them to the princes and other countries... In this way, both the princes and the State of Yan will benefit, and the State of Yan will undoubtedly benefit the most!"

Sun Wu said: "What's the best strategy?"

Ma Fu said: "The best strategy is to find the descendants of Jiang Qi in Linzi, establish another King of Qi, and ask the emperor in Luoyang to list him as a vassal to correct his name. In this way, Qi can be controlled by Qi, and the state of Qi can be gradually swallowed up!"

"Hahaha..." Sun Wu laughed and applauded: "Great, great... You are so young that you can come up with such a strategy, which is amazing!"

Ma Fu asked: "Then may I ask Master, what do you think?"

Everyone looked at Sun Wu.

Sun Wu's face suddenly became serious. He stretched out his hand to stroke his beard, took a deep breath and said, "Le Yi will neither adopt your best strategy nor your worst strategy!"

Ma Fu asked, "Master, why is that?"

Sun Wu said, "The Emperor of Yan doesn't have much time left. He can't wait for the day of nibbling, and he's afraid of more dreams!"

"Although it's the best strategy for you to establish the King of Qi to nibble away at Qi, it will take at least hundreds of years. He can't wait!"

Wu Jiang suddenly asked, "What are Le Yi and the others doing?"

Sun Wu said, "Let's take every step carefully. I guess that Yan has swallowed up too much land in a short period of time. It will take some time to digest it temporarily. When half of Qi is almost digested, it can destroy Qi openly!"

"And in this way, the princes will think that Yan will stop here and won't be too afraid!"

"In this way, great things will be accomplished in thirty years!"

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