Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 501 [Nine-foot-long Thunder Spear, Fighting against Yuanying]


A giant bird with golden wings suddenly flew across the sky.

It was extremely fast.

This bird was not an ordinary bird, but a third-grade spiritual beast called [Golden Winged Phoenix Blood Bird].

This bird had reached the Golden Core Stage and was very fast, even faster than Xu Changan's immortal boat.

On the back of the Golden Winged Phoenix Blood Bird sat a middle-aged Taoist in a black Taoist robe.

The Taoist was at the second level of the Yuanying Stage, and his Taoist name was [Zhenren Henry].

The Qian Gua of the Book of Changes says: A gentleman has four virtues, Yuanhenglizhen, and Yuan is benevolence, Heng is courtesy, Li is righteousness, and Zhen is righteousness.

Zhenren Henry practiced under a Yi Dao sect when he was young, and his master took the two words [Zhenren] from the four words [Yuanhenglizhen] as his Taoist name.

Zhenren Henry not only had a high level of cultivation and was proficient in Yi arts, but was also an amazing swordsman.

Half a year ago, he received news about the opening of the sword tomb in Mogan Mountain controlled by the Yue royal family, so he came out of retreat, all the way from the distant Zhao State to Yue State. At this moment, he was riding a big bird to Mogan Mountain.



In the direction of the left front of Henry Zhenren, a golden sword energy suddenly came out and rushed straight into the sky.

"What a strong sword intent!" Henry Zhenren's eyes shrank slightly, and his divine sense covered the sky and the earth.

It was discovered that this sword intent was emitted from a fairy boat, and a sword broke a mountaintop.

Originally thought that there was a great power in the Yuanying stage on the fairy boat, but when Henry Zhenren's divine sense swept over, he only found that there were only two young monks in the Jindan stage, and his eyes shrank immediately.

Jindan stage monk?

Can he actually display such a sword intent?

In Henry Zhenren's cognition, this is impossible.

Either the sword in this person's hand is extraordinary, or this person has cultivated the supreme sword magic.

Otherwise, it would be impossible!

After confirming that there was only a tenth-level Jindan and a third-grade national scholar on the flying boat in front, a greedy smile immediately appeared on the corner of Henry's mouth.

There is no one around for thousands of miles!

It is really a good place to kill people and rob treasures.

So what if it is in Yue Kingdom?

I will do it and leave. Who can know that it was done by me?


With this thought, Henry changed the direction of flight and headed for the immortal boat where Xu Changan was.

The speed was very fast. It took only ten breaths to catch up with the tail of Xu Changan's flying boat.

At this moment, Xu Changan, who was sitting on the deck, naturally discovered the guy in the second level of Yuanying who was following behind him.

In fact, when the Yuanying cultivator swept over with his overwhelming divine thoughts just now, Xu Changan had already noticed him.

"Brother Ma Fu!" Xu Changan smiled and said, "It seems that there is a Nascent Soul guy with bad intentions following us. Master said that you are extremely wise. Please give me a plan. What should we do now?"


Ma Fu was so scared that he almost peed his pants. He looked back at the giant bird a hundred feet away behind him and said, "What the hell, quickly put away the flying boat and prepare to land to deal with it!"

Just as Ma Fu's voice fell, the real Henry behind him slashed at him with a sword in the air.

The green sword light was not big at first, but after two breaths, it turned into a shocking waterfall in the void, falling from the sky.

Ma Fu was so scared that his legs softened and he sat on the deck, saying, "It's over... Nascent Soul!"

Xu Changan laughed and waved his hand to offer a small pot lid the size of a palm.

The black pot lid had been nurtured in Xu Changan's body for more than two hundred years. Now it has turned red and has been completely refined by Xu Changan.

Asura stretched out a range of dozens of feet, like a scarlet umbrella on the flying boat.


The infinite sword intent fell on the umbrella like a waterfall, but it could not shake the Asura plate at all.

"Good treasure!" Henry Zhenren's eyes shrank slightly, and his greed became stronger: "I have a great opportunity today!"

Just kidding!

Although the attack just now did not use full strength, it also consumed 70% of Henry Zhenren's strength.

This is a 70% attack of a Yuanying period cultivator.

This golden elixir was easily carried without any damage?

It is conceivable how amazing this red defensive treasure is.

If you don't take what God gives, you will suffer the consequences.

Xu Changan said, "Brother, watch me kill the Nascent Soul!"


In the vast void, Xu Changan was as small as a pea. He jumped from the immortal boat into the sky, and then mobilized all his magic power. The power of gold was condensed in his right hand, and then he pointed at the position of the second-level Nascent Soul cultivator behind him.

In the void, thousands of golden spiritual powers condensed into a golden finger dozens of feet long, and poked at the Nascent Soul.

With one finger, the void trembled slightly, and the space changed shape.

And this finger also carried the power of space in the rules of heaven and earth, locking the Nascent Soul for half a breath.

"So strong!" Henry Zhenren felt that his brain was not enough.

How is it possible?

It's just a tenth-level Jindan, why can it lock space, why can it have the power of rules?

Could this person have a root of Taoism in advance?

And this guy actually dared to confront me, not timid at all?


Henry Zhenren had a bad premonition.


He didn't have much time to think.


Although Xu Changan's spatial rule power locked the powerful man of the second level of the Nascent Soul Stage for half a breath, the mana in that person turned, and the same rule power was driven out, instantly breaking Xu Changan's spatial blockade.

Even the powerful man of the second level of the Nascent Soul Stage did not dare to face Xu Changan's attack.

So, Henry directly teleported away from the original place.

However, he could teleport, but his golden-winged phoenix blood bird could not.


The huge phoenix blood bird was directly torn apart.

A burst of red blood turned into a red rain, falling closely to the ground.

"Damn it?" Henry was furious, and he drew out the immortal sword and was about to condense the sword to kill Xu Changan, but suddenly his scalp was numb. He turned his head at lightning speed, and saw a silver spear composed of lightning about two feet long in the void, piercing through the void and stabbing at him.

The speed was very fast.

When he turned around, it was too late.

No time to escape!

No time to use any defensive magic weapon.

"Gather..." Henry could only rely on his infinite magic power to condense a spiritual shield.

However, to put it bluntly, this shield composed of pure spiritual power is almost as fragile as paper.


The lightning spear tore through Henry's outermost layer of defense as if it was in an empty space, and then puffed directly through his chest and penetrated his body.



The lightning spear pierced through his body, and lightning slithered.

In the void, Xu Changan was surrounded by lightning, like a god descending from heaven.

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