Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 528 [Abyssal Sword Tomb, Thousands of Magnificent Swords]

"Thank you Master for the gift!"

Mei Guhong was extremely happy.

Tears were shed.

Over the years, she has worked hard in the world of cultivation, and has lived and died several times, just for a few cultivation resources.

But who would have thought that these things would be readily available after worshiping the Master?

And it's much more than that.

Xu Changan nodded and said: "No matter how much I give you, you won't be able to digest it all at once. Instead, it will be a burden and a disaster, so I will give you these first!"

"In addition, I have a few words of advice from my teacher. Please understand!"

"Yes!" Mei Guhong immediately stood solemnly in front of Xu Changan, bowing.

Xu Changan said: "You have the Five Elements Spiritual Root, so you can dabble in making talismans, refining weapons or refining elixirs in the future!"

"However, my teacher's advice to you is that you'd better not touch these things!"

"The way to make talismans is to be able to draw [Hiding Talisman] and [Disguise Talisman]!"

"Put all your energy into practicing and improving your realm!"

"Waiting until you reach the Nascent Soul stage to dabble in these things will get twice the result with half the effort, and it will also give you more insights, which will be beneficial to your future practice!"

"Yes!" Mei Guhong cupped her hands and said, "Disciple, please keep this in mind!"

Xu Changan waved his hand and said: "There is no need for this. These few sentences are advice and my teacher's advice to you. You have to consider it based on your own situation. It's up to you whether you do it or not!"

"A teacher's advice is not an iron rule!"

"But... you have to remember clearly the following things I'm going to say!" Xu Changan said: "First, if my master teaches you a skill in the future, no matter what kind of skill it is, it will all start from me. Until you, no more!”

"Secondly, the method of making the [Hidden Breath Talisman] and [Disguise Talisman] is the same. Until you, no more teachings can be made!"

"Third, you need to always remember that our roots come from Wanghe Peak of Taixuan Sect. Your master's name is Xu Chang'an. Your master is also my master, his name is Zhenren Minghe. You can't call yourself a family in the future. forget."

"These three things are the requirements of being a teacher and must not be disrespected!"

"Yes!" Mei Guhong knelt on the ground with a bang: "Disciple, please keep this in mind!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan smiled, and the serious expression on his face disappeared, revealing a friendly look: "Let's go... Speaking of our sect, you still have a few junior uncles and senior uncles. We will have a division meeting in the future. Recommended to you one by one! ”

"Let's go to the Sword Tomb to learn the sword first!"

Xu Changan withdrew the barrier and headed to the Sword Tomb with Mei Guhong and Zhao Kuo.

On Mogan Mountain, Jianzhong is the last stop.

After mastering the sword, you will have the opportunity to choose a sword for your own use in the sword tomb.

Of course, whether you can get the sword depends on everyone's chance and understanding.

Many people speculate that this Moye Sword is in the sword tomb.

If the chance is great enough, the luck is enough, and the understanding is unparalleled enough, you will definitely be able to obtain this Moxie Sword.

Walk all the way there.

In half a day, they climbed to the highest point of Mogan Mountain, and Xu Changan and the others saw the sword tomb.

The so-called sword tomb is an abyss.

A huge abyss with a radius of thousands of feet, surrounded by mountains.

Countless swords floated at the mouth of the black abyss.

Densely packed!

At a glance, there are countless.

The infinite sword intent rippling on these countless long swords formed a huge cloud of sword intent in the abyss.

Someone stepped forward and landed on the long sword suspended in the abyss, then sat cross-legged in the void, comprehending the infinite sword intention.

This circular abyss is thousands of feet in diameter, but it is divided into two areas.

The hundred-foot circle in the middle is an area, the core of the abyss.

There are no swords floating in the core of the abyss.

There is only the cloud of sword energy.

A huge circular area outside the core area is called the periphery.

Those swords are suspended on the periphery.

When a monk understands the sword, he naturally understands it from the outside.

There are thousands of people sitting in the abyss and enlightening the sword.

There are many people watching around the Sword Tomb Abyss.

"Senior Brother Xu, this way!"

Li Chuisheng, who was wearing a green robe like a lotus, raised her slender arms and shook them twice.

Xu Changan walked to her side.

"Look..." Li Chuisheng said with a face of surprise, "This is the Sword Tomb, and the Jianhe Waterfall came out of this abyss!"

"Yes, that's indeed the case!" Xu Changan nodded.

This Jianhe Waterfall is a unique scenery on Mogan Mountain.

Countless flying swords turned into a giant dragon and flew down from the top of Mogan Mountain, landing at the entrance of the Mogan Mountain Sword Tomb. The sword intent flowed down like a waterfall.

At this time, monks outside who want to enter Mogan Mountain can sacrifice their swords.

Those who succeed in sacrificing the sword can step into it.

When Xu Changan came in, he also sacrificed a sword, and also lost a [Heaven-Slaying Sword] which was a top-quality magic weapon.

This Jianhe waterfall happens once every few days.

In addition to sacrificing swords, the Jianhe Waterfall also has another function: entering the sword tomb!

The so-called sword tomb is at the bottom of this thousand-foot circular abyss.

Because this abyss is filled with unparalleled powerful sword intent, ordinary monks cannot enter it at all.

Whether it's transforming into a god or refining the void, it won't work.

However, if one comprehends the meaning of the sword on top of the abyss and develops a magical power, then one can enter.

Of course, it's not that simple.

The Sword River Waterfall has an inlet and an outlet. When the huge Sword River carrying the power of ten thousand swords returns to the Sword Tomb, the cultivator can resonate with the Sword River with his own sword skills, and then rush into the Sword Tomb with the power of the Sword River Waterfall.

Only in this way can one enter the abyss.

The same is true when coming out.

One must use the power of the Sword River to break the huge sword intent in the abyss before coming out.

But the premise of wanting to integrate into the Sword River Waterfall is to comprehend the unique sword skills of the Sword Tomb here.

The better the comprehension, the more powerful the magical power, and the deeper one can enter the Sword Tomb.


The better the sword that can be obtained.

Vice versa.

Buzz buzz buzz...

At this moment, Xu Changan suddenly felt a slight vibration.

This vibration came from the countless long swords floating on the outer ring of the abyss.

Very weak.

However, soon, this vibration became stronger and stronger.

The cloud of sword intent at the core of the abyss also trembled.

"Here it comes..." Someone took a deep breath and said two words.

Li Chuisheng took three steps back and stood beside Xu Changan.


A sword suddenly flew out from the depths of the core of the abyss, piercing through the cloud of sword intent and soaring into the sky.





Countless swords followed and flew out from the abyss.

Billions and billions, countless.

Countless swords formed a giant dragon with a body as thick as a hundred feet, breaking through the air like a pillar of light rising into the sky.

The nine-color light flashing on the sword body intertwined together, and the huge power almost broke through this piece of void.

Ten breaths later, the sword dragon soared into the air.

It circled above the sword tomb of Mogan Mountain, and then headed for the entrance below.

The sword intent gushed out and turned into a waterfall.

Ten thousand swords are magnificent!

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