Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 534 [The man dies and the sword is broken, and Moye is finally seen]

At this point, Zhongni was gone.

Xu Changan looked at the abyss under his feet. There were only three people further down.

One was Wang Chan, one was Nanhua, and one was Zhou Xiaoyue.


Xu Changan went down all the way under the huge pressure.


A flame burned on his body: Red Lotus Karma Fire!

Xu Changan dared to guarantee that the pressure of the sword intent here was enough to destroy even the body of the Nascent Soul Stage.

After another half an incense stick of practice, the familiar handwriting appeared on the stone wall again: Wang Chan returned from here.

Can't the ancestor Wang Chan hold on anymore?

Xu Changan frowned slightly, and a light flashed in his eyes.

Under the six words Wang Chan, there was another line of words: Forget it, I, Nanhua, can't hold on anymore, so I'll return. Zhou Xiaoyue, Zhou Xiaoyue, who are you?

This is the handwriting left by Nanhua Zhenren.

Obviously, he has caught up with Wang Chan, but he has not yet explored Zhou Xiaoyue's bottom!

Nanhua was very sorry, but he didn't have the ability to go down further.

Xu Changan knew that compared with these people, his cultivation was far inferior. The reason why he could reach such a depth was because of the sword intent he had comprehended.

Or it might be related to the sword intent he had comprehended on the thousand-foot sword ladder.

Because in the sword tomb, the only thing to resist the external spiritual power and sword intent was one's own comprehension.

Otherwise, Mei Guhong would not have been able to go down so deep.

"Keep going. I want to see who this Zhou Xiaoyue is?" Xu Changan took a deep breath and continued to go down with the Ten Thousand Swords Dragon.

In fact, it didn't take long to go down. After about half an incense stick of time, it was at the bottom.

It really reached the bottom!

When he got here, the sword intent around him disappeared.

Xu Changan waved his hand and put away the Ten Thousand Swords Dragon.

The fire attribute spiritual power in his body flew out and turned into a cluster of flames, illuminating the dark underground.

The surrounding space was not big!

Only ten feet in radius.

There were also hard stones under his feet.

In the middle of this area, there was a red sword, inserted diagonally into the ground.

This is...

Xu Changan felt his breathing stagnate.

Could it be that this is the legendary Moye Sword?

He did not rashly reach out to grab this thing, but his eyes flashed, and the Taiyi Breaking Barrier Reincarnation Golden Eyes opened.

Two golden lights enveloped the purple-red sword.

There were indeed two inscriptions at the intersection of the hilt and the blade: Moye!

Is it really the Moye Sword?

No... Logically speaking, the senior named [Zhou Xiaoyue] should have come here, but why didn't she take the Moye Sword away?


Or calculation?

Countless scenes popped up in Xu Changan's mind.

In that [Zhenwu Jedi], there was an unknown ominous person who threw out a fake map to lure the monks to come, and then choose someone to devour.

In the [Secret Realm of the Blue Sea] of the Taixuan Sect, how many years has the Chen family's ancestor survived in the state of a soul, and who is he waiting for?

Who dares to say that the Moye Sword that is about to be obtained is not a trap?

Xu Changan waved his hand, and the ten-foot-high red lotus fire was thrown out by him.


The fire burned around the Moye Sword for more than ten breaths.

After confirming that there was no residual soul or soul on the sword, Xu Changan slowly approached, then suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled the Moye Sword out of the ground with one force.

There was no flash of sword light, and no strange phenomenon appeared.

It was very ordinary.

It was so ordinary that Xu Changan suspected that the Moye Sword was fake, because it was not complete, but a broken sword.

That's right!

It was inserted into the ground just now, and it was hard to tell whether the sword was good or bad, but after pulling it out, it was found that it was missing a piece.

Xu Changan was dumbfounded: That's it?

I worked hard to come to the underground, and I found half a broken sword?

After a few breaths of silence, Xu Changan extended his divine sense again and tried to probe the broken sword.

He wanted to see how many layers of restrictions there were on the broken sword and what quality it was.

The result... None!

There was not a single layer of restrictions on the broken sword.

Xu Changan was completely stunned.

That's not right!

For those world-famous treasures, even if they were incomplete, there should be restrictions on them, not none at all.

For example, the fairy sword of the Asura clan was said to be a top-grade innate spiritual treasure with 45 layers of restrictions. Even if it was broken later, there were more than 30 layers of restrictions on the broken sword, and its grade was reduced to a fairy weapon.

There shouldn't be none at all?

What's going on?

Also, since it's a broken sword, where is the other section?

Xu Changan looked around, and his divine sense spread out.

He didn't find the other broken sword, but he saw another paragraph of handwriting on the stone wall.

This is...

Xu Changan took two steps at a time and walked over.

A piece of writing about five feet above the ground on the stone wall also appeared in front of him.

"Everyone says that the Moye Sword is unmatched in the world, but when I saw this sword, it had lost its sword soul and was broken into two pieces!"

"I will take one of them and send it to Luoyang City, the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty, as a gift to future gentlemen."

"I will put the half of the broken sword in Luoyang City [Reincarnation Platform], you can take it yourself!"

The signature is three words: Zhou Xiaoyue!

So that's it!

Xu Changan understood all this.

It turned out that many years ago, this senior named Zhou Xiaoyue came to the underground and found the Moye Sword, but the Moye Sword had been broken into two pieces at that time, so this senior Zhou Xiaoyue took one of the pieces and put it in the Luoyang Samsara Platform.

He also said that if the future gentleman got the other half, he could go directly to the Luoyang Samsara Platform to get it.

"The senior's demeanor is really admirable!"

Xu Changan looked at the words on the stone wall and yearned for it.

Seeing the treasure but being indifferent, he left an opportunity for future generations.

The senior not only had a high level of cultivation, but also had a high quality.

Xu Changan made a sword with his fingers and added another paragraph after the handwriting left by Zhou Xiaoyue: In the future, Xu Changan took the broken Moye Sword back!

He thought about leaving something for the future gentleman like the senior Gaoxian, but after thinking about it, Xu Changan didn't have anything good to leave.

So the paragraph he had prepared was not written down after all.

Xu Changan got the half of the Moye Sword, but he didn't go out immediately, but sat cross-legged at the bottom of the abyss.

Because if he wants to go out, he needs to rely on the power of the Sword River Waterfall, and the Sword River Waterfall can only be formed once every few days.

No hurry!

Let's take a look at this Moye Sword first, what's so extraordinary about it!

Xu Changan moved his mind, and brought the Moye Sword to his own little world.

Under the sunlight, he saw it more clearly.

This sword is two feet long, dark red, and reveals a little evil in its simplicity.

Xu Changan touched it slightly with his mind, and immediately a peerless sword intent flew out.

This sword intent is cold, dark, weird, and cruel.

It is different from the sword intent in the thousand-foot sword ladder and the sword cloud at the entrance of the abyss.

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