Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 006 [Second level of Qi Refining, second talisman]

"Elder Chen, I have refined the first drop of blood essence!"

A short girl raised her hand with pride.

There was a little pride on her chubby face.

"Oh?" The elder who was in charge of the skills transmission was overjoyed and said, "Good, good, good..."

He said three good words in a row.

At the same time, a sneer flashed in his eyes.

"Who else?" The elder who was in charge of the skills transmission asked, "There are so many of you, it can't be that only one person has broken through, it's been a month?"

"And me!"

"I, I, I..."

"Elder Chen, and me!"

A total of seven children stood up.

Elder Chen was overjoyed and said, "There are seven of them, that's great...Come and check for me. If you have indeed broken through to the first level of Qi Refining and have a drop of blood essence, then there will be generous rewards waiting for you!"

Seven children rushed to Elder Chen.

Elder Chen checked them one by one.

The more he looked at it, the more he smiled: "Hahaha... OK, OK, OK..."

"Come here!"

"Take them to the second-level courtyard. Starting tomorrow, you can eat the meat of spirit beasts!"

The meat of spirit beasts?

Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly.

It is recorded in the Chen family's skills that cultivators who have not yet condensed the first essence and blood can only eat ordinary meat and cannot use the flesh and blood of spirit beasts, otherwise the energy in the spirit flesh and blood will burst the blood vessels.

And once you reach the first level of Qi Refining and have a certain physical foundation, you can eat spirit meat.

Spirit meat not only tastes better, but also contains the essence of heaven and earth, which will accelerate cultivation.

It's a pity that he can only envy it now.

Originally, a drop of essence and blood was condensed, but it was eaten by that damn big card.

Otherwise, I can also enjoy spirit meat, right?

"Okay!" The elder who passed on the skills looked at the remaining children and said, "You practice well. I will come again in half a year!"

"Practice hard!"

The elder who passed on the skills flicked his sleeves and left with the seven children.

The rest of the people returned to their small stone houses to continue practicing.

After Xu Changan closed the door of the stone house, he sat cross-legged and began to study how to enter the gray space before and take a look at the big card.

He hoped to get back a drop of his own blood.

But he studied for more than ten days and failed to find anything.

Since the last time, he has never been able to enter the big golden talisman again.

But the drawing method and pattern of the talisman last time were remembered in his mind, just like a seed taking root, the longer the time, the clearer it became.

If the study is not clear, then continue to practice.

I hope to cultivate a drop of blood in this year, otherwise I will really be executed.

The boring and tedious days passed in a flash.

In a blink of an eye, another half a year has passed.

Autumn goes and winter comes, and the summer is hot.

Until the elder who passed on the skills came here for the second time, Xu Changan still couldn't cultivate the second drop of blood.

However, the second time, more than 30 children successfully cultivated blood essence and were taken away by the elder who taught the skills.

Xu Changan practiced harder. In order to survive, he only slept for three hours a day, and spent the rest of the time practicing.

Hard work pays off.

When he entered Chenjiabao for the eleventh month, he finally cultivated the second drop of blood essence.

Buzz buzz buzz...

A drop of thick, dark red blood with a little invisible dark gold condensed in his heart.

"Did it work?"

Xu Changan was overjoyed.

Then, the next moment!

Buzz buzz buzz...

A golden light suddenly fell from the sky and enveloped his entire heart.

The second drop of blood essence that had just been cultivated became smaller visibly, and then collapsed and was taken away by the golden light.

Xu Changan was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He wanted to curse the huge golden talisman fiercely, but when he was about to open his mouth, he realized that he was not good at cursing.

Of course, he was not good at cursing the talisman!

He entered the gray space again.

This space is exactly the same as before.

It is gray, and there is an impenetrable fog thousands of feet away.

Above the head, a huge golden card that is so huge that it is suffocating, flashing dazzling golden light, is slowly rotating.

Circle after circle.

Countless golden lights turned into tides, gushing out from the golden talisman, sweeping the fog for hundreds of feet, and falling to the ground.

Then these tidal golden lights were taken back into the golden talisman again.

Wave after wave, one reincarnation after another.

It was amazing to watch.

After a closer look, it was discovered that every bit of golden light was actually composed of a piece of golden rune.

Xu Changan opened his mouth wide and looked up in a daze.

"You stole my blood essence again?" After being shocked, Xu Changan remembered the 'blood feud' with the huge golden talisman, and couldn't help but point at the golden talisman and curse: "You are a thief... thief... thief..."

The golden talisman that was slowly rotating above his head seemed to have a spirit and suddenly stopped.

One, two, three!

After three breaths, the golden talisman swayed left and right.

It looked like a person shaking his head.

"Hey..." Xu Changan became even angrier: "You still don't admit it? You stole my second drop of blood essence, and you still don't admit it. You are not only a thief, but you are also shameless!"

The result!

Buzz buzz buzz...

A golden light spot as small as a grain of rice suddenly peeled off the Qianzhang card, then floated in front of Xu Changan, and turned into a rune.

This rune pattern is similar in size to the first one!


Xu Changan said: "Is this the reward you gave me?"

Buzz buzz...

Jin Fu nodded, then ignored Xu Changan and started turning again.

"What do I need from you?"

"Tell me what this is?"

"Hey... you are talking!"

The golden talisman continued to spin proudly, no longer paying attention to Xu Changan's roar.


I don't want to learn your talisman pattern yet.

Xu Changan lost his temper and was about to leave.

But after taking three or five steps, I realized that I was actually standing still. No matter how I ran, I would not move.


He completely lost his temper.

So after fighting against the big golden talisman for two full hours, until his stomach growled with hunger, Xu Changan had to succumb to the power of the card and began to understand the talisman in front of him.

In a flash, another hour passed.

Xu Changan also completely mastered the painting method of this second talisman.

When he drew an identical talisman in the space, the talisman flew back to the golden talisman and became a scale of the golden talisman!


Xu Changan breathed a sigh of relief.

I was about to walk around in this gray space, and I also wanted to see something in the gray fog at the edge.

As a result, as soon as he lifted his feet, he was thrown out.

In front of me is the familiar small stone house again!


My stomach growled again unsatisfactorily.

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