(Thanks for the rewards of "Ordinary Me" and "Look at My Sword Breaking Ten Thousand Laws", and add an update for all book friends)

Wang Li chased after him at lightning speed, speeding up with all his strength regardless of mana consumption, and soon caught up with the monk named Fei.

This is already the fourteenth floor, and there are still four or five floors above.

"Fellow Daoist, would you like to cooperate with Fei?"

At a certain moment when the eyes of each other were less than a thousand feet apart, the voice of the young Fei family came from within the consciousness.

Don't look at each other's visual inspection, but there are more than 30 floating islands winding around each other. Once the path is straightened, the span in the middle will be at least two hundred miles!

"Cooperation? Heh, Fellow Daoist Fei is telling Wu, how do we cooperate?"

Wang Li, who was about twice the opponent's speed, didn't intend to cooperate with the Fei family, but it was still necessary to take the opportunity to inquire about some information about this place.

Even Man Beard doesn't know about this place, presumably only those old forces with an extremely long inheritance and the inheritance has not been cut off halfway. Otherwise, he had assassinated a whole nine Nascent Soul Stages all these years, and he had never heard the slightest information about this place, but it really couldn't be justified.

He even suspected that none of the people in the star palace knew about this place.

After all, above the thirteenth floor, in a certain "dead end", he has already seen some kind of ancient elixir that can help the false baby to congeal a baby. Although it was not considered very precious in ancient times, in today's era, it is definitely considered a top-quality elixir, not to mention that it has reached the age of ten thousand years. It's a pity that these spirit grasses are protected by a powerful ban. If you want to take the mature spirit grass in the ban, you have to go a long way around, and it's a waste of some hands and feet to break the ban and get the treasure.

However, time seems not to allow it.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the few in front to have no intention of staying and not even looking at these spirit herbs.

Everyone made it clear that they were racing against time.

Either there are more important ones above, or there are other specialties here. But no matter what it is, Wang Li has to catch up with the first echelon first, so as not to miss anything.

"Fellow Daoist's surname is Wu?"

"My servant is Wu Youde."

"What kind of spiritual herb did fellow Daoist Wu come here for?"

Just this one sentence stopped Wang Li from asking.

What do you mean?

Could it be that there are a lot of celestial grasses that everyone is fighting for? There are several?

"How about you, Fellow Daoist Fei?"

The ball was kicked back directly.

This question also stopped the Fei family. His goal is a sky crystal lotus that can prolong life for more than a hundred years. With this lotus, he may not be able to see the late stage of Nascent Soul before the end of his life. Different from Yuan Ying's early and middle stages, the lifespan will not change; in the late Yuanying period, the lifespan can increase by one or two hundred years. In other words, at that time, he will still be able to enjoy the world for two hundred years as a great monk.

Which Nascent Soul Stage didn't have this dream?

But he wasn't sure if his goal was in conflict with the young boy behind him who looked equally young.

Once they are also competing for the two Sky Crystal Lotuses that only ripen once in three thousand years, the struggle may have to start immediately.

Taking him as an example, the reason why he lags behind the previous five people is not because he is not good at escapism, but because he was plotted against! I fell into a restriction trap set by a certain guy, and was pushed into a block of traps and restrictions. After finally tossing it out, not only lost a lot of mana, but also became the tail of the crane.

"Fellow Daoist, is it for the Juxing Fruit or the Sky Crystal Lotus?"

Gently exhaling a foul breath, the Fei family still confirmed it.

Wang Li's pupils shrank when he heard this, and his speed couldn't help but slow down a bit because of his distraction.

Juxing fruit, the spiritual fruit bred by the light of the stars in the world, although it has no effect of increasing mana and cultivation, nor has the effect of impacting bottlenecks and consolidating the foundation, but it is one of the few types that can cut hair for high-level monks The legendary spiritual fruit that washes the marrow. To a certain extent, it can even improve the sensitivity of the cultivators to the spiritual energy of the five elements, and speed up the absorption of spiritual energy.

Sky crystal lotus, ripen once every 3,000 years, directly taking the whole mature sky crystal lotus can increase the lifespan ranging from 100 to 130 years; if you can combine two rare legendary fairy grasses , and it is expected to refine the Wugou Xindan that increases the lifespan by three hundred years!

Thinking of the longevity of the Lan family's twin demons far surpassing the Tianxing twin saints, he suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

I have always suspected that these two were born in the inner hall of the Xutian Palace or somewhere else, but now it seems that it is probably related to the Sky Crystal Lotus. Counting the one-jiazi increase brought by the Changsheng Pill refined from Shouyuan Fruit, this is a bonus of about two hundred years. Moreover, it was heard that these two people had an indistinct relationship with one of the great forces passed down from ancient times to the present, Night Dragon Island, so it seemed that it was not groundless.

Only these powerful and powerful families with a long history can use the accumulation of generations to discover the secrets of the Xutian Temple that many outsiders do not know, and benefit their descendants.

"Fei Daoist, as far as Wu knows, you should only be over six hundred years old this year, right? You have such a long lifespan, so you must have come here to compete for the Sky Crystal Lotus with those old people in front of you, right?"

Wang Li, who was gradually slowing down behind him, said tentatively with a smile.

"Fellow daoists are also middle-stage monks. You should know that the later the Nascent Soul stage, the more difficult it is to improve mana. From the early to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, Fei spent more than two hundred years with various pills and the support of the blessed land of cultivation. Pass this hurdle; not to mention the mid-to-late stage of the road, and the inevitable bottleneck of the big monk?

Although Juxing fruit is good, some predecessors even speculated that it is one of the main ingredients of Butian Pill, but so what? From Fei's point of view, Shouyuan is the most real thing. "

Seeing that Wang Li slowed down and kept a relatively safe distance from him, the monk surnamed Fei was very helpful, so he said a few more words in passing.

"So that's how it is. Then I don't know, if Wu Mou helps Daoist get the Sky Crystal Lotus, what can Daoist give Wu? Or, can Daoist help Wu get the Juxing Fruit?!"

One against six, and most of them are the ruthless characters in the middle stage of Luan Xinghai Yuanying? Wang Li is not that arrogant.

Once they are all provoked, and they cannot be kept, it will mean that the inner hall will be unable to move an inch.

And the monk surnamed Fei was overjoyed when he heard this.

"Fellow Daoist Wu, if you help Fei win a sky crystal lotus, no matter whether it is thousands of spiritual stones or various top-level materials, as long as Fei has it, fellow daoist can take it. Eh? Wait, fellow daoist Did you mean 'that plant'?"

The face of the Fei family, under the disheveled hair, suddenly became cloudy.

After Wang Li heard that he only needed to help the other party seize one plant, he also realized his 'slip of the tongue'. He secretly lamented the greatness of the ancient monks such as Bingpo Fairy, and was depressed by the other party's seriousness about the word difference.

"It seems that you can't hide it from Fellow Daoist. Yes, Wu is here to follow you, and I don't know much about this place. Can Fellow Daoist Fei clarify something for Wu?"

He has always maintained the same speed as the opponent, and at this moment he has frankly explained his only "disadvantage".

"Dao is friendly! We waited to eliminate all the Qi machines along the way."

Although the young and middle-aged man surnamed Fei was vigilant, he was even more curious about this.

"Fellow Daoist Fei, let's talk about the deal, time is running out."

Wang Li said with a half-smile.

After my Xiaoqi mutated, another sensory ability awakened, although it has no combat effect, it is still very convenient to use for tracing. Furthermore, the general erasing air machine can't really completely erase it. And the evolved dog nose can capture the faint breath clearly. Finally, there are traces of mana different from the aura of heaven and earth that remain within the range of thousands of feet.

Others can't see it, but his eyes can see it; Dayan Shenjun's spiritual consciousness can also capture one or two.

It is no coincidence that several clues come together.

"Fellow Daoist is really willing to help Fei get a Sky Crystal Lotus?"

Taking a deep breath, the Fei family monk who pondered for a moment asked in a deep voice.

"Then it depends on how many Sky Crystal Lotuses are there, and how many Star Gathering Fruits are there?!"

Wang Li licked his lips.

"There are two sky crystal lotus plants, and there are only two mature star-gathering fruits!"

In Fei's mind, when he got to the place, he could see these things at a glance, so there was nothing worth hiding. So there is no intention of hiding information and causing unnecessary trouble for this.

"Hiss! Wu Mou will help Daoist Fei get a Sky Crystal Lotus for a while, but you also have to help Wu Moe get a Gathering Star Fruit and get another Sky Crystal Lotus! Daoist!" What do you think?"

He is not greedy.

His idea is very simple, as long as one of each kind is obtained. In addition, if he can get the seeds or roots, he can plant it himself. Furthermore, if conditions permit, after sending these guys away, he can try a special transplanting method to see if he can move the whole tree away.

In the end, a sky crystal lotus wooed one person, and another star-gathering fruit persuaded one person to leave.

At that time, one hit four, he is completely worthwhile.

Of course, how to do it depends on the actual situation. Maybe he doesn't need to work hard at all, and these people can use their own brains?

But in front of him, the Fei family, who looked young but was actually a big old ghost, had a strange look on his face.

"Friend Daoist, what's the matter?"

Feeling a little uncomfortable being looked at, Wang Li asked.

"Don't fellow daoists know that once those who enter, once they break the restrictions on the protective spirit grass on the floating island and take away the spirit grass inside, they will be sent out of this floating island area? If you want to get the treasure, you have to start all over again." Start climbing? In addition, if you enter some special restricted floating islands, you will most likely be restricted and imprisoned there, and you have to take the spirit grass to be sent out. Originally, these restrictions are not impossible for us to break, the problem is .Not enough time!"

If you can't break the restriction quickly, you may not return in time, and the consequences will be fatal.

Typical race against time.

No wonder no one is willing to waste half a minute for the elixir on the way. It turns out that this place is so particular.

Everyone only wants to get good things that they can use, so why would they waste a once-in-three-hundred-year opportunity for others!

Fortunately, I reached a preliminary cooperation intention with this person and obtained a lot of useful information, otherwise I don't know how much I will suffer.

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