Now that he has reached the southern edge of the grassland, and it is not too far from Dajin, Wang Li is not in a hurry to return to Tiannan.

It is reasonable to go to Dajin to collect the top-level materials you want, and provide rigid conditions for refining humanoid puppets and imitating Seven Flame Fans in the future.

With his current cultivation base in the late Yuanying period, his safety is guaranteed, and he doesn't have to be afraid of being tricked when doing business with others. something of equal value. It is not difficult to obtain relevant top-level material.

And so it is.

In just over half a year, he collected two secondary accessories.

The Ye family has contributed a lot in this regard, and he couldn't bear to cheat this hapless family.

And after this incident, Wang Li also had a deeper understanding of the status quo of the world's top spiritual materials. Everyone says that all kinds of top-level materials have disappeared in this world, and they are almost impossible to find; in fact, it is better to say that they were discovered by major forces and then held in their hands, so it is difficult for the outside world to find them.

Another year, Tiannan, Huangfeng Valley.

The five flying boats set sail slowly, following Shayun Kingdom, Dongyu Kingdom, Yuanwu Kingdom, Yue Kingdom, Zijin Kingdom, Northern Liang Kingdom, Yu Kingdom, and Fengyuan Kingdom, and finally sailed into the depths of the grassland!

This route started after Wang Li returned from the grassland.

It can be said that all the Zongmen sites along the way are beneficiaries. Because this line almost runs through the north and south of Tiannan, spanning more than 20 million miles. As the first route, the "traffic" it brings is beyond doubt. Therefore, all the cases of income show their goodwill towards Huang Fenggu.

However, after the four major forces in Tiannan learned that someone had participated in the jihad between the two tribes in the grassland through the spies who had infiltrated it, and had gained a lot of money, there were many gossips of jealousy and dissatisfaction among them.

For example, why do you want to help Mulan?

This is to tell the world that Huangfeng Valley has no ethnic righteousness.

Another example is why not help the Tiannan sects a little bit?

This is also moral kidnapping.

Some people are even more upset with the rhythm in the dark, why is it that only Huangfeng Valley has the privilege to go deep into the grassland, and other families will be beaten to death by the Mulan people? And why wouldn't Huang Fenggu let them board the boat across the grassland?

In the closed room, Wang Li learned about the questioning from the moral high ground of the outside world from the mouths of some alchemists inside the door, and he was almost not laughed at.

"A bunch of clowns."

After laughing, he directly crushed the Yinchuan jade slip.

"No action? That's not your style."

In the spiritual consciousness, the voice of Dayan Shenjun sounded.

"It's not necessary. Those guys tried their best to blast us on the Internet. Aren't they just afraid of us and worried about us, and want to isolate Wang and the whole Huangfeng Valley? Just let them go."

Wang Li shook his head and laughed.

"Internet explosion?"

What do you mean?

Old Antique doesn't understand.

But it didn't prevent him from understanding the whole sentence.

"Indeed, the person behind this is really good at planning. Indirectly kidnap many sects in Tiannan to put pressure on you. After all, can Huang Fenggu deal with the entire Tiannan? In this way, it is best to force Huang Fenggu to take the initiative to give up the benefits." It's not a loss if you can't leverage Huangfeng Valley, anyway, it's just a no-cost business with lip service.

And if Huang Fenggu is successfully isolated, he will make a lot of money. "

Dayan Shenjun is a sensible person.

"Yeah, I'm afraid that Wang will become the ruthless person in the transformation stage who almost integrated Tiannan ten thousand years ago!"

Wang Li smiled, but the smile was not warm at all.

What the major forces in Tiannan don't know is that it won't be long before they will regret for the rest of their lives because of today's fanning the flames, and because of their private little gossip and tricks.

To defeat Mulan suddenly, Tiannan can join forces with Mulan and use it as a barrier to make him afraid;

If Mulan defeated Tulu, Tiannan would not be able to unite with Tulu to resist Mulan, let alone use Tulu as a barrier.

In the middle, in fact, only one firewood is needed to ignite it.

It just so happened that Huang Fenggu's accompanying fleet of tens of thousands of people brought their dissatisfaction with the Tiannan sects as Huang Fenggu's disciples.

These things, Wang Li couldn't think of; he is not a god, and he doesn't have the omniscience and omnipotence. The factions in Tiannan didn't realize it, because they have been scattered for tens of thousands of years, they can't understand the power and combat power concentrated in one group, the consistent behavior style, and they underestimate the airdrop left by Mulan holy bird The title of the Holy Lord. The meaning behind it.

"By the way, the two paths of righteousness and magic, the Nine Nations League, and the Heavenly Dao League have opened up joint routes one after another. What do you think of this?"

Inside the bamboo tube, Dayan Shenjun asked.

"Of course it's a good thing."

Wang Li, who was refining the medicinal power of the dragon scale fruit, smiled slightly.

"Those companies follow suit, but want to share the huge profits of Huangfeng Valley, don't you feel distressed?"

"It must be distressing. Those are all spirit stones. But they have also imperceptibly promoted the flow of this involuntary land, driving the circulation of products and economic development in various places, right?"

Different regions, due to various external factors, often produce spiritual herbs with different medicinal properties.

For example, the Yue Kingdom in the south of the sky, the method of refining Jidan is very different from the three schools of Yunmeng Mountain in the northern coast of Xiguo. The main materials of the former are Tianlingguo, purple monkey flower and chalcedony lucidum, while the latter has other substitutes.

And Tiannan is huge.

The land area alone is equivalent to three to four million earth surface areas spread out into maps. Leaving aside most of the harsh environments such as deserts, Gobi, and barren land, there are also suitable places close to 100,000 Earth's surface area suitable for human survival and reproduction. On the vast land of 100,000 earths, there are always special spiritual soils that breed special spiritual grasses and spiritual plants.

The circulation of commodities, the circulation of Lingshi currency, and the flow of population will undoubtedly promote the development of the world of cultivating immortals.

"You boy"

Dayan Shenjun didn't even know how to judge the young man in front of him.

To say that Wang Li is a ruthless villain is to say that he sees all the right and wrong in front of others; but if you say that he is a good person, that is even more an insult to the word "good person".

"Brother Dayan, what's the difference in the materials of your puppet? Refined crystal, five elements jade, golden thunder bamboo, Geng Jing and other top-grade materials, Wannian spiritual wood, Gangyin sand, Yantie and other top-grade materials , and high-end materials such as the essence of hardware are now available!"

Four sections of Golden Thunder Bamboo are not enough to forge an entire arm, but they can forge two half forearms.

Mixed with Geng Jing, each knuckle of the arm can be sharpened; mixed with refining crystals, the hardness will reach an unimaginable level.

Picking up the magic weapon with bare hands can only be said to be a trivial skill.

"Don't worry, aren't you going to visit the Wanzhang Demon Abyss in the Endless Sea?"

Old antiques mean something.

"Brother Dayan, do you want to get the magic marrow diamond and then build it?"

If I remember correctly, that thing can be used to refine the Demon Essence Throwing Knife, which is so sharp that it almost ignores the shield of this world's magic skills.

On the original timeline, if not for the insufficient quantity, it is very possible to refine the real Dragon Blade. This Demon Dragon Blade is a great killer, it has the characteristics similar to Beiming Divine Art, it can absorb the flesh and blood of the beheaded monks and quickly upgrade; there have been ruthless people who have used this treasure to kill the gods, and the power is hidden. On top of ordinary spirit treasures.

And even if it is just an imitation of the Dragon Blade, it also has the function of absorbing stars, and it can also be quickly upgraded by hunting within a certain period of time.

Not to mention the Demon Dragon Blade, just the Demon Essence Flying Knife is not something that ordinary monks of the Demonic Dao can afford.

"Since we have decided to create a humanoid puppet, we must naturally make the best one. Combining the two ancient puppet techniques in your hands, I really want to make a breakthrough."

Empress Yuan's puppet is no longer the limit of his pursuit.

Under the subtle influence of someone, he even thought about making a growing puppet that can upgrade spontaneously!

Aware of Dayan Shenjun's enthusiasm, Wang Li fully supported him:

"Okay, after I refine the two pills I got in the forbidden area and improve my cultivation a little, let's leave immediately."

From Mulan Holy Bird, the information he got was very limited, but the value was extremely guaranteed.

For example, he obtained a large number of ancient pills in the high tower of the Scarlet Forbidden Land and the Valley of Falling Demons. Before that, he didn't know the purpose of most of them; it is through the identification of the holy bird and combined with his own attainments in alchemy that he now knows the medicinal properties of each pill. Medicinal properties.

Do not take medicine indiscriminately.

After understanding these ancient elixirs, they can exert their effectiveness to the maximum value.

And in this batch of ancient pills, there are exactly six pills, all of which are suitable for increasing mana and cultivation in the late Yuanying period; each pill is equivalent to more than half of the top-grade spirit stones, and they can be refined to save him at least forty or fifty years of suffering. The work of repairing.

In addition, there are more than 30 capsules suitable for the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

In terms of potency, the ancient elixir is generally higher than the elixir refined by today's elixir recipes, which is determined by the environment of the world; in addition, the ancient monks preserved it properly, and the loss of medicinal power is quite limited. Therefore, using it to assist the cultivation of Chi and Jin can also shorten the penance time of the two avatars by more than half, and within four to five years, the former will surely reach the peak of the Nascent Soul mid-stage.

However, if Chi wants to enter the late stage of Nascent Soul, it is best to use Peiying Pill to strengthen Nascent Soul.

Although the Good Fortune Pill opened a gap, it doesn't mean that there is no bottleneck at all.

Qing was able to enter the sequence of great monks by luck, mostly due to a piece of ancient pill that broke through the main body that was not used when the main body broke through the customs, and the top-quality spirit stone of the wood attribute. Coupled with the karma and chance meeting of the Creation Pill's help, this was achieved in one fell swoop. Right now, it is very difficult to come up with an excellent quality Ancient Breaking Realm Pill.

"Alright, it will take a lot of time to completely assimilate your water spirit infant and earth spirit infant. Although it can be used after the initial assimilation, it can reduce the risk of backlash, so it should be as perfect as possible to reduce it. Bind the Nascent Soul avatar The Seven Emotions Jue, the old man has made improvements, if you are interested, you can try it."

In the divine consciousness, there is a slightly proud voice of the God of Dayan.

When Wang Li heard this, his eyes lit up:

"Oh? The fourth edition of Seven Emotions Jue? Sure, Brother Dayan."

With his current cultivation, it only takes three to two months to initially assimilate the second Nascent Soul; it just means that even if the Nascent Soul clone is not given a separate physical body at this stage, there is a possibility of backlash. Therefore, it is necessary to repeat formatting and assimilation once a month, and repeat the cycle.

Back then, without affecting his daily practice much, he simply "melted together in three to five days". Not only did he vomit himself assimilated, but the avatar Qing was also annoyed by this coquettish operation.

But it also compressed the risk to the minimum range.

When all the steps are completed and the second Nascent Soul Secret Technique is completed, at this time, assimilation once every three to five years is sufficient. And even if the Nascent Soul avatar is thousands of miles away and acts alone, without accident, he will not feel betrayed for two or three years. Over the past few decades, Qing, Chi, and Jin have completed all the steps, but even so, Wang Li still insists on "friendly exchanges" once a month or two.

No matter how nauseous I was, I persisted.

Even if they swear and swear, so-and-so remains unmoved.

The Seven Emotions Jue is another insurance besides the three-in-a-row set, similar to the soul link.

One day three years later, Huang Fenggu's sect was in the middle of the sky, and there were thousands of miles of dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and howling winds.

Such things as heaven and earth visions have happened from time to time in recent years. It is because someone has successfully formed an alchemy, for example, someone obtained the incarnation shells with dual spiritual roots, different spiritual roots, and special physiques from Qianzhu Sect in the far west. So while polishing the medicinal power in his body, he had nothing to do, and there were too many low-level pills on his body, which would be distressing to give to outsiders for nothing, and it would be a waste to use them, so he refined dozens of extra body incarnations as the backbone of the sect. Nearby.

For example, to Li Huayuan, he sent 18 small cannon fodders in a row that he didn't look down upon at all, and prepared magic treasures and ancient treasures that he didn't need.

As for Old Li, with the help of someone a few years ago, he has completed the third level of the Dayan Jue, and now he is working hard on the fourth level. After a hundred years, the fourth level is perfect, and then the eighteen incarnations are cultivated to the late stage of alchemy and even the perfect alchemy, then even in the Nascent Soul stage, they are definitely not weak.

In a gazebo, a young man with a jade-like face and a relaxed and contented face was drinking tea while observing the condition of the five thousand-star bee queens in the landscape map.

At this moment:

"Uh ha ha ha, this old man has finally become a small ghost!"

There was a wanton roar from inside the Ghost King Banner of the Honored Soul Banner.

The aura of Yuanying class spread, and many disciples in Huangfeng Valley had goosebumps all over their bodies, and the soles of their feet felt cold. Those with a slightly lower cultivation base even sank.

"Bold and evil, dare to come to Huangfeng Valley to make trouble."

On the main peak, Li Huayuan broke through the pass, and with a sweep of his consciousness, he confirmed that the source of the energy was Wang Li's cave.

Oh, that's all right.

"Old Zhao, be quiet."

Given ten soul stones of average quality, the young man was about to collect the seven soul streamers floating in mid-air with a flick of his sleeves.

"Okay, my lord. Ah, my lord, I still have something to say."

Hearing the words, the young man paused his arms: "What's the matter?"

"Thank you, Lord, for your cultivation, subordinate."

The words were not finished: "Shua."

All the soul flags were put into the universe in the sleeve, leaving only a faint reminder: "Keep working hard, strive for the great success of the ghost body, and then this world will be yours to roam."

For Lao Zhao, he still had great expectations.

If you can leave your blood in this world, no one is more suitable to be your grandfather than Lao Zhao, a loyal and ambitious ghost. This is another kind of support that Wang Li can think of and do for future generations.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have specially given a piece of soul-nourishing wood and soul stones, which are comparable to high-level spirit stones for ghost cultivators.

"Let's take action. We have been studying that large sealing formation for more than a year, and we should be able to enter it without damage."

Qing walked out from the side and threw a book to Wang Li.

This is an ancient book in the Zhengdao Taizhen Sect, which records some information about the Boundless Sea Seal Formation. It's a pity that the descendants of the Taizhen Sect forgot their responsibilities, making this classic book always tucked away in the corner of the Zangshu Pavilion.

Two years ago, Qing was among the new disciples of the Taizhen Sect.

It took half a year later to become the guardian disciple of Zangshu Pavilion; and with the help of his position and the Ming and Qing spiritual eyes, he found this ancient book of great value from the humble pile of waste paper.

After returning with the things, he studied with Noumenon and God Lord Dayan for a long time.

Recently, they finally figured out a way to enter the battle without damaging the seal formation.

That's right, it's not because they are afraid of what the formation will do to them, but because they are afraid of what will happen to the sealing formation if they are not careful. At that time, wouldn't he, who has good intentions, do bad things out of good intentions, and instead become a sinner through the ages?

"Brother Dayan, how are you preparing?"

"Several types of formation disks and formation flags have been refined, let's go, go and see if there is any legendary magic essence drill down there."

The group left without alarming anyone.

Let the outside world always think that Wang Li is still sitting in Huangfeng Valley.

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