On the outskirts of Qiyuan, many high-level monsters gathered together, forming roughly four or five levels of hidden levels.

If human monks want to enter the strange abyss, they cannot do it in the non-Yuanying stage.

If it goes too deep, the Nascent Soul stage will also encounter various crises.

This is also the reason why the open sea has only been developed for two hundred years, and humans don't know much about this sea area; otherwise, Black Rock City would not be built on the periphery of Qiyuan, but at the door of other people's homes.

In the later stage, the Star Palace was able to infiltrate the various clans in the deep sea, capture the souls of demon cultivators in the transformation stage, and obtain the whereabouts of the Golden Dragon King. That is the correct way to open the alien sea.

Just as Suan Ni's avatar passed through the third level checkpoint position, it was already very deep here, only a few hundred thousand miles away from the central area; and just when he was about to go deeper into the water, in the oblique side, a black head Jiao rushed out suddenly.

The strong murderous intent caused all the high-ranking monsters in the Baili Waters to wake up from their slumber, revealing their consciousness one after another, and some even rushed to the battlefield.

Afterwards, two eighth-level tyrannical existences caught the eyes of the demons.

One of them is a suanni with an adult body, with a golden glow all over his body and an incomparable majesty;

On the opposite side was a 100-foot-long ink flood dragon, whose snow-white scales had fallen off, and had been dyed a color like ink again. In other words, it looks like a swimming dragon outlined in ink.

The battle between the two sides made the sea restless, and there were thousands of undercurrents stirred up. The reefs near the battle area were smashed by the strong undercurrent containing demonic power; the aftermath sweeping for dozens of miles, all the low-level creatures were blown into blood mist.


After being irritated, the dog-like 狻猊 frantically waved its sharp claws, opened its bloody mouth and crushed it;

Although the coiled snake-like ink dragon is not bad, but the way he just broke through, his strength has dropped a lot.


The torrent on the bottom of the sea is getting stronger and stronger, the distorted water pattern gradually blurs the vision of all the monsters, and the violent energy flow even interferes with the detection of divine consciousness.

When the battle was not long, Suan Ni seized the opportunity to overwhelm the Mo Jiao, and bit down forcefully, aiming at the big loach's Ni-scale neck.

But at this moment, Mo Jiao's whole body had a flash of inspiration, and he turned into a chubby boy, avoiding the fatal blow. Instead, he turned into a half-demon and half-human body, and fought around Suan Ni again.

Throughout the battle scene, Jiao Yi was always pressed and beaten.

In the end, when other eighth-level monsters arrived, Suan Ni broke out further, biting off the Mo Jiao's head that had re-formed into its main body extremely brutally.


A few roars of flood dragons mixed with divine sense came from afar, shaking Suan Ni's avatar's ears to buzz.

In the picture of mountains and rivers, Wang Li's expression turned serious: it came really fast!

The visitor was definitely not a friendly guy, the radiating aura made a lot of high-level monsters around tremble, and the middle and low-level monsters were even more unbearable, like a collective petrification.

Among them, there are ten levels!

Immediately following the roar, a golden dragon gun pierced through tens of kilometers of deep sea water like an arrow from the string, and rushed towards Suan Ni's avatar aggressively.

Not surprisingly, the person who intervened in the battle was none other than King Jin Jiao.

However, Suan Ni's avatar also ignored the warning of the Golden Jiao King, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes, and then he swallowed Mo Jiao's head with a grunt. The scalps of the high-level monsters watching the battle in the arena were numb!

Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth and let out an earth-shattering roar. He forcibly broke free from the pressure of the spiritual consciousness of the golden dragon king and other monsters in the transformation stage, and turned to the stunned crowd, sucking the entire ink dragon to life. Swallowed it.

All the demon cultivators in the transformation period who witnessed all this had their eyelids twitch wildly and their complexions changed drastically.

Although the consciousness and sight were disturbed by various disturbances, the few demon cultivators who came to try to persuade the fight could not see very clearly. But there is nothing wrong with the air mechanism, whether it is Suan Ni or Mo Jiao, they are all eighth-level existences.

Then here comes the question: the eighth-level flood dragon can already be included in the family background, and it is the golden flood king who ordered it to protect it! In front of King Jin Jiao, what does it mean to swallow a rising star of the Jiaolong clan alive? Is the rule that Qiyuan stipulates that they can't "cannibalize each other" in this sea area during the transformation period is a joke? How will the Jiaolong family deal with themselves next? How should the Suanni royal family respond?

"How dare you."

Tens of miles away, King Jin Jiao became angry.

The dragon spear thrown was originally just a false move, and he didn't intend to kill the clone of Suan Ni; but now, with the full force of his spiritual consciousness, the false move turned into a killer move, just wanting to kill the ignorant Suan Ni.

In the picture of mountains and rivers, a silver shield floated out; it shot out from the big mouth of Suanni's avatar, followed by a quick turn, and blocked in front of him.

The next moment, Bang's life exploded.

The dragon gun collided with the silver shield, and a powerful shock wave swept away, creating a vacuum of hundreds of feet, and the surrounding sea water was forced to move rapidly in all directions.

"Huh? Are you all right?"

The Suanni avatar that transformed into a young man flew thousands of feet backward under the huge impact in an instant, bleeding faintly from the corner of his mouth, looking very embarrassed. However, this injury is not worth mentioning to the monster.

A large number of water bubbles dissipated, revealing the figure of Suanni's clone.

I saw a small shield floating up and down directly in front of it, exuding a crystal clear white radiance covering several feet. The surface of the silver shield is still as smooth as a mirror, and has not been damaged by the golden dragon gun in the slightest.

"What kind of treasure is that?"

"Even the attack of the Golden Flood King was blocked?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Surprised sound transmissions came and went in this area, and the demon cultivators in the transformation period who received the news came one by one, and they didn't think it was troublesome to eat melons and watch the show, but they thought the matter was not big enough.

In the landscape map, Jiao Yi's head and body have been reconnected, and every fiber detail is rapidly healing.

The characteristics of the indestructible body, in the absence of external interference, a proper life-saving magic skill.

"Hmph, junior, you should die."

If he missed a single blow, the Golden Flood King had no intention of giving up.

Under the control of the powerful divine sense, the fierce dragon gun unexpectedly "softened" with a flash of brilliance, and turned into a golden wandering dragon about ten feet long, and started stabbing successively around the silver light ball.

Fortunately, the one who controls the silver shield is Wang Li in the landscape map, and every time he protects the place where the dragon spear is pierced with extreme precision; otherwise, with the level of Suanni clone alone, he must be in a hurry.


At this scene, the other big monsters in the transformation period were stunned.

King Jin Jiao's face was even more ugly.

who is he?

The Great Elder of the Flood Dragon Clan!

The huge chaotic star sea monster clan can be ranked among the top ten powerhouses!

However, his moves failed one after another?

The shot that blocked the flying throw before could be regarded as a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, or the credit could be attributed entirely to the small silver shield. But now the facts have proved that the Suan Ni in front of him is quite remarkable, even though he is only at the eighth level, he has a combat power that is not inferior to the strong nine level. It seemed difficult for him to take advantage of the remote-controlled dragon gun fighting tens of miles away.

"Hmph, I want to see how long you can hold on?!"

The dragon transformed by the golden spear suddenly "comes to life" and evolved into a vivid and real dragon.

After several rounds of strangling and stabbing failed, he suddenly opened his mouth and bit the silver shield!

Immediately after the dragon's tail was pulled out, the direction of the blow was exactly the face of Suan Ni's avatar.

This move was extremely sudden. At least, few of the monsters watching the battle could guarantee that they could react in time. Normally, the Suan Ni avatar is the same. In terms of super-nervous reactions, because of his realm, he was born weaker than the Golden Dragon King, so it was impossible for him to recover from this seemingly sudden but in fact long-planned change.

And this blow is powerful and heavy, if it hits, even if you don't die, you have to get rid of the half-life heavy injury.

Facing the follow-up attack, he was powerless to resist.

However, Suan Ni in the eyes of the demons once again achieved unexpected "war results".

Faced with the fierce twitch of the dragon's tail transformed by the dragon gun, he opened his mouth and spit out a demon pill, then quickly retreated, and at the same time directly blew that demon pill!


Everyone thought that this was what detonated the previous ink dragon.

In fact, it is one of the many eight-level demon pills hoarded over the years.

The power of the eighth-level demon pill self-destructing can be imagined.

With a wailing sound from the dragon gun, the little golden dragon was knocked back into its original shape, turning back into a golden long spear that flew upside down.

Suan Ni's avatar was also difficult, because he controlled most of the self-destruct power of the golden core; but at such a close distance, the aftermath of the radiated energy still shocked his internal organs, spurting out a large mouthful of blood, and his whole body was scorched. It's a mess, so miserable.

It took a long time to say everything, but in fact it was all within two breaths.

At this time, the several transformation stage dragons brought by King Jin Jiao had already killed twenty miles away!

With a few more breaths, you can get close to the location of Suan Ni's avatar, and then pay for it with blood.

At this moment, a loud roar sounded from dozens of miles away:

"Brother Jin, that's enough."

Hearing this sound, Suan Ni's avatar and Wang Li in the landscape picture were relieved;

On the side of the Golden Flood King, after raising his eyebrows, his escapism continued and he took his own golden spear.

Seeing this, all the demons trembled in unison.

"Brother Jin, if you have something to say, don't hurt my child!"

The whistling sound from the consciousness was full of eagerness and ferocity;

However, the Golden Flood King was not moved at all, and his whole body was covered with a layer of golden armor. At a glance, it was just a simple energy armor, but if you looked closely, you could see dense patterns of dragon scales.

It was Lao Jiao's natal battle armor that was refined from the scales that had been shed many times.

Putting on this set of battle armor, his own speed can be increased by another 20%.

Immediately, the left and right hands each held a golden saber and golden sword, and under the blessing of their own speed, the swords and swords clashed suddenly, and then a double-headed golden dragon flew towards the Suan Ni clone:

"Kill members of my dragon clan, you deserve to die."

"King Jinjiao, you bastard! Do you want to start a war with my Suanni royal family?"

The old suanni who rushed here very quickly, saw this scene, his face changed, and then his eyes were tearing apart.

"Father save me!"

The Suan Ni avatar yelled out in a tragic voice, without any sense of shame.

In the landscape map, the corners of Wang Li's mouth twitched with a group of Nascent Soul clones.

I feel that the Suan Ni clone outside is really too shameless. Killed someone's own son, and now has the face to impostor?

Well, not a replacement either.

How to put it, the spirit of this 狻猊 is still that spirit, and this body still has the blood of the 狻猊 clan. Except for the difference in memory, everything else is exactly the same.

"Brother Taro."

Vaguely, someone seems to have heard the voice of a sweet female 狻猊?

Wang Li, whose consciousness was kept within three feet of Suan Ni's clone, shuddered for no reason.

It must be an illusion, right?

After all, if it was a female 狻猊 who squeaked, why would he think the other party's voice was sweet and pleasant?

"Xiao Luo, don't be afraid."

As expected of an old father, the old father forcibly burned a large mouthful of blood to double his speed. At the same time, a scorching beam shot straight out, and the seawater in a straight line for dozens of miles evaporated out of thin air!

The speed of this light beam is extremely fast, but in the current situation, it seems that it is still a bit short.

At least according to Wang Li's calculations, the double-headed golden flood dragon will hit the Suan Ni clone who is retreating rapidly before the beam.

King Jin Jiao will also kill Old Suan Ni first.

what to do?

Ordinary means would definitely not be able to stop the second company of the Golden Flood King, or even hide the third company.

The silver shield that was previously mixed with refining crystals and Gang Yinsha was thrown far away by the dragon transformed from the golden spear, and it was too late to recall it. In other words, it cannot be recalled by Wang Li in the landscape map of Suan Ni's body, otherwise it will definitely show his feet.

But only relying on the spiritual consciousness of Suan Ni's avatar, it is impossible to move faster than the Golden Jiao King.

Detonate another eighth-level inner alchemy?

This is able to stop the double-headed golden flood dragon transformed by the sword of the high-level ancient treasure, and even stop the two breaths of the golden flood dragon king who is closely behind; the question is, where did this demon pill come from? How to explain then?


Putting aside the benefits, the Golden Dragon King, who only wanted to take the life of Suan Ni's avatar, had ferocious eyes, but there was a hint of joy.


The reinforcements from Suan Ni's side showed their unwillingness to grit their teeth.

The strangulation was close at hand, Wang Li secretly sighed.

Two high-quality ancient treasures and one high-grade ancient treasure drilled out of the landscape map, and then faced the double-headed golden dragon transformed by swords:

"Give it to me, explode."


In the deep sea at the edge of the strange abyss, a huge vacuum balloon swelled again, and the raging energy caused more injuries to Suan Ni's body, but he finally saved his life.

Rich and willful.

No way, a tenth-level monster is comparable to a late Nascent Soul among humans;

And the tenth level of the dragon clan will only be stronger than the average human great monk; and the golden dragon king in this period is evenly matched with the six great saints in their heyday. In other words, any one of the Three Heroes of Tiannan would not be enough to come here.

Therefore, conventional means are difficult to defend against, not because they are worried about being strangled by swords, but because they are afraid of the close-up slaughter of the Golden Flood King.

Again, the difference between the super-nervous responses of the two sides is too great, and it is not a series at all. Moreover, there is a clear gap in the strength of the physical body.

Once the Jinjiao King gets close, Suanni's avatar can't walk two times.

At that time, even if the old Suan Ni arrived, he could only collect a corpse for him.

Of course, Wang Li made such a choice mainly because he was worried about the old Suan Ni. After all, this 狻猊 is not the king of the 狻猊 clan, but just a ninth-level old monster, and it's definitely useless to be tough with the Jin Jiao King. Therefore, if he didn't hide behind the old 狻猊 who was protecting the calf earlier, well, it should be said that he missed the opportunity to let the old 狻猊 block the gun;


With the help of the spreading shock wave, the Suan Ni avatar traded injuries for speed, changed direction and gained a substantial increase in speed, and passed by the old Suan Ni who was on the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

The Jinjiao King was suddenly blocked.

And even with the help of his incomparably tyrannical physical body and the protection of the golden scale armor, Lao Jiao forcibly tore through the spreading shock wave and maintained the continuous momentum, but he obviously missed the best time to do it.

"Father, little brother died so badly, I just avenged him."

The 狻猊 captured back then did not have only one head, but two heads, one of level seven and one of level eight.

Not long ago, Jiao was asked to kill the seventh-level younger brothers among them, and the dirty water was poured on the Jiaolong clan.

"What did you say? Your brother is dead?"

Old Suan Ni's pupils froze.

"Not long ago, my younger brother and I came back from a trip. We planned to announce the good news to you, father. Now the child has successfully transformed. But who would have thought that on the way, I would be attacked by four evil dragons of level eight. I was outnumbered and could not protect my younger brother. ah!"

The voice is shrill, like a cuckoo weeping blood:

"Little brother had an accident, and I had to go back to the clan to ask for help and tell them who the murderer was; but unexpectedly, I was intercepted by one of the evil dragons and almost fell.

Many fellow Taoists present can serve as witnesses!

It wasn't that the boy wanted to do something, but that the boy was attacked! They are wolves of the Jiaolong clan with ambitions. I'm afraid it's the father, you should go back to the clan and tell the patriarch about this, and my son will stop Jin Jiaowang and the others, otherwise it will be too late! "

ps: Sichuan cuts electricity, everyone understands it. Power cuts in one of the hottest areas in the country are really a miracle. The call came after 9 o'clock in the evening, and the writing time was extremely limited; at the beginning, the paragraphs were chaotic and I didn't notice it, but I adjusted it later.

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