Recently, subscriptions have dropped too much. [On the one hand] it is my personal reason. Taking advantage of the foresight, I made the protagonist too strong, so strong that even the avatar can fight with the original Han Laomo at the same time.

High-level ancient treasures are not worthy of being equipped on the equipment column of the first echelon. Only top-level ancient treasures can show their face, and only imitations of Lingbao can have a certain sense of presence.

During the same period, Old Devil Han was still a bitter haha.

It's really hard, I want to give Han Li a hand.

[On the other hand] Those who read mortals are those readers with feelings, and few subscribe. Unless they really like the style of this book, they are usually skipped subscriptions or pirated copies.

I understand this, I really understand it, because I used to watch a lot of pirated copies, and it was even cool to download a pirated version once. But now when it falls on my head, I can't bear it mentally. After all, I am also subscribing to read books now, and my other accounts are all junior VIPs. I understand the pain, so I have learned to respect it.

[The third reason] is that my article often disdains some plot settings of the original work.

Whether it's the robbery of the seventh-level 狻猊, or the copy of the Xutian Temple, why are there only a few people in the Yuanying stage, but hundreds of people in the alchemy stage? As well as the morality of the heroine Nangong Wan, or some thoughts of Han Li himself, etc.

This is wrong, after all, we write fanciers, we can’t be full, can’t we?

It's not shabby to pinch money.

No matter how upset you are, you have to find a way to make others happy; instead of venting, show how great and wise you are. I think this is really a bit too much, and it should be questioned about character. If I were the author of the original work, I'm afraid I would want to point out this young man and start complaining.

But one thing to say, I feel that I, too, have been misled.

Because many book lovers always compare Han Li with the protagonist in the original book, saying how the original book is so good, but Han Li and even no one in the original book can do it, so why should the protagonist do it? Some of the protagonist's ideas are whimsical.

I'm annoyed, very upset, quite upset!

The chest is uncomfortable!

The number of times has been too many, and I myself have been led astray, from the very beginning to patch the original work, and then gradually stepped on the original work. Good guy, really unconsciously.

Today, many book friends pointed out the problems. I reflected on it, and there are really many problems.

I have no enmity with the original book, and I still eat the rice of the original book, so why should I fight with the original book? Isn't this cheating yourself?

Therefore, you need to adjust your mentality, really need to adjust.

I am here today, and I will watch some action movies that are beneficial to my physical and mental health later, so as to relieve the depression in my chest and release it first.

Whoever has the link, please send it to me in the group, and I can also send it privately.

Cough, don't get me wrong, we're talking about live streaming.

Ah bah bah.

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