Mortal Cultivation: Starting from a Casual Cultivator

Chapter 463 One Punch, One Nascent Soul Stage

"Old Devil Hehuan, did he just die like this?"

No matter Zhang Tie or other Nascent Soul Stages, they were all taken aback.

"How could there be such an existence? That's Laomo Yi, a great monk! He was killed instantly?"

Everyone, including Master Zhiyang, couldn't believe it.


Old Demon Yunlu couldn't accept this kind of thing the most.

As a special existence who can switch between men and women, being a man during the day and being a woman at night, the person whom her other half entrusted, who even she was afraid of three-pointed and secretly promised, fell here for no reason?

"Where is the comer sacred?"

At this moment, such a sentence emerged in everyone's mind.

Venerable Zhiyang gave him a super vigilance of 10,000 points, and his forehead was quietly covered with fine sweat:

"That speed, the legendary cultivators in the transformation stage are not so fast, right? And that physique, to blow up the ancient treasure of Yi Laomo? Is it a demon cultivator above the tenth level? And it is definitely not an ordinary demon cultivator!"

Only this explanation makes sense!

After all, Laomo Yi couldn't even use the Dafa of Transforming Tribulation, both in terms of speed and destructive power, it was too exaggerated.

Humans absolutely cannot do this.

"What did the other party come for? Could it be for the Ancient Demon? If it was purely for the Ancient Demon, then why did he kill Yi Laomo? Or should everyone present be his hunting target?!"

The middle-aged scholar suppressed his terrified negative emotions, and in the blink of an eye, he had a lot of thoughts:

"Should I run away or not?

No, I can't be the first bird right now, otherwise I will be the next one to be targeted. "

With his eyes fixed on the burly figure who killed the Old Demon Hehuan and the Iron Winged Demon in one move, Master Zhiyang slowly approached Broken Soul and the others.

He was afraid that if he was careless, he would also be killed by that incredible speed.

Seeing this, Broken Soul and the others immediately put down their siege on Zhang Tie, resorting to various defensive methods.

Seeing that the burly figure was busy suppressing and sealing the ancient demons, without looking at them, he felt relieved; seeing that the middle-aged scholar was also approaching them, he felt relieved again. Although they didn't see clearly what happened just now, they knew the result, a frighteningly bad result.

Besides, the six senses are working hard, and in the dimension where the real world seems to be slowed down several times, Wang Li glanced at Zhang Tie, who was in a slow motion, with a startled expression, and then turned his attention to everyone who was in a similar situation. :

"Brother Dayan, I finally know why high-level monks can beat low-level monks in various ways."

While speaking, he glanced at two directions outside the battle circle without any trace. In the pupils glowing with golden arcs, there are new monks who dare to come here.

The so-called dimension of slowing down several times is somewhat similar to the viewing effect of "several tenths of a speed" in film and television works.

Everything outside is in slow motion.

"Oh tell me."

Well, Old Antique is also in the slow world, and he can't keep up with Wang Li's thinking.

"Heh, even you can't keep up with my speed now, let alone them?"

Wang Li shook his head and laughed.

If it is said that his current reaction speed in all aspects is within 0.0015 seconds, which is a proper millisecond level; then most of these people in the field are only about 0.01 seconds! Master Zhiyang was better, but he didn't get within 0.005 seconds.

It seems that the difference is very small, but in fact, the difference is a full three or four times!

Zoom in to milliseconds and look again, and you will probably know the difference.

Wangli: within 1.5 milliseconds;

Zhiyang: more than 5 milliseconds;

Crowd: 8 to 10 milliseconds!

It’s a bit of a difference in dimension between running a hundred meters in 1.5 seconds and running a hundred meters in 10 seconds!

It can be said that it is not a creature at all.

And this is the scary thing about cultivating immortals and high-ranking monks!

In fact, he had noticed these details as early as the alchemy stage. But the reaction speed of the alchemy stage is in the range of 0.04 seconds to 0.02 seconds; in addition, the speed of the alchemy monks is not fast, about the speed of sound. Even in the Nascent Soul stage and even the late Nascent Soul stage, the speed of consciousness and action has not changed qualitatively as it is now.

As a result, the combat special effects have not been intuitively reflected.

It's different now.

In terms of consciousness and action, the speed difference is really too big!

One millisecond is more than 30 meters, and five milliseconds is more than 150 meters. Zhiyang Master is equivalent to using normal people's eyesight, reaction speed, and body speed to avoid arrows; other Nascent Soul Stages are equal to normal people's eyesight, reaction speed, and body speed Dodge the bullets!

Dodge the arrows and dodge the bullets!

Zhiyang can still push it up, and Broken Soul and Yunlu can also have experience predictions and so on. Others, what should they do to deal with it?

Want to hide, but can you hide?

And the differences are not only reflected in combat, but also in different dimensional levels for daily practice.

For example, you can complete the absorbing and refining work in ten or tens of seconds for low-level monks; this change of direction is equal to your one second, which is comparable to ten or even tens of seconds for low-level monks!

Efficiency is completely different.

The higher the cultivation level, the greater the gap will be.

When enlarged to one year, ten years, or a hundred years, the gap brought about by this accumulation is even more incalculable.

It is difficult to leapfrog across the levels and fight between the big realms, that's why!

People practice for one year, but efficiency should be practiced for several years or more! People use the higher-level mystical powers that have been polished for "a few years or more" to deal with the lower-level magic that you have only polished for "one year". How can you win?

Taking a step back, regardless of factors such as secret techniques, mana, and magic weapons, people's speed suppression alone, such as the advantage in thinking speed, is enough for high-level monks to kill low-level monks several times.

The high-ranking monks have thought of more than a dozen methods of torture and killing in a second; a bunch of low-ranking monks may not even have time to come up with a set of countermeasures.

Then count the advantage of magic weapon and secret technique.

The low-rank challenged the high-rank, and the ghost was seen only after the fight.

And speaking from this aspect, Wang Li is even more certain that the world he is in now is no longer the mortal world he learned from the mortal book.

Not from the start!

But a real big world!

To talk about factors such as foresight and foresight that have been used all the time, it can only be said to be a fluke among flukes. Thinking back now, no matter which link was completely applied to the original work, instead of formulating a plan strategy based on the actively collected information analysis, and making a backup plan, now he is afraid that the grave is too high.

A [currency system], such as insisting on three middle-grade spirit stones a year during the alchemy period, that is, three hundred low-level spirit stones; and one thousand spirit stones a year during the Yuanying period! If he treats himself with such a salary, he will lose money to his grandma's house; if he treats the high-ranking monks of the sect with this kind of welfare, the people under his command will have already complained.

What's the difference from those capitalists in the previous life who only wanted the horse to run and not feed the horse?

Is it okay to go to work in the company and have to pay the company for study and training?

In the foundation building period, one middle-grade spirit stone can be obtained in a year, but only three in the alchemy period? Ten yuan for the Nascent Soul Stage? Good fellow, how about dismissing the beggar?

Another [power system], such as claiming to be a treasure to challenge the Banjiedan stage or even the Nascent Soul stage, maybe the Nascent Soul-level talisman has not been taken out of his pocket, and his own people are gone.

Being a courier is not so enthusiastic.

Those who receive the courier will find it difficult to turn down the kindness and accept it all.

Although the general direction of the practice system here has not changed, it is still refining qi, building foundations, forming alchemy, nascent soul, etc.; but the [factors] that determine strength are far from those in the book.

Speaking of which, why is the ten thousand year spirit grass more precious than the thousand year spirit grass? Even if the difference is only one year, it is still a huge difference, and they don't even belong to the same species!

Over the years, someone has discovered it.

Spirit grass will also "breathe and cultivate"!

Ordinary spirit grass, century spirit grass, thousand year spirit grass, and ten thousand year spirit grass, the speed of one-sided breathing of heaven and earth spirit energy is also very different.

The speed of the 800-year-old Zitang fairy and the 1200-year-old Zitang fairy of the same species, if the speed of the former is "1", the speed of the latter is at least "2"!

Almost completed the metamorphosis similar to that of a monk!

Another example is Wang Li, who has always insisted on refining the three treasures of essence, energy and spirit with various spiritual objects. The King Ming Jue has achieved great success, and the Vajra Jue has been rebuilt to strengthen the foundation.

Everything that had been accumulated was finally sublimated in an all-round way when King Ming's tactics were completed.

The physical body's mobility finally equaled the speed of the consciousness level, and even surpassed it by a lot.

So, even without using the Divine Consciousness Boosting Bead, he still has the strength of the Divine Consciousness level, and enjoys a wave of dimensional jumps at the level of consciousness by the way. In addition, even without using the tenth-level spirit descending talisman, the physical strength has reached the level of the deity-level monster race, and it is a comprehensive combination of strength, speed, toughness, resilience, and strength.

And it's not limited to the unilaterally gifted heaven and earth spirit beasts like the Jiaolong clan or Suanni clan.

Today, the basic six dimensions completely surpass the cognition of the inherent concepts of human monks in this era.

Including the speed of thinking, sensing, movement, etc., similar to the X-Men Apocalypse, Quicksilver dodges explosions and bullets, and can find delicious food from many objects falling a hundred times slower during the explosion; The hail of bullets is like nothing, even if you really shuttle through it, it is so exaggerated that you can move the bullets with your fingers and change the trajectory of the bullets that are almost frozen in the air!

And, the famous scene of fat beating Tianqi!

This kind of speed completely surpassed the blood escape technique that can fly thousands of miles in an instant.

It is true that the blood escape technique is very fast in terms of pure movement speed, this cannot be denied. But when the caster casts the spell, one is that the direction is uncontrollable, and they can only follow a straight line to the end. If they bump into something in the middle, they can only consider themselves unlucky! The second is vision and thinking, etc., which are far behind the extreme speed brought by the blood escape technique, and there is a sense of sight that things other than the high-speed rail are regressing rapidly.

The speed is fast enough, but your brain reaction is not fast enough!

However, Wang Li's comprehensive speed is different: for him, it is completely controllable. Thinking and body conduction, etc., are almost on par with dexterous movement speed.

It is equivalent to people's slow motion, or in other words, everything in this world is slowed down several times and dozens of times;

Only you are normal.

In fact, it's not normal for you to be fast alone.

In this case, even if the soul-forming stage of Dharma-body dual cultivation cannot mobilize the vitality of heaven and earth; no, even if it is only a person of Dharma-body dual cultivation in the late Yuanying stage, dozens of Nascent Soul stage together, it is still not enough to watch. Even if the ancient demons of the same level don't have any treasures in their hands, they often fight two or three. It is precisely because the ancient demons are not inferior to humans in terms of consciousness, and their blood and physical strength are one or two better than humans.

Mo Jianli, the majestic human race, is a bit difficult to deal with the five ancient demons who are fit for the holy rank; on the other hand, Ao Xiao, the silver moon wolf king, can split 50-50 the holy ancestor of Yuansha.

Not without reason.

Of course, the stage of transforming spirits that only cultivates the law and does not cultivate the body is not as overwhelming as the above-mentioned Nascent Soul Stage; if it is not done well, it may be suppressed by the great monk of the Yuan Dynasty who cultivates both the law and the body!

Because your thinking is twice as fast, even dozens of times; but your physical body can't keep up with your thinking!

Blind that body realm in vain.

It is precisely because of this that, at least in the lower realms, it is difficult for the old monsters who have just entered the transformation stage to kill the Nascent Soul stage on a large scale in order to save time and simply pursue the realm in order to live longer.

In the same way, demon cultivators and pure physical cultivators have fast enough physical bodies, but are "sluggish"!

Especially demon cultivators, although their IQs have improved after transformation, but they have not obtained the advantage of reaction speed at the level of spiritual awareness of humans of the same level through preliminary transformation. Unless they reach a very advanced level, it is possible for them to make up for this defect that is not considered a defect through the supplement of acquired methods or spiritual objects.

And from this point of view, the advantage of dual cultivation of Dharma and Body over pure Dharma cultivation and pure physical cultivation is not at all the so-called double magic power! But faster awareness and faster action!

That's probably why Thanos blasted the Hulk.

Compared to physical skills, the Hulk is no good; compared to thinking speed, the Hulk is even worse.

Therefore, compared with all the immortal cultivators in this world, Wang Li has a [disadvantage], that is, he holds inherent concepts about everything recorded in the book. Especially the inherent concepts of the series of rebellion carried by the original owner. In the late stage of Yuanying, fighting against the God of Transformation, what Transformation God kills Lianxu, now for him, it is like thunder!

If you step on it with arrogance, you may die immediately on the spot.

Of course, he also has an [advantage] that no one else can match, that is, his foresight of the general situation, his knowledge of the general important figures of different ethnic groups in different eras, and the hiding places of elixir, treasures, and good fortune everywhere!

For example, he knew that Ma Liang, the real immortal, would find time to come down from the fairy world with the elixir of the fairy world on his body. This is the general situation where danger and opportunity coexist. Trigger conditions, to be discussed later

For another example, Brother Skeleton's back-hander in the Guanghan Realm, Yimojin from the Blue Waterfall in the Demon Realm, and so on.

There are also great figures in the Mahayana period from all walks of life such as the spirit world and the demon world.

These are undoubtedly priceless treasures.

"Don't worry. It won't be long. The old man will catch up."

Wang Li's thoughts were wandering for a long time, but the response from the God of Dayan was passed on after a long time.

"Then you have to hurry up, I haven't officially taken that step yet, I haven't really broken through to that field yet. When I really enter the field of transforming gods, the gap between us will be even greater; and I have one I have a premonition that the day of breakthrough is not far away, maybe this time I will go to Dajin to find that opportunity."

Wang Li said with a smile.

Turning his head to look at the decent defensive array formed by the joint efforts of several people, revealing a mouthful of snow-white teeth.

He is not in a hurry, he has to wait for the other two teams to arrive nearby, so that they can catch them all in one go.

After a while, the six figures moved from far to near:


The next moment, the iron-winged demon's body and the broken wings on the ground disappeared; even Wang Li's own figure was left in place as an afterimage!

He shot again.

However, except for Master Zhiyang who discovered the clue with his excellent spiritual knowledge, Broken Soul and Old Demon Yunlu realized something was wrong with their good observation skills and experience in fighting skills; It always seems a bit sluggish and sluggish, always slowing down by a beat or two.

And this one or two slow beats directly caused the three Nascent Souls to be pierced through the defensive array by Wang Li, smashing several magic treasures and several layers of light curtains, and took out the Nascent Souls!

The physical body is lit by the three-color Shura holy fire.

In the eyes of outsiders, Wang Li is constantly teleporting and flickering strangely, reaping the lives of fellow monks around him. In Wang Li's own eyes, there were wooden people. He stared at the front for a long time before he reacted; he walked up to the other party and took his life away, and the other party felt a chill in his chest and was full of life after he realized it. Was completely sucked away.

Absolute dimensional crushing, completely one-sided massacre!

Punch a kid!

With a flick of the blood stained on the face of the fist, the golden blue luster disappeared in a flash.

It turned out that Wang Li's fist was not exactly a fist.

Referring to Wolverine, he turned the first set of Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword mixed with Gengjin, Refined Crystal, Ten Thousand Years Fire Coral and other top spiritual materials into a knuckle blade, which appeared on the face of the fist when he punched!

This makes his fists invincible!

There is no special top-level spiritual material added, and then magic treasures that reach a certain hardness are no different from a few pieces of tofu; energy shields and light curtains, although they overlap a lot, they feel very safe, but in fact they are just a few pieces. The window paper that can be broken! Do not superimpose dozens of layers of dozens of sheets, forming the thickness of a book, under the green bamboo bee cloud sword, all for nothing.

As for the injury of the arm bone and phalanx caused by the counter-shock force, it was repaired by the special instant of the immortal body!

Master Zhiyang waited, his face was snow-white.

What just happened?

Why did three people disappear in an instant?

At the core of the formation, Zhang Tie, who quietly faced the quail, swallowed wildly.




ps: This chapter is my reconstruction of the entire power system of mortal cultivating immortals.

It is no longer limited to magic weapons, mana, and consciousness.

From the dimension of consciousness, the speed of thinking, reaction speed, physical mobility, etc. are introduced.

In fact, it was also mentioned in the original book, such as the description in the chapter on the spiritual world, where Han Li and others crossed a million miles in a short while. It can be seen that it is not the method of using the blood escape technique. Then the thinking can keep up with this speed of movement, so why does it take a few seconds to make a move in terms of thinking when fighting? This kind of immortal method is too "powerful".

The essence of cultivating immortals has not been explained clearly at all.

Only a boundary frame is given.

Add a maximum of one or two more inherent methods in different realms.

Looking at it personally, it's boring. It's no different from talking big.

Therefore, this book will give my personal understanding of different realms, as well as certain modifications to the power system.

For example, in cultivating immortals, the competition is not only the superficial foundations such as magic weapon, mana, and spiritual consciousness, but also the level of consciousness, the level of cells, and so on.

By the way, I have been working night shift for the past two days, so the update will be delayed a bit. Just adjust the jet lag and get used to it later.

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