".In addition, Wuji Hanyan is also a way out!"

Master Hanli failed because of insufficient spiritual knowledge.

In his words, his spiritual consciousness is absolutely up to the mark.

And he already had a sense of transformation into a god!

If there are two or three more similar insights in the follow-up, to deepen the understanding of the stage of transforming gods; then with the combination of five extreme cold flames and top-grade spirit stones, I dare not say 100% success, there is a 60% to 70% probability.

After all, after Master Hanli himself failed, without the help of ancient pills such as top-grade spirit stones and Moyuan pills, he dared to say that he would be 30% sure of breaking through again!

Of course, this is just the old Taoist Hanli's own guess, and there are too many to count. If he also followed the path of the old guy, then before the Kunwu Mountain incident, he could find a way to target Xiaoji Palace now. Moreover, he must immediately minor in a top-level ice-attribute skill, which can be combined with the five-pole cold flame to maximize the effect.

Fortunately, there is still plenty of time.

In addition, if the Xiaoji Palace can be conquered, the refining of Shura's holy fire can also be put on the agenda. If I remember correctly, Xiaoji Palace has multiple fires of dry blue ice flames! Using this kind of fire as a template, combined with the different fire of the famous ice attribute practitioner, and then deploying several corresponding characteristics, it can create at least a cold flame at the level of a great monk.

As a booster, the former would be able to help him to a certain extent in the Kunwu Mountain incident.

The latter can also be used as a booster to provide assistance for the next attack on Huashen.

"What's more, we should try our best to cultivate the earth-type Nascent Soul avatar, so that it can also grow to the level of a great monk. If the various perceptions of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and five elements can be matched, it will also be of great benefit to the bottleneck."

Speaking of which, Zhitu Lingying has been assimilated and cultivated in Wang Li's main body Zifu for these years; due to limitations, he does not have a suitable independent body, and cannot major in single-earth exercises. If you choose other multi-attribute exercises, such as the magic method of Xuanyin Jing, it will not be as profound as having a single characteristic; the earlier plan to use the Good Fortune Pill to deepen the effect of transforming the gods will have to be greatly compromised.

As for why not use the double spiritual root shell with the earth attribute to make do?

On the one hand, it is better to lack than to overuse;

On the other hand, it is to cultivate excellent earth-attribute Nascent Soul avatars to prepare for the step of the Five Elements Synergy that is required to break through the Void Refining Stage in the future!

Refining the emptiness requires a complete comprehension of the five elements, and the single-attribute exercises that each of the five major five-element avatars major in are seamlessly connected.

"And if all my clones of the five elements are allowed to practice a cold flame supernatural power, and the clones replace the outsiders to help the main body to break through, in this way, the success rate can be increased a little!"

At the critical moment, the Five Elements Spirit Infant can completely empower the body with self-destructive cultivation!

Maximize the effectiveness of the Nascent Soul clone!

When the spiritual sense reaches the standard and the mind is connected, you can get five mana powers that are slightly better than those of the same level of big monks, and it is extremely "docile" mana power! Quantity change leads to qualitative change!

At that time, he didn't believe that the threshold of transforming into a god could stop him.

You know, for the step of becoming a god, he was preparing for it when he invited Dayan Shenjun more than a hundred years ago.

The key lies in the seemingly tasteless "Seven Emotions"!

[The first edition of Seven Emotions Jue] can only synchronize the senses of the performer and the victim.

For example, on the original timeline, God Lord Dayan saw Ziling's heartbeat, and his mind was full of thoughts; after Han Li's second devil baby was recruited, all Dayan's thoughts came to the second devil baby's mind, not only that, Han Li I also felt a strong feeling in my lower abdomen, and all kinds of beautiful fantasy pictures flickered in my mind!

This is still in the case of the wood demon baby who has initially completed assimilation!

Looking at the essence through the surface, we can discover two important pieces of information.

One, it was Old Antique who was able to share his thoughts of lust with the recruiter through the Seven Emotions Art, and the latter could not refuse. Second, when the second nascent baby and the main body get close to each other, the consciousness can be almost synchronized; the perception of the second nascent baby can all affect the main body.

This is where the true value of the Seven Emotions Jue lies!

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to perfectly express and inherit a person's breakthrough perception, and words and language will appear pale and weak at this time. indescribable.

But the Seven Emotions Jue made up for it to a great extent.

Nascent Soul avatar's spiritual consciousness is stimulated to gain insights, and the main body can also share it. Even though its effectiveness has been reduced, its value is still immeasurable.

Thus, there is [Second Edition of Seven Emotions Jue].

Strengthened and adjusted the degree of influence of the caster on the recruiter, and improved the effectiveness of telepathy.

For example, the caster can adjust what he wants the recruit to know according to his needs; another example is that as long as the caster is willing, he can unconditionally analyze the inner thoughts of the recruit. Not the reverse.

Turn passive into active.

And even if the main body and the avatar are separated by hundreds of millions of miles, they can sense each other; within tens of thousands of miles, there is no barrier to information exchange, which is equivalent to a long-distance call at all times.

Coupled with the three-piece set of restraining chains on the Nascent Soul avatar, even if it is thousands of miles away from the main body, the avatar has no possibility of giving birth to independent thoughts within a few years. Because it is impossible for the betrayal seedlings to grow, they will be cut off immediately.

The disadvantage is that there will be a "call delay" ranging from a few breaths to dozens of breaths if the distance is more than tens of thousands of miles.

[The third edition of the Seven Emotions Jue], the telepathic effect between the main body and the avatar has been upgraded again.

In other words, the connection in terms of spiritual consciousness!

What was assimilated before was memory; what is assimilated now is consciousness!

Using Wang Li's sliver of divine consciousness as the seed, and the sea of ​​consciousness of the Nascent Soul avatar as the soil, to promote the cultivation of roots and sprouts! It is equivalent to letting the Nascent Soul avatar use the divine consciousness cultivated by itself to strengthen Wang Li's spiritual consciousness! In fact, it is an assimilation process!

It is equivalent to Wang Li reaching his limit and starting to develop his avatar "power bank"!

Once the spiritual consciousness of the avatar is stimulated and undergoes transformation, the deity can fully use the continuous thread between each other to share the great happiness in it!

No, Qing not only fully assimilated her memory and spiritual consciousness, but even her physical blood was gradually transformed due to the magic fetus in her body.

One day, Qinghui will become a special existence similar to the "past body" under Wang Li's command.

Red, king, blue dye, the same will be the case.

At that time, regardless of each other. Anyone can be the subject! Everyone is the subject!

That is the ultimate form of the second Nascent Soul in Wang Xin's mind!

And one person attained the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascended to heaven.

After thinking this through, dozens of alchemists were swept away from the aura layer of the Boundless Sea. Huangfeng Valley now needs more high-level monks to support the scene, and by the way, they will help each of them in the Nascent Soul Stage.

The family is big and the business is big.

Of course, there are not only so many alchemy stage disciples here.

After more than 30 years, there have been more than 500 disciples who have achieved alchemy in this forbidden place. The young ones will form alchemy in one fell swoop at the age of thirty or forty, such as the precious grandson of the old monster who hates the sky; in a few years, they may be able to enter the mid-term ranks.

The older ones are in their sixties or seventies. In the alchemy stage of this age, the genius Tianjiao, who is properly placed outside, is comparable to the cultivation speed of Tianlinggen; but left here, it is no different from a salted fish.

The 20,000 people, especially the thousands of talented little elites of the foundation building stage and double spiritual roots who came in back then, had only about one-seventh of the alchemy rate.

Wang Li was very dissatisfied with this!

The flowers in the greenhouse really need to be polished by war.

I've never seen blood before, so it's a little bit too hard.

In three years, the situation in Tiannan has changed a lot.

The first is Huang Fenggu. Although he did not win the leadership of the Tiandao League on the surface, in fact, he has already replaced Luan Mingzong's position in the Tiandao League, and even surpassed it.

However, under Wang Li's instruction, Huang Fenggu kept himself clean and did not take over the thankless leader position, but instead threw it to the Luanming Sect led by Long Hanfeng Bing and his wife.

Take this to be detached from the outside world.

The dream of the big factions of the Tiandao League to take advantage of Huang Fenggu's big pot of rice was directly shattered.

Because the righteous and the devil teamed up, it was no different from the Tiandao League without Huangfeng Valley.

In order to stabilize Huang Fenggu, who was temporarily serving as the referee, Zhengmo and Dao had to negotiate in private. In the end, Zhengdao used Wanyao Valley and a medium-sized country as a bargaining chip, and Demon Dao promised to provide 15 million middle-grade spirit stones in installments within the next hundred years; Huangfeng Valley must not participate in any large-scale conflicts of interests among all parties!

The medium-sized country sent by Zhengdao is just a fair piece of land next to Shayun Country, which was previously occupied by Tianji Gate.

Obviously, Tianjimen didn't want to face the Shayun Seven Sects alone, and didn't dare to be neighbors with Huang Fenggu with their own family.

In view of this, in order to stabilize the righteous way, Huang Fenggu used this country as a condition to exchange with the Tiandao League for the small country sandwiched between the northwest of Yuanwu Kingdom and the southeast of Dongyu Kingdom, and another small country to the west of Chayun Kingdom.

A medium-sized country was exchanged for the ruling power of two small countries that were not considered rich.

The major sects were puzzled, but only Huang Fenggu's own family knew.

Because of this, Wanyao Valley, the land of the extreme west, Chiyuan (small) country, Chayun country, Huangfeng Valley, and Falling Demon Valley are connected in a line; then Fengqiu (small) country, Yuanwu country, and Yue country On the front line, it also extended its tentacles into Dongyu Country.

Whether it is an underground route or a flight in the sky, there is almost no transition zone in the middle.

This undoubtedly added two more insurances to the sect's security.

As for the loss of two medium-sized countries and three small countries in a row under the "retake homeland" counterattack launched by the various factions of the Heavenly Dao League, Wang Li didn't care at all.

After briefly explaining some things to Li Huayuan and others, together with Duan Guang, Wang Li did not hide his tracks, and directly set sail on the Xingyue Shenzhou to the grassland in the south.

On the bow, his true self, Qing, Dayan Shenjun and hundreds of puppets;

Wherever it passes, there are thousands of rays of light and thousands of auspicious colors.

The cards are full.

At the same time, all parties in Tiannan breathed a sigh of relief. Especially in the two ways of righteousness and evil, the heart that has been hanging all the time can finally be let go. As soon as the mountain pressing down on the head is gone, the whole body is relaxed,

The sects headed by the Taizhen Sect of the Righteous Way and the Hehuan Sect of the Demon Dao, who had never dared to use the hidden methods in front of Wang Li, can finally let go of using the former bereaved dogs who don't have a long memory in the Tiandao League!

For example, the Taizhen Seven Sons of the Taizhen Sect can fight against a big monk in a short period of time when they work together; another example is the yin and yang dual demons of the Hehuan Sect, who can also wrestle with the big monk; Qingyang Demon Fire no longer has any scruples.

Wang Li didn't care about this.

As long as it doesn't affect Huangfeng Valley.

"Da Jin, Mr. Wang is here!"

This time, he wants to play a game of chess with those old antiques in Dajin to see who has the last laugh.

First, I took back three mice and other spirit beasts from Xin Ruyin.

Then there are Tiannan and Grassland.

As soon as he arrived at Mulan Grassland, Master Zhu greeted him on time.

All the way until Wang Li entered the Great Jin and Liaodong, then he relaxed

Time passed quickly, and several months passed in a blink of an eye.

The first stop, Qianguang Temple.

ps: I encountered something today, and the time was all delayed, and I was depressed. I went back to the store to hand over after ten o'clock, so I could only rush out of this point. Damn I haven't had dinner yet. That's it for today, I have to order some takeout.

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