The inverse astrolabe can open up a space channel.

With a special formation, and enough top-quality spirit stones, it can even open up a reverse spirit channel to send people down or bring people up, or transport materials from the upper and lower worlds.

The more the number of reverse astrolabe disks, the more stable the reverse spirit channel is, and the less accident-prone it will be.

At this moment, there are more than 20 floating anti-star disks, and directly below each piece, there is a formation platform that is connected to it.

There are a large number of top-quality spirit stones that make people jealous.

With the burning of tens of thousands of top-quality spirit stones, with the two true spirits of Little Rahu and Centipede, with the Mahayana stage of the old man, and the fusion stage of Overlord, Jin Yue, Tie Baiweng, and Xiaoqi, And hundreds of thousands of refinement phases provide pure spiritual power for the Nixingpan through the array.

More than twenty astrolabes all emitted bright brilliance.

The next moment, a beam of light shot up into the sky.

At a height of hundreds of thousands of miles, a pattern of light with complex spirit patterns was constructed, and then quickly assembled into a portal of light!

This gate of light and the tunnel of light inside the gate of light are exactly the reverse spiritual passage leading to a lower realm!

From the time Yuantian City left, he has been preparing for today.

During the several years, I often tried to contact those lower realms.

Hard work pays off.

He has contacted almost all of the more than 400 human worlds of the human race through Chuanjiexiang.

Even in the more than 200 lower-level demon worlds where the demon race is more active, he also got a response from the human race living in one place there.

Together, he can take action on nearly seven hundred lower realms.

But for the lower demon world, he doesn't plan to take any action for the time being.

Take twenty or thirty of them to test the water first, and confirm the situation over there. This is also a kind of responsibility to the subordinates.

"The materials for making spirit treasures are placed in these storage bags!

Every person in the transformation stage has a share of refining a Tongtian Lingbao, some daily-needed elixir, and the cultivation experience of this seat and many ascended monks in the lower realm.

Each Nascent Soul Stage will be matched with enough materials to refine Lingbao imitation products and some daily necessities of pills, etc.!

In the lower realm, eat more life-extending elixir!

Good for you guys!

Alright, I hope you all have a good life and practice, don't slack off. "

After Wang Li finished speaking, Mana Dashou immediately took pictures of the first team's nine monks at the transformation stage and twenty-six monks at the mid-to-late stage of Nascent Soul; first used the inverse astrolabe to mark the chief and deputy captains among them, and then directly threw them into the into the channel.

The time that this channel can last is not long, there is no time to wait for such an excessive farewell.

In just a moment, more than thirty people disappeared into the portal of light.

They moved far faster than the speed of light, crossed the interface layer between the two worlds, and descended to a certain lower world.

It is like the sun's rays break through the gaps in the dark clouds for a short moment and shine on the earth.

After the transmission was completed, the light gate closed immediately, and then quickly turned into faint light spots and dissipated.

More than 20 pieces of anti-star discs also quickly converged in their brilliance.

Counting the consumption of top-quality spirit stones, this wave alone amounted to more than 60,000 to nearly 70,000!

This is because of the help of external forces, which greatly reduces the loss.

"Activate the reverse spirit channel, really burn the spirit stone!"

Jinyue Chan Master Amitabha sighed.

Even the Lord Buddha and Bodhisattva would not dare to cultivate believers in this way.

After all, the working capital he can come up with is only more than a hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones; if he sells some things, he can get four to five million yuan. But if you can't play ten rounds, you will have to bottom out your pockets.

Fortunately, this Human Sovereign, in order to cultivate outstanding children of the human race in the upper realm, he would not hesitate to take five hundred rounds in one go!

What a boldness!

Senior Mo, it's incomparable!

"This still reduces the number of people as much as possible, and at the same time compresses the cultivation base of the people in the lower realm, and there are so many high-level monks who provide the huge spiritual power needed for the reverse spirit channel for a moment; The interface dimension field where the spirit world is located is a little closer than the spirit world.

Otherwise, if it were to open up a passage against spirits in the spirit world, the ticket price alone might be worth 100,000 top-quality spirit stones! "

The so-called ticket price refers to the consumption of top-quality spirit stones that only open the door without giving it away, and only transport a trivial small object!

For example, a remembrance or something!

Every time some spiritual items are added, such as a spirit treasure, or even a top-quality spirit stone, the consumption of top-quality spirit stones on the formation will increase proportionally!

Speaking of which, I asked Ao Xiao to send a lot of cultivation resources and even the lower realm of Lingshan Mountain in the spirit world. The consumption is probably not small, right?

According to this ratio, can't you start with a million top-quality spirit stones?

After all, the spiritual energy reserves of the nine spiritual mountains, as well as a large number of pills, finished products, special top-level spiritual grasses and spiritual materials, etc., surpassed the spiritual pressure of this team of monks and the various spiritual powers they carried. Ten to twenty times the sum of spiritual pressure!

You know, these people are all traveling lightly.

The little guys' own previous things, except for the necessary things such as talismans, other things such as middle-grade and high-grade spiritual stones, and various unimportant spiritual materials, etc., are basically left to the close relatives in the family.

But I didn't take it with me and sent it down.

"Everyone, rest and recover for a while, we will be busy with the rest!"

Wang Li smiled all over his face.

I don't want to tire everyone.

Although there are a large number of high-level monks participating in the energy supply, and the spiritual power and quality provided are quite high, so it is shared equally. For every high-level monk who is willing to contribute, the consumption is not large each time;

But not without loss.

"Human Sovereign doesn't need to be like this, we are not that delicate."

The monks responded respectfully.

Sending your own children down, can they, who are elders, make a little effort?

As direct beneficiaries, the children of the family are deeply trusted and favored by the emperor. They are happy for the juniors, and they are willing to participate in this kind of small activity that personally opens up the "Road to Heaven" for the juniors.

And the sense of participation is really strong.

It's like the elders paving the way and sending the juniors down one by one.

When the little ones return, if they can grow further, they can carry on the next round of inheritance from generation to generation.

This will be a very beneficial and excellent inheritance worth looking forward to.

It's just that when the time comes, it will no longer be the Human Sovereign who takes out the spirit stone and sends the children to the lower realm.

Human Sovereign has already made a good start.

They are also people with faces, how could they not know good from bad?

And this is another deep meaning of Wang Li's one stone, which is to subtly improve the moral level of high-level monks towards the clansmen!

Now it seems that these selected monks can still be saved.

Not those who are completely selfish.

He looks much better than Wang.

"Okay, take a break now.

Next, it is estimated that more than 30 groups of teams will be sent to the lower bound every day.

Although it is not a big consumption for you to share it equally, it is only a drop in the bucket; but if you add up, you will have five hundred rounds, so don't hurt your vitality. "

Wang Li couldn't laugh or cry.

Each round saved him at least three or four thousand top-quality spirit stones!

Even though it is not much compared to 60,000 to 70,000, but five hundred and three to four thousand, that is more than one hundred and nearly two million top-grade spirit stones!

It should be that Xiao Lingtian has obtained all the top-grade spirit stones this time!

Diligence and thrift are the foundation of housekeeping.

Those who spend a lot of money and don't know how to run a family may not be able to sustain the family in the end.

Back then, when the two races of the spirit world and the monsters arranged for people to go down to the world, didn't they just let the volunteers degrade their cultivation bases from the late stage of transforming gods or even the stage of refining the void to go down?

Among them, Bingpo Fairy and others led a few people to take the lead in dispersing kung fu, and controlled their cultivation base from the mid-late stage of refining the void to the mid-stage level of transforming gods! Then use the power of the reverse spirit channel to deal with the evil disaster in the lower realm!

It can be seen how much sacrifice was made by many ascenders at that time.

Especially the dozens of lower-level interfaces that are targeted by the demon world!

These small realms are all famous small realms who were born in the fusion period among the ascenders, and it was also during the fusion period that they created the Lingyuan Garden in order to give back to their hometown!

As a result, it got into trouble!

The Lingyuan Garden is attached to dozens of small worlds, and from the perspective of space dimension, they are closer to the spirit world than the lower-level small worlds they are attached to! And it is located in the transition zone of the boundary wall, so it has a lot of room for operation!

Because of this, the fusion stage among the ascensioners of the spirit world used some means to absorb the pure aura of the spirit world, and even sent down many rare spirit herbs that were only available in the spirit world to be cultivated in the spirit garden!

The purpose is to strengthen the hometown.

I don't know if it was betrayed by someone, or it was really a coincidence.

On the other side of the Demon Realm, a large number of Lingyuan Gardens have just been found.

This is a good thing, the elite Demon Legion below the Void Refining Stage of the Demon Realm can use the Lingyuan Garden stuck on the boundary wall as a portal springboard, ignoring the boundary wall of the interface and driving straight into the lower-level small realms connected everywhere!

These dozens of lower-level small realms are all superior and lower-level small realms that have been born in the fusion period.

It can be said to be outstanding!

The human world where Wang Li was born and raised is one of them!

Look at just such a low-level interface, what kind of proud sons of heaven have been born?

The Bingpo Fairy and the Kunwu Three Elders more than 60,000 years ago;

Afterwards, Qing Yuanzi and Master Tianfu from 20,000 to 30,000 years ago;

Then came Dayan Shenjun and Bingfeng from ten thousand years ago;

And the current Six Wings, Gold Devourer, Yuan Yao, etc.!

These all have the capital to fit together!

And by chance, it is not impossible to enter the Mahayana period!

Tsk tsk, this small world alone can provide several fusion periods for the spirit world in tens of thousands of years; dozens of small worlds, even if most of them are not as good as the homeland where Wang Li was bred, should have their own special characteristics. The place is!

It's a pity that people in the spirit world don't pay much attention to it.

In other words, some people deliberately suppressed it!

As a result, these interfaces are either filthy with demonic qi and thin aura, turning into a place where even the birth of a god of transformation is difficult; or the entire interface is demonized and becomes one of the lower-level interfaces of the demon world!

All the human races who ascended to the Demon Realm have become playthings in the hands of the Bloody Lord!

On another timeline, Blood Light dispatched tens of thousands of demonized human ascendants as cannon fodder, who can reversely deduce how glorious those demonized lower-level human worlds were!

In just how many years, tens of thousands of demonized human ascendants have accumulated?

Tens of thousands!

On the other hand, in the recent years of Abyss Sky City, among the nearly a thousand lower-level interfaces under its jurisdiction, only one pitiful Ascendant came up in a year or two!

And the higher-ups didn't take this abnormal phenomenon seriously at all!

I just think this phenomenon is a bit strange!

I have to say, the sorrow of these demonized interfaces!

In the past, from the perspective of the ethnic group, they sent an unknown number of integration periods for the human race to participate in the war between the spirit world and the demon world, in order to defend their homeland;

These once outstanding interfaces have basically lost contact! Don't bother me so much!

It's true that grandma doesn't love uncle and uncle!

What a good way to rule out dissidents!

Those heroic spirits who died for the spirit world, if they knew that their descendants were treated so differently, wouldn't they all have to jump out of the grave and destroy the human race in the spirit world?

Those ancestors of the human race who migrated to the spirit world without fear of all kinds of difficulties and dangers, if they knew that the elder son was here to deceive the younger son, they would most likely strangle the elder son to death, right?

can only say:

It deserves the human race in the spirit world to be in such a miserable state!

It deserves to be a group of ethnic groups who have a Mahayana period to come up and step on it!

It deserves that the human races in other interfaces of Xiaonanzhou don't pay attention to this one at all!

People clearly look down on you!

At this moment, Wang Li was indescribably happy.

Because there were no bad guys who "occupied the latrines and didn't shit", it was impossible for him to easily get hundreds of nearly a thousand lower-level small circles from Mo Jianli and Ao Xiao as a cradle for cultivating talents!

It is impossible to let his ambition take a crucial step!

Alas, it's getting farther.

Speaking of which, if Ziling fails to obtain the coordinates of dozens of lower-level small realms that have been demonized and polluted by true devil energy from the Holy Master Yuansha or the Holy Lord Bloodlight, their spiritual energy has plummeted.

He had no choice but to go to the Holy Lord of Blood Light to talk to him himself.

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