Han Li didn't notice that at this moment, an invisible and intangible mysterious aura quietly disappeared from his body.

This is a mysterious and mysterious air.

As the host, Han Li, every time a "coincidence" hits a chance, or encounters an irresistible turnaround, this wonderful aura will dissipate a little bit!

But this time, a lot of them dissipated!

Most of them, ignoring the barrier of time and space, acted on Wang Li who was sketching the second mana source of the rune category.

A certain problem that he had been unable to solve for a long time disappeared.

And this is not the first time.

the other side.

On the lunar star.

In a fragment of the Jieyuan Tower, Wang Li is exploring in many ways.

First, Heidi Lanran, one of the clones of the Five Emperors, seemed to undergo some special changes after his body of heavy water was blessed with the body of glass water.

Second, perfect your own eight-pole true method.

Although he has entered the Mahayana period for many years, he has not sorted out what he has cultivated and re-planned his way forward.

Furthermore, try to open up the second and third sources of mana.

Aizen here.

The body was once a heavy water body in the human world.

This is the physical body that Wang Li exchanged with each other for a win-win situation on the condition of his excellent spiritual root physique and his full efforts to help him enter the Nascent Soul Stage!

Later, with the help of the characteristics of the deity's indestructible body, he continued to transplant the transformed spine, skull, limbs, and even organs into this body of heavy water step by step! Because it has inherited part of the self-healing properties of the indestructible body, although there is repulsion between the transplanted parts and the body of heavy water, it will not cause the body to collapse!

In addition to tossing people to death and life at the beginning, the more they get used to each other, the more they get used to each other!

The exclusivity is running low!

In particular, the hair cutting and marrow washing and even rebirth brought about by each breakthrough of the big realm can well promote the replacement and integration of the heavy water body and Wang Li's blood.

And after the empowerment of Brother Skeleton's True Immortal Yuan and the power of five-color runes, it has achieved a complete harmony without distinction between each other!

In other words, Li Daitao became stiff and replaced him!

This physique, no matter whether it belongs to an outsider, or it was "naturally born" by him, Wang Li!

Aizen is so.

The same is true for Qing's psychic sword body, Chi's three-yang body, Jin's forged gold body, and Kong's frost-earth body.

Previously, our side captured five spoils of war "Glass Water Pearls", two of which were given to Xiaozhi, and three were used on Lan Ran.

So that it obtained the top-level body of glass water in the day after tomorrow.

I don’t know if there is something in common between the body of heavy water and the body of glass water. A few years ago, Lan Ran, who changed his main practice method to the water system of Wusheng Sword Sect in the Immortal Realm, successfully awakened two types of physique. talent.

One is to condense [heavy water].

The second is [Nine Folding Waves].

The former is a special kind of heavy water that can collapse mountains with just one drop.

Shooting out one drop is comparable to charging a blow in the middle and late stages of refining the void.

A few drops of more than a dozen drops alone are basically useless; but it can't stand the refinement of Lan Ran's one drop per month, and now more than 3,000 drops have been condensed.

And Aizen didn't mean to reach his own limit at all.

This thing depends on the spiritual consciousness of the monk.

The stronger the consciousness, the more Xuanyuan heavy water that can be controlled, and the greater the power.

In addition, although every drop of heavy water is extremely heavy, it will become relatively easier for the controller after the sacrifice, and it will be like an arm; it will not show its weight until it faces the opponent, and it will bring Give the enemy a nightmare.

Compared to the incomparably sharp Green Bamboo Fengyun Sword, this supernatural power is naturally nothing.

Can be too many skills do not overwhelm you.

Besides, if this supernatural power fuses and compresses Xuanyuan heavy water according to his idea, it should be more powerful in terms of power.

No, recently, he managed to initially fuse fifty or sixty drops of Xuanyuan heavy water together.

It became a drop of heavy water with more exaggerated weight and heavier power.

This drop is comparable to a hard hit in the middle of the fusion.

As for Nine Waves?

It is better to say that it is a supernatural power of physique than an insight brought by the opportunity of physique.

The so-called waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead.

Since Lang Tao can push the latter over the former, what about Jian Guang?

He also used a similar technique when he dealt with the eight alien races in the Mahayana period in Abyss Sky City; but it has not yet formed a system, and it seems nondescript. In addition, the Nine Swords at that time did not achieve complete superposition.

So, taking advantage of this insight, he created his own ultimate killer move: Qingyuan Nine Plays!

With the heart of the sword, control the natal magic weapon, the Qingzhu Fengyun Sword;

Based on the law of space, the law of the sword, and a little bit of the law of time, the preliminary sword domain was constructed;

Then, based on the long-term practice of drawing swords and slashing, with the help of the insight of Ming and Qing spiritual eyes, nine consecutive slashes are performed with precision!

It sounds easy and simple.

Isn't it just that the nine sword lights cut out are superimposed together?

It is not.

A normal Nine Slash is a superposition state of a sword light next to the previous sword light.

Like nine strands of hair tied together side by side.

It seems that the nine times the power has been superimposed, and it has indeed been superimposed, but the qualitative change effect that Wang Li wants has not occurred.

And the principle of the ninetet he deduced is that the next cut is "inside" the previous cut!

It is equivalent to inserting a new hair strand inside the hair strand.

And with this "inclusive" nine overlaps!

Let nine strands of hair become one strand of hair!

With nine lawful sword wires side by side, once you encounter a real strong enemy, if the first one cannot break through the defense, then it is very likely that the following eight lines will not be able to break the enemy's absolute defense!

Similar to brushing bosses.

Nine mages with an attack power of ten output to the boss with a defense power of twenty.

The nine attacked together, but none of them could break the defense.

However, the nature of the nine law sword wires is different from the inside. Not to mention turning the attack power of ten into ninety, but there are still thirty or fifty. In this case, the defensive power of 20 naturally cannot prevent it.

This is the principle of the Qingyuan Nine Quartet.

Of course, the problem is also here.

How can we achieve absolute layer upon layer?

First of all, good eyesight.

The dynamic vision of the eyes can accurately capture all the details of the sword silk.

This can be achieved by the microcosmic Ming and Qing spiritual eyes.

Second, be quick!

You must have extremely fast and extremely fast sword speed!

It's not enough for the light to capture the sword silk with dynamic vision, but it has to be cut with precision one sword after another in the "inside" of the previous sword silk!

Let the power of the nine-layer law of destruction represented by the nine sword threads be perfectly superimposed like dumplings!

In the early years, he insisted on practicing drawing swords and chopping, and now Wang Li, who has practiced the seemingly ordinary and mundane moves of drawing swords to a great extent, just meets the conditions.

The above two points are very critical.

It can even be said that these are the two most important prerequisites.

In addition, it is the sword heart of the sword cultivator, the tacit cooperation of the natal magic weapon, and the assistance of the sword domain!

Only when all these factors are satisfied, can one be qualified to practice this ultimate move deduced by him!

In terms of the eight extremes, it is time to improve it.

Taking the practice of dual practice of Dharma and body as the main body, it also incorporates Qingyuan Sword Jue, Dayan Jue, Baimai Lianbao Jue and other methods to perfect the Baji Zhenfa. The fit is pretty perfect!

At present, there is still a lack of complementary and derived secret techniques in the Mahayana period.

Considering that the Mahayana period needs to comprehend the law to build the law field, Wang Li's Baimai Lianbao Jue and the green bamboo bee cloud sword grown from the sword have become the best medium and foundation.

The Baimai Treasure Refining Art is about integrating the magic weapon into the body.

It can not only nourish treasures through the physical body, but also strengthen itself through treasures.

On another timeline, that kid Han Li used the five concentric demons, Yuanhe Wuji mountain, and green bamboo bee cloud sword to break into his own acupoints according to the methods provided by Baimai Lianbaojue!

Build the flesh body into the strongest magic weapon!

Now, according to the guidance of this successful man, Wang Li not only took this step, but also nourished the second set of Green Bamboo and Bee Cloud Sword in his seventy-two key points.

With the help of the seventy-two holes in the sky of this set of flying swords, he found another way and developed the auxiliary function of [Raising the Sword in the Sky].

In the second set of flying swords, there is a small hole in each handle.

Although it is not big, it is enough to set up the top [Sword Raising Formation] in Wusheng Sword Sect's inheritance.

In the sword raising formation, warm up a psychic flying sword;

Conversely, the second set of flying swords as the carrier of the cave can also absorb the increased spirituality and sharpness of these psychic flying swords as food and nutrients through the power of the formation.

In addition, the core of the formation is a thousand-foot-high superstar tree seedling, which further strengthens Feijian's control over the inner cave.

This makes, as long as Wang Li wants to think about the second set of Green Bamboo and Bee Cloud Sword, then the Lingbao flying swords and even the Xuantian Zhibao flying swords that have been warmed up in the sword-raising formation can all be compared. Can be sacrificed.

For this reason, many Xuantian fragments in his hands were combined with top-level materials to refine them into "fresh" swords and arranged them in the sword formations.

If one day, this set of flying swords can devour seventy-two blades of Xuantian Zhibao level flying swords, believe in the power of a single sword, even if the real Quansheng Zhenxian comes, he will have to kneel down and beg for mercy!

If you absorb more top-level treasures such as swords, maybe the power will be so powerful that it can destroy the world.

One sword with all strength, one interface!

Because of this, the growth rate of this set of Green Bamboo and Bee Cloud Sword is naturally faster than the other two sets.

As for Feijian's growth, it will feed back part of the benefits to the host according to the method of Baimai Lianbaojue.

That's right, that's the point!

In addition to strengthening the connection between the natal flying sword and the sword master, the Baimai Lianbao Jue can also allow Wang Li, the master of the flying sword, to glimpse the power of law that the Qingzhu Fengyun sword itself possesses!

Similar to the method of the worm-type true spirit backer behind the mayfly clan.

Isn't the purpose of fusing his true spirit body with the Xuantian Treasure is to be able to see the power of this part of the law in the Xuantian Treasure?

The Baimai Treasure Refining Art is even more powerful!

It is more suitable for the human race!

For example, in the past three hundred years, he, Mr. Wang, has comprehended part of the power of space law in the flying sword!

Leng is a human body, imitating the Xuantian Immortal Vine, and has captured every trace of the law of space in this part of the world in the Moco world!

The space in the abdomen is further expanded and strengthened!

In other words, in addition to the three characteristics of warming and strengthening treasures, strengthening the connection between weapons and their masters, and feeding back benefits to the practitioners, Baimai Lianbao Jue also allows practitioners to steal the treasures that are warmed in the body. With the power of law!

The sages of the human race who created this body-refining method in the fairy world are basically using their bodies as furnaces to melt all the essence!

The ultimate goal is probably to integrate ten thousand ways!

Its boldness is definitely worthy of recognition.

It's just that it fell into the hands of the younger generation who didn't live up to expectations and was buried forever! It's really a pity.



Where did the inspiration for my happiness come from? "

Wang Li muttered at the corner of his mouth, looking extremely surprised.

Just now, a talisman Dao problem that had troubled him for two or three hundred years suddenly felt like it was outlined by him in one stroke!

The problems of the third grade seem to be the pediatrics of the junior high school students.

And what he doesn't know is:

When he took a certain step, in Immortal Realm, on a long river of fate accompanied by a long river of time, a figure that was always moving steadily toward the upper reaches of the long river suddenly stopped in his footsteps.

I was surprised at first, then the corners of my mouth were slightly raised, and a smile emerged:

good good good good!

Hahaha, I am not alone!

Little Lizi, little Lizi, the little guy you raised seems to have gone the way of the old man!

After that, move on.

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