frontal battlefield.

On the side of the demon world, there are certainly more Mahayana ancestors, many clones of the saint ancestors, and the army of monsters far surpassing the side of the spirit world; it is a pity that they are weak in the top combat power, so no matter how strong they are in terms of momentum, they still change. Can't be eaten away step by step!

After several days of fierce fighting, the losses were huge.

In terms of the overall battle situation, it can be described as "retreating steadily"!

Helpless, he had to move to the hinterland of the long body clan.

Relying on the defense lines built by cities as formation nodes, the middle and high-level troops on the side of the spirit world were consumed, and time was delayed by the way.

Buy time for ancestors such as Nirvana Yuanmare and top ancestors to rush to the battlefield.

And the coalition forces of various races in the spiritual world, which has a considerable advantage, are not in a hurry.

They don't want to pay the painful price of "killing one thousand enemies and harming themselves by eight hundred" to wipe out the massive demons in front of them.

There is a surprise attack force using the Styx space as a springboard to fight behind the enemy lines. They only need to do their best to restrain these ancestors of the demon world and buy time for the surprise attack team to destroy the cross-border passage!

At that time, all ethnic groups will no longer need to "fight away"!

On the opposite side, the demons descending from the spirit world will turn into rootless ducklings because they will not be supplemented by the real demonic energy of the demon world and countless monsters! The more you fight, the weaker you become!

Away games will gradually turn into home games.

Your side will be invincible.

Ever since:

The more the two sides fight, the more tacit understanding.

They are all waiting for news from Diyuan.

For a while, the spirit world felt that the ancestors of the demon world were stupid and cute, while the ancestors of the demon world felt that the old monsters of all races in the spirit world were stupid and naive.

Everyone thinks that they have a chance to win!

this day.

The enshrinement hall in the depths of the mayfly clan.

This is where the soul lamps of important people are stored.

All Soul Lamps are divided into four categories, the bottom one is the important juniors, whose cultivation level is below the Void Refining Stage;

One floor up, there are hundreds of thousands of soul lamps in the Void Refinement Stage;

On the third floor above, there are about 3,000 soul lamps enjoyed by fit monks;

At the top, there are fourteen life lamps representing the Mahayana ancestors in the clan!

However, the fifth and sixth lamps in the ranking list shook for a while at first, then quickly dimmed, and finally went out one after another!

The whole process changed extremely quickly.


The few monks in charge of this place thought they were dazzled, rubbed their eyelids and looked again, suddenly paled with shock:

"Ah, this, this..."

Several people stuttered!

"There are two patriarchs in my family, have they fallen?"

"Impossible! Those are the two Mahayana ancestors!"

"Something happened, something big happened... Hurry up, report the situation here to the other ancestors in the clan!"

A few silver mayfly juniors suddenly felt a sense of panic in their hearts that the sky was falling.

Word travels fast.

It didn't take long for several Mayfly Mahayanas who were sitting in the clan's land to gather here.

When they saw the extinguished soul lamps, which were left by the elders of the clan, their complexions changed wildly:

"not good!

Something went wrong with the raid team! "

What this means, several people are very clear.

"Hurry up and send the news to the front line. If it is too late, there may be a big mess in the front line!"

"How could this be?

How could this be so?

Didn't the news come back from the front not long ago, claiming that all ethnic groups are advancing strongly and basically stabilizing those holy ancestors? Now that it is stable, how can the cross-border passage have the power to threaten a team composed of more than a dozen Mahayana masters?

The strength of the fifth and the sixth is quite impressive, and it is not comparable to those ordinary Mahayana mid-terms!

How did you get robbed? "

"The holy ancestors of the Demon Race must have been prepared! They probably jumped into the pit!"

"Is there a trap? And it is a dangerous trap that can threaten dozens of Mahayana masters? Damn it! What a demon, so scheming!"

The old men of the mayfly clan guessed right.

The surprise attack team was trapped by the triple formation.

One is the Liujue Qinglei Formation personally presided over by the Blue Waterfall Sacred Ancestor!

The two are the Nine True Beaming Spirit Formation personally presided over by the Holy Patriarch of Yuansha!

The three are the seven-star evil dragons that have been handed down from generation to generation by the ancient evil dragon clan!

The three formations are all powerful ancient forbidden formations that can threaten the overlord level powerhouse!

Dozens of Mahayana figures in the spiritual world are trapped in it. On the one hand, they have to face the bombardment of the triple formation, and on the other hand, they have to face the attack and killing of the ancestors such as Nirvana Yuanmao and the top saint ancestors. The pressure is heavy and the risk factor is great. One can imagine.

"I just hope Brother Xu Ling and the others don't have any more accidents!"

An old man took a deep breath and said leisurely.

The fire could not be covered with paper, and the matter spread rapidly, and the entire holy city of the mayfly clan became restless because of this.

At the same time.

The other big clans staged a similar scene!

After all, they also arranged for the elite Mahayana of the clan to participate in the surprise attack.

But how did he expect that he was unexpectedly counterattacked by a group of saints in the demon world.

Where the frontal battlefield is.

At this time, the two sides are in another large-scale melee.

The ancestors of the demon world cleverly used the cannon fodder of monsters to consume a wave of mana from the top Mahayana stage of the spiritual world; and the Mahayana stage of the spiritual world were also a little more relaxed, happily harvesting a large number of monsters from the demon world.

But just as the coalition forces of various races in the spirit world stormed the third line of defense, the atmosphere on the battlefield changed!

"Huh? Where's Nirvana's third bronze clone?"

A holy ancestor discovered that the avatar that Nirvana had arranged in advance was missing, and immediately sent a voice transmission to the surrounding companions:

"Nirvana and Yuanmao must have caught a mouse!

The cross-border passage is supposed to be safe for the time being!

You can act according to the plan in advance! "

The so-called advance planning is actually very simple, that is:

The group of companions from Diyuan, after destroying or forcing back the surprise attack troops in the spirit world, or there is no surprise attack team at all, after confirming that the cross-border passage is extremely safe; here!

It's time to rock people!

It's time to fight back!

No, Nirvana's third avatar was forcibly summoned back to the abyss by its body through the altar formation.

And this is the signal!

"Since we are going to counterattack so early, it seems that the other side of Diyuan was attacked! Hmph! These old fellows in the spirit world are really insidious, and they actually want to ruin our retreat!

It's a pity that the Tao is one foot tall and the devil is ten feet tall;

They probably lost their wives and lost their soldiers this time!

Tsk tsk, being targeted by Nirvana and Yuanmao, those who go to steal the house will definitely not please! "

"Well, hurry up, it's time for us to counterattack!"

After a group of holy ancestors concealed the sound transmission, they immediately ordered to switch from defense to offense!

All the troops on the defense line and the reserve troops in the rear are all pressing forward!

There is a taste of Stud on the gaming table!

This round of counterattack surprised the allied forces of the spirit world.

However, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and the coalition forces of various ethnic groups cannot be allowed to retreat. The two sides soon became entangled with "I am in you, and you are in me".

At this time, in a certain city on the original line of defense.

In an underground secret room.

A huge altar was activated by more than a dozen clones of the Holy Ancestor, and after the bright light passed, more than twenty figures walked out of it.

"How is the situation?"

Among the more than twenty people, the leader of the golden robe asked aloud.

"It's already bitten, and you are sent to restrain those top experts in the spirit world.

Among them, there are a lot of powerful people, Mingzun, Void Ling, Old Monster Jia, etc., are all top figures in the late stage of Mahayana and even the completion of Mahayana!

Nearly ten top fighters just split up the forty people I waited for!

And one against four or even one against five, we were always pressed and beaten.

But if you guys join in, those old guys in the spirit world won't be able to get any more bargains!

Let them all peel off their skins. "

The twenty or so people who came here were all in the middle stage of Mahayana.

Among them, in addition to several major powers in the Demon Realm, there are also several strong foreign aids.

And they are all the ones with top strength in the same level.


All the elite are all pressed up!

No need to keep it!

Move as fast as you can!

It's best to smash the opponent's so-called coalition forces into pieces before the various races in the spirit world receive the news of the failure of the surprise attack on Diyuan!

The remnant soldiers who are not organized, or those Mahayana monks who are alone, even my army under the command can trap and kill them!

This time, all races in the spirit world must be 'frightened by hearing the devil'! "

Yuan Nightmare, as the commander-in-chief of the Scourge Corps in the Demon Realm, ordered a large number of monsters and demon corps to flock to the coalition forces of all races in the Spirit Realm with red eyes and desperately.

Even if there are Mahayana monks sitting on the opposite side, millions of elite demon legions and hundreds of millions of monster cannon fodder, they will not even frown!

the other side.

The command center of the various clans in the spirit world.

"what happened?

Why did those guys from the Demon Realm all become mad dogs? "

Some old monsters are at a loss.

"Isn't that good?

Previously, one by one hid in the defensive line formed by the formation of the city, which made us all tied up, and the results were not impressive!

Well now, actually tired of giving up the city and formation defense line? This actually gave me great convenience!

Hey, I want to see how much is left after their counterattack!

Where can we retreat next? ! "

There are belligerent preps.

"That's right, since they gave up their advantage and came here, it's convenient for us!

Let's all act!

Even if this battle can't severely damage the group of holy ancestors in the demon world, they still have to clean up a batch of cannon fodder! "

"Makes sense."

"Well, let's go and warm up."

One by one, they joined their own clan army.

Only a few people from the Helian Chamber of Commerce walked in the end.

For some reason, after seeing the abnormal behavior of the demon world, Ming Zun suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart:

"It's not right!

It is obviously a disadvantage, but why did it overwhelm everyone and launched a counterattack?

Why didn't the casualties rush forward?

It's like... biting the prey no matter the cost! "

This is very wrong!

So what gave a group of holy ancestors such confidence?

And what gave the demon cannon fodder such courage and belief that they are not afraid of death?

When something goes wrong... there must be a demon!

"Let the direct descendants of the business alliance withdraw first!"

These words were not spoken directly in front of the Mahayanas of various ethnic groups, but carefully and silently transmitted to the four elders of the headquarters of the Fengyuan Continental Business Alliance.

The four middle-stage Mahayana elders nodded unobtrusively when they heard the words, and then quickly "wrecked" into the chaos army.

However, when the two sides fell into anxiety.

The command center has received information from the localities of various ethnic groups.

The few people including Xu Ling who read the contents were shocked immediately!

"Fellow Daoist Xu Jing and others failed?

How can it be?

That's more than a dozen Mahayana players with good strength!

Brother and sister Yundanyueshu and fellow Daoist Bing are even more fierce people in my spirit world!

Not bad for any late-stage top players!

How could they miss it? "

Old monster Jia, the great elder of the Jiatun tribe, muttered at the corner of his mouth, his brows knit into the word Chuan.


Ming Zun seemed to have thought of something, his face was very ugly:

"There was a sudden change in the Chaos All Souls List before, and a top powerhouse brought the Xuantian Treasure into the spirit world?

not good!

Those people from the Devil Realm must have other plans!

Quick, let the sons retreat quickly!

Let those fellow daoists ahead be careful!

I can't wait to sit in the rear! "

Realizing that the holy ancestors in the Demon Realm were well prepared, and realizing that the pool of water in the Demon Realm was not as deep as it seemed on the surface, the old man with a fairy spirit turned into a streamer and rushed to the front line! in case!

Although he didn't know the specific situation in the Demon Realm, but he was able to extinguish the soul lamps of more than a dozen Mahayanas who stayed in their respective clans, and there was obviously a killing move on the opposite side that exceeded their expectations.


Don't wait for the old way to fly far.

In the center of the battlefield, more than 20 strange and powerful auras suddenly appeared.

The seven-headed giant dragon with a third eye between its brows and a strange red-purple color is suddenly overflowing with murderous intent!

Each of them took a sneak attack mixed with the wave of monsters against a Mahayana of the spirit world!

"Evil Dragon Clan?!

Haven't you waited to escape from other realms? "


other places.

There are also terrorist killings.

In particular, a gigantic golden giant with three heads and six arms rose from the ground!

With just one blow, thousands of monks in the spiritual world were turned into ashes!

The three Mahayanas who tried to stop the golden giant a little bit, spurted blood and flew far away!

One of the Mahayana figures was directly blown away by a heavy hammer!

"Nirvana Eucharist! Are you the ancestor of Nirvana?"

"Roar...! Kill!"

As the eighth evil dragon, Yuanmao is also the strongest one, and with one move, he forcibly tore apart a Dharma Body of the early stage of Mahayana! Nascent Soul was captured!

The ancestor of the blue waterfall turned into a huge blue bird thousands of miles away, covered in flames, and wherever he passed, all the monks in the spiritual world evaporated out of thin air!

Such a drastic change caught the spirit world, who was used to the tailwind, caught off guard!

"How dare!"

Immediately, more than a dozen hidden forces who rushed to help during this period of time also disappeared.

All of them headed towards the top combat power in the Demon Realm.

Among them, someone from the top three powerhouses in the spirit world made a move.

To capture the thief, the king is captured first, and the Nirvana that is facing Mingzun is first locked.

At this end, the Yinjun Heavenly Book showed its mighty power, and the power of the law surged, sheltering countless monks, and at the same time swept towards the huge golden body.

However, Nirvana did not show any weakness, and also inspired the power of the law of Xuantian Zhibao.

When the two forces of law collided, the sky collapsed and the ground collapsed, spreading two to three hundred thousand miles in an instant.

The buzzing space rippled, and a long sword pierced out of the void, straight for the back of Nirvana's golden body! Seeing to succeed! But at this moment, in the void on the other side, a long spear-like Xuantian Treasure was pulled out very quickly, and this extremely dangerous sword was pulled away in a very timely manner!

"Xuan Baling?!"

Rao was Nirvana, but she was also shocked into a cold sweat!

He was very sure that that sword could break through his golden body which was comparable to the top true spirit body!

Thanks to foreign aid!

Otherwise, I'm afraid I will suffer!

"Blood Demon Realm, Earth Demon Lord?!"

The person who brought out the sword flashed and stood with Mingzun.

Judging by its appearance, it is the "loose cultivator" Xuan Baling who repeatedly cut off eight top true spirits of the fire department!

"it's me!

Fellow Daoist Xuan is very polite!

There are no worthless people under the fame, and the strength of fellow Taoists really surprised someone! "

The big man with the gun smiled politely.

His right hand holding the gun was slightly numb!

This is the sequelae of Xuan Baling's sword!

And the price is not just that, the tiger's mouth of this right hand was actually split at that moment, but it healed in an instant! Therefore, no one has seen the clues for the time being!

"Earth Demon Lord, is it not good for you to meddle in my spiritual and demon affairs?"

Ming Zun said coldly.

"It's all about returning favors! Please forgive me!"

The big man is bitter!

Knowing that the two sides would have a real fight, he had to hide in the cave of the Blood Demon Realm and declined the matter.


sixth floor.

Three figures who had escaped from Ascension to Heaven, went and returned!


The two ancestors of the demon world who stayed here shouted loudly!

"It's just these two people? Good, good! Sure enough, they all left! Do it! This is our only chance!"

The three of them are Yundanyueshu brother and sister and Bingtan girl!

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