"No, the stance of the outside insect swarm seems to be forming an army!

I'm afraid I've been discovered! "

The copper crow said in a deep voice:

"Baohua, it seems that your plan to attack the west has been seen through! And among these worms there are also alien species that can see through the cover of the magic mirror!"

The so-called smack in the face? In fact, it is divided into two groups.

This time, the team is not put in one basket, and the two can take care of each other.

It's just that she didn't expect that in this sealed space, the number of locusts exceeded her imagination, and their abilities became more varied.

"Oh? Not only did you see through my scheme of bluffing a shot? Did you also see through the cover of the Magic Sky Mirror?

These bugs have some tricks!

How did you do it? "

Baohua muttered to herself, looking at the swarm of insects gathering outside the giant ship, her expression became more and more serious.

Although the insect swarm did not blatantly encircle it, the Copper Crow is right. The movement track of the insect swarm and the presence of the giant ship deliberately avoiding the flying insects in the sky are traces of slowly moving in the designated direction!

On the surface, it seems that the giant ship controlled by everyone is actively avoiding the swarm;

But if you look closely, it seems more like the swarm is doing this on purpose.

This is to let them plunge into the encirclement without knowing it with full confidence!

"Fellow Daoist Misty Rain, can you contact the team that was previously divided to attract the swarm? We may have a fierce battle to fight!"

Baohua sighed.

Before that, they once again separated out a team composed of a hundred Mahayanas and more than a million high-level demons, with only one purpose, and that was to attract the attention of most moths in this sealed space as much as possible.

In this way, the large army covered by the magic mirror has a great chance to reach the second-floor underground palace area deep in this space without disturbing the high-level locusts, and join Nirvana and others.

But now, this division of troops is obviously unnecessary.

Although the number of Mahayana monks and high-level demon elites in the Void Refining Stage in that team is far less than that of the large army here, it is still a force that should not be underestimated.

After merging, the speed of one's own advance can naturally be accelerated a lot, and the grasp of dealing with risks is also more sufficient.

"Let me try."

Among the crowd, a middle-stage Mahayana nun from Tongyu Realm responded.

The woman just closed her eyes for a few breaths, and when she opened her eyes again, she smiled and nodded to Baohua and the others:

"We got in touch. My sister has received the news that their team is approaching here."

"Okay! Yanyu Dao's friendly approach."

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Hundreds of millions of miles apart, although everyone can still sense the energy fluctuations over there, it is extremely difficult to convey information

"You don't have to be like this, it's just relying on the particularity that my race is born with."

This girl from Tongyu Realm is quite generous and doesn't shy away from her racial talent.

They belong to the evil demon family, born as twin brothers or twin sisters.

When they are minors, their bodies are connected together, which can be called conjoined lives.

When they grow up, they will be separated from each other.

But even if they are separated, there will still be benefits of "empathy" between brothers or sisters. For example, if the elder brother is approached by someone, the younger brother will immediately share the various feelings of physical contact.

So, when mating... ahem! Off track!

Anyway, the three sisters who participated in this insect extermination operation can effectively communicate with each other in the same interface.

That's right, the three daughters of Tongyu Realm are extremely rare triplets!

Rao is a very rare situation in the entire history of the evil monster clan!

The eldest sister with the highest cultivation base takes the greatest risk, so she follows Fairy Baihua; this woman is the second of the three sisters, and follows the large army; and the third sister is the main contact of the team that attracts the attention of the swarm. member.

"What next?"

"What else can I do?

Kill of course!

Kill all the way in! "

Yuan Yan said coldly.

The battlefield is not a place for talking on paper, the situation here is changeable. Perhaps a very subtle factor will trigger a major decision-making change.

"Hmm! Although I don't know how these borers locked onto us, so what if they lock us? Just relying on these ordinary borers, we can't help but wait!"

Just add some trouble.

Then, as many old monsters followed up to express their opinions, the Mahayanas from all walks of life who had reached another common decision immediately started to perform their duties.

Now that everyone has been discovered, there is no need to "hide again".

Well, there is still a need to hide some.

In the next moment, the giant ship, whose form and all auras had been concealed by the illusion of heaven, showed the outline and traces of the war fortress from nothingness. On the deck, dozens of figures with majestic auras quickly appeared. After appearing one by one, they swiftly launched an extremely fierce attack on the bewildered insect swarm.

Dozens of Mahayana methods rose from the ground, supporting the giant ship to move forward quickly.

More than two million high-level demon elites spread out to assist them.

Not at all ambiguous.

Those swarms of insects who pretended not to see the crowd, under anger, no longer paid attention to the command and control of the people behind the scenes, and frantically rushed towards the fleet in formation.

To avenge his own people.

To eat the delicacy in front of you.

at the same time.

Not too far away from the large army commanded by Baohua and others, a beauty in a black palace dress sitting cross-legged on the back armor of a Mahayana-level strange insect slowly opened her eyes:

"A borer is a borer, it is really difficult to control!

That's all, let you go and fight Baohua and the others! "

After talking to himself indifferently, he raised his head and looked in a certain direction, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Nirvana, Yuanma, Blue Waterfall, Yuansha...

You were unkind back then, don't blame me for being unrighteous! "

After whispering for a while, she was about to steer the pets under her to leave this place of right and wrong for a while; suddenly, in the vast sea of ​​insects around her, hundreds of mutated locusts whose vigor was not weaker than her, and some even surpassed her, all came together. Qi cast a warning look at her.

Seeing this, the beauty in black palace attire cursed secretly:

"Hmph! A group of unfamiliar white-eyed wolves!"

These mutated locusts were originally just hybrid-level strange insects and fierce insects from all walks of life.

Many of them were obtained from the descendants of the old ghosts of the mayfly clan in the spirit world after the fall.

When Xu Ling was in power, he was covered by the identity of the Great Elder, and his line was in full swing; but after Xu Ling fell into the sky, the days of this line were not so good. On the one hand, it is the trauma caused by the invasion of the Demon Realm to the ethnic group, and on the other hand, it is the deliberate or unintentional suppression of the current powerful lineage.

It is unavoidable for people to leave tea and change power.

When the distance between the spirit world and the demon world was the closest and the magic spot was the largest more than a hundred years ago, she sneaked out and opened up a second temporary cross-border passage when many saints in the demon world sent troops to all walks of life and forced all parties to submit. .

Among the six avatars retrained, three avatars compatible with spirits and demons were thrown away.

The three avatars join forces, supernatural powers plus secret treasures, and the general Mahayana will be robbed when they encounter it in the early stage.

Then he happened to run into a descendant of the Void Spirit lineage.

Using a large number of high-end materials that are special products in the demon world, I exchanged for 27 of the 81 different types of combined-level strange insects left by Void Spirit at one time to the frustrated opponent!

Unexpectedly, among the twenty-seven heads, fifteen of them underwent a remarkable mutation after devouring the direct descendants eliminated by the mother of locusts and the large amount of evil spirit overflowing from the Digong San!

Not only was he assimilated into a borer by the evil spirit of the mother of borers! It was even inspired by the true blood of the insect mother's offspring, and became a Mahayana-level fierce insect that has no potential to be tapped, but has quite impressive strength!

Moreover, even those who have not reached the Mahayana level should not be underestimated.

"If it weren't for this seat, how could you be today?!"

Having said that, I am even more afraid of the control methods of the mother of borers for all borers!

"Okay, don't you just want me to hand over a nomination certificate?

Let's go and meet Baohua and the others! "

With a sneer, he glanced at these unscrupulous bugs, as if looking at a group of cannon fodder who were about to die.

Over the years, she has either acted in a clone, or personally dispatched herself. Using various methods, she has collected more than 100,000 kinds of strange insects with a number of tens of billions and hundreds of billions! After being brought back to the land of the beginning of India, they were assimilated by the evil pollution of borers, and all of them broke through the upper limit of individual strength levels!

After hundreds of thousands of years of reproduction, the scale has expanded more than a hundred times? !

It seems that it is really difficult to deal with.

But she has full confidence in Baohua, a good girlfriend who once fell in love and killed each other.

I firmly believe that the best friend can invite enough opponents to cause huge trauma to the insect swarm and even the mother of the borer!

‘Will the fisherman benefit in the end? Sister Baohua, sister Baohua, don't disappoint me! '


Whether it ended with the robbing of the worm mother or the fall of Baohua and others, for her, it was all a profit.

Instead of being the ancestor of the demon world, it made her walk out of another road.

I don't know, after the old acquaintances know about this, will they regret the choice they made back then?

Where is the army of the devil world.

On the path of millions of miles, there are all broken corpses of locusts.

Most of the high-level bugs in this area were attracted by the twelve teams outside the sealed formation, so that although there were still many bugs here, they were completely unable to cause trouble to the dozens of Mahayanas from all walks of life under the cooperation of the elite army.

Each mahayana statue followed by a single blow, and the land of hundreds of thousands of miles was either destroyed by heaven and earth, or swept by space storms.

Tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of borers turned into bright red mud in an instant.

All kinds of scattered fierce light beams soared farther away. Wherever they passed, thousands of locusts... The small ones were evaporated out of thin air, the larger ones disintegrated on the spot, and the larger ones were pierced into pieces one by one. Hornet's nest.

But when the situation is very good.

"Huh? Not good!"

"Fellow Daoist Misty Rain, what's the matter? But the team that attracted the swarm encountered trouble?"

"No, it's my elder sister's side!

Sister Baihua and Fellow Daoist Nirvana encountered a situation! "

The woman said solemnly.

Because on the side of my eldest sister, the emotion she carried was panic!

Extreme panic!

"We must rush over to help quickly, I'm afraid something big will happen if it's too late."

"What happened?

Can't it?

Although there are only more than a hundred people there, their general cultivation base and combat power are higher than most of our people here, all of them are top-notch combat power!

Overall, it's not bad at all compared to our side!

Did they meet the mother of borers?

And didn't it be agreed in advance that all parties would join hands after meeting? "

"I don't know if it woke up the worm mother!

But my eldest sister and the others must have encountered danger! "

The female cultivator of the evil monster clan said eagerly.

"Well, let's speed up!"

Yuan Yan said.

While everyone was thinking about it secretly, Old Man Bronze Crow frowned:

"That's too late!

Here comes our trouble! "

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and then Baohua raised her eyebrows, and many people noticed the changes in the swarm of insects in the distance.

And when he saw the person coming, his pupils shrank slightly:

"Liuji, you're still alive?!"

"Sister Baohua, are you surprised? If so, my sister will be very happy!"

The beauty in black palace attire, smiling sweetly.

Behind him, a hundred mutated locusts exuding Mahayana aura were menacing.

Followed by more than 3,000 fiery red monsters like fireballs.

Although the aura of these red borers is only in the late stage of fusion, their abilities are extremely strange! Not only can it ignore space teleportation in a certain area, but it can also self-destruct.

The point is, no matter how you attack or defend against these monsters, it is basically useless! Whether it is the aura of body protection or the treasure of body protection, they can bypass or even penetrate through it as deftly as if there is nothing.

Then close up and explode.

Cause "real damage" to the target that can only be resisted by physical strength.

Just the appearance of this group of strange insects changed the faces of many saints in the devil world:

"Self-exploding borer!

But how come there are so many? ! "

Not only did red borers appear, but also more than 2,000 pale golden insects covered with golden spirit patterns appeared in the vast insect swarm.

This kind of bug combines hardness, sharpness, speed, strength, toughness, balance and other elements into one.

Although it also only has the aura of the later stage of fusion, it gives people a sense of danger that is not worse than that of the red borer.

Then, strange insects like stick insects in green.

Pink like bat worms.

Colorless and transparent insects.

Dozens of giant mountain worms with a body size of more than three thousand miles and covered with barbs.

A fierce insect with more than a hundred pairs of eyes on its head.

These strange insects are now all assimilated into borers.

Some, the ancestors of the demon world have seen it, and some, even they don't know the ability.

This time, everyone's faces became even uglier.

"Liuji, look at you, what good deed did you do?!"

Yuan Yan wished he could tear that stupid woman apart.

Seal outside the big formation.

The fringe zone of swarm activity.

The massive locusts that had besieged the twelve squads received some kind of call almost at the same time, and they all gave up the tough bones in front of them, and began to retreat quickly in the direction of the sealing formation.

In the minds of the swarm, there was a bloodstain on the body of a milky white super big worm.

This is the first time in thousands of years.

At this moment, this white bug made a sharp call in the minds of all the borers.

The mother of the borer, more than two million years ago, it was in this way that most of the borers in the world were controlled by remote control.

"what happened?"

Feeling that the impact of the insect swarm on the defensive array is decreasing sharply, many demons in the twelve teams all showed surprise.

Only the mahayana patriarchs, who came off in person and looked a little embarrassed, had some guesses.

Seeing that the insect swarm was about to recede like a tide, many demons in the Void Refinement Stage who were tired of coping and under great pressure breathed a sigh of relief. Only those holy ancestors, who were ashamed but kept most of their strength, all became energetic:

"Come when you want, leave when you want?

Oh, how easy it is!

Send the order down, give me the tail to chase! "

The twelve teams, the Mahayana ancestors and the clones of the ancestors led by each team, all issued this order tacitly.

The Demon Race under his hand just breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart was lifted again, and he became a little nervous.

Looking at the companions who died beside him, they all had bitter faces.

However, although they are confused, the Demon Realm is strictly hierarchical! They dare not disobey the orders of their ancestors.

Immediately obey the order and switch from defense to offense!

Cling to the swarm of insects that want to retreat!

All kinds of output aimed at those bugs who left their butts to them, all kinds of impoliteness.

Seal the gap in the formation.

In the other teams lurking here and arranged secretly, someone noticed the signs of the returning insect swarm:

"It seems that Nirvana or Baohua, whoever is going all out!"

"Well, either the insect swarm inside was hurt by Baohua and the others, or the mother of the borer was awakened!"

"No matter what it is, it's up to us next!"

As the voice fell, the hundred or ten Mahayanas who originally used the small magic mirror to cover up their tracks and auras inspired the arrays they had set up not long ago.

And no longer cover up to supplement some weak points with array disks and array flags, and burn magic patterns in the void by the way, for secondary strengthening.

In an instant, tens of thousands of beams of light rose up.

Hundreds of large formations took shape quickly.

No matter what, the part of the insect swarm that slipped out of the gap in the formation must be blocked.

Only by dividing and attacking can we effectively reduce our own casualties.

After the number of borers is stacked up, it is almost impossible to prevent.

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