Song Wen walked out of the cave and looked at Zhuyin standing in the mess. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile.

"Zhuyin, thank you."

Song Wen's expression was extremely sincere.

He always thought that the relationship between him and Zhuyin was just a transaction.

However, when Zhuyin was outside the cave, protecting him for three whole years, a warmth could not help but feel in his frosty heart.

Zhuyin turned his head and scanned Song Wen's body with his spiritual consciousness. After sensing that Song Wen had advanced to the Nascent Soul realm, he said calmly.

"You once saved my life, and I protect you. It's just to repay the kindness of the past."

Song Wen heard a subtle sense of alienation in Zhuyin's voice.

Song Wen's lips were slightly opened, but he was choked for a moment and did not say any words.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little subtle and dull.

Song Wen took a deep look at Zhuyin, and saw that the other person still looked indifferent. He felt a little disappointed, but he felt a little relieved inexplicably.

Song Wen smiled lightly and drove away the confusion in his heart.

"What are your plans next?" Song Wen took the initiative to break the silence.

The corners of Zhuyin's mouth twitched, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Of course I will continue to practice, and then find an opportunity to kill Yin Shuo and avenge my father and people."

After saying that, she turned to look at Song Wen and asked.

"What about you? What are your plans next?"

Song Wendao said, "Right now, the two tribes of the Discord Sea and the Human Demon are at war. It is not a good place to practice. I plan to leave here."

Zhuyin frowned slightly, his voice full of confusion.

"Leave the Sea of ​​Disorder? Do you want to cross the endless desert and go to the other end of the desert?"

The endless desert is vast, and its spiritual energy is exhausted; deep in the desert, there are terrifying natural disasters such as strong winds and sandstorms.

Even the Nascent Soul cultivators are not completely sure that they can safely cross the endless desert.

Even if you are lucky enough to survive the endless desert, there is a high possibility that your cultivation will regress due to being in a place where spiritual energy is exhausted for a long time.

Song Wen looked at the distant sky with a look of memories on his face.

"To be honest, I am originally from Tianyuan Continent, not a native of the Discord Sea."

"This is impossible!" Zhuyin's eyes widened slightly, with a look of disbelief.

"You have just advanced to Nascent Soul. Before that, you were just a Golden Elixir monk. How could you cross the endless desert. Unless..."

Zhuyin suddenly thought of another possibility and said in a suspicious tone.

"Are you the one who seizes the body and rebuilds it?"

Song Wen shook his head, "I'm not a person who seizes his body and rebuilds his body."

He turned around and focused on Zhuyin with a serious look on his face.

"I have another way to reach Tianyuan Continent. If you are willing, I can take you out of the Sea of ​​Discord. If you insist on taking revenge, you can come back to kill Yin Shuo after you have successfully cultivated in Tianyuan Continent. Maybe. , I can still help you."

Zhuyin lowered his eyes and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, she whispered.

"Thank you, Jiyin. However, I will not go to Tianyuan Continent."

"Why is this?" Song Wen asked in confusion, "The Sea of ​​Discord is large, but also very small. If you want to improve your cultivation, you cannot avoid communicating with other Nascent Soul monks. Once your whereabouts are revealed, You know, he will definitely hunt you down.”

Zhuyin said, "I understand what you said. However, Yin Shuo is a late-stage Nascent Soul monk and the leader of a sect. If I have a head-on confrontation with him, I can only have some chance of winning if I practice to the peak of Nascent Soul. "

"It is so difficult to cultivate to the peak state of Yuanying. If you don't have the opportunity, even if you practice for hundreds of years, it may be difficult to achieve. When I was in Wuji Sect, I secretly collected some information about ancient ruins. After leaving here, I I plan to explore these ruins, maybe I can find opportunities in them to help me quickly improve my cultivation."

"Moreover, there is currently a war between the human and demon tribes. Although Yin Shuo is a late-stage Nascent Soul monk, he may be injured in this battle between humans and demons. Maybe I can find an opportunity to sneak attack and kill him."

Song Wen sighed slightly. Seeing that Zhuyin had made up his mind, he stopped trying to persuade him.

As soon as he thought, two tiny Gu insects flew over from a distance.

"You have seen this Gu before. It is called Shadow Gu. Although its combat power is not high, it is good at concealment and detection, and can extend the spiritual perception range of monks. These two Gu will be given to you, or they may be able to give you Provide some help.”

After the spiritual consciousness advances to Nascent Soul, Shadow Gu can only extend 50% of the spiritual consciousness perception distance.

With the help of Shadow Gu, Song Wen can now perceive a distance of 150 miles in radius, which is slightly less than the 200 miles of the monks in the middle stage of Yuanying, but it is still much better than the monks in the early stage of Yuanying.

Moreover, Shadow Gu is good at concealing aura. If it hides in some secret place, it will remain motionless. Without careful inspection, it is sometimes difficult for Nascent Soul cultivators to discover them.

Song Wenmo removed the soul imprints on these two shadow Gus.

They suddenly became violent, grinning ferociously, as if they wanted to attack Song Wen, their former master.

However, as Song Wen released his majestic cultivation aura, Shadow Gu was instantly suppressed and became more honest.

Song Wen raised his hand and used his magic power to wrap up the two Gu insects and threw them to Zhuyin.

"Thank you."

Zhuyin was not polite and caught the two Gu insects.

She summoned the bloody coffin and put the Gu worm into it.

Then, a ten-foot-long shuttle-shaped spaceship appeared in front of her. It was the Xingcha Shenzhou that had not yet been activated.

"At the beginning, I promised to give you this ship after the baby is formed."

As she said this, she was about to erase the spiritual imprint on the Shenzhou.

"Wait a minute." Song Wen hurriedly stopped her.

"With my strength and means, this ship is of no use to me, you should keep it."

Zhu Yin hesitated for a moment, nodded slightly, and put the Xingcha Shenzhou into the storage ring.

Then, the two fell into silence again.

After a long time, Zhu Yin slowly spoke.

"I should set off."

Song Wen looked at Zhu Yin and nodded gently.

Zhu Yin took off from the ground and slowly ascended into the air.

"Zhu Yin..." Song Wen suddenly shouted.

Zhu Yin stopped in the air, turned his head and stared at Song Wen, waiting for Song Wen's next words.

The two people's eyes met, but they looked at each other without saying a word.


Zhu Yin's figure suddenly accelerated and flew away into the distance.

"Live well, maybe we will meet again."

Song Wen's voice came from behind.

Zhu Yin heard the words and disappeared into the sky without stopping for a moment.

Song Wen looked at the white clouds in the sky for a long time, sighed, and turned back to the cave.

He had just entered the Nascent Soul Realm, and he needed some time to consolidate his cultivation.

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