"Elder, please follow this junior."

Hearing that Lei Weiyue came to check on the situation of the casual cultivators, the guard leader politely invited Lei Weiyue into the dungeon.

After walking through the long corridor, the two came to the first dungeon.

Lei Weiyue looked inside through the small window on the iron door.

This dungeon is very large and contains a hundred people.

These people were all bound by chains, unable to move, and their mouths were blocked by spiritual power, unable to speak.

"After being detained for a long time, these people's cultivation has not deteriorated, right?" Lei Weiyue asked softly.

"Elders, don't worry. Every once in a while, we will feed them Bigu Pills and pills to restore their spiritual power. Their cultivation will never deteriorate," the guard leader said.

"That's good." Lei Weiyue nodded, "Take me to see the others."

Under the leadership of the guard leader, the two continued to walk deeper into the dungeon.

"Where is Zhou Siyi being held?" Lei Weiyue suddenly stopped and asked softly.

"Zhou Siyi?" The guard leader looked confused, "Who is she? Is she a rogue cultivator who was captured?"

When Lei Weiyue heard this, her heart trembled.

"Is my guess wrong? Zhou Siyi was not imprisoned in the dungeon?" Lei Weiyue thought to herself.

But soon, she realized that there was another possibility.

Zhou Siyi is in the dungeon, but the guards don't recognize her.

Lei Weiyue's expression suddenly became serious and she whispered.

"I was careless just now. I shouldn't have mentioned this name. Remember, the word 'Zhou Siyi' cannot be spread outside."

Seeing Lei Weiyue's serious words, the guard leader, who didn't know why, was at a loss, but he still nodded solemnly.

Then, Lei Weiyue continued to speak.

"About half a year ago, the head of the family personally sent a female cultivator. She is young and beautiful, and has a golden elixir level."

When the guard leader heard this, his eyes lit up, and he was obviously impressed by the person Lei Weiyue described.

"There is indeed such a person in the dungeon, locked in the deepest cell."

"Take me to see her." Lei Weiyue said without any doubt.

The guard looked embarrassed, "However, the head of the family has specifically stated that no one is allowed to approach this person without his permission."

Lei Weiyue said, "You must have guessed that this person is very important to our Lei family and we cannot let anything go wrong. The head of the family was worried that she would have thoughts of harming herself after being locked up in the dungeon for a long time, so she specially sent me here. Check on her condition."

The guard looked embarrassed and hesitant.

On the one hand, he was worried about disobeying the order of the family leader, and on the other hand, he was afraid of offending Lei Weiyue.

"I am the head of the Lei Family Law Enforcement Hall. Don't you still believe me?" Lei Weiyue's tone became a little angry.

After weighing the pros and cons, the guard leader finally nodded.

"Okay, but junior can only take you outside the cell, elder you can't go in."

"Okay." Lei Weiyue agreed.

Under the leadership of the guard leader, the two walked through the long corridor and finally reached the deepest part of the dungeon. There is a separate, heavily fortified cell there.

Lei Weiyue looked inside through the small window on the iron door.

I saw a woman sitting quietly in the cell, her face a little haggard, but her delicate appearance could not be concealed.

Song Wen once showed Lei Weiyue a portrait of Zhou Siyi, and the woman in the prison was exactly the same as the portrait.

"Do you have the token to open the cell door?" Lei Weiyue asked suddenly.

The guard leader was suddenly startled and couldn't help but take a step back.

"Elder Weiyue, you promised not to enter the cell."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lei Weiyue's mouth.

"It seems the token is on you."

Before he finished speaking, Lei Weiyue struck the guard on the back of the neck with his palm.

The guard immediately collapsed.

Lei Weiyue pulled off the storage ring from the guard's hand, and strong spiritual consciousness poured in like a torrent, and the spiritual consciousness mark on it was erased in a few breaths.

After a moment, a palm-sized black token suddenly appeared in her hand.

Lei Weiyue injected mana into the token, and a green light flashed above the iron gate, and the defensive formation on it was broken.


The iron door opened a crack.

Lei Weiyue dragged the guard with one hand and pushed the door open with the other.

Zhou Siyi was startled by the movement from the iron gate and subconsciously turned her head to look.

She originally thought the person coming was Lei Jun.

During the six months she was imprisoned, Lei Jun visited the dungeon many times in person, always trying to persuade her to switch to the "Longevity Kung Fu".

Zhou Siyi knew that the Lei family had evil intentions and did not agree at first.

But after persuading him with good words to no avail, Lei Jun began to use tough tactics.

Unable to endure the torture, Zhou Siyi finally had to give in.

Zhou Siyi glanced at Lei Weiyue and the guards who were dragged in, and asked cautiously.

"Who are you?"

Lei Weiyue said, "I'm here to save you."

Zhou Siyi did not believe it easily, "Why did you save me?"

"It was a man named 'Wu Sheng' who asked me to save you." Lei Weiyue said.

"Wu Sheng?"

Zhou Siyi was stunned for a short time before she remembered who 'Wu Sheng' was.

That is a name that has not been mentioned for more than a hundred years.

"Junior Brother Wu!" Zhou Siyi's eyes suddenly flashed with excitement, "Junior Brother Wu is still alive? Did he really ask you to save me?"

"You have too many questions." Lei Weiyue said coldly, "I don't have time to waste in the dungeon."

"I can't leave."

While talking, Zhou Siyi stood up, and there was a "crash" sound.

The sound came from under her feet.

There was a chain on the ground, which was wrapped around her right foot and spread to her abdomen.

The end of the chain pierced into her dantian.

Miraculously, the chain did not damage her dantian. However, if the chain was pulled out by force, her dantian would definitely be lost.

Lei Weiyue looked at the chain with a serious expression.

She knew that with her cultivation, she could not forcibly cut the chain.

Instead, it would cause a great commotion and attract the attention of the guards.

There was only one step left to successfully rescue Zhou Siyi, so Lei Weiyue was naturally unwilling to give up.

If she couldn't rescue Zhou Siyi, she would die.

"I'm sorry."

Lei Weiyue's eyes flashed with a fierce light, and she grabbed the end of the chain with one hand.

Zhou Siyi immediately understood what the other party wanted to do. Although she was afraid, she did not resist at all and let the other party do it.

Pulling out the chain by force would certainly put her cultivation at risk, and even her life in danger. However, it was better than dying in the Lei family for no apparent reason.

Moreover, if she could see "Junior Brother Wu" before she died, she would have no regrets in her life.

Lei Weiyue exerted force on her hand suddenly, and the chain, which had long been stained with blood, was quickly pulled out.

The flesh and blood at the wound also rolled up because of the dragging of the chain.

Zhou Siyi gritted her teeth and did not let herself make any groans.


A muffled sound.

The chain was completely pulled out and fell heavily to the ground.

Zhou Siyi also swayed because of the unbearable pain and could hardly stand.

Blood flowed out continuously along the wound.

Along with it, Zhou Siyi's strength and the mana in her dantian were also lost.

However, most of her mana was condensed in the golden elixir, and the speed of mana loss was not fast.

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