"When do you plan to hold the founding ceremony?" Song Wen asked.

Yu Wen looked at Song Wen strangely, not understanding why Song Wen suddenly changed the subject. Just now they were talking about the spiritual stone veins, why did he ask about the 'founding ceremony' now?

"I plan to hold it in a year." Yu Wen said.

The founding ceremony is an excellent opportunity to show the strength and background to the cultivation world. It is related to the face of a sect, so it is naturally not sloppy.

Every detail of the ceremony needs to be carefully crafted, and the site selection and layout, ceremony process, and guest reception all need to be handled by a dedicated person to ensure that there is no mistake.

In addition, other sects should be invited to participate, which is not only a show of goodwill to other sects, but also can expand the influence of the sect.

"No, it takes too long, it will be held in three months." Song Wen said.

He established the Jiyin Sect mainly to collect various cultivation resources.

And most of the cultivation resources in the cultivation world are in the hands of major sects.

Therefore, the establishment of the Jiyin Sect should be recognized by major sects.

The founding ceremony is naturally indispensable, and it must be held in a grand manner.

However, Song Wen did not want to waste too much time on this.

"Will it be too hasty to have only three months?" Yu Wen said with some concern, "We have to integrate the many scattered cultivators in the Lost World Ridge, and we have to send invitations to the major sects and families. It will take time for these sects and families to send people here."

"Just send invitations to the eight major sects of good and evil, and don't worry about the other small sects and families."

Song Wen finished speaking and added another sentence.

"Oh, by the way, remember to send an invitation to the Ghost Sect. In addition, it is reported that within one month, all the scattered cultivators in the foundation-building stage of the Lost World Ridge must join the Jiyin Sect and pay 10,000 spirit stones to the Jiyin Sect every year. Otherwise, they will either die or leave the Lost World Ridge."

"Yes, leader." Yu Wen accepted the order and turned to leave.

In the next three months, Tiancang Mountain was under construction. The original buildings were demolished, and then various magnificent buildings rose from the ground, giving it a brand new look.

The most direct result was that the one million spirit stones taken from the Si family treasury were quickly spent.

Fortunately, dozens of foundation-building casual cultivators "voluntarily" joined the Jiyin Sect and paid a batch of protection fees, which eased the financial situation.

Some of these foundation-building casual cultivators could not even afford 10,000 spirit stones.

So, they could only bully the lower-level Qi training casual cultivators.

A single move affected the entire body, and the whole Yishiling Ridge was swept by a trend of collecting spirit stones.

This also made many casual cultivators in Yishiling Ridge complain about the Jiyin Sect.

However, because the Jiyin Sect had several Jindan cultivators and Song Wen, a Yuanying cultivator, these casual cultivators could only be angry but not speak.

Among the six Jindan cultivators, Lu Mo and Ding Yan were the fastest, and were sent by Yu Wen to deliver invitations to various sects.

Perhaps because Song Wen was a Yuanying cultivator, except for the Jiugong Sect and the Corpse Demon Sect, each sect sent at least one person to congratulate.

But the various sects seemed to have discussed it beforehand, and all the people sent were Jindan cultivators, and no Yuanying cultivator came.

Among these envoys, Song Wen also saw a familiar figure.

The person from the Beast Taming Sect was Fang Pengyi.

This person was very keen on power, and he tried his best to become the head of the Beast Taming Sect, but he was dismissed after only a few years because of Song Wen's defection.

As people from various sects came to congratulate one after another, three months passed in a flash, and Tiancang Mountain ushered in the day of the grand ceremony of the establishment of the Jiyin Sect.

At the foot of the mountain, a road paved with bluestones wound up, and on both sides were filled with Jiyin disciples in black robes, their expressions solemn.

At the end of the road, a brand new hall stood tall, that was the newly established ancestral temple of the Jiyin Sect.

In front of the hall, there was a square several miles wide.

On the square, black flags fluttered, with the three big characters "Jiyin Sect" embroidered on them, emitting a faint light.

As noon approached, envoys from various sects appeared in the square.

In the center of the square, there was a huge black jade table, on which the tablets of heaven and earth were enshrined, and spiritual fires were burning on both sides.

The spiritual fires burned fiercely under the spiritual energy provided by the spirit gathering array.

The spiritual energy will not dry up, and the spiritual fire will not go out.

Song Wen stood in front of the black jade table, clasped his hands in the air, and said loudly to the tablets of heaven and earth.

"On this auspicious day, Jiyin established a sect.

Inheriting the heaven and earth, and following the fortune.

We cultivators are determined to practice.

With sincerity, I offer sacrifices to the sky.

May our sect prosper forever.

Promote the Taoism and benefit the people.

The gods of heaven and earth are watching clearly.

Protect us and go to the great way together."

As soon as Song Wen finished reading the words of offering sacrifices to the sky, rays of light surged in the sky above.

In an instant, the whole sky became colorful and bizarre.

This was not a blessing from heaven, but a human effort, and several Jindan monks under Song Wen cast a spell.

The envoys from various sects, seeing this scene, clasped their fists and congratulated Song Wen.

"Auspicious omen from heaven, the Jiyin Sect will surely flourish."

"The leader has a deep blessing, and heaven and earth will bless him."

In short, whatever sounds good, say it.

As for Zhou Siyi and others who were casting spells to create strange phenomena in the sky, the envoys from various sects chose to ignore them. It seemed that this strange phenomenon was really sent by heaven and had nothing to do with Zhou Siyi and others.

Just at this time, a figure came from the distant sky.

"A small newly established sect dares to offer sacrifices to heaven, it simply does not know the height of heaven and the depth of earth."

The person who came was Taihe, and his voice was like a huge bell, resounding through the sky and the earth.

Perhaps because of the formation on Tiancang Mountain, Taihe did not approach Tiancang Mountain, but stopped a hundred miles away.

On Tiancang Mountain, many new disciples heard Taihe's voice and became nervous.

Song Wen soared into the air and stood dozens of miles away from Taihe.

His eyes swept over Taihe. More than a hundred years had passed. Except for a stronger breath, Taihe was almost the same as before. There was no difference.

"Fellow Daoist Taihe, my Jiyin Sect and your Jiugong Sect have no hatred. Why did you destroy the founding ceremony of my sect?"

Song Wen was looking at Taihe, and Taihe was also looking at Song Wen.

He found that Song Wen had a strong corpse aura, which was completely different from the righteous cultivator 'Cui Huo' described by Haokong.

At first, he also suspected that 'Jiyin' was 'Cui Huo'. After all, how could two unknown Yuanying cultivators suddenly appear in the world of cultivation?

But now it seems that the two are not the same person.

The aura of the corpse on Jiyin cannot be faked.

Moreover, three months ago, Jiyin fought with Xiaochan and performed the secret art of the corpse, transforming into a three-meter-tall zombie. He was undoubtedly a corpse demon cultivator.

Jiyin is not Cui Huo, Taihe and other Yuanying of Jiugong Sect are quite disappointed.

Cui Huo was able to make a promise and agreed to draw thunder talismans for Jiugong Sect.

Seeing that the day of the opening of the Ghost Hall was getting closer and closer, Cui Huo never contacted again.

As for the fact that he had hunted down a foundation-building cultivator named 'Jiyin', Taihe did not think in that direction at all. After all, who can advance from the foundation-building stage to the Yuanying stage in about 110 years?

"The founding ceremony?" Taihe's tone was a little disdainful, "Without the consent of my Jiugong Sect, no one can establish a sect in the Forgotten World Ridge."

Song Wen looked back at the Heaven Sacrifice Square, and the messenger of the Ghost Sect was standing in the crowd, looking up at the sky.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. It was good that the people from the Ghost Sect had come.

"Since fellow Daoist is trying to stop my Jiyin Sect from establishing a sect, we can only see the truth with our hands."

Song Wen suddenly transformed into a three-meter-long giant corpse, and at the same time, a large amount of black evil spirit emerged from his body, and the evil spirit instantly dyed half of the sky black.

Taihe looked at the overwhelming Guiyuan evil spirit, and there was a hint of disdain in his eyes.

This Guiyuan evil spirit seemed to be powerful, but in fact it was no threat to him at all.

A pale green flag suddenly appeared in Taihe's hand, and the flag fluttered lightly, and pale green mist rose with it.

The green mist carried the breath of death and decay, and was obviously a highly poisonous thing, and it rolled towards the Guiyuan evil spirit.

When seeing that the green mist and the black evil spirit were about to collide with each other, Song Wen's spiritual transmission sounded in Taihe's mind.

"Fellow Daoist Taihe, please give me and the Jiyin Sect some face. In return, the Jiyin Sect can obey the Jiugong Sect."

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