
Accompanied by a loud noise, the Buddha light on the Xuantian Defense Talisman disappeared without a trace.

The Xuantian Defense Talisman finally couldn't withstand the continuous impact of the evil python and broke into pieces.

Fayan's heart sank and he hurriedly summoned the Dragon Stick.

The Dragon Stick turned into a giant of a hundred feet and smashed towards the nearest evil python.


The evil python disintegrated.

However, the Dragon Stick was also knocked away.

There was only one Dragon Stick, but there were more than one evil python.

More than ten evil pythons came surging.

Fayan didn't dare to stay for a moment, and didn't care to delay Gou Jun any more, and hurriedly retreated.

However, it was too late to retreat.

Fayan was approached by an evil python, and he urged all his magic power and slapped it with one palm.

Instantly, a huge golden palm shadow flashed out.


The palm shadow disintegrated.

The power of the evil python was greatly reduced, but it still drove straight in and hit Fa Yan.

Fa Yan was like being hit by a mountain, his entire chest suddenly sank, and blood gushed out of his mouth like a spring.

His body suddenly lost control and accelerated to fall into the distance.

After the attack, the other evil pythons took advantage of the victory and chased Fa Yan.

Fa Yan's face was ashen. In his current condition, he could not stop any evil python.

At this moment, a lotus shadow passed by his figure.

This lotus shadow was very different from the previous ones. It did not become virtual due to diffusion, but was extremely solid from beginning to end.

Fa Yan's eyes suddenly lit up, and Xiao Chan succeeded!

Xiao Chan successfully activated the instant fragrance.


That was not the instant fragrance!


Fa Yan had a sneer on his lips.


Xiao Chan suddenly found that the Momentary Beauty in his hand suddenly became extremely heavy, and he could not bear its weight.

He hurriedly urged his magic power to lift the Momentary Beauty into the air.

However, he was shocked to find that the Momentary Beauty seemed to be firmly stuck in the palm of his hand.

No matter how he urged his magic power, no matter how he tried his best, he could not get it out of his hand.

"What's going on?" Xiao Chan's face changed drastically.

What happened next made Xiao Chan even more frightened.

Nine blood-colored roots suddenly extended from the receptacle of the Momentary Beauty. Like a strange tentacle, they instantly pierced into his palm.

These roots seemed to have their own will and began to actively devour the magic power in his body, like a hungry beast.

The magic power in Xiao Chan's body was completely out of his control. Like a torrent, it rushed out and continuously injected into the Momentary Beauty.

The Momentary Beauty evolved into the lotus and continued to spread.

Ten miles, twenty miles... one hundred miles, two hundred miles... until five hundred miles.

With Xiao Chan as the center, a blooming lotus appeared in the sky within a radius of five hundred miles, covering the sky and the sun.

The petals of the lotus were stacked layer by layer, surrounding Gou Jun, Fa Yan, and Xiao Chan.

However, this lotus did not contain endless Buddha nature as Fa Yan said, but instead exuded a frightening and strange aura.

Each of its petals was a deep red blood color, exuding a faint bloody smell.

Xiao Chan's expression became more and more flustered. Slowly, he found that the instant fragrance in his hand was not only continuing to devour the magic power, but also devouring the essence and vitality in his body.

In a short breath, he felt that his life span had consumed at least ten years.

It only took thirty or fifty breaths for his life span to be exhausted.

"Fa Yan, this thing is definitely not the instant fragrance, what on earth is this?" Xiao Chan asked sharply.

Fa Yan smiled, "Of course it's not the momentary beauty, it's the Yin Sheng Lotus, made with the heart blood of countless devout Buddhists and rare blood materials. In order to refine this thing, I sent thousands of monks to preach in the secular world for more than ten years before I gathered the heart blood of tens of millions of devout believers."

"If you want to activate this lotus, you must pay with magic power, life span and blood. This Yin Sheng Lotus is enough to trap Gou Jun for a hundred breaths. However, you can't leave either, you will become the sacrifice of the Yin Sheng Lotus. Buddha, have mercy on me!"

While Fa Yan was speaking, the spells in his hand were formed one after another.

Under the mobilization of the spells, the petals of the huge lotus phantom began to fall off one by one and flew out, surrounding Gou Jun's position.

Gou Jun's face was gloomy. Those strange secret treasures of Buddhism were more sinister and difficult to deal with than the treasures of the magic way.

His body was filled with corpse qi, and evil pythons rushed out one after another, rushing towards those huge petals.

The petals seemed soft, but each one was as heavy as a thousand pounds.

The evil pythons could only slow down the petals, but could not repel them.

These petals came from all directions, getting closer and closer, overlapping, like a huge flower bud, surrounding Gou Jun.

"You want to trap me, wishful thinking!"

A cold voice came from the petals.

Before the voice fell, a golden figure rose from the ground between the mountains and forests below and rushed straight into the sky.

It was a fourth-stage late golden corpse, and the golden corpse rushed straight towards Xiao Chan.

The body of Yin Shenglian was in Xiao Chan's hands. As long as the body of Yin Shenglian was broken, the giant petals that trapped him would naturally fall apart.

Xiao Chan was now trapped by Yin Shenglian. If he faced a fourth-stage late golden corpse, he would have no power to resist.

Seeing the golden corpse approaching, Xiao Chan's eyes flashed with a fierce look, and he suddenly swung his right hand that was parasitized by the Yin Sheng Lian.

With a burst of blood spurting out, his right hand suddenly broke at the root. And with the force of the swing, it was thrown far away.

On the other side.

Fa Yan, who was casting a spell to control the giant petals, saw this scene and sneered.

"Xiao Chan, it's useless. Once the Yin Sheng Lian is activated, it will actively parasitize the nearest living person except the person trapped by the petals."

As Fa Yan said, after the Yin Sheng Lian was thrown out with Xiao Chan's right arm, it seemed that some force prevented it from moving away from Xiao Chan, and its speed dropped rapidly.

Just after flying ten miles, the Yin Sheng Lian stopped. Then it turned around and flew back to Xiao Chan at a very fast speed.

At the same time, perhaps because the blood and vitality contained in an arm were too scarce.

In a flash, the vitality of the broken arm was completely devoured by Yin Shenglian, and it turned into a ball of black ash and scattered with the wind. Only Yin Shenglian was left to shoot towards Xiao Chan.

Xiao Chan retreated violently, trying to distance himself from Yin Shenglian.

Yin Shenglian followed him like a shadow, chasing him relentlessly.

Behind Yin Shenglian was the golden corpse of the fourth stage.

"Buddha has mercy on you, Xiao Chan, you don't have to do useless work. You can't escape." Fa Yan's voice sounded with a hint of sarcasm.

At this time, he had finished casting the spell on the giant petals and was about to activate the escape technique to leave.

However, he saw a scene that shocked him.

Suddenly, a silver talisman appeared in Xiao Chan's hand.

"Small teleportation talisman! How do you have the small teleportation talisman of the Jiugong Sect?" Fa Yan asked in a horrified tone.

At the same time, his figure suddenly accelerated, turned around and fled.

As we all know, the teleportation distance of the small teleportation talisman can reach up to 300 miles.

If Xiao Chan was teleported three hundred miles away, then Fayan would be the person closest to Yin Shenglian except for Gou Jun, and Fayan would become Yin Shenglian's parasite.

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