Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 100 Scraping the Ground Three Feet

"Brother Gouzi!"

Xiao'ezi opened his eyes wide, but he didn't see anyone.

"Brother Gouzi, is your soul back?"

Xiao'ezi only saw the items disappearing in front of his eyes, and his first thought was Ergouzi.

Apart from him, who else would be a ghost and not forget to steal something?

At the same time, the strange groom had already taken out two talismans and activated them at the same time.

The talisman turned into dozens of water arrows, covering the general direction where Ergouzi was just now.

Faced with so many water arrows coming at him, Ergouzi could only use wind control to avoid them.

With one vertical leap, he jumped 3 feet away and successfully avoided all the water arrows.

The moment he used the wind control technique to mobilize his true energy, the invisibility charm and the breath gathering charm had lost their effect, and the figure appeared again.

"Brother Gouzi, it turns out you're not dead!"

"As expected, it's you. I underestimated you."

The strange man had a level of Qi training, which was one level lower than Ergouzi. However, he did not panic at this time and took out a stack of talismans from his arms.

Using talismans will give you a great advantage in battle, and you can defeat the weak with the strong.

The only shortcoming of the talisman is that the price is too high and there is no way to buy it.

Ordinary people would feel distressed for a long time if they used one or two occasionally, let alone like him, who took out a large stack at once.

The strange man was cautious. After taking out the talisman, he first took a golden talisman and a stone armor talisman on himself.

Ergouzi took this opportunity to use the wind control technique to sneak up next to Xiao'ezi and take a picture of the golden light talisman and stone armor talisman on her body.

The last time he was in the cult cave, he also got a box of talismans, but he hadn't used them much yet.

The sword has no eyes, so it is just right for Xiao Ezi to use.

"Brother Gouzi, I thought you were dead."

"I can't die, please stay far away to avoid accidentally hurting you."

Ergouzi stood in front of Xiao'ezi, asked her to retreat far away, and then asked:

"Xiao'ezi, this man is not a good guy at first glance. Do you still want him?"

"No more!"

Xiao'ezi shook his head like a rattle.

Thinking of this man's indifferent appearance, it's hard to imagine what he will be like in the future. If my mother continues to blame him, she will probably commit suicide.


"Suffer death!"

At the same time, the strange groom had already sacrificed several talismans, which turned into several fireballs in the sky and flew towards Ergouzi.

Faced with this strong offensive, Ergouzi could only use the wind control technique to escape.

The strange groom was very experienced in using talismans to fight. When Ergouzi jumped to escape, there was already a spell blocking him.

For a while, there were dangers one after another. Fortunately, Er Gouzi had higher cultivation and stronger consciousness after all.

At this moment, his spiritual consciousness is fully opened. After all the talismans and spells enter the scope of his spiritual consciousness, their movement trajectories can be clearly seen in his spiritual consciousness.

Therefore, under the violent attacks of many spells, he always looks for a glimmer of hope.

While dodging the spell attack, his flying sword was already slashing towards the strange man.

The strange man was obviously surprised when he saw the flying sword.

"You actually still have a flying sword?"

The flying sword, a magic weapon, is made of precious materials and requires a professional weapon refiner to refine it. Among the Qi training monks, not many have flying swords.

The strange man threw a few talismans at Ergouzi, then turned around and ran away.

No, there's nothing you can do against enemies with flying swords.

Once the talismans in his hand are exhausted, he will have no way to fight back.

"Boom boom boom..."

A series of fireball talismans exploded. Ergouzi rushed out of the smoke of the explosion. One arm was rubbed by the fireball talisman and a piece of skin was burnt.

He didn't have time to check the injury on his hand, so he used his flying sword to chase the strange man.

In terms of starting, running and jumping ability, Ergouzi has never lost to others under the strict guidance of his master.

Before the strange man could escape far, he was pierced through the heart by a flying sword and fell to the ground dead.

He had only been the groom's official for one day, and he didn't even have time to change his clothes, so he died like this.

Er Gouzi even forgot to ask what the name of this cousin-in-law was.

I touched the body and took out a stack of talismans. There were at least twenty more talismans. It seemed that this guy's identity was not simple.

"Xiao'ezi, what's this man's name? Is he an official in a cult?"

Xiao'ezi shook his head in confusion.

"His name is on the name card. I didn't pay attention to it. It seems to be a divine protector."

"Be careful and follow me, don't run around."

"Yeah, good."

The two of them had been fighting for so long that they had already alarmed the people in the village, but the old man with the most powerful cultivation did not appear.

Among the remaining people, the stranger groom Guan Shi is the strongest.

When the other cultists watched Ergouzi wield his flying sword and kill the strange man, they only held their swords and yelled curses in the distance.

He scolded him fiercely and filthy, but no one dared to fight with him, and they all hid far away.

It seems that without supervision from the higher-ups in the church, these cultists are just talking words and not working hard, which makes them look very impure.

The cultists opened their mouths so many times that it was impossible to scold them, so Ergouzi just looked around to see if there were any valuable items.

He went into the room where there were a lot of bottles and jars just now and moved everything inside.

After taking a quick look, there are many good things.

There is a bottle of Peiyuan Pill, a bottle of Huanzhen Pill, a dozen bottles of Blood Soul Pill, and a dozen elixirs.

There is also a wooden box containing a shiny stone, which seems to be a spiritual stone that I have read about in a book.

Go back and let Ji Cang take a look before making sure.

There is also a bottle of dark medicinal liquid, which contains very strong spiritual energy, but it doesn't feel like a good thing.

Ergouzi counted items one by one in the room, his heart filled with joy of harvest.

Xiao'ezi followed closely behind Ergouzi, clutching his clothes with both hands, and hesitated several times.

"Brother Gouzi, I heard that my eldest brother went with the evil cult to attack Shekou."

"Ah... who did you hear?"

Xiao'ezi blushed and pointed to the body of the groom whose name he didn't even know outside.

"Oh, I see."

Ergouzi suddenly realized.

Finally, I found out why so many cultists in the villages and towns, and that old man with a high level of cultivation, suddenly disappeared.

Then he continued to count the items in the room. He was a little worried before, but now he is more relieved and can take his time to find them.

There are no experts here. He has enough time to dig through the whole village, even scraping the ground.

"Don't you have to rush back?"

Seeing that Er Gouzi continued to look for things calmly, Xiao'ezi couldn't help but ask.

"You've come here, why don't you go back empty-handed."

"At the walking speed of the cultists, they will only just walk past the foot of Shekou. I will fly back later and it will be much faster than them."

"Besides, with Ji Cang and Sima Yi at our feet, as well as those 3,000 men, your brother will not be able to take advantage in a short time."

If he had been alone before, he would have rushed back to put out the fire.

There are so many people now, Ji Cang and Sima Yi are actually better than themselves.

Hime Cang's thousands-strong team was also personally trained by Hime Cang, and he commanded them with ease.

After Ergouzi searched all the treasures in the secret room, he continued to search slowly in the village.

Go from room to room and take away anything of value.

He always adheres to the principle of never letting go of a needle or a thread.

Even the kitchen knives in the kitchen, the hoe and sickle behind the door, the old clothes in the cupboard, the coir raincoats, bamboo hats, and straw sandals hanging on the wall...

Behind a house, he actually saw a sheep.

"Baa baa baa..."

One male and two females were taken away and taken back to be taken care of. Tomorrow there would be more than a dozen sheep.

Xiao'ezi followed Er Gouzi, always lowering his head, clasping his two fingers tightly together, thinking a lot.

So much so that Er Gouzi took away the sheep and disappeared using a magical method, and she didn't pay attention at all.

She felt happy for a while when she found out that Er Gouzi was not dead.

Then I remembered what the strange groom said.

She has always been worried. It turns out that Brother Gouzi's parents were killed by her own parents.

Everything her family gets now is because her father snitched on her.

Brother Gouzi didn't need to suffer so much. The suffering he suffered since childhood was all caused by his parents.

She was full of guilt for Er Gouzi, but she didn't dare to tell Er Gouzi, and it was always difficult to make a decision.

So he kept his head down, clutching his fingers, and followed Er Gouzi silently.

Er Gouzi thought he had encountered an accident and was frightened, so he could just go back and take it easy.

In this way, Er Gouzi scraped the floor in the village and turned over everything.

Those cultists never left, standing far away, cursing until their lips went dry. Some simply drank the water and cursed while drinking.

These cultists are well-trained, and when faced with powerful enemies, it is impossible to escape.

Even if you fail, you still have to show your courage and your attitude of being incompatible with the enemy.

Er Gouzi searched several times, but couldn't find any wealth, so he reluctantly took Xiao Ezi away.

Before leaving, I took another look at the pepper field and estimated in my mind when the peppers would be ready.

A few miles outside the village, Ergouzi waved, and a big white goose appeared in front of him.

However, the big white goose was so stubborn that he only let Er Gouzi ride it, and would not let Little Ezi ride him, life or death.

This is a bit troublesome. If it were normal, it would be fine to just walk slowly with her.

After coaxing him for a long time, the big white goose just couldn't get enough of it. He held his head high and looked proud.

This proves to Er Gouzi that she is not the kind of goose that can be ridden by anyone.

Letting you ride it is a courtesy to you for the sake of the master.

But Ergouzi didn't give up. He didn't believe it. If you have money, why don't you ask someone to push you around?

After thinking about it for a moment, he took a bottle and poured a Peiyuan Pill into his hand.

"Look at this elixir. It has strong spiritual energy. Taking it will strengthen your body and prolong your life. It will make your wings stronger and bigger, and your feathers will be more beautiful."

"Are you excited? Do you want it?"

The big white goose looked at the elixir and had to give in to Er Gouzi, nodded slightly, and then continued to look up at the sky.

"Then it's agreed that I'll give you a pill and you'll fly back with her."

The big white goose nodded slightly again, and then glanced sideways at the pill, which meant that you talked too much.

After the two parties agreed on the price, Ergouzi looked at the Peiyuan Pill in his hand and felt a little reluctant to part with it. The trip was too expensive.

So he took advantage of the opportunity of the big white goose to raise his head to the sky and secretly changed a bottle.

This bottle contains 놅, which is also Peiyuan Dan.

It's just that the color of the pill is slightly different. In the white pill, there is a slight pink color, and the pill pattern on it is also light red.

It was during the process of refining the pill that he couldn't bear to throw away the mutated pills, and today he just used them to fool the silly goose.

The big white goose has never tasted the taste of pills in its life.

It can't tell whether it's real or fake, so it swallowed the pill in one gulp, flapped its wings, and felt very satisfied. This trip today is worth it.

Then the big white goose took the two people into the sky and flew towards Shekou.

Er Gouzi looked at Xiao Ezi sitting on the goose's back, and he didn't look happy at all.

"Don't take it too seriously. That cultist wasn't a good guy. He's dead."

"When you grow up, I'll find you a better in-law."

"If the new in-laws aren't good to you, we'll kill them and find another one."

Er Gouzi wasn't very good at comforting people, so he just said this.

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