Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 117 Two Gifts

On a sunny morning, a spaceship, which was bigger than a house, landed in front of Shekou Mountain.

This made all the villagers around Shekou Mountain very surprised.

They had never seen such a magnificent house, and this house could fly in the sky.

Around the ship-shaped house, there stood several foundation-building monks wearing golden armor.

The golden armor on them shone brightly under the sunlight, making people unable to open their eyes.

The spaceship stayed at the foot of Shekou Mountain for only a moment before flying away.

This moment has become an unforgettable memory for many people, and they can brag about it for several lifetimes.

A few years later, the local elders still told the younger generation that there was a beautiful house that could fly, and the tiles on the house were all made of gold.

Ji Cang came quietly and left in great glory.

Er Gouzi also truly saw what royal style was.

The few foundation-building warriors who served as decorations on the spaceship, the golden armor on their bodies was a magic weapon, the weapons in their hands were magic weapons, the pants were magic weapons, and the shoes and hats were all magic weapons.

This set of golden equipment, even if the entire Anchang County was sold, could not be exchanged for a set.

These people were just placed outside the spaceship to make it look better, and they could only be considered decorations.

Er Gouzi's mere Qi training level, if he followed Ji Cang to the capital, he might not be qualified to be a decoration for the Qi Wang Mansion.

Black is not good-looking. With Qi training, he can probably sweep the toilet, feed pigs, make fire, and chop wood for the King of Qi.

It's better to be the debtor of the King of Qi now.

Ji Cang took Sima Yi away, and Sima Yi also kidnapped Xiao Ezi. It's really a woman who can't be kept.

However, before leaving, Ji Cang gave Er Gouzi two gifts.

One is land. The county magistrate was arrested. The fertile fields and barren mountains that originally belonged to the county magistrate, including the spiritual field in Chengxi Town.

This asset was priced at one or two taels of silver, and all of them were packaged and resold to Er Gouzi.

Both parties clearly marked the price, and there was no deception. One hand paid the other hand, which was fair and just, and everyone had no objection.

Er Gouzi didn't even bargain, and gave a silver ingot at that time.

From then on, the most powerful lord in the entire Anchang County was none other than Er Gouzi.

Especially the spiritual field in Chengxi Town, how many people were jealous.

In addition to the land, another gift was a secret method of cultivation.

Since the last time I saw Ji Cang easily kill three foundation-building cultivators with a flick of his finger.

Er Gouzi realized at that time that although they were all foundation-building cultivators, their true strengths were very different.

Later, he saw that the Zhenguo Army chased more than 20 foundation-building cultivators and fled frantically with only a team of ten people.

This further confirmed his guess.

Later, he found an opportunity to ask Ji Cang for advice.

It turns out that the strength of a cultivator is not only related to cultivation, but also has a lot to do with the cultivation method and the use of magic tools and magic treasures.

The rebels generally take blood and soul pills, and their cultivation level is indeed improved quickly.

But their foundation is unstable, their magic power is not pure and strong enough, and their combat effectiveness is also inferior to that of ordinary cultivators of the same level.

As a member of the royal family, Ji Cang can access all the top-notch magic, and he has no shortage of cultivation resources.

If he devotes all his efforts to improving his cultivation, it will be no problem to break through to the golden elixir in his twenties.

He does not need to rush to improve his cultivation level, but to take steady steps, improve slowly, and build a solid foundation.

According to Ji Cang's bragging, in his prime, he could beat 10 cultivators of the same level.

If he reveals his identity as the King of Qi, even the golden elixir cultivators cannot beat him, and they can beg for mercy from him.

Ji Cang gave Er Gouzi a secret method called "Nine-Layer Foundation Building".

This secret method can only be practiced after practicing to the foundation building stage.

It is to use the secret method to continuously refine and purify one's own magic power, expand the capacity of the Qi Sea Dantian, and make the magic power pure and strong.

This secret method is practiced to the extreme, and one person's strength is equivalent to nine cultivators of the same level.

However, before leaving, Ji Cang warned Er Gouzi not to be greedy and not to be too happy.

It is good to be able to practice to the fifth or sixth level.

Because this secret method is very time-consuming and requires a lot of resources.

The life span of a foundation-building cultivator is more than 200 years. If all resources and energy are used on this, it may lead to the exhaustion of life span and the inability to advance.

Er Gouzi put away this secret method that can be practiced after the foundation is built. He found that he was only at the seventh level of Qi training, which was far from enough.

Now that the unrest has been settled, there are many things to do, and there are a lot of things to do.

He now has so much land, but he still has a reputation for being a martial artist, which is obviously far from enough.

If you pass the martial arts exam, you can be exempted from all taxes.

However, the chaos has just settled, and the martial arts exam originally scheduled for spring has been postponed for a few months.

Er Gouzi took advantage of these months to organize spring farming production. If the land can be planted, it must be planted with crops.

He now has too much land, and with only more than 2,000 people under his command, he can't plant it.

Moreover, after several years of unrest, the entire Anchang County, and even the entire Qingzhou, was deserted, and nine out of ten households were empty.

Some died in the war, and some died in the cult and were eaten by people.

In the past, there were many people but little land, and many tenants were eager to farm the land. They could rent a few plots of land at a high price by giving gifts and saying nice things to the landlords.

Now it is completely the opposite, with many people but no one to farm.

The landlords have to say nice things, and the tenants are picky. No one wants to farm the land that is not good enough, and the rent has been reduced to 30%.

The price of a lot of land has plummeted because no one is cultivating it.

Before, he would not sell the land even if he offered 20 taels of silver, but now he cannot sell it even if he offers one or two taels of silver per mu.

Er Gouzi took this opportunity to buy a lot of land and connected some of the land that was originally unconnected.

Although there are not enough people and no one is cultivating it now, he just likes to hoard land.

He feels comfortable looking at the land he owns.

Even Huang Laocai exchanged all his family savings and the 110 taels of silver that Er Gouzi gave him every year for land.

Now Huang Laocai has become a land tycoon again, owning a few mu of land, but he cannot hire tenants, so he and his family, young and old, go to farm with bare chests.

On this day, Er Gouzi brought a group of strong men and settled them in Chengxi Town.

Sun Wangcai was in charge, and they were responsible for the cultivation and maintenance of this spiritual field.

These spiritual fields still planted Anchang County's specialties, Chaotian Gong pepper.

In addition, some spiritual medicines were transplanted from the top of Shekou Mountain to plant in this spiritual field.

Sun Wangcai and his group of people were all trained by Ji Cang himself, and their combat effectiveness was good.

In addition, Er Gouzi had some reputation, so he should be able to defend this spiritual field.

After settling the spiritual fields in Chengxi Town, Er Gouzi returned to Shekou Mountain, and Yushan was still working hard in the fields.

"Yushan, you've worked hard!"

"It's not hard. It's my honor to work for others in my lifetime."

Yushan said with true feelings, his ears fluttered, and tears of emotion welled up in his black and bright eyes.

"Don't tire yourself out, and take a rest."

Er Gouzi also said with concern.

The relationship between them and the servants is closer than that between many fathers, sons and brothers.

Just then, Er Gouzi found that there were two less spiritual herbs in the field.

He had seen them yesterday, and the two spiritual herbs were there well.

"Yushan, why are there two less spiritual herbs here?"

Yushan hurried over to check, and after looking for a while, he shook his head in confusion.

"Man, could it be that the goose stole the food?"

"Impossible, don't blame the goose for everything just because the goose can't talk."

Er Gouzi has been raising geese for so long, of course he knows the habits of geese.

When geese steal food, they often stand at the edge of the spiritual field, eat from the edge to the inside, and leave traces of geese eating.

The two lost spiritual herbs are located in the middle of the spiritual field, and there are no traces of geese biting around them.

So, it shouldn't be the goose.

"Yushan, tell me the truth, did you steal the spiritual medicine?"

Er Gouzi naturally thought of Yushan, because he had a criminal record.

Yushan was so scared when he heard this that he knelt down immediately.

"My dear, I am loyal to you, how could I possibly steal the elixir."

"I am your most loyal servant, definitely not me."

This was his defense, which was somewhat weak and feeble. After all, his criminal record was there, and it was hard for people to believe it.

"Yushan, I have told you many times to treat this place as your own home."

"Why can't you change?"

Er Gouzi was heartbroken and persuaded earnestly.

"My dear, I really treat this place as my own home, and I have never stolen anything."

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