Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 128 Magical Weapon

When Er Gouzi came out of the Duan Pavilion, he had a big bag about three or four meters long on his back.

This time, he had a good chat with the old man in the Duan Pavilion and gained a lot.

The old man's ancestral craftsmanship has a deep foundation in refining, runes, and formations.

Since Er Gouzi read the contents of the jade, he has a little knowledge of all aspects of the world of immortal cultivation.

His knowledge is very broad, but not deep enough.

After the two chatted like this, they felt sympathetic and gained something.

After repeated verification, Er Gouzi guessed that the floor tile on Shekou Mountain was very likely to be the central formation of a magic weapon.

Thinking of the possibility of getting a magic weapon, Er Gouzi felt his legs a little dizzy when he walked.

After a while, Er Gouzi walked out of the small medicine shop.

The old man in the medicine shop was still standing at the door, telling him not to forget to apply the medicine when he returned.

This service is really thoughtful.

According to Yang Tie, this kind of black market actually has many entrances, and he only went through one of them.

He wanted to try another entrance when he found other entrances in the future.

Not long after Er Gouzi left the black market, the horseman Xia also followed him quickly from inside.

But when he went to the military camp of the commander to pull a few friends over, Er Gouzi had already left the city and could not find his figure.


"Don't let me see you next time if you have the guts!"

Er Gouzi was already riding on the back of the goose and flying towards Shekou Mountain.

He didn't take it too seriously about offending the commander's horseman.

He was now a registered monk, and he was also protected by the county governor and King Qi.

As long as the captain's brain hadn't been kicked by a donkey, he shouldn't have troubled himself for a horseman.

After all, a dog can rely on the power of a man, but a dog can never drive the master.

When he left the city, he did see a few sneaky people, but after seeing him riding a big white goose and flying away.

Those people couldn't catch up with him, and they couldn't fly, so they had to give up.

When Er Gouzi returned to Shekou Mountain, he first took a look and picked another spiritual medicine. Yushan was still working.

"Master, you are finally back. I haven't seen you for a few days. I feel uneasy and uneasy."

"Well, Yushan, you have worked hard. Fortunately, you are on the mountain during the days you were away, otherwise you will be in chaos again when you come back."

The master and servant spoke sincerely, and they seemed very harmonious and warm.

"Master, that thief has come up the mountain to steal medicine again."

"Fortunately, he was discovered in time. A big fight broke out and several plants were snatched back."

"If the big goose hadn't stopped him, he would have definitely caught the thief!"

"If he dared to come, he would never escape from the palm of your hand as long as the big goose didn't stop him."

Yushan stood on a big head, talking and gesturing with his little arms and legs, making himself look invincible.

The thief that even Er Gouzi couldn't catch seemed to be easy to catch in his hands.

In the end, it was all the big goose that made things wrong.

Several big geese stood aside and watched Yushan's performance. They seemed to be disdainful of the villain's behavior of complaining to the master in person.

They couldn't speak, and they didn't need to explain to anyone.

Even one more quack would be out of place with this proud character.

"Yes, you did a good job."

"As for the thief, I will try again to get him to integrate into our big family and let him feel the warmth of the family."

When Yushan heard that the family was going to add a new member, his big eyes shone brightly.

On the entire Shekou Mountain, the one who most hoped that there would be a new member on the top of the mountain was none other than him.

If there was someone to help him do some work and plant some land, he would be able to relax every day.

If there was a new member who was easy to bully, it would be even better.

Er Gouzi returned to the mountain to rest for a day, and after resting enough energy, he went back to the mountain alone and got into the snake cave.

When he passed the group of snakes, he stopped and looked at them.

It was okay, almost the same as when he left.

Most of the snakes had not yet recovered, and the few that recovered were also lazy and slow in movement.

It will take a long time for these snakes to fully recover by absorbing the little spiritual energy that seeps from the water on the mountain.

As for the stolen spiritual medicine, they are all immature seedlings with limited spiritual power.

After Er Gouzi took a look, he walked to the jade room at the back.

"Friend, I'm here to see you. Can we chat for a while?"

After a while, he saw the green leaf floating in front of Er Gouzi again.

"Let me ask you, is there a magic weapon in this room?"

When Er Gouzi asked this question, his heart was beating and he was very excited.

Then the green leaf stopped in the air for a while after hearing his question, and then floated sideways.

Seeing that the green leaf denied his question.

Er Gouzi was deflated and felt very powerless.

He had always thought that he had a magic weapon, and he was so excited that he had to eat several more bowls of rice these days.

But at this moment, the green leaf nodded again.

This strange way of answering again, both yes and no.

However, it is much better than the complete denial at the beginning.

Er Gouzi perked up again and walked to the jade floor engraved with runes.

"I'll ask you again, this jade floor engraved with runes, is it the core of the magic weapon?"

Hearing this, the green leaf kept flying around in the air, playing in circles.

Er Gouzi thought about it and felt that Lu Ye Zi was blind, so maybe he didn't understand.

Since Lu Ye Zi couldn't provide any help, he could only do it himself.

He also learned a lot from chatting with the old man who refined weapons in the Forging Pavilion.

For example, some crude methods of refining magic weapons and making magic weapons recognize their masters.

Magic weapons are weapons that can only be used by Jindan cultivators. It is simply wishful thinking for cultivators at the Jindan level to refine them.

With his current level of true qi and consciousness, if he forcibly refines a magic weapon, he will most likely be sucked into a dried corpse by the magic weapon.

But in this world, if the right way doesn't work, there will always be people who will think of some crooked ways.

For example, there is a method called blood refining.

It is to constantly feed the magic weapon with one's own blood essence, and slowly establish a connection with the magic weapon.

Er Gouzi decided to give this method a try.

Thinking of this, he took out a dagger, made up his mind, and cut his wrist.

"Oh... ugh..."

"It hurts so much!"

This cut cut the meridians and blood vessels, and the blood inside spurted out.

He was inexperienced and a little nervous, so the wound was cut too big.

The spurting blood flowed to the jade floor tile engraved with runes, and was absorbed by the floor tile and disappeared.

Seeing that the jade floor tile could absorb it, Er Gouzi continued to bleed.

He kept bleeding until he felt dizzy and weak, and he couldn't hold on any longer, so he stopped the bleeding and performed the rejuvenation technique to heal his wounds.

He felt that the blood he bleed this time was at least a large plate, which could be used to make several dishes.

Now it was all absorbed by the jade floor tile, not a drop was wasted.

After bleeding, he walked out of the cave dizzy and slept for several days on the top of the mountain before he regained some energy.

In the past few days, he ate a lot of fish and meat every meal, and could eat more than ten pounds of meat and several liters of spiritual rice at a time.

Now he still looks pale and his steps are weak.

But after he recovered a little, he did not hold back and took the initiative to bleed on the jade floor again.

Because since the last time he bleed, he could sense that he seemed to have a little connection with something when he slept.

This feeling is vague, like existence and death, very mysterious, and can't be explained.

Seeing the effect, he strengthened his determination. After that, he ate desperately every time, replenished some blood and went to bleed again.

After bleeding several times in a row, it was all absorbed by the jade floor.

Until now, he can really sense a vague thing in his consciousness.

This thing is a huge monster, and through its vague outline, it can actually represent the entire Shekou Mountain.

Sure enough, this entire mountain is just a magic weapon.

But his connection with Shekou Mountain is still very weak, and he cannot control it at all, even if he can't make the mountain tremble slightly.

He can only sense a vague existence.

"Why does this idiot come here to bleed every day?"

"Does he like to abuse himself?"

After he finished bleeding that day, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

Er Gouzi looked up and looked around, but didn't see the figure of Green Leaf.

But he could vaguely sense the approximate location of this Green Leaf.

He was sure that the voice that emerged in his mind must be that mysterious thief.

"While he is bleeding here, go to the mountain to steal two spiritual herbs to feed the snake."

Hearing this voice in his mind, he was even more certain.

Then he sensed that the thief was floating and actually sank directly into the rock on the top of the cave.

Then the thief moved freely in the rock, just like a fish swimming in the water, freely.

His senses followed the thief's trail all the way to the top of the mountain, and sure enough, he stole another spiritual medicine.

After a battle of wits and courage with Yushan, the thief held the spiritual medicine and flew off the cliff.

It seems that when the thief holds the spiritual medicine, he can't move freely in the mountain.

And after leaving the mountain, the thief's body will become weaker and weaker.

He can only hold the spiritual medicine and quickly return to the mountain to recuperate.

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