Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 134 Token

Er Gouzi rode a goose and flew out of Shekou Mountain. It was autumn now, and the crops everywhere had turned golden.

Today was the first big harvest after the disaster, and many places had already started harvesting grain.

But imagine the grain harvested today, when all the granaries were filled and loaded.

He planned to refine some marching pills from the grain for easy storage.

Last time in the county city, he found that the government was purchasing marching pills from the people to support the border.

And the price offered by the government was a magical medicine or elixir.

The marching pills were made from ordinary grains, and three buckets of grain could be made into one marching pill.

Eating one marching pill was equivalent to eating a bucket of rice.

The general market price was two taels of silver per pill.

On the surface, it was more cost-effective to eat grain directly, and it was even a loss.

But the marching pills are small in size and easy to carry, which can completely cover the cost of refining.

Because if one stone of grain is transported from the inland to the border by human or animal power.

The grain consumed by people and animals along the way may reach as much as one or two stones.

Adding the labor cost, time cost, and storage cost, the cost is even higher.

Perhaps to facilitate the refining and acquisition of marching pills, the government made the refining method of marching pills public.

As long as you have a little cultivation, you can refine it with an iron smelting pot.

After the autumn harvest, he plans to let those who have Qi training under his command start refining marching pills.

Er Gouzi rode on the back of the goose and flew back and forth along the periphery of his Shekou Mountain.

Recently, the evil cult monks have been trying to take his foundation pills, which scared him to shrink every day.

He flew out so ostentatiously today just to attract a few evil cult monks to fill the snake's stomach.

After flying for most of the day, he still didn't see any evil cult monks approaching, so he could only expand the range.

He showed off at a farther place.

So far, he had flown out of his territory.

Now the entire Anchang County has recovered very well after the turmoil.

Many immigrants from other places are willing to travel several miles, even thousands of miles, to migrate to Anchang County to settle down.

Land can be rented at a low price here, and the officials here are very friendly to the people.

Anchang County has become the legendary paradise of the entire Great Zhou Dynasty.

Originally, after the turmoil, only one in ten people survived, but now only one in ten survived, which has recovered 20% to 30%.

And many people are migrating here continuously.

Anchang County will surely prosper in the future, even more than before the turmoil.

Er Gouzi went around Anchang County but still didn't meet any cult members.

This made him doubt himself.

Could it be that he was already popular in the cult?

It was nice to be hunted, but it was also nice to be looked up to and ignored.

Er Gouzi rode a goose and flew out of Anchang County.

After leaving Anchang County, the neighboring counties seemed much poorer and more desolate.

It was much different from the turbulent period. There were only a few living people.

The few living people migrated to Anchang County.

Er Gouzi was riding on the goose, waiting to be hunted, and it felt quite boring.

Why hasn't anyone come to kill me yet?

This thought just came up when, with a "bang", his back felt like he was punched.

Looking back, he saw a foundation-building cultivator walking out from behind a tree below, looking up at him.

On the leather armor behind Er Gouzi, there was a black needle as thin as a hair.

It turned out that this person was attacking him. If it was leather armor protection, this time he would have been defeated.

"A dignified foundation-building cultivator actually hid in the dark and attacked me, a junior in the Qi training stage."

Er Gouzi cursed angrily, and pulled out a bamboo tube with his hand and sprayed pepper water below.

Anyone who dared to stand below him, he could spray pepper water, stones, flying arrows...

This evil cult cultivator was naturally unwilling to stand on the ground and be beaten, so he immediately sacrificed a flying sword, flew into the air, and chased Er Gouzi.

"Boy, I've been eyeing you since you came out of Shekou Mountain."

"I don't know what you rely on, but you dare to come out and seduce me, wasting my time."

It turned out that this person had seen through Gouzi's mind a long time ago, so he followed him carefully for a long time, and finally took the means of sneak attack.

Just observing now, Er Gouzi has nothing special except a bad leather armor.

"Maybe this leather armor is your reliance."

Since he was seen through, Er Gouzi was also annoyed. He drew out the door panel sword and slashed at the evil cultivator, but he dodged it in the air.


"Where's my needle?"

The evil cultivator exclaimed in surprise.

The thin needle used to sneak attack Er Gouzi just now is also a magic weapon.

This thing can avoid the divine consciousness, is quenched with a deadly poison, and can kill people with blood. It is a sharp weapon for sneak attacks.

He was hiding in the dark and attacking with all his strength, but he was blocked by a leather armor.

Now when he wanted to control the needle to fight, he found that the needle that was nailed on Er Gouzi's leather armor just now was gone.

Seeing such a good thing, how could Er Gouzi let it go? He had already pulled it out and put it in the gourd.

Originally, all magic weapons had the spiritual mark left by the cultivators. Even if they were barely snatched from the hands, they would be controlled by the other party.

No one would steal someone's magic weapon in a fight, because if you steal it, you can take it away.

But Er Gouzi was different. He put the fine needle into the gourd, and the evil cultivator on the opposite side could no longer sense his magic weapon.

Er Gouzi took advantage of this opportunity and slashed several times in a row, but unfortunately he failed to hurt the opponent.

And now he was fighting while flying towards Shekou Mountain.

I don't know what the identity of this evil cultivator is. He stepped on a flying sword, and Er Gouzi took away a magic weapon flying needle.

He actually had a third magic weapon on him, and now he sacrificed another flying sword and chased Er Gouzi to cut.

Fortunately, Er Gouzi came prepared and stuffed a pink pill into the goose's mouth.

"Ga~ ga~"

The goose flapped its wings, and its speed suddenly increased, taking Er Gouzi away in the direction of Shekou Mountain.

This cult monk was really good at fighting. Er Gouzi was no match for him and chased him all the way.

He pierced several small holes in Er Gouzi's new leather jacket.

Fortunately, the quality of his leather armor was good enough, and only the top layer of skin was pierced.

Er Gouzi fought and fled, and finally escaped back to Shekou Mountain.

The hungry snake had been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing the foundation-building monk chasing him, it immediately stuck its body out of the cave and swallowed the cult foundation-building monk in one bite.

Then the snake retracted its body into the cave and went back to digest the food.

The big snake was very fast. It only took a moment from appearing, swallowing people, and then retracting.

There were many people working at the foot of Shekou Mountain. Just now, when Er Gouzi flew back, it seemed that there was still someone chasing him.

I just felt the sky darken for a moment, and in a blink of an eye, the person chasing me suddenly appeared.

"You said, was there a person chasing after the boss just now?"

"I saw someone too, and I suddenly saw him. I thought I was dazzled."

Er Gouzi brought the person back to the big snake to eat, and went back to the stone house on the top of the mountain to take off his leather armor to check.

The new clothes that had just been made were stabbed with several small holes by this guy.

Fortunately, the leather armor had several layers and was very strong, so the person was not injured.

However, he also got a good harvest.

That very thin needle, black, could be seen by his spiritual sense.

At that time, he didn't feel anything, and the needle was fixed on the leather armor. If it was blocked by the leather armor, he would have lost his life.

This thing is definitely a good thing for sneak attacks and harming people.

In addition to this needle, the cult monk also had two flying swords.

He picked up one, and the other was swallowed by the snake, who knew it would cut its stomach.

With these two magic weapons, I can make up for the loss of leather armor.

Next time I go to the Duan Pavilion, I will ask the old man to help repair it.

After swallowing a foundation-building monk, the big snake finally cried out for hunger, and it took several days to digest the whole person.

Even the magic weapon flying sword swallowed together was digested by the snake.

But in the end, there was still one thing that could not be digested, and the snake vomited it out.

"Er Gou, come quickly!"

"Come and see."

Chang Ling'er called in Er Gou's mind a little hurriedly.

"What's the matter that makes you so anxious?"

"It's Xu Feng. I sensed Xu Feng's breath."

"Come down and take a look in the snake cave."

Er Gouzi was called by Chang Ling'er and went into the snake cave.

There was a palm-sized tablet on the ground.

"This tablet is from that person."

"My snake baby digested it and vomited it out again."

"But I can sense Xu Feng's breath from this tablet."

"It must be related to him."

Er Gouzi squatted down and picked up the tablet.

This is a wooden tablet with many runes engraved on it, but no words.

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