Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 150 Arm

Er Gouzi asked the goose and the snake to guard the door, and he rested in this dilapidated room to recover his consciousness.

After the consciousness is consumed, it takes a long time to recover.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly there was a fierce fighting sound from the outside, like the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth.

Er Gouzi felt frightened by the terrifying pressure from a distance.

He had felt such power before from the fat man Chen in the National Defense Army.

They were actually fighting with the golden monks.

The big snake, which usually ate the foundation-building monks one by one, also shrank its head behind the door at this time, trembling with fear.

Only the big goose was still guarding the door, facing the direction of the fight, stretching its neck, raising its head, and standing still like a mountain, with some master style.

Er Gouzi pulled the big goose in.

There is no need for us to provoke the golden strongman!

On the stone road, some people walked and talked, looking very excited.

"I heard that the skills of Yuanying masters were found ahead."

"Two Jin masters fought!"

"In addition to the skills of Yuanying, there seems to be other inheritances."

"I heard that there is a inheritance of refining!"

Faced with huge temptations, even if there are Jin masters ahead, many foundation-building monks resolutely go there, wanting to take advantage of the situation and get a share of the pie.

After Er Gouzi pulled the goose into the door, he moved a few collapsed big stones and simply blocked the door.

The fighting skills of the Jin monks were too terrifying. He had to hide as far as possible, otherwise he would have escaped before his consciousness recovered.



The collision of the Jin power made the house where Er Gouzi was also rustling. The house that had collapsed halfway had several more bricks collapsed at this moment.


Er Gouzi accidentally found a piece of black metal behind a collapsed wall brick.

He was a little familiar with this metal piece.

He had learned "Ji Yin" before, and many mechanisms would use this kind of metal piece.

Thinking that this was the place where the old man Ji was buried, it would not be surprising if similar traps were set up.

Anyway, the noise outside was too loud now, and it was not suitable for meditation to restore consciousness.

He simply stood up and looked for the hidden mechanism in the room.

Based on the knowledge of "Ji Yin" learned before, combined with the inheritance obtained today.

With mutual confirmation, it was not difficult to find the mechanism in the room.

"One, two, three, four, five..."

When he counted to the fifth wall brick, he stretched out his hand and pressed it lightly, pushing the wall brick in a few points.

Then he pressed or knocked on the floor and the wall in succession.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

Just then, a series of clicks came out, and several floor tiles on the ground slowly moved to both sides.

A dark cave was revealed below.

Er Gouzi looked at the dark tunnel below, still hesitating whether to go in and take a look.

Chang Ling'er's voice sounded in his mind.

"I sensed Xu Feng's breath, right here."

Er Gouzi was still thinking and checking to see if there was a trap. The old man was very good at setting traps.

"Brother Er Gouzi, can you go in and take a look?"


Chang Ling'er suddenly changed her tone, and Er Gouzi got goose bumps.

"Chang Ling'er, can you speak properly?"

"You're so annoying, why are you treating me like this!"

"I heard the female cultivators outside also talk like this, and then the male cultivators agreed to their requests."

After they entered the Daoxuan Secret Treasure, they met a female evil cultivator who spoke in this tone, with a pinched throat.

At first glance, she is not a decent person. Er Gouzi hates such dishonest people the most.

I didn't expect Chang Ling'er to learn the good things but learn the bad things immediately.

"Speak nicely, or I won't go in."

"Don't you like that female cultivator when you talk like that? Your heartbeat was accelerated and your face was red."

Chang Ling'er defended a little aggrievedly. He could feel that Er Gouzi still liked her very much.

The woman walked away for a long time, but Er Gouzi still looked back secretly.

"No, I usually hate such dishonest women the most."

"My heartbeat was fast and my face was red. I was just tired at that time..."

Er Gouzi said righteously that he couldn't look at such a charming woman more than once.

He liked the kind of women with broad waists, big buttocks, thick hands and feet, who could cook at home, work in the fields, and give birth at night.

That evil woman has such a thin waist and walks so swayingly that she is not even qualified to give birth to a child.

"Anyway, don't learn from that kind of indecent woman in the future!"

"If you dare to learn it, I will tie you to the floor."

"Okay, Er Gouzi, you promised me that you would find Xu Feng's whereabouts."

Chang Ling'er finally walked back to the right path under Er Gouzi's education.

At this time, Er Gouzi had almost finished his investigation and found no danger.

He put the goose into the gourd, let a snake lead the way in front, and a snake behind to cushion the back, and Er Gouzi walked in the middle.

They walked down carefully for a short distance and found an underground secret room.

The area of ​​this secret room is not very large, it is empty inside, covered with moss, and there is nothing.

Er Gouzi was a little disappointed that he had made a wasted trip.

"Push open the wall on your left hand side and take a look."

"I sense the breath of Xu Feng behind that wall."

Chang Ling'er's voice reminded Er Gouzi in his mind.

Er Gouzi walked towards the wall in the direction pointed by Chang Ling'er.

In front of the wall stood a stone sculpture covered with moss, which looked like a dog, and it looked quite cute.

After looking at the wall for a long time, he finally found the mechanism. Sure enough, there was a secret compartment behind the wall.

There was a wooden box in the secret compartment.

"It's this box."

"The breath came from the box."

Er Gouzi checked it with his spiritual sense, and then he gently took the wooden box out.

This box looked more than two feet long, with runes painted on it. The wood seemed to be the same as the wooden sign he got, and the texture was extremely tough.

After Er Gouzi took the wooden box out, he placed it on the ground and ordered a snake to open the box.

This snake has no hands, so it can wrap around the wooden box. It barely opened the box with its head and tail exerting force at the same time.

After the wooden box was opened, it turned out that there was an arm inside.


"This is Xu Feng's arm!"

Chang Ling'er's voice exclaimed in Er Gouzi's mind.

"Are you sure?"

Er Gouzi still had some doubts, after all, Chang Ling'er, who died at the same time as him, had turned into a dry skeleton, and even the bones were rotten.

This arm looked full of flesh and blood, as if it had just been cut off not long ago.

"Yes, it's Xu Feng's hand. Even if he turned into ashes, I would recognize him."

Er Gouzi carefully checked the arm with his spiritual sense and found nothing special.

It was just an ordinary arm with flesh, blood, and bones.

I don't know why Xu Feng left an arm here?

Is it simply because there are too many arms and it's a hindrance?

"I found his arm for you. What do you want to do with it?"

Chang Ling'er was not so excited at this time. After hearing Er Gouzi's question, she did not reply for a long time.

"How about I chop off this arm for you and feed it to the dog?"

Chang Ling'er still did not reply.

After a while, he slowly said.

"I haven't thought about it yet. Keep it for now."

"Okay, then I'll put it away for you and think about it slowly when I go back."

"You want to whip the corpse, bury it together, or feed it to the dog, it's all fine."

As Er Gouzi said, he had already put the wooden box and the arm into the gourd.

"There's nothing here. Let's go!"

Er Gouzi took another careful look around and there was indeed nothing.

Except for an arm, there was nothing to gain.

Just when he turned around to leave, his trouser leg was pulled by something.

Er Gouzi looked back and found the mossy dog ​​statue that had just stood in front of the stone wall.

This dog didn't show any breath, and its body was covered with moss, so that Er Gouzi mistook it for a sculpture just now.

Unexpectedly, it was actually a living thing, and it was biting Er Gouzi's trouser leg tightly.

"Hey, where did the wild dog come from?"

Chang Ling'er hadn't noticed it before, and she was surprised at this moment.

This dog was covered with a layer of green moss, and its body was about the same size as an ordinary puppy.

It was fatter and rounder, and its legs were shorter.

Biting Er Gouzi's trouser leg at this time, it didn't look very fierce.

"What do you want to do with this dog?"

Facing the strange dog that suddenly appeared, Er Gouzi didn't know where it came from, so he didn't dare to fight or provoke it.

He squatted down gently, trying to cut off the part of the pants that the dog bit.

He just squatted down, and his hand touched the leg of the shorts, but he didn't do it yet.

The dog suddenly bit his arm, and then he felt the blood in his body pouring into the dog's mouth.

"You dead dog, how dare you bite me! And suck my blood!"

Er Gouzi roared, drew out the heavy sword on his back, and slashed it on the dog's back.


With one sword, the surrounding stones were chopped and splashed, and a deep sword mark was cut on the ground.

The dog's back was dented by the sword.

But his teeth still bit Er Gouzi's arm fiercely, and he refused to let go.

Er Gouzi felt that the blood in his body was still flowing out and pouring into the dog's mouth.

And the dog's back, which was just flattened by him, was slowly recovering.

"You won't let go? I'll smash you to death."

"Boom boom boom..."

Er Gouzi held a heavy sword and attacked the dog violently, and the stone floor around him was broken by him.

Under his violent attack, the dog was smashed into a thin piece.

But his mouth was still on Er Gouzi's arm, not letting go.

And the dog's body, which had just been smashed into thin pieces, was slowly recovering.

Even the dog didn't open its eyes, as if it was still sleeping.

From the dog's nose, you can still hear very faint snoring.

It was a great shame.

At this moment, a message suddenly flowed along his arm and rushed into Er Gouzi's mind.

"I'm Xu Feng, when you see this message, I should have been dead..."

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