Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 161 Big Net

The two tenants who joined the cult were scolded by Er Gouzi, and were not even scolded. They were sent back as if nothing had happened.

The two returned to the village and continued to work from sunrise to sunset every day, which was no different from usual.

Another month passed like this. One night, the night owl outside the village called three times in a row.

The two heard the noise, got out of bed quietly, and walked out of the village.

Under a small tree outside the village, a man in black had been waiting there.

"Greetings, envoy."

When the two saw the man in black, they knelt down and kowtowed.

"Ma Laoer, Ma Laowu, have you heard any news from Shekou recently?"

"Ah, ah..."


Hearing the envoy's question, the two rushed to answer.

"Tell me one by one, and tell me the value of the information. Each of you will be rewarded with a bushel of rice."

The messenger looked at the two with disdain. He looked down on this kind of begging for a bushel of rice.

"Ma Laoer, you speak first."

"Well, okay, the flock under Shekou has given birth again. The flower-footed ewe gave birth to 4 babies, and two died. Now the flock has 200... 300..."

Ma Laoer counted on his fingers, carefully recalled and calculated, but he couldn't figure out how many sheep there were for a while.

"Okay, I know, do you have any other information?"

The messenger interrupted Ma Laoer's calculation impatiently. It wasted two bushels of rice, and it was just these trivial things all day long.

Ma Laoer shook his head in confusion.

"No more."

"Return the information!"

At this time, Ma Laowu said impatiently.

"There are many big snakes in Shekou. I saw them letting big snakes pull carts a few days ago."

"That snake is so big and so long..."

Ma Laowu said, while using his hands to gesture the size of the snake.

"A snake can pull two ox carts at the same time, and it runs very fast. It is better than any animal."

The messenger nodded slightly when he heard this. They had already mastered this situation, but it was much better than the information about sheep giving birth and cows eating grass.

These stupid villagers simply couldn't tell what information was useful and what was useless.

"If the information provided by Ma Laowu is useful, I can reward you with a bucket of rice."

The messenger left after throwing down a sentence and soon disappeared into the night.

At the same time, not far from the small tree, Sun Wangcai poked his head out from behind a big rock.

He looked at the direction where the man in black left, took out two talismans, and slapped them on himself, and his figure and breath completely disappeared.

Sun Wangcai used the invisibility talisman and quietly followed the cult messenger all the way.

After walking through several roads, the cult messenger finally entered a village and went into a yard.

Sun Wangcai followed into the yard and took a look, and found that this was not a cult den.

It was just the home of this cult member, and the whole family lived here.

He walked around inside and checked it out. There were five people inside, two cult members and three children.

Sun Wangcai did not alarm the snake, even a needle or a thread in the yard, he did not move, and went back empty-handed.

The next morning, Er Gouzi had just got up, and Sun Wangcai came to report to him.

"Boss, we found the residence of the cultist. It's in Heitianpu Village. Don't alert the enemy."

"Very good, keep investigating, don't alert the enemy."

"Report to me when you find anything."

Er Gouzi nodded. Sun Wangcai was steady and reassured.

"Here are some talismans and medicines. You can use them."

Er Gouzi said, took out a stack of talismans and a bottle of Peiyuan, and gave them to Sun Wangcai.

During the last rebellion, the cultists and rebel leaders disappeared overnight.

At that time, he searched for a long time, almost turning the entire Anchang County upside down, but he couldn't find them.

This matter has always bothered him, and now the cult has reappeared.

Er Gouzi planned to take it slowly, first follow the clues, find out the details of the cult, and find out all their bases and secret lines.

In the end, he would give them a thundering blow.

Although including the Daoxuan Sect, they were all called cults by the government.

But the cults that practiced the "Blood Refining Technique", used people to refine blood and soul, and used people as cultivation materials were fundamentally different from other cults.

According to Brother Ji, these cults were all the remnants of ancient evil cultivators or demonic cultivators.

It was a cancer in the human race.

From then on, Sun Wangcai disguised himself as a beggar and begged outside Heitianpu Village every day.

He had been a refugee and a beggar before, and he was almost refined into blood and soul by the cult.

Now it was not difficult for him to pretend to be a beggar.

During this period, the cult messenger would occasionally go out at night to meet the undercovers in various villages.

Sun Wangcai followed behind with an invisible charm every time, and he had a clear understanding of the undercover agents he met.

"Boss, after investigation, the cultist's subordinates are in charge of a total of 20 undercover agents, located in Xigou Village, Bazi Village, Wanli Village..."

A few months later, Sun Wangcai sorted out the intelligence he had discovered during this period, wrote it on a few pieces of yellow paper, and gave it all to Er Gouzi.

Er Gouzi looked at the crooked handwriting on the paper, which was like a dog paddling, and was uglier than his own handwriting, and felt a little relieved.

All his subordinates were uneducated, and they didn't even know the words at first.

It was thanks to Huang Fugui's hard work and teaching that these people learned to read.

Now anyone can write crooked words.

Er Gouzi took out a map and marked all the villages.

He found that the cult had a large layout and had infiltrated every nearby village.

These villages were connected together to form a big network.

He believed that what he saw now was just a small part of the iceberg, and there should be more cultists and undercover agents.

In just a few years, this cult has spread rapidly again.

"Continue to investigate secretly, don't alert the snake."

Er Gouzi gave Sun Wangcai another bottle of medicine and a stack of talismans.

"One person can't handle it, you can transfer a few more people to help."

"Find the superiors of the cultists and their hidden dens."


Sun Wangcai picked a few capable people this time to help him investigate.

It was really tiring for a person to investigate without sleep. He had hardly closed his eyes during this period.

Looking at Sun Wangcai's departing back, Er Gouzi thought of another thing.

It had been more than half a year since he asked Sun Wangcai to send a letter at the post station, but there was still no news and no reply.

I wonder what happened to Sima Yi and the others? Under normal circumstances, it is impossible not to reply.

He thought, if he waited another month and still didn't reply, he would at least go to the capital to check it out.

But just after he had this idea, only ten days had passed.

He finally received the letter from Sima Yi.

In his reply, Sima Yi said that he had been in prison for two years and had just come out of prison.

As for why he was in prison and how he spent his time in prison, he just mentioned it briefly without going into details.

After he came out of prison, he was promoted a little bit and got a foundation-building pill.

Sima Yi also mentioned the master of the King of Qi, who was convicted for his words a few years ago and was imprisoned. Now he is out and reinstated.

The letter also mentioned that the King of Qi was going to help Er Gouzi get a small official position, and it would be done after a while.

Er Gouzi didn't understand after reading the letter. Brother Ji knew that he didn't like being an official.

Why did he have to get himself an official position?

Does Brother Ji count as being an emperor?

Being an official is quite boring, and Er Gouzi is very resistant psychologically.

This violates his principle of not being an official and not joining a cult.

But if Brother Ji wants to be an emperor, he must be a high-ranking official, and he can only do it reluctantly, just a nominal position and a salary.

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