Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 174: Be on Guard

Since Er Gouzi escaped last time, he has been practicing hard every day. He sharpens his skills before the battle. He will be very fast!

He always pours the Qi-Gathering Pill directly into his mouth with the pill bottle, and he pours more than ten pills at a time.

There is no other way. He doesn't have the Xuanyuan Pill for the Foundation Establishment Period, so he can only eat more Qi-Gathering Pills for the Qi Training Period.

The best ones are all spiritual medicines grown by Yushan. He refines the pills himself. He can refine eight or nine pills in one furnace, and the cost is not high.

They are all unsalable goods in his hands.

Er Gouzi sat and practiced for a while. The medicinal power of the Qi-Gathering Pill has been refined, and a drop of mana liquid has been added to his dantian.

He walked out of the stone house and saw Yushan digging the ground. People who work hard still look the most charming.

"Yushan, come and take a rest!"

"Master, there is still a lot of work to be done over there!"

Yushan came over reluctantly with two hoes on his shoulders, not wanting to waste time on some unimportant things.

"Take this bottle of pills. In addition to farming, you should also take some time to practice and strengthen your strength."

Er Gouzi said, and took a bottle of Qi Ju Dan to Yushan.

"Thank you, Master. I will eat it after I finish digging that piece of land."

Yushan took the pills, fearing that he would waste his time, and went to dig the land with two hoes.

It seems that Yushan can't be counted on.

Er Gouzi took a few bottles of pills and walked to the geese.

"Big goose, take the pills!"

Starting from the king goose, he stuffed several Pei Yuan Dan into the mouths of each big goose.

Now the strength of the geese has reached the late stage of Qi training, but it's a pity that they can't build a foundation.

He was not sure, if the goose built its foundation without registration, would it be considered an evil goose?

That foundation-building snake should not have been registered, and it seemed that no one came to investigate.

Now there was no one around to ask for advice.

If possible, he could find a way to collect the other four kinds of spiritual medicines with the formula of the foundation-building pill in his hand, and then he could make a batch of foundation-building pills.

"Yushan, can I ask you a question?"

"Master, you say."

When Yushan spoke, the action of digging the soil in his hands did not stop at all.

"How did you break through the foundation-building stage in the Wan Yao Kingdom?"

"We also have foundation-building pills. Every year, the Wan Yao King Court will collect medicinal materials, refine foundation-building pills uniformly, and then distribute them to various tribes."

"Do you need to register to build your foundation? Will you be considered an evil demon if you don't register?"

"Of course not. The life span of the demon race is relatively long. As long as they are not killed by time, they will naturally break through to the foundation-building stage after hundreds of years of accumulation."

It turns out that although demons are not intelligent, they are stupid demons with good luck and can break through by accumulating time.

In this way, the Wan Yao Kingdom really cannot implement the Great Zhou Dynasty.

After Er Gouzi fed the big goose, he went to the snake cave and fed some pills to the snakes.

In the past, he would not be willing to feed such expensive pills to the snakes even if they were unsalable.

Each pill is worth a spirit stone, and other immortal cultivators may not be able to eat one during festivals.

Now he can only hope that the snake group can add some strength.

"Chang Ling'er, you said last time that you wanted to repair the magic weapon Snake Mountain. How do you do it specifically?"

Ever since Er Gouzi knew that Snake Mountain was a magic weapon, he has been wondering if it can be repaired, but he has tried many methods and failed.

"I don't know, there is no content in my memory about this."

"This magic weapon was originally very powerful, and it could suppress Chang Ling'er inside. If it is placed in such a place without spiritual energy for too long, all the spiritual energy will be lost."

Chang Ling'er can only provide some general directions most of the time, and he doesn't remember the specific operations.

Most of his memories are only related to Xu Feng.

In order to restore the spiritual energy of Snake Mountain, Er Gouzi can only explore slowly by himself.

After feeding the snakes, Er Gouzi went down to the foot of the mountain. In the past few days, everyone has been practicing formations and ready to deal with strong enemies at any time.

"Huang Mancang, come here."


Huang Mancang wiped his sweat and ran over.

"You did a great job a few days ago. I've been too busy recently and haven't had time to reward you."

At that time, he sent more than a dozen teams, and only Huang Mancang's team successfully stopped the people.

"You killed people and burned many houses. I've been worried that the boss will punish you!"

"You killed people, but you saved more people. The owners of those houses are all dead. Let's burn them."

Er Gouzi said, and took a pill bottle and stuffed it into Huang Mancang.

"Thank you, boss!"

Huang Mancang took the bottle and thanked him quickly.

"You should be rewarded for your achievements. This is what you deserve."

Er Gouzi patted Huang Mancang on the shoulder, encouraged him, and turned away.

Huang Mancang watched Er Gouzi walk away, and then quietly opened the pill bottle to check.


"So many..."


Huang Mancang put the medicine bottle in his arms and quietly went to find Huang Laocai.

"Dad, look!"

Huang Mancang handed the medicine bottle to his father mysteriously.

"So many pills!"

It was the first time for the father and son to see so many pills, a full ten pills.

"Dad, these are Qi Ju Dan, more than twice as expensive as Pei Yuan Dan."

Huang Mancang had only eaten Pei Yuan Dan before, and Qi Ju Dan was a legendary life for him.

Not to mention that he couldn't afford it, he had never even seen it.

Huang Mancang poured a pill out of it, took it in his hand, and the father and son looked at it carefully for a long time.

"Dad! Open your mouth!"

Huang Laocai quickly closed his mouth and took two steps back.

"Such an expensive pill, don't waste it."

"Dad! Just eat one and try it."

"No, it's too wasteful!"

"Give two pills to your elder brother. You are old and don't waste good things."

"Big brother will not forget it. You eat one..."


Er Gouzi rewarded Huang Mancang heavily this time. As for the other teams that did not stop people, he did not punish them.

Everyone has a different personality. When encountering different things, they will make different choices because of their own personality.

What I have to do is to let the right people do the right things for them.

If I have to investigate, I will first of all take the responsibility that others do not understand.

If Xiao Hei is asked to guard the food and Da Ge is asked to farm, it is a bit unreasonable.

Qiu Yue and the others are more compassionate, so it is still appropriate for her to do some internal affairs.

Er Gouzi was looking at the foot of the mountain when he suddenly felt a strong breath coming from a distance.

"Prepare for battle!"

For a moment, the atmosphere around the entire Sheshan Mountain became tense.

Er Gouzi put the little black dog on his head, stretched out his four short legs, and tied a knot at his chin, so that the little black dog protected his neck and head.

"Woof woof woof..."

The little black dog barked in dissatisfaction, feeling very disrespected.

"Don't bark, raise a dog for a thousand days, and kill it for a moment. I'll make you something delicious later."

Hearing that there was something delicious, the little black dog became obedient and lay on his head as a shield.

Er Gouzi put down the big snake, drew the heavy sword with the door panel, rode on the big goose and flew into the sky.

For a moment, more than 2,000 people quickly formed a formation, ready to fight to the death.

The golden elixir breath in the distance was getting closer and closer.

The foundation-building snakes trembled with fear.


The goose cried loudly in the distance, and dozens of geese on the top of the mountain all flew into the air.

"Gaga... Gaga..."

The goose can be killed, stewed, or braised, but it will never surrender!

All the people on Shexiao Mountain were ready for battle to welcome the little black dot flying from afar.

The little black dot on the horizon was not fast, and it slowly approached, and finally saw the person coming.

Xia Qingshan?

Why is he here? It was a waste of tension!

The momentum that Er Gouzi had just raised was all gone.

He pulled Xiao Hei off his head, rubbed him, and he returned to the appearance of a little puppy.

"This subordinate greets Lord Xia!"

"Captain Zhang, are you okay here?"

Xia Qingshan flew over and measured the momentum of the people on Shexiao Mountain who were ready for battle, and was secretly shocked.

I didn't expect that the small Sheji Mountain has already formed a climate. This formation can fight even against Jindan cultivators.

Especially the army formation composed of more than 2,000 people below, which should not be underestimated.

"Didn't the old demon Ding come to you after the pass?"

"Not yet, we have been on high alert here, ready to fight the old demon to the end and eliminate the demon for the country."

"That's strange!"

Xia Qingshan was a little confused. Along the way, all the surrounding counties were refined and swallowed by the old demon, and there were few living people.

Even the city of Yangyang, all the soldiers and civilians in the city were refined and swallowed by the old demon Ding.

Only Xia Junshou was left hiding in the underground secret room. Because he was stained with blood, he was stupid now.

Sheji Mountain, which is closest to Anchang County, is peaceful.

"Master Xia, I've been waiting for more than ten days, and finally you are here."

Since Er Gouzi went to the county city last time, it has been more than 10 days, almost 20 days, the state government is too slow.

"The state government just received the news five days ago, and the old man came immediately."

When Er Gouzi heard this, he found that the time didn't match. The old man Xia Junshou delayed at least 10 days before reporting to the state government.

If he rode a big goose to the state capital himself, it would take at least half a month, and a month to go back and forth.

But he knew that there was a magic weapon in the county city, which could contact the state government and report it on the same day.

After a little thought, he probably guessed the little thoughts of Xia Junshou, which was nothing more than wanting to use Ding Lao Mo's knife to kill him.

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