Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 18 Aura

It has been two months since Er Gouzi returned to Shekou Mountain.

During this period, 놛 was full of passion every day, just like a cow that never tires. Every day, he practiced martial arts and reclaimed wasteland.

놛 broke several hoes and hatchets.

Of course, the harvest was also very good, and 늅 successfully reclaimed two acres of wasteland.

놛 planted Polygonatum sibiricum on the two newly added acres of land.

Because only Polygonatum sibiricum blooms and produces seeds, and there are only Polygonatum sibiricum seeds in hand.

On this day, 놛 was going to turn over the land where Cistanche deserticola was planted and plant some Polygonatum sibiricum.

When he dug a hoe, he found something. There was a white jade-like thing in the soil on the ground.

"What is this?"

놛 squatted on the ground and looked carefully. This thing was columnar, and the shape was not very elegant, which easily reminded people of other things that made people blush.

Could this be Cistanche deserticola?

Thinking of this, I picked up a hoe and started digging the soil. I dug out the whole column, which was more than two feet long.

Then I dug in the open space where Cistanche deserticola was planted, and indeed dug out many more columnar objects.

Each one was white and crystal clear, thick and long, and covered with scales.

I picked up one and took a bite. It tasted sweet, and then bitter. It was edible, but not particularly delicious.

After digging out more than a dozen in a row, I was very sure that this thing should be the Cistanche deserticola planted two months ago.

There was no need to dig out the rest, and I planned to leave it in the ground to continue growing.

Last time, I heard that unreliable old doctor say that this thing is a tonic, but I don’t know how to tonic it.

I want to try it myself.

However, I am afraid that the medicinal properties are not enough, so I put the Cistanche deserticola in a gourd first and store it for a few days before eating it.

In addition, the first batch of Polygonatum odoratum grew well, so I dug a few plants and put them in a gourd, so I might as well try them together.

After a day, I took out the two herbs, washed them, and stewed them in a pot.

After stewing, the two herbs were only a little bitter, and a little sweet, and the taste was also very good.

Er Gouzi took a bite of Polygonatum odoratum and chewed a bite of Cistanche deserticola like he usually eats, and he ate it very fragrantly.

After eating, he lay on the bed, his stomach was warm, and his body was still a little hot.

I couldn't fall asleep lying on the bed anyway, but I felt more and more energetic, and I felt that I had an endless energy in my body.

In the middle of the night, I simply got up, carried a hoe and went to the field to open up wasteland, cleared a good open space, and then went back to sleep.

I felt that my energy was not exhausted. Lying on the bed, all kinds of strange and weird thoughts came to my mind one by one.

"I'm 14 years old this year, not too young. Should I spend some money and ask a matchmaker to find me a wife?"

"There are 12 girls of the same age in the village. Which one is more suitable? Xinghua, Hehua, Cuihua..."

"Cuihua, who used to pick wild vegetables and pig grass with me when I was a child, is married. I still remember that we used to touch crabs in Snake Creek with our bare chests..."

"The food at Huang Laocai's place is really good. I've never seen a girl so round. She walks with a twist and a sway..."

"Oh! What a pity..."

I finally fell asleep in my wild thoughts.

I had a dream that I married my second daughter.

On the wedding night, my second daughter had a rosy face and wore a red dress with embroidery.

I started to take off my second daughter's clothes. However, I took off one piece after another, and my second daughter's clothes could never be taken off completely.

After taking off my clothes for the whole night, I was so anxious that I scratched my ears and cheeks, and my head was full of sweat. I didn't even see the white flesh as much as my fingernails.

When I woke up in the morning, I found that my clothes were wet.

I touched it with my hand, and it was not sweat, but blood from my nose.

Was it because I took too much supplements, or was I anxious in my dream last night?


The moment I got up from the bed, I felt something was wrong.

Today's feeling is completely different from the past.

A careful comparison shows that my ears and eyes have become smarter, my hands and feet have become lighter, and my strength has also increased.

When I sat cross-legged and started my morning practice, I found more differences.

I sensed that there were some colorful small light spots distributed in the surrounding air.

These light spots were extremely active and drifted in the air.

When I breathed in and out according to the exercises, some light spots entered my body with the air.

Then some of the light spots would escape from my body through breathing or from the skin.

Only a few spots of light remained in the body, being refined as part of the body.

"Is this the spiritual energy mentioned in the book?"

"I can sense the spiritual energy!"

In the past six months, Li Banxian has used that broken book as an enlightenment textbook and has asked Er Gouzi to copy it from beginning to end.

The good thing is that in addition to reading and learning to read, Er Gouzi also remembers the contents of the book by heart.

The book says that there is spiritual energy between heaven and earth, and any living creature that takes the spiritual energy into the body will be able to strengthen its body, prolong its life, and even become immortal.

But ordinary people, although living in a spiritual environment, cannot sense the spiritual energy. They need to practice for a period of time and reach a certain level before they can sense it.

Once you can sense the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it is called sensing the energy.

Er Gouzi walked outside and carefully sensed everything.

He found that everything has spiritual energy, but the density is different.

Among ordinary soil and rocks, one or two spiritual light spots are found every one or two feet, which is slightly better than nothing.

In the fields, in the soil that had been watered with the gourd, the spiritual energy spots were obviously much denser.

On average, one or two inches apart, you can see a spiritual energy spot, which is slowly dissipating into the air.

Then you compare ordinary items with items that have been stored in the gourd for more than 10 days.

It is obvious that the spiritual energy content of the items stored in the gourd is several times higher.

You guessed that the things in the gourd have magical effects, probably because the spiritual energy is more concentrated.

The breakthrough in cultivation allowed you to sense the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, as if a new world had opened up all of a sudden.

From the beginning of sensing the energy, you can practice the first level of the nameless technique.

Er Gouzi never understood that since this is only the first level, what is the technique you practiced before?

Anyway, this broken book has no beginning or end, and the master is often unfathomable and doesn't like to mention these trivial matters.

However, for this breakthrough, I should ask the master for advice.

I was chased by a black shadow last time, and I am still scared. I almost died. I wonder if I can ask the master for a sword technique or something like that.

Also, I dug out so many Cistanches, I can ask the master to take a look at one. I don’t know how to process and use it.

I must have taken too many tonics last night and got drunk.

But if I hadn’t taken so much at once, I might not have made a breakthrough this morning.

Er Gouzi climbed down the mountain with a sack on his back. Now it’s winter again, and everyone is preparing for winter.

There are many children in the fields carrying baskets to dig wild vegetables, pick wild fruits, and collect grass seeds...

They will not let go of anything edible.

Even a handful of wild grass seeds can save a life when there is no food in winter.

Among the children digging wild vegetables, two familiar figures were seen.

"Xiao Ezi!"

It was Xiao Ezi and Zhang Youxin, who were also digging wild vegetables in the fields.

"Brother Gouzi!"

Xiao Ezi ran towards him happily, holding a handful of dogtail grass in her hand.

Zhang Youxin followed Xiao Ezi, holding a hoe and staring at Er Gouzi, ready to fight with him at any time.

The uncle's family inherited Er Gou's mother's inheritance and had dozens of acres of land, so they naturally didn't need to eat dogtail grass.

But because they had to support Zhang Youliang's martial arts training and had high expenses, they lived a tight life. They collected some grass seeds and wild vegetables to feed chickens and pigs, which also saved some food.

Er Gouzi used to eat dogtail grass seeds in pig food. They were very rough and scratched his throat, but they were very good at resisting hunger.

By comparison, barnyard grass seeds are much more delicious.

"Brother Gouzi, are you here to pick wild vegetables?"

"I'll tell you a secret. There are many tender wild vegetables behind the Xiwan field."

Xiao Ezi came closer and whispered to him.

"Oh, okay, thank you. I'll go to town first and come back to see it."

Er Gouzi doesn't need to eat wild vegetables now, and he probably won't need them in the future, but he still thanked Xiao Ezi happily.

"I'm going to town. Is there anything you want? I'll buy it for you."

"I don't want anything. Don't spend money recklessly. You'll be hungry again."

Xiao Ezi shook her head like a rattle, fearing that Er Gouzi would spend money recklessly.

"Okay! I won't spend money recklessly!"

Er Gouzi flicked Xiao Ezi's forehead.

In this world, Xiao Ezi is probably the only relative left to him.

As for Zhang Youxin, who was standing behind Xiao Ezi and glaring at him, he didn't beat him today for Xiao Ezi's sake.

After Er Gouzi said goodbye to Xiao Ezi, he looked at the ragged tenant children in the fields. He had also lived this way in the past few years.

Now he has a mountain and a mysterious gourd. He should not be hungry in the future, right?

He patted his warm cotton clothes and walked towards Chazi Town.

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