Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 21 Getting Rich

Er Gouzi walked quickly and arrived at the county town in the evening.

When he entered the city, he still felt a little proud of getting an advantage.

On the road just now, he didn't expect that the bandits would not rest at home in the cold weather and come out to rob people.

Although this group of bandits had good credit, Er Gouzi didn't want to pay dozens of coins for nothing.

He was very stingy when he ate pork, and dozens of coins could buy a pound of pork.

So, he took advantage of the bandits' preparation and suddenly accelerated and fled.

After he compared his leg strength with the black shadow last time, his confidence in escaping increased.

Especially recently, his cultivation has made progress, and the strand of true energy in his body has become several times stronger, so he runs faster and has longer endurance.

He ran as fast as he could, and the bandits could only shout at him from behind, and they were almost catching up.

As for fighting the bandits to death, he didn't even think about it. Swords and knives have no eyes, and if he was not careful, he would be in trouble if he poked a hole in his body.

When Er Gouzi walked into the city gate, there were more beggars in the county town, and they all swarmed up and surrounded him.

At first, he was a little hesitant and wanted to whip him like Lai Fu.

But these beggars bullied him because he was a country bumpkin, and many of them started to strip him of his clothes and snatch his sack, and even the rope on his pants was untied.

"Get out!"

Er Gouzi roared, used his hands and feet, and exerted brute force, and immediately threw the surrounding beggars several steps away.

Now he didn't dare to go forward to beg, so he tied his belt again, tidied his clothes, and walked forward.

It seems that he can't tolerate these beggars, even his clothes will be stripped off.

The atmosphere of Huichuntang is still so cold, and the young man is reading a book at his desk.

When he heard the footsteps and looked up to see Er Gouzi, he jumped up from the chair as if he was bitten by a dog.

"You are finally here!"

"I've been waiting so hard!"

The young man held Er Gouzi's hand tightly with both hands, looking very excited.

Seeing this, Er Gouzi guessed that the last batch of Riki pills had been used up.

"Do you still have the Riki pills you gave me last time? How many did you bring this time?"

The young man did not hide his desire for that kind of pills.

He planned to keep the Riki pills he bought last time for medical treatment in the store.

He was found by an elder brother who practiced martial arts and ate them as candy beans.

This elder brother kept pestering him for this kind of pill, saying that it has miraculous effects and is helpful for martial arts practice.

He had no choice but to pester him, but he found Er Gouzi's trace and could only worry.

"Look, I've been worried about you so much that my hair has turned white."

Qing pulled a white hair of his to show Er Gouzi.

"I brought some."

Er Gouzi nodded, but he felt that Qing was a few years older than him and was not sensible at all.

He showed his eagerness to buy it, and was afraid that he would ask for too much price when the time came.

He knew from a young age that when he wanted to buy something in the market, he had to pretend to like it and pick and choose before bargaining.

Maybe his family had food and clothes since he was a child, so he didn't need to be as cautious as himself.

He took off the sack on his back and opened it. It was full of Riki pills, at least four or five buckets.

"So many! Okay, I want them all."

Generally, the more precious medicinal materials are very rare. I didn't expect Er Gouzi to pack them in sacks. This bag must have at least more than 5,000 pills.

Immediately, the two counted them one by one. After counting for more than half a day, there were 5,695 pills in total.

"Are we still going with the last price?"

Qing had already started to fiddle with the abacus beads on the counter, and then he remembered that the two had not yet discussed the price.

Er Gouzi nodded in agreement.

Last time, he was able to sell 50 wen per pill, which was beyond his expectation.

Moreover, Er Gouzi felt that the young man in front of him had a cheerful personality and was not cunning, so he planned to cooperate with him for a long time in the future.

"Okay, a total of 5695 pills, 50 wen per pill, a total of 284750 yuan."

The abacus beads clattered for a while, and the young man reported the total price.

Er Gouzi also learned some arithmetic from Li Banxian, and calculated for a long time in his mind before he figured out the result.

"I'll give you an integer, 285 taels of silver, how about it?"

"No problem, don't worry, I still have two kinds of pills, take a look."

Er Gouzi said, took off the two small bundles on his back, and spread them on the counter.

The two bundles were filled with enhanced versions of Riki pills.

Er Gouzi had tried them himself, and the two kinds of power pills had a stronger spiritual energy, which was more helpful for the growth of cultivation.

He just felt that the one with Cistanche deserticola was too good. Every time he ate it, he couldn't help but have wild thoughts, and he would dream of getting married, or the kind of anxious one.

Qing looked down for a long time, and then took the three pills in his hand to compare.

"I can only feel that the efficacy of these two medicines has been greatly enhanced, but I am still not sure in which direction the effect will be exerted. I need to test it several times."

"If you don't mind, sell these pills to me for 60 coins each. If they are indeed effective after the test, I will add more money."

Er Gouzi saw that Qing was very sincere, so of course he had no objection.

"These two kinds of pills are 50 each, a total of 100 pills, which is 6 taels of silver."

After Qing calculated it, he went into the back hall of the pharmacy, and after a while, he came out with a small wooden box.

The wooden box was opened in front of Er Gouzi, and it was full of silver, which made him happy.

Qing took out the silver ingots one by one and weighed them in front of Er Gouzi.

Each ingot was a standard 10 taels, and he took 29 ingots, and then weighed one tael of broken silver.

"The total is 291 taels of silver, please check it again."

"I am Sima Yi, and you can sell me any Rikimaru in the future."

"Oh, okay, I am Zhang Er Gou, and I will sell you in the future."

Er Gouzi took the silver ingots and wrapped them in several layers with a bundle, and then tied them all up.

He walked out of Huichun Hall with more than two taels of silver in his arms. It was the first time in his life that he had seen so much money.

This money was enough to buy 10 acres of good land, enough for the expenses of a general tenant family for more than ten years.

With this money, he could buy a dozen virgin girls at the market and take them home to be wives, concubines, or maids.

At this time, the streets were dark, and the people on the road were all kinds of people, and everyone looked suspicious, like a thief.

Every person who passed by would make Er Gouzi alert.

With a huge sum of money, Er Gouzi finally stood up straight.

When he passed by the bun shop, he waved his hand and bought 10 of the best meat buns without bargaining.

Holding a pile of meat buns, he ate them while walking, and they were so delicious.

When the beggars on the roadside saw it, their eyes were filled with tears.

When he finished eating 10 meat buns, he was completely dark, so he found a place to spend the night first, and he had to go to the blacksmith shop to buy a sword tomorrow.

Er Gouzi decided to be extravagant again and find an inn to stay for one night.

There was a Hongyan Building on the roadside, which was five stories high and had lanterns hanging on the door, which looked very impressive.

Er Gouzi hesitated at the door for a while, rubbed the mud on his feet in the snow, and then walked towards the Hongyan Building.

He wanted to see what was inside.

As soon as he walked to the door, a young servant in blue bowed his head and greeted him.

But when the servant saw his muddy feet, the smile on his face disappeared, and he looked at Er Gouzi from head to toe with a cold look.

A bumpkin from the countryside!

"Get out!"

The servant shouted coldly.

Er Gouzi was stunned, thinking that there was some misunderstanding, and that he was probably taken as a beggar, and said hurriedly.

"I'm here to stay."

"Stay here?"

The servant measured Er Gouzi again.

His hair was messy, his skin was dark and rough, he was wearing a torn cotton coat, he looked rustic, his hands were covered with calluses and cracks, and he didn't even have a pair of shoes.

"Bah! Look at what kind of place this is!"

"Two taels of silver a night, can you afford it?"

"If I let you stay here, where would the other noble gentlemen here put their faces!"

The servant said, and was about to push and drive him away.

However, Er Gouzi was tall, but he also had several kilograms of strength.

The blue-clothed servant pushed him like a stone mountain, and it didn't move at all.

At the same time, Er Gouzi gently pulled the servant with his arm, and the servant fell on his back.

"You look down!"

Er Gouzi turned around and walked out of the door of Hongyan Tower.

In fact, he heard that it would cost two taels of silver to stay for one night, so even if he was allowed to stay, he was willing to spend such a large sum of money.

It would be better to buy 10 to 20 kilograms of pork for himself than to spend so much money on accommodation.

Learning from the lesson of Hongyan Tower, he did not go into those places that looked very expensive to ask the price, so as not to humiliate himself.

Finally, he found a small inn with a shabby door, and it only cost 30 coins to stay for one night.

There was not even a bed or quilt in the guest room, and it would cost another 10 coins to get a quilt, but there was a kitchen where you could cook by yourself.

This small and broken shop was actually quite good, and many people from all religions lived in it.

There were not many thieves in the shop, and they visited him three times in one night, making him almost unable to sleep, and he did not lose a penny of his good silver.

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