Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 35 The exam begins

The Anchang County Wuxiucai Examination has begun. It is an annual event in the county, attracting many people from the surrounding area to watch.

At the same time, it also attracted some people who were not simple-minded and wanted to pick one or two sons-in-law among the candidates.

After all, all the outstanding young people in the county are gathered here.

In the past years, there were even cases where several families fell in love with a young man at the same time, so they got into a fight.

The examination room was set up in the school field opposite the county government office. It was about a hundred feet wide, surrounded by a fence and guarded by government officials.

At this moment, Gouzi walked into the examination room with an anxious mood.

Thanks to Sima Yi's arrangement, he was allowed to follow a senior member of the Sima family, and he walked in smoothly.

Otherwise, with the style of those government officials, they would have to peel off another layer of skin before they could get in.

"Thank you Brother Sima!"

"No, I'm just entrusted by my brother."

The young man from the Sima family obviously didn't want to deal with Gouzi. After the next words, he turned around and left, and walked into a group of county gentlemen, everyone talking and laughing.

"Sima Dong, who is that person? Why did you bring a peasant into the examination room?"

"I don't know him either, but Brother Tenda insisted on bringing him in."

"When did the threshold for martial arts scholars become so low that even peasants came to join in the fun?"

At this moment, Gouzi was wearing a piece of coarse cloth that had been washed white. Compared with the other candidates in the examination room who were wearing silk and satin, they looked out of place.

Therefore, there was a large area of ​​​​empty space around him that no one wanted to get close to.

Everyone was a little curious about how a country farmer sneaked in.

All the candidates looked at him curiously, as if they were looking at a fool.

Ordinary families grit their teeth, save some money for lamps, pens, and ink, and barely study. There may be some hope of becoming a literary scholar.

As for the path of becoming a martial arts scholar, learning martial arts is extremely expensive and cannot be afforded by ordinary people.

Therefore, there is no poor person in the entire examination room.

Now a farmer who doesn't know the heights of the world suddenly breaks in. Everyone is looking forward to the scene where he makes a fool of himself in the exam. It would be nice to add some laughter to the exam room.

괗Gouzi's ears and eyes are sharp now, and the laughter of a group of young men can be heard in his ears.

He was not originally able to squeeze into the circle of noble gentlemen.

After all, there are very few people like Sima Yi.

Standing alone in the crowd, Gouzi felt like he stood out from the crowd. Looking around, he saw that many onlookers had gathered around the examination room.

Some people even moved some tables, chairs and benches over and took the opportunity to sell some tea and fruit.

Some vendors carry a large bag of fried melon seeds and sell them in the crowd. One penny buys a bamboo tube.

Some thieves with three hands also squeezed in the crowd and took advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune.

In short, except for the nervous candidates, everyone was happy.

A high platform was erected in the center of the examination room with more than a dozen chairs, which were prepared for the examiners to sit.

At this moment, the chairs are all empty, and the officials haven't arrived yet.

"Dang! Dang Dang Dang..."

A gong sounded, and everyone immediately shut up and stood on tiptoes to look in the direction of the high platform.

I saw a group of people striding towards the county magistrate, and then sat down at the end of the high platform.

Below the county magistrate, there is a row of five examiners in charge of grading.

Some of the remaining seats were given to prominent figures in the county.

괗Gouzi actually saw Sima Yi on the high platform, standing behind a bearded man.

In addition to Sima Yi, he also saw his cousin Zhang Youliang in the crowd of onlookers.

"The examination for Wu Xiucai in Anchang County of the Great Zhou Dynasty has officially begun!"

With this loud shout, the exam began.

First, the examination rules were announced, which were divided into three rounds of examinations.

The first round of weightlifting is an elimination test. If you can lift a 500-꿭 stone over your head with both hands and walk around the field, you can pass the test and enter the next two rounds.

If you fail to lift weights, it means you are not strong enough and you are not qualified to enter the next round of exams.

The subsequent weapons and combat exams are scored by examiners.

The first strength assessment began. More than 100 candidates were divided into ten groups and took turns to take the stage.

It was only then that those gentlemen who looked like they were dressed in fine clothes truly revealed their true strength.

Each one showed their strong muscles, roared, lifted the 500-꿭 boulder above their heads, and then walked around the field, earning bursts of exclamations from the onlookers.

Of course, all successes need the support of losers to make the success shine even brighter.

Some candidates used all their strength to lift the stone above their heads. Their hands and feet were trembling, and they fell to the ground after taking only a few steps.

The embarrassed looks of each of the losers can even more arouse the crowd, triggering bursts of laughter.

Everyone may not be very happy to see others succeed, but seeing others fail and make a fool of themselves will definitely make everyone laugh from the bottom of their hearts.

Therefore, when 괗Gouzi came on the court, everyone in the stadium burst into cheers.

Many people have their melon seeds and smiles ready, waiting for Gou Zi to perform.

So among the 12 candidates in their group, almost all of them were looking at Gouzi.

It's not that he is handsome, it's that he looks so out of place as a peasant. Everyone has already expected his failure.

However, the reality will not change with everyone's wishes.

I saw 12 candidates walking in front of a row of stones in the examination room.

Eleven of them stood in horse stance, stuck their buttocks out, and reached out to feel the stone, looking for the best angle to exert force.

Only Gouzi didn't even stand in horse stance, but squatted down to pick up the stone, and then casually clamped the stone under his armpit.

This scene gave the onlookers a strong sense of unreality.

It seemed that what Gouzi clamped under his armpit was not a stone, but a hollow piece of wood.

At the same time, other candidates also roared, and finally raised the stone above their heads and took heavy steps forward.

Seeing this, Gouzi found that his exercise was not standard, and was worried that he would be caught by the braids by the examiner and judged as unqualified.

These officials had nothing to do after dinner every day, and they liked to find all kinds of reasons to torment people.

Thinking of this, he quickly put the stone under his armpit back to the ground.

Then he followed the others, stood in a horse stance, raised his buttocks, and roared, and then raised the stone above his head.

Others walked slowly step by step in front, and 괗狗子 also followed slowly behind with a stone, trying to do the same as others to avoid being picked on by the examiner.

His imitation behavior was seen as naked ridicule by others, and he felt insulted.

In fact, for 괗狗子땤, it was really no big deal to raise 500꿭 with both hands, because the sword on his back was 150꿭.

괗狗子늀 raised the 500꿭 stone in this way and walked around the field. He did not change his face throughout the whole process, breathing evenly, and even sweating.

This made the people who were waiting to see the joke very disappointed.

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