Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 38: Many Relatives (1/2)

Ergou was still in the county town and had not returned. Someone had already set his sights on Shekou.

However, the large field under his feet belonged to Ergou, who rented it to Ah Hu's family.

This family wandered around in the field all day, making it impossible for people to find a chance to climb up during the day.

One night, a black shadow came under his feet.

The man wandered around under his feet, rubbing here and there, and tossed around all night.

Finally, when it was almost dawn, he left cursing.

It was not that he didn't want to climb up, but that Ergou was too wicked and completely blocked the only way to climb up.

That's not all. Even the stone wall that could be climbed was shaved smooth and delicate by his heavy sword. If you want to climb up, there is no place to put your strength.

The black shadow tried to climb up by light skills, but he fell several times and his head was broken.

Finally, he had no choice but to leave.

However, there are always some people in this world who are determined and braver with more setbacks.

How could he be discouraged in the face of such a small difficulty?

There is no difficult work, only brave and tenacious thieves.

A few days later, the black shadow came back.

This time he was no longer alone, but brought two more black shadows with him.

As the saying goes, a hero needs three helpers, and the same is true for being a thief, which requires the strength of a team.

Moreover, they also prepared tools for committing the crime this time.

They carried more than a dozen long ladders and a large bundle of ropes, intending to connect these long ladders with ropes and climb up the ladders.

The three squatted at the foot of the ladder and worked for most of the night. Finally, they spliced ​​these dozen long ladders together and fixed them firmly with ropes to form a ladder more than 20 feet long.

However, the three of them did not expect that after the ladder was lengthened, it would be extremely difficult to just stand it up and put it on the cliff.

Fortunately, one of the black shadows had a good martial arts skill, otherwise they would have worked in vain that night and could not even put up the ladder.

Then the three of them took great pains to put the ladder up.

The long ladder was trembling on the smooth cliff of Shekou, and it looked very unsafe.

"The ladder is only more than 20 feet high, which is still a lot shorter, but I remember there is a slightly flatter slope on it, let's go up and take a look first."

"You are the smallest and most flexible, you try to climb up."

The black shadow said to the companion with the smallest body.

"The sage said: If you don't stand under a dangerous wall, I won't go."

The little guy looked at the trembling long ladder, and was terrified and didn't dare to climb.

"If you succeed in climbing up, I will give you 20 taels of silver and ask someone to be your matchmaker."

The black shadow continued to tempt the little guy with money.

However, the little guy looked at the long ladder that stretched into the darkness and could not be seen at the top, and shook his head firmly.

"The sage said: A man who is content with poverty and enjoys the way of life, and who is rich and noble without justice, is like a floating cloud to me, and a mere silver can't move me."

"Okay, I asked you to study and take the exam, not to quibble, it's your own idea, and now you don't even dare to climb the stairs."

The black shadow patted the little guy's head, bit his tongue, and decided to go up by himself.

"You two help me hold the stairs, I'll go up and take a look."

"Well, be gentle!"

At this time, the two of them held the two sides of the long ladder, and a black shadow grabbed the ladder and climbed up gently.

The ladder was too long. Every time he took a step up, the ladder would shake and look shaky.

The shadow climbed halfway up the cliff and looked down. It was pitch black under his feet and he could no longer see the way he came.

It was also pitch black when he looked up. He didn't know when he could climb to the top.

But he had already made up his mind to climb to the top to see if there was a huge temptation for him.

Every time a gust of wind blew, the long ladder would shake for a long time, making him tremble with fear.

But he still climbed up step by step with determination.

Finally, a gust of wind blew, and with a "click", the long ladder broke into two pieces, and the man in black fell down like a wind.

"Ah... son!"


The two people on the escalator screamed at the same time.

Fortunately, the black shadow's martial arts skills are not weak. He knows some light-weight skills such as stepping on his left foot with his left foot, and then stepping on his left foot with his left foot, and dodging and moving...

"Pah", he fell hard on the ground, his head was broken and bleeding.

At the critical moment, his profound martial arts skills finally saved his life and he did not die on the spot.

"Don't die!"

"You are the hope of our whole family!"

The remaining two people hurriedly lifted the injured man in black and left the crime scene at Shekou.


Ergou didn't know that someone was climbing his Shekou, and someone was seriously injured.

Fortunately, the folk customs in Anchang County are relatively simple, and Ergou doesn't need to pay money if a thief falls and dies while climbing Shekou.

He has been busy with socializing these days. After the county lieutenant came to him, many people came to him.

The Dianshi also came to him. He did the same as the county lieutenant. He first asked about his master, then warned him, which frightened Ergou.

Then he tried to win him over with kind words, saying that he could arrange a job as a constable for him.

However, Ergou had already promised the county lieutenant to go to Zhengwu Hall, and he had a temple to take care of at home. He was too busy to handle it, so he could only decline.

Then the more prestigious rich masters in the county came one after another, wanting to marry their daughters to Ergou.

Most of them also promise various benefits and can give generous dowries, such as real estate in the county, shops, fields outside the city, etc.

The purpose of these rich men is relatively simple, they just want to find a good son-in-law.

Ergou's performance in the examination room was amazing enough for everyone to see.

Even if he can't pass the Wuxiu exam this time, Ergou is still young anyway, so he will definitely be able to pass the exam next time, or the one after that.

Perhaps in the future, it will be possible for high school students to be promoted.

Once you pass the exam, you will be on the same level as the county magistrate and others, and rich families like them will not be able to climb up.

Anyway, they have many wives and concubines at home, and more daughters. It is very cost-effective to bet on one daughter for the future.

Ergou faces so many benefits, which are now within reach, and he also comes with a wife.

I was very moved, and after the last bite, I still refused.

He wanted both his wife and his property, but his Shekou home was too far away to take care of him.

Although other fields are fertile, it is difficult to find fields as high as Shekou. Unless he uses the wind control technique, no one else can get up.

And if he brings a wife back home, what will happen to his gourd?

Forget it, just endure it for a few more years and think of a solution later.

In addition to the wealthy families in these counties, even the envoys of Daoxuanzong also came to him.

Ergou was shocked at first, thinking that the news had been leaked and that he was here to take revenge.

I explained my purpose to 뀘, and found out that I wanted to get Ergou 떚 to join the gang.

"Our Daoxuan Sect was originally a large sect in the ancient world of immortality. At its peak, it had tens of thousands of disciples, inherited countless immortal skills, and owned various spiritual veins and minerals.

It's just that Daoxuanzong experienced a great war and was in a state of weakness. The current imperial court took advantage of it and destroyed the sect.

But we still have a large number of immortal cultivation inheritances. As long as you join Daoxuan Sect, you can learn these inheritances. "

In order to prove their inheritance to Ergou, the envoy of Daoxuanzong touched a yellow talisman from his arms.

"Look at this talisman in my hand. It only needs to be activated by me to turn it into a sharp sword. It can pick up a person's head ten steps away, just like picking out an object from a bag."

"This is a magic talisman made by our talisman maker. Not many immortal cultivators today can make it. You may have never seen this kind of talisman."

Ergou 떚 looked at this talisman and believed that what 뀘 said was true, and he had learned it once.

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It's really wrong, easy to use and very powerful.

Afterwards, I remembered Master’s teachings that joining a cult would lead to beheading.

When it comes to cult members, the government arrests and kills them one by one, but shows no mercy.

If you become an organizational figure in a cult, you will also kill the nine tribes.

Of course, I am very afraid of the execution of the Nine Tribes. It just involves the uncle's family, and it seems that he has no other relatives.

Ergouzi only thought about it for a moment and then refused.

놛There is land and land, and now 놇꺗 has been admitted as a martial arts scholar and has a bright future, why bother to swim in the muddy waters of a cult.

"I can understand your desire to become a martial arts scholar and want to join the government. Who wants to get promoted and make a fortune?"

"But, you are an ordinary person with no power and no background. Even if you are admitted to the martial arts examination and martial arts examination in the future, what will happen?"

"Actually, in the eyes of those officials, you are just for doing work and taking the blame."

"You have to do the hard work, and you have the responsibility to take the blame and kill your head. The credit belongs to us."

"I have said it now that you can and will believe it. If you change your mind in the future, Daoxuanzong welcomes you at any time!"

After the envoy of Daoxuanzong left some inflammatory words, he slapped the yellow talisman in his hand on his body, and a big living person disappeared in front of Ergouzi.

Ergouzi looked around, but couldn't find any trace.

"Did you just say that the talisman turned into a sharp sword and decapitated someone ten steps away? Why are you invisible?"

"I'm behind you."

The voice of Daoxuanzong's envoy suddenly came from behind.

Ergouzi looked back, but saw no one in the place.

"Where are you?"

"Are you still there?"

꺗I waited for a long time, but there was no response.

Not knowing whether the other party has left, Er Gouzi can only leave alone.

Daoxuanzong's method of coming and going without a trace made 놛 wary and without any sense of security.

Because you always know that there is someone staring at you next to you.

As for reporting to the government, 놛 is even more daring.

No matter what benefits you get, you can still be retaliated by Daoxuanzong.

In order to avoid trouble, Ergouzi didn't know how to go out in the next few days.

On this day, the exam results finally came.

Two officers posted a big red paper on the wall, and a large group of people stood on tiptoe to watch.

One to two hundred people applied for the exam, but in the end only 꾉 was listed.

Ergouzi squeezed through the crowd and saw Zhang Ergou's name from a distance.

Those who didn't have the list were dejected and secretly gritted their back molars, while those who had the list were proud and congratulated each other.

Next, under the guidance of the official officer, they were brought into the county government office, and the county magistrate personally came out to encourage them.

Several new talents were naturally so excited that they were so angry that they took out their loyal hearts to drink for the county magistrate.

Then each person was given a big red flower to wear on his chest, and the county government sent someone to escort him home.

When Er Gouzi returned to Chazi Town, the town entrance was already filled with gongs and drums.

The township chief personally came out and led a group of gentry to stand at the town entrance to welcome him, and the people who watched the excitement crowded inside and outside.


"Brother Zhang is really young and promising!"

"Brother Zhang is a handsome man, just like us!"


Whether they knew each other or not, they squeezed forward one by one to show their faces and say a few compliments.

More people who felt they were not qualified to chat could only stand far away and look at Er Gouzi in the middle of the crowd with envy.

This scene has been played out countless times in Chazi Town for hundreds of years.

The last time, Er Gouzi also stood far away and envied like them.

But now he has changed to stand in the middle of the crowd, and it is others' turn to envy him.

Er Gouzi reminisced with the enthusiastic gentry.

Only then did he realize that they were all distant relatives, and their relationship was very close.

In this way, you called him cousin, and he called him second uncle, and they naturally became closer and more familiar with each other.

Er Gouzi had suffered for more than ten years, and only today did he know that he had so many blood relatives, and everyone was so kind.

He was honest and good at speaking, and his face flushed at that time, and he couldn't help but shed a few tears.

It was a pity that Da Gou was not blessed, and died too early to see so many enthusiastic relatives.

He took out a few copper coins and sent away those who beat the gongs and drums one by one, and even distributed some copper coins to the beggars in the town.

He sprinkled a lot of copper coins and won waves of praise.

"Master Xiucai is blessed as vast as the East Sea!"

"Master Xiucai has many children and many blessings!"

"Good people will have a peaceful life!"

Then, Er Gouzi, surrounded by many relatives and friends he had just met, beat gongs and drums and headed for Shexi Village.

The loud sound of gongs and drums alarmed the whole village, men, women, and children, and everyone came to watch.

Several people were squeezed into the Shexi River because they were watching the excitement, and got wet.

"Ouch! It's Er Gou!"

The aunt twisted her fat body and walked out of the crowd.

Er Gouzi was stunned for a moment, and knew what this aunt was up to!

But he was better now than before, and he didn't need to be afraid of her anymore.

If she dared to beat or scold him today, he would definitely beat her back in front of the whole village.

I saw my aunt approaching, but she changed her usual harshness and smiled.

"Aunt has long seen that you are a promising person. I have raised you for more than ten years with great difficulty."

Er Gouzi never expected that his aunt would be so shameless.

Even if she was sarcastic at him at this moment, at least she still respected him as a real villain.

"Your uncle was so happy when he heard that you passed the exam. He killed the old hen at home. Come to your uncle's house for dinner tonight."

"Thank you, aunt. I will go back to Shekou Mountain to visit after being away for so many days."

Er Gouzi tactfully rejected his aunt's invitation.

The family that wanted to kill him back then, now sit together to eat and talk about feelings in a hypocritical manner, it is as disgusting as eating a fly.

At this time, he saw Xiao Ezi standing behind his aunt, looking at him with a pair of big eyes.

After seeing each other for a few months, Xiao Ezi had grown a lot taller and became a graceful lady, much prettier than her mother with a greasy face.

"Xiao Ezi, I brought you a little toy from the county town, and I give it to you."

Er Gouzi said, taking out a small red lacquer wooden box from his arms and handing it to his cousin.

After living in the family of his aunt for so many years, only this cousin treated him as a relative.

Now that he is rich, he can naturally forget the kindness of his cousin.

"Thank you, brother Er Gou!"

Xiao Ezi took the wooden box and smiled so much that her eyes narrowed into two crescents.

Er Gouzi talked about the past with everyone at the entrance of the village and distributed some copper coins as rewards.

Only then did he ignore the reluctant gazes of the crowd and walk towards Shekou Mountain alone.

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