Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 42 The Unlucky Thief

The dog followed the Ding brothers and sisters through a rice field and finally came to a village.

The village is very big, with at least a thousand households. The houses here are all made of green bricks and tiles. The villagers who come in are neatly dressed and have bloody faces.

It is completely different from the scene in Shexi Village. Looking at it like this, it seems that everyone in Dingjiazhuang has food and clothing.

There is such a rich place in the world.

People in the village showed great respect for the Dingxiang brothers and sisters, and saluted and said hello to them one after another.

In the center of the village, there is a courtyard with high blue brick walls. There are many small holes for shooting arrows on the high courtyard wall.

The three characters "Dingjiazhuang" are written on the door of the compound.

The gate of Dingjiazhuang was open, and there was not even a gatekeeper. There were only a few urchins squatting on the ground at the door and playing with stones.

"I just walked all the way and saw that many of your houses are open, aren't you afraid of thieves?"

괗Gouda was a little confused. A broken home is worth a thousand pieces of gold. No matter how poor a family is, there will always be a few valuable items.

For example, pots, pans, firewood, rice, oil, and salt will be stolen in a blink of an eye if not hidden well.

What's more, the people in Dingjiazhuang seem to be very wealthy, and they must have a lot of valuable things at home.

"Lock the door? There are no thieves in our Dingjiazhuang.

We are all fellow villagers. If we put a lock on the door, isn't this treating our fellow villagers as a guard against thieves? It's so disrespectful. "

괗Gouda felt strange when he heard this. This was the first time he heard such a strange theory.

While they were talking, the three of them had already walked into the Ding family village, and the dog finally saw the Ding family's home.

Unexpectedly, this famous figure looked no different from an ordinary farmer.

Wearing a set of coarse cloth clothes, soy sauce-colored skin, and hair tied casually on the top of his head.

When the 괗dog came, 놛녊 rolled up his trouser legs and hoeed a small patch of land with bare feet.

"Zhang Xiucai waits for a moment while I finish hoeing these weeds while the head is strong."

The hoe in Ding's hand was as fast as a phantom, shoveling up the weeds by their roots in an instant without damaging the roots of the crops.

This kind of weeding technique is not as good as even if 괗狗떚 has been farming since he was a child.

After the Ding family hoeed the grass, they turned it on the ground and waited to be burned to death by the sun.

The crops grown in this small piece of land may not be recognized by others, but they are very familiar with them.

I even planted ginseng. It looks like the year is going to be pretty good.

괗狗떚 once heard Sima Yi say that growing ginseng is extremely difficult and has many harsh conditions.

Moreover, each piece of land can only be planted for a maximum of three years before the fertility is lost. The ginseng must be dug up and planted in a new piece of land.

But there is a kind of land in the world, the sky is suitable for the growth of ginseng, and it is Lingtian.

The difference between Lingtian and ordinary land is that the soil is rich in spiritual energy, which can be absorbed by ginseng.

Ginseng planted in spiritual fields will grow stronger and have stronger medicinal properties, even if it grows for 100 years without transplanting.

괗Gouda sensed it carefully at this moment and found that there were a large number of spiritual energy light spots flickering in the soil. The land in front of him turned out to be a small spiritual field.

It is worthy of being one of the few families in Anchang County, and actually owns such a large piece of spiritual land.

In addition to ginseng, there are many unknown plants in this land, which must be extremely rare medicinal materials.

The Ding family put away their hoe, picked a few purple leaves from a strong plant in the spiritual field, and gave them to Ding Xiu and his sister.

"Hahaha...Brother Zhang is a guest from afar. We farmers don't have much to entertain. Let's fry some vegetables and kill an old hen to drink."

The Ding family laughed heartily and boldly, without any sense of family restraint, and walked into a hall holding the dog's hand.

Soon someone brought dishes of dried fruits and tea.

The dried fruits and pastries are exquisite and taste good. They are all delicacies that 괗狗떚 has never tasted before.

In particular, there is a kind of jelly beans that melt in your mouth and turn into a mouthful of lard, which also has the sweetness of honey.

"Brother Zhang, if you think it tastes good, pack a few kilograms back and taste it carefully."

Dingjia 덿껩 stuffed an almond into his mouth and looked at 괗dog떚 with a smile.

"Thank you Dingjia!"

괗Gou 떚 blushed. He was just eating sweets. He had never seen the world and was being watched.

It was not his fault, it was just that the Ding family was too easy-going, and 놛껩 relaxed his mind unconsciously.

If you are in front of the county captain or the county magistrate, you will be trembling and trembling, and you will not dare to relax for a moment.

Just when Gou felt a little embarrassed, footsteps came from the hall.

I saw two people, one tall and one short, walking towards the hall.

"I've seen home!"

"Haha, you're welcome, please take a seat and I'll introduce you."

The Ding family introduced each other, and then they realized that the two people who had just entered were Wu scholars in previous years.

The tall one's name is Mu Feng, and the short one's name is Wang Ying. They both live and eat in Dingjiazhuang, and they are considered to be hangers-on.

These two people are very good at chatting. Since the two came in, the atmosphere in the hall has become much more relaxed and lively, and bursts of laughter can be heard from time to time.

Not long after, several little maids served the food and prepared the banquet.

Four people, Ding Jia덿, Mu Feng, Wang Ying, and 괗Gou 떚, sat down.

The dishes looked simple and unpretentious, not as exquisite and beautiful as those at Hongyanlou, but after taking one bite, he noticed the difference.

These ingredients actually contain spiritual energy, which is very helpful for cultivation.

Compared to the ingredients I transformed using gourds, 껩 is comparable.

During the meal, the two martial arts scholars who were chatting and laughing before, although they tried to maintain a little dignity at this moment, they ate very quickly.

They should rarely have the opportunity to eat this kind of food.

I couldn't help wondering in my heart. I had no intersection with Dingjiazhuang before, why did the Ding family entertain me so grandly?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

Until the four of them finished their meal, the Ding family didn't ask them anything.

"If you don't mind, brother Zhang, you can play in my village for a few days."

"I have something else to do, so please ask Mu Feng and Wang Ying to accompany Zhang Xiucai around the village."

Then the Ding family said goodbye and left...


On the other side, just after the dog entered the city, three black-clothed thieves once again set their sights on Shekou Mountain.

However, the black shadow who knew martial arts fell hard last time and has not recovered yet. He is still on crutches and can't walk properly.

But he has never been intimidated by difficulties. He still sticks to his original intention and insists on carrying forward his career as a thief and will not give up until he reaches the top of the mountain.

Recently, the three of them have not slept much at night. Whenever it is late at night, the three of them will circle around the cliffs of Shekou Mountain, looking for a way to get up the mountain.

It is still the scholar who has more ideas. He suggested reopening the mountain road blocked by the dog.

Although it is a bit troublesome and a stupid way, it is better than wandering around at the foot of the mountain every night.

Then the three of them came to the foot of Shekou Mountain again with hoes and crowbars.

The martial arts master on crutches is inconvenient to move, so he can only be responsible for watching the wind, and the important thing is to participate.

The old and the young are responsible for digging and prying stones.

The two men started digging from the foot of the mountain, trying to dig through the path blocked by the dog.

But there were too many people, and digging from the bottom up was particularly troublesome when encountering big rocks.

The two did not have the strength of the dog, and they could not push up the big rocks that weighed more than 100 kilograms.

Standing under the rocks to dig, they had to be on guard against the rocks rolling down.

The two dug all night, sweating through their clothes, and only dug through a small section.

The men dug for another three nights, but were blocked by several rocks at night.

These rocks weighed three to five hundred kilograms, and the big ones weighed more than a thousand kilograms. They were piled together and could not be moved by their strength.

Every time the two were tired, hungry, and sleepy from working, they could only curse the dog loudly to refresh their minds and eliminate fatigue.

"This wicked dog has no asshole."

"Damn dog, my eighteen generations of ancestors!"


The young man in black was cursing, but was slapped in the face by the older man.

"Whose eighteen generations of ancestors are you cursing?"

"I've read so many books of sages, but they all went into my dog's stomach!"

The young man was beaten and felt that he had said something wrong, so he could only vent his anger on the stone in front of him, hitting it with sparks.

"This dog is really a piece of shit. I should have broken his hands and feet earlier."

The young man was angry and poked the crowbar in his hand into the stone.


As soon as the crowbar came down, two pieces of stone rolled down and smashed down on the two people with great force.

The mountain road was narrow, barely enough for two people to fit in. There was no place to hide from the falling rocks. There was no escape.

"Get out of the way!"

Seeing that the two were about to be smashed into a pulp, at the critical moment, the older man in black exerted his hands and lifted the young man onto a high rock on the side of the road.

The rocks that followed rolled over and buried the older man in black.



The young man looked at the bloody mess on the ground and didn't know which piece he should pick up first?

"Zhang Gou, I want you to pay with blood!"

The heartbreaking howl resounded through the night...

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