Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 57 Locusts

Er Gouzi should have known that the government was unreliable and should not have too high expectations.

Er Gouzi should be rewarded with a pill, and once it was in the hands of the county magistrate, it would never come out again.

Fortunately, Sima Yi asked his uncle to come forward and negotiate with the county magistrate.

In the end, Er Gouzi voluntarily gave up the pill and sincerely begged the county magistrate to exchange it for two wastelands.

The county magistrate originally did not want the pill, but seeing Er Gouzi's sincere heart, he could only accept it reluctantly.

Er Gouzi naturally had to be grateful.

Others had to give a thumbs up and praise: The county magistrate is kind and righteous, and loves the people like his own children!

These two wastelands are located behind Shekou. There are more than 10 miles of wastelands here, all of which are the property of the county magistrate.

The county magistrate has many similar properties.

These two wastelands are adjacent to Shekou, and the area is much larger than Shekou, and the terrain is flatter.

But this kind of wasteland is not worth mentioning compared to the elixir of the immortal cultivator.

But this is the best result.

At least I got two wastelands. I wanted to imitate the owner of the Manor to do something before, but I had no way to do it.

Sima Yi handed a deed with an official seal to Er Gouzi.

"Are you going to open up wasteland and plant crops?"

"Well, there are so many refugees now, all of them have nothing to do, why not let them help me open up wasteland."

"First, reclaim the piece of land at the foot of the mountain. It's a pity to leave such a large piece of land there to be abandoned and overgrown with grass..."

Er Gouzi spoke his thoughts truthfully, and became more and more energetic, with his eyes shining.

"I also plan to build a large reservoir on the top of the mountain to store and collect rainwater, and then build a pool..."

"I want to turn all those wastelands into fertile fields..."

When he was a child, he dreamed of having a piece of land of his own. Now he finally has two large wastelands for him to transform.

And he also has a lot of labor, just give him a meal.

With these people to eat, he may not have to sell his children anymore.

Sima Yi looked at Er Gouzi, whose face was glowing. It was the first time he had seen him so excited after knowing him for so many years.

"I have 60 taels of refined silver essence here. Please help me go to the market when you have time. If there are any for sale, buy them all, regardless of whether they are men or women."

"Buy all?"

Sima Yi took the bag of refined silver essence and confirmed it again.

There are many people for sale in the county market every day.

"Yes, buy them all!"

"Don't leave any for those guys."

Er Gouzi said firmly.

"Okay, don't worry, I will do my best in this matter."

As the leader, Sima Yi naturally found that there were more and more blood and soul pills in the black market.

He could guess where many people would go after being bought, but his personal ability and financial resources were limited.

Today, he finally found a like-minded person.

"If you have extra silver, buy some grain from the black market."

After the Chinese New Year, the price of grain soared again, and now it is sold for 8 taels of silver per stone.

After the two reached a cooperation, the efficiency was obviously higher.

In a few days, Sima Yi cleared out all the shops with straw signs in the market.

In total, he bought more than 200 hungry people.

In addition, he bought 200 stones of grain.

After bringing these people and grain back, he settled them in the wasteland and built some temporary straw huts.

There were still a lot of things left, so Er Gouzi simply invited Huang Laocai to help him manage.

In the following period, Sima Yi used the money left by Er Gouzi to buy some iron, farm tools and the like and sent them over.

In addition, he bought a large number of goods, and bought all the goods that were sold in the market.

However, even so, there were still a lot of blood and soul pills for sale in the black market.

Sima Yi always felt powerless. The general trend of the world was like this, and it was not something that could be changed by the efforts of one or two people.

He could only do his best and leave it to fate.

Er Gouzi has been practicing on the web in recent months.

Sima Yi will be asked to help with the affairs in the county, and Huang Laocai will manage the wasteland, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

Since the corpse poison in his body was expelled, his cultivation, which had been suppressed for a long time, has risen rapidly.

It probably won't take too long to break through to the fifth level of Qi training.

On Shekou, after his years of cultivation, the iron thorns finally grew a circle on the top of the tree.

The acre of crescent-shaped spiritual rice planted last year has now sprouted, and it won't be long before it can be harvested for the first time.

Other crops such as ginseng and Polygonatum are all growing normally.

He has never been willing to dig the earliest batch of ginseng, and now it has finally reached 40 years of medicinal age.

His goal is to cultivate a century-old spiritual medicine, which can be achieved in another six years.

However, there are more and more locusts recently, and they often fly to his Shekou to cause trouble.

Some of them will also form groups and become swarms.

Wherever these locust swarms go, not a single green leaf will be left.

Especially in the severe drought today, Ergouzi's Shekou is green, which is even more popular with these locusts.

Fortunately, his geese have made great contributions and saved this acre of Shekou for him.

Although geese mainly eat grass, they usually eat small fish, shrimps, insects and the like.

After his big white goose mutated, it seems to like to eat some meat.

Every time a swarm of insects flies over, it is a carnival feast for the geese.

The geese are alert and have a strong sense of leadership.

On this day, Er Gouzi had just finished watering the crops when a dense swarm of insects flew over the sky.

The large group of locusts was still in the air, and a group of white geese flew into the sky above Shekou, chasing the locusts in the air.

Today's locust swarm is much larger than usual.

There were waves of fluttering in the sky, and many locust limbs fell like rain.

Among these locust limbs, there were actually a lot of snow-white goose feathers.

It's a bit unusual.

His goose has an abnormal physique, and he can't win against ordinary warriors.

Er Gouzi looked up at the sky curiously, and he didn't expect locusts to hurt his geese.

He saw a big goose in the air, which was being besieged by several huge locusts.

These locusts were five or six inches long, like sharp arrows in the air, whizzing past the big goose, leaving pieces of feathers and blood.

The big goose flapped its wings in the air and hit a big locust.

The big locust was injured and fell, and Er Gouzi hurried over to pick it up.

He found that the locust was green all over, with strong limbs and hind legs like sharp saws.

If he was not careful, it would cut a bloody wound on his hand.

Using the Qi-Looking Technique to observe, he found that his small body actually exuded a strong breath, and there was a very weak power in his body, but it was similar to the true Qi of a warrior.

Ordinary locust swarms eat crops and green leaves, but if this kind of mutant locust appears in the swarm, it will not only eat green leaves, but also animals and livestock.

Cut open the swollen abdomen of the locust, and there are thousands of insect eggs inside.

These locust eggs actually contain a relatively strong spiritual energy, and their color is golden, even though Er Gouzi is very appetizing.

Er Gouzi put away the big locust, he really planned to make himself a locust feast.

When he was very hungry before, he roasted locusts on the grass and ate them. It was very fragrant and tasted good.

Looking at the mutant locusts still fighting with the white goose in the sky, Er Gouzi found a set of bows and arrows.

He will take the martial arts exam in the future, and archery is the basic kung fu to be tested.

It’s because he has not practiced for a long time, and his archery skills are not very accurate.

He bent his bow and drew his arrow. The stone bow was pulled like a full moon, and he aimed at a locust and shot an arrow.

But the locust was too small and flew too fast in the sky. The arrow and the locust were only one or two feet apart and passed by each other.

This arrow was not completely missed. Although the arrow did not hit the locust, it accidentally hit the leg of a goose and tore a small piece of meat.

"Gaga... Gaga..."

The goose, which was fighting with all its strength, was suddenly hit by an arrow in the leg and screamed at the other side.

It was not clear whether it was cursing or praising its master's superb archery skills.

However, with the elegant and proud temperament of the big white goose, it probably would not curse.

Er Gouzi was so embarrassed that his face turned red. He quickly put away his bow and arrow and dared not interfere anymore.

His archery skills were not good, the locusts were too small and too fast, but the goose was a bigger target and was easily injured by mistake.

This goose-insect war lasted for an hour and gradually ended.

The invading locusts were almost completely killed, and the few remaining ones escaped from the snake mouth, with injured locusts all over their bodies.

On the goose side, many geese were injured, especially the one that was hit by an arrow on the leg. The injury was the most serious and almost died.

Er Gouzi fed each goose a Peiyuan Gu Pill as a reward.

To apologize, he fed two pills into the mouth of the goose that was hit by the arrow.

The geese quickly recovered after eating the pills, gathered together, stretched their necks and quacked, as if boasting about their military exploits.

Er Gouzi was carrying a bamboo basket and a sack, picking up locusts everywhere.

Although geese are good to eat, they can't eat so many.

If they don't pick up the remaining locust corpses, they will be eaten by snakes, insects, rats and ants.

He was willing to waste such good meat. If he couldn't finish it himself, it would be good to give it to those who were clearing the land.

All the locusts with large size and good appearance were picked up in the bamboo basket and left for himself.

Those poor-looking limbs were all swept into the sack, and then ground into powder and mixed into the staple food.

Such good locust meat is definitely not worse than rice.

Now the price of grain has skyrocketed many times, and it costs several taels of silver per stone. Except for the black market, you may not be able to buy grain with money.

The black market was full of grain from government warehouses, and it was said that it was being sold out.

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