Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 59 Live and work in peace and contentment

괗Gouzi guards his three-thirds of an acre of land every day, has food and drink, and really doesn’t want to leave.

But the county government's recruitment order cannot be disobeyed.

We can only make some hasty preparations overnight.

First, plant a large amount of seeds for the geese, mixed with some ginseng seeds, and water them enough.

He also prepared a lot of food and placed it next to the goose house for the geese to eat.

It still doesn’t feel like enough, the geese need to drink water.

He used his heavy sword to dig out a large stone trough overnight and filled it with clean water.

He didn't sleep that night, using his heavy sword to cut the cliff of Shekou Mountain smoother.

The dangerous places on the mountain are planted with iron thorns. Unless you can fly, ordinary people can't get over them.

Of course, the fighting strength of the guardian of Shekou Mountain depends on the big white goose.

Then he gave Qiu Yue a death order, asking her to arrange 200 그 to guard at the foot of Shekou Mountain every day.

No one is allowed to go up the mountain.

Before leaving, I fed each goose two Peiyuan Gu녤 pills and took away two big geese from the mountain.

The goose is better at dealing with flying locusts in the air, and at critical moments, the goose can fly with itself.

The sun had just risen and he had already arrived outside the county town.

The two big geese passing by were too conspicuous, making it inconvenient to bring them into the city.

After thinking for a while, he let the two go into the mountains outside the city, and then walked towards the county seat alone.

A dark crowd of refugees has gathered outside the city gate.

They are all so hungry that they will do anything just for a bite to eat.

With so many refugees gathered together, they might turn into rebellious thieves at any time and storm into the city.

Moreover, these refugees usually catch a lot of locusts for food. Each one of them eats them until their eyes are red, they are irritable and irritable, their mood is extremely unstable, and they may break out and kill at any time.

Fortunately, there were several large pots set up with porridge in them, and several refugees lined up in a long line to receive the porridge.

As long as you have something to eat, you can stabilize your mind.

괗Gouzi walked closer and found Sima Yi standing in front of the big pot serving porridge, sweating profusely from his work.

"괗Gou, give me a hand so I can go and make it easier."

Sima Yi probably held his breath for a long time, so he put his hand on Gouzi's hand and left in a hurry.

괗Gouzi had no choice but to take the rice and serve porridge to the homeless people queuing up.

The pot is not so much porridge as it is rice soup. The clear soup is thin and watery, with some bran and a few grains of rice floating in it.

A bald homeless man stood beside the pot holding a broken bowl, stretched his neck and swallowed saliva while looking at the rice soup in the pot.

괗Gouzi was also hungry, so he could understand what the other person was thinking at the moment. He immediately stirred the pot and then scooped up a full pot from the bottom.

This porridge contains a lot of rice and water, which is the most filling.

The bald man quickly took the bowl with both hands and thanked him desperately.

Anyone who is often hungry knows that porridge in the same pot will have more rice at the bottom and more water at the top.

Whether you can fetch rice or water depends entirely on the mood of the operator.

떘A refugee is a skinny child, and Gouzi seems to see the shadow of his own past in him.

Immediately, he was given a bowl of thick porridge with a lot of rice and water from the bottom.

Then these refugees looked quite miserable, so Gouzi made several bowls of porridge, all from the bottom.

After a while, Sima Yi came back with a relaxed expression. Seeing Gouzi making porridge like this, he quickly snatched Gouzi away.

"If you divide it so much, it won't be enough!"

"Were you not so stingy before?"

괗Gouzi looked at Sima Yi and found that after not seeing him for several months, this guy had more gray hair.

"놖I also want to be generous, but there are too many refugees, so many mouths to eat, and we can't even buy food on the black market now."

"After much hard work, I asked my uncle to help me get some disaster relief food from the court."

"Disaster relief food?"

괗Gouzi is a little curious. He has never heard of such a thing.


Sima Yi glanced around, then lowered his voice and spoke.

"The imperial court has allocated a batch of disaster relief food, which has arrived a long time ago."

"I was suppressed by several people in the county government and were reluctant to take it out. I only sold a little bit outside each time."

"They say they want the water to flow slowly, but they actually want to raise the price higher."

"These grains were bought for 18 taels of silver per stone."

The two chatted briefly, and Gouzi said goodbye and went to the city. He did not dare to delay the county government's recruitment order.

Inside the county government office, there is a large hall.

After all, everyone is also a martial arts scholar and has some fame. Tables, chairs, and tea have already been set up for everyone to sit down.

On this day, all the young Wu scholars from Anchang County gathered here.

I saw unfamiliar people in the group, including my cousin Zhang Youliang, several teachers from Zhengwu Hall, Sima Futang, Mu Feng Wang Ying from Dingjiazhuang, etc.

It was a rare opportunity for so many martial arts scholars to gather together. People they knew well or didn't know each other introduced each other, called friends, and chatted. The scene seemed extremely lively.

Only Gouzi sat there without saying a word. He was not cold at all. He was not good at socializing. He was not familiar with everyone and didn't know what to talk about.

He seems to be able to chat and joke casually only with Sima Yi, but he can't seem to find a topic with anyone else.

After everyone waited for a while, the county magistrate finally appeared, holding a roster and counting everyone one by one.

When the great Dian Shi appeared, the chat among Wu Xiucai became more lively.

It's just that the conversation topic naturally transitioned from Chunlou Fentou to the county magistrate and various officials in the county government office.

for example:

"The county magnate loves the people like his own children..."

"The county magistrate is really worried about the victims of Anchang County every day..."

"You should do your best to share the worries of the county magistrate..."


괗Gouzi녤 is not good at speaking. Now that the topic is 꿤-level and the content is more high-end, he is even less able to integrate into everyone's circle. Sitting in the 그 group seems out of place.

He was a farmer, and he couldn't think of so many words that would make him feel comfortable listening to them.

I was bored, so I could only secretly use the Qi Watching Technique to look at the group of Wu Xiucai, and found that there were 86 Wu Xiucai here, but only 7 of them had successfully broken through to the realm of Qi training.

This 7그 also includes myself, Deputy Sima Tang, and Zhang Youliang.

Judging from Sima Futang's cultivation, it seems that he is worse than himself, and he only reached the third level of Qi training.

Of Yu Da's four, one is at the Qi training level and the two are at the Qi training level.

There is another one who is slightly stronger than me and should be at the fifth level of Qi training.

In the past, Gouzi always felt that he was not good enough, that his cultivation was too weak, and that he was just a beginner in the path of cultivating immortals.

Unexpectedly, 꿷天 used the Qi Watching Technique to see that the other martial arts scholars were so weak, and most of them had not even entered the door of cultivating immortals.

However, Zhang Youliang also reached the first level of Qi training, which surprised him.

He had taken a look not long ago. At that time, Zhang Youliang was still an ordinary warrior and had no breakthrough sense.

Suddenly I gained a level of Qi training.

I have no background, I am only in my 20s, and I have already reached this level of cultivation.

Just with the few acres of land that the uncle's family had, it was possible for the tenants to make a living, so it's not necessarily that they have such great financial resources.

At this moment, he even doubted whether the Qi-gazing technique he had just learned was accurate?

It happened that Dian Shi was not far away from him, so he looked at Dian Shi's back out of nowhere.

I saw the aura in Dian Shi's body surging, exuding a powerful power, which was at least the power that could only be obtained at the eighth level of Qi training.

The qi-watching technique had just been used, and before he could take a closer look, the powerful aura in Dianshi's body had already bounced his consciousness back.

괗Gouzi let out a muffled groan, his consciousness was overturned, as if he had been hit hard on the head with a sledgehammer.

Dianshi turned around and gave Gouzi a cold look. The warning was obvious. His actions just now offended him.

괗The dog lowered his head, no longer daring to look around with his qi-gazing technique.

Probably it's unlucky to kill an enemy in battle.

Dian Shi did not continue to fuss with Gouzi. He walked back to the steps of the county government office and began to assign tasks.

There were 86 martial arts scholars at the scene, plus 20 county police officers, a total of 106.

Our current task is very simple, which is to divide everyone into 20 groups and go to various refugee gathering points outside the city to recruit civilians to exterminate the locusts.

As long as anyone participates in locust extermination, the county government will take care of the food. Each team can receive two buckets of food from the county government every day.

The seven martial arts scholars with Qi training skills were all divided into different groups.

괗Gouzi temporarily serves as the captain of a small team, with three martial arts scholars and one policeman at his disposal.

The agents may not be as powerful as Wu Xiucai, but they are local snakes and know their way around the country.

Their team is responsible for the task of exterminating locusts in Daqing Township.

As for civilian husbands, how many people can be recruited depends entirely on their own affairs.

Cousin Zhang Youliang was lucky enough to be assigned to the team in charge of Sanchazi Town.

After being assigned a task, I first received five days' rations from the county government. One stone in total was packed into two large bags, which contained grain, wheat, beans, and grass seeds mixed together.

Gouzi picked up the two bags in his hands. Based on his experience in dealing with food since childhood, he was deducted two buckets.

That is to say, the rations for these five days are actually only about eight buckets.

Once you have food in hand, it will be easy to recruit 그.

A large number of refugees gathered outside the city. I heard that they would participate in the locust extermination and that the government would take care of the food. Anyone who could walk would enthusiastically sign up.

However, each team only has less than two buckets of rations a day, and if you mix in some locusts, you can only feed 200그 at most.

Naturally, everyone starts with the strong men.

20 teams took away more than 4,000 people in a short time, leaving only more than a thousand old, weak, sick and disabled refugees still gathered outside the city.

The remaining ones were walking staggeringly and could no longer pose any danger.

The county government only paid 20 dan of grain to remove all the refugees, successfully eliminating a potential crisis.

Not long after the locust extermination team left, another group of officers and soldiers came outside the city and read aloud to the refugees.

All refugees are required to return to their place of origin immediately and are not allowed to wander around at will. Violators will be treated as bandits and will be killed without mercy!

How dare the remaining old, weak, sick and disabled to resist, they can only leave obediently...


"It's all the county master's ingenious plan that determines the situation. With a few moves, he not only eliminates the locust plague, but also resolves the troubles of the refugees!"

In a hall of the county government office, the county bookkeeper, county captain, dianshi, etc. were all full of praise at this moment.

"Refugees? The people of Anchang County live and work in peace and contentment. There have never been any refugees!"

"Everything is just a rumor."

The county magistrate stroked his beard and said proudly.

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