Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 71 Yushan (1/2)

Since Er Gouzi was arrested, the county government sent Wang the head of the police, with several yamen runners, to Shekou to raid Er Gouzi's house.

Wang the head of the police rushed to Shekou.

Raiding the house of a Qigong cultivator, the benefits are huge, you can imagine.

Especially last time, the jujube tea he drank at Er Gouzi's house was very strong in spiritual energy, I wonder if Er Gouzi's house still has it.

Taking the opportunity of raiding the house, we must look for it carefully, even if we have to dig three times in the ground, we must find some.

When these wolf-like officials drove down Shekou, they were stopped by a group of ragged villagers.

"You unruly people, don't get out of the way!"

Wang the head of the police shouted at the unruly people.

In the past, as soon as they showed up, they could make children cry, and everyone was trembling and retreating.

Unexpectedly, no one dared to block their way today.

"The boss has ordered that no one can come up."

As the leader designated by Er Gouzi, Qiuyue could only stand in front and speak.

However, from the slightly trembling trouser legs, it can be seen that she was not calm at the moment, and she was even shaking because of nervousness and fear.

"Get out of my way!"

Captain Wang drew his waist knife and tried to force his way forward.

"You unruly people, don't you have the king's law?"

But Qiuyue and her people still stood in front of them, not retreating a step.

"We are all people bought by the boss. Women don't understand the king's law, they only know how to obey the boss."

Qiuyue's words were quickly echoed by the crowd.

"Yes, we belong to the boss and we only listen to the boss."

"What king's law? When we were starving to death, why didn't the king's law take care of us!"

"It was the boss who gave us food and a chance to live."

"My life was given by the boss..."

The moment these people were forced to sell themselves in the market, they had already made up their minds to die or live a life worse than death.

Unexpectedly, after being bought back by the boss, they didn't have to be made into human flesh, nor were they sold to brothels. They were even better than being sold to rich families as servants.

For these people, Er Gouzi was the piece of snow above their heads.

Facing the indignation of thousands of people, Captain Wang and the officials he brought with him were really a little scalp-numbing.

But how could the officials, who were always arrogant, give in to the unruly people?

Captain Wang raised his waist knife and chopped Qiuyue with one knife, knocking Qiuyue to the ground.

The people under Er Gouzi were originally in a state of public outrage, and now seeing blood was like adding fuel to the fire.

"Beat them to death!"

I don't know who took the lead and shouted, and then everyone used the sticks in their hands to hit the officials.

There were too many people, and those who were far away threw stones inside.

Huang Fugui also carried a fire stick and wanted to squeeze in to beat the officials.

Huang Laocai couldn't stop him behind him.

"Son, you are different from them. Killing officials is like rebellion, and you will be executed for nine generations."

But Huang Fugui had suffered enough from the officials in prison, and his legs were crippled. The seeds of hatred had long been planted in his heart.

Now he was so angry that he couldn't listen.

Although Wang the captain had some cultivation, it was not high, not much stronger than ordinary people. Two fists could not beat four hands, let alone thousands of people.

He used the sword in his hand to cut down several unruly people, but unexpectedly, a fire stick suddenly hit him from behind.

Huang Fugui still listened to his father's words. If the government investigated, the whole family would be killed.

So he squeezed into the crowd with a fire stick and didn't show his head. He was sneaky and hit him from behind.

He had been a blacksmith for a long time and had taken a few bottles of Peiyuan Guben Pills, so he was very strong.

After this blow, Captain Wang fainted at that time…………


Er Gouzi had been locked up in the dungeon for three months.

It was dark and damp inside, and there was a foul smell everywhere.

The most unethical thing was that the cell he was in was only four feet high, and he could never stand up straight in it, and could only squat or lie down.

The surrounding walls were made into slopes, so he couldn't lean against the wall.

In these three months, the jailer didn't give him a bite of food or a drop of water.

Fortunately, Er Gouzi had a gourd hidden on him, so he could secretly eat some powerful pills when no one was watching.


The door opened, and Er Gouzi squatted in the prison, watching two pairs of feet walk in.

One pair was naturally the jailer.

The other pair of feet was wearing soft-soled boots. Er Gouzi looked up from the feet and saw a long head of gray hair.

"Sima Yi!"

The person who came was Sima Yi. When he saw the low cell, he turned his head and glared at the jailer.

"Open the door quickly, do you want me to invite you?"

"Master Sima, calm down, open the door now."

The jailer was glared at by Sima Yi, and his hand holding the key trembled a little.

The prison door opened, and Er Gouzi came out from inside with his back hunched, trying to stretch his limbs.

He never thought that standing up straight would be so comfortable.

"Let's go, it's too smelly in here."

The two walked out of the dungeon one after the other. The sunlight outside was a bit dazzling. Er Gouzi covered his eyes for a long time before gradually adapting.

"I almost died this time. Thank you very much!"

"It's okay, it's just a little help."

Sima Yi said nonchalantly.

"One of your two geese died, and the other one is temporarily locked up in the backyard of Huichun Hall."

Er Gouzi was a little sad about the death of a big goose, but he almost died.

It seemed that in the eyes of the county magistrate and the registrar, the two geese were more valuable than Er Gouzi. From the beginning to the end, he was an accessory.

In the backyard of Huichun Hall, after suffering humiliation, the big goose saw its master again and rubbed against Er Gouzi.

Then it raised its head and looked heroic, as if to tell its master how brave and unyielding he was.

"I have asked my uncle to transfer you to his subordinates. You are now a sergeant in the county army. You have no soldiers under your command. It is just an empty position."

"If you want to go to the army, you can follow my uncle to suppress bandits and make some military achievements. If you don't want to go to the army, it's okay to go home."

Sima Yi pulled Er Gouzi out of the dungeon this time and arranged his retreat.

"As long as my uncle is still the county lieutenant of Anchang, no one else can order you around."

"Thank you very much!"

Er Gouzi didn't know how to repay Sima Yi for saving his life.

"I plan to go home first."

After saying goodbye to Sima Yi, he returned to Shekou with the only remaining goose.

Er Gouzi is now disheartened. He will stay as far away from government affairs as possible in the future.

He doesn't have as much kindness as Sima Yi. He doesn't have enough personal ability. He can't even protect himself, let alone save the victims.

He should go back to farm and practice honestly.

No matter how discouraged he is, practice is necessary.

If he has the strength of the late stage of Qi training, he may be able to escape from the county magistrate and the Dianshi.

Because of the locusts and bandits, he can't see many normal villages on the way back.

In the entire Anchang County, perhaps only Dingjiazhuang can maintain peace.

No wonder the tenants in Dingjiazhuang didn't want to be landlords, they just wanted to be tenants of the Ding family for generations.

There weren't many people left in Shexi Village. I heard that many people went out to be thieves.

When he returned to the foot of Shekou, he realized that his men were really brave. They beat up the officials and locked them all up.

More than 20 of his men were injured and two died.

Qiuyue had a long cut on her face and chest, but she was lucky enough not to die.

He went to see the five officials again. They were still alive, but their noses and faces were swollen and looked a little miserable.

Ergouzi was a little worried. It was not easy to deal with the people in the government.

"Master Zhang, let me say a few more good words and let them go."

Huang Laocai saw Ergouzi coming back, fearing that he would act impulsively, so he hurried over to persuade him.

"You can't kill people from the government. If they are accused of treason, the whole family will be executed and the nine clans will be punished."

Er Gouzi thought for a long time and could only deal with it this way.

If the county government continues to investigate this matter and accuses him of treason, he can only become a bandit with his men.

After letting Wang the captain go, when he rode a goose to the top of the mountain, he found that the geese were also fighting around something.

He walked over to take a look and was so scared that he took several steps back.

How did he invite this monster here?

The one who was surrounded and beaten by the geese at this moment was the birdman who was injured and escaped that day.

At that time, the county magistrate was the Dianshi, and he imprisoned him on the pretext that Er Gouzi didn't ride a goose to chase the birdman.

It's really a narrow road for enemies. This guy didn't go anywhere, but actually ran to Shekou Mountain.

Judging from his appearance, he must be seriously injured. Now he can't even beat the goose.

This guy can fly. If he meets other monks, he can still escape, but if he meets a flock of geese that can also fly, he can't escape.

"Get out of the way, let me do it!"

Er Gouzi was just holding back a lot of anger. He roared and squeezed into the flock of geese, kicking and kicking the birdman.

"Hehe! You are also in a desperate situation."

After saying that, he found that the wording was not right, and then thought about it. He was Er Gouzi, so it seemed that there was nothing wrong.

Then he kicked the birdman wildly for a while, and all the people in his hands died. He also suffered so much, which was more or less related to this birdman.

He had been holding back his emotions for several days, and now he vented all of them on the birdman.

"Stop beating me..."

"I surrender..."

"I confess..."

"I confess everything..."

Intermittently, the birdman begged for mercy occasionally.

But the goose was too noisy, and Er Gouzi was so angry that he didn't hear it.

After a while of beating, the birdman's two wings were broken, and the feathers on his body were scattered.

The birdman's originally thin body was beaten fatter.

At this time, he had multiple fractures all over his body and collapsed on the bed, unable to stand up.

"Stop... stop beating me..."

"I confess everything..."

Er Gouzi didn't ask anything, and heard the birdman talking to himself.

It seems that the birdman's will is not firm at all.

"What's your name? Where are you from?"

"My name is Yushan, male, from Wan Yao Country, Feiyu Tribe, 45 years old..."

This birdman called Yushan was really scared.

Er Gouzi just asked one question, and he said everything he could remember like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

"I also know that there is a spiritual spring in the north mountain of Wan Yao Country, and drinking it can give birth to quadruplets..."

"Stop! Let's confess here for the time being."

Er Gouzi listened for a whole afternoon, and even heard a lot of secret gossip between men and women in Wan Yao Country.

As for the purpose of Yushan's visit this time, he also understood it more or less.

To sum up, the Great Zhou Dynasty had a cult, and sent envoys to the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters.

They took the initiative to tell the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters that the Great Zhou Dynasty was weak internally and had suffered from disasters for years, so it was a good opportunity to send a large army to attack Qingzhou.

In order to persuade the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters to send troops, the cult promised to create unrest internally and cooperate fully.

Yushan went to Chengxi Town to steal the elixir this time because he was bewitched by the cult members.

It turns out that it is the most difficult to guard against thieves at home.

At this time, Er Gouzi raised the door panel sword, and frightened Yushan into shrinking.

"Don't kill me, I still have a lot of information!"

"I still have a 200-year-old mother to support, and I am still a child."

"I can work, and I can do any work."

Er Gouzi picked up the heavy sword, gestured to Yushan, and then cut him with a sword.



One of Yushan's wings was cut off at the root.

Then he struck with another sword and cut off the other wing.

According to Yushan's confession, the ability of our tribe lies in the wings.

So I temporarily believed him, cut off the two wings, and stayed on the mountain to work.

Anyway, after losing the wings, I can't fly. I can't escape from Shekou Mountain under the watch of a group of geese.

The mountain really needs someone to work, digging soil, loosening, weeding, watering, harvesting, feeding geese, grinding, sweeping, burning fire, washing clothes...

Er Gouzi looked at Yushan's small body and wondered if he could do this heavy work.

"Go push the millstone. If you can push it, I'll keep you."

Yushan didn't care about the bleeding wound on his body, struggled to stand up, and walked to the side of the millstone.

The man was not as tall as the millstone, so he could only stand on tiptoe to barely reach the handle of the millstone.

Yushan knew that this was the moment to decide his fate. He endured the pain on his body, gritted his teeth, and finally pushed the millstone to turn slowly.

"Okay, I'll spare your life for now."

"If you want to escape or don't work hard, you'll be like this stone."

Er Gouzi said, and with a sword, a stone weighing 100 jin was cut in half.

After threatening Yushan, he walked over and picked up the pair of wings that had been cut off.

In the feathers at the root of the wings, he found a fiery red medicinal material.

It was the spiritual medicine that Yushan stole from the county magistrate's spiritual field, called Huo Lingcao.

In addition to Huo Lingcao, this time he also got a pepper tree, a small white tree, and the body of the insect king.

Just plant the pepper tree in a corner and water it, and it should be fine.

According to Yushan, there are many white trees in our world of monsters, and the fruit is called the monster fruit.

It can promote monsters to break through, and it is very attractive to monsters, but it seems to be useless to humans.

Er Gouzi wants to plant this thing, but he doesn't want to attract monsters.

Even if he doesn't attract monsters, he can't stand attracting a large number of locusts all day long.

After thinking for a while, he found a large ceramic jar, put some soil in it, and planted the monster fruit tree in it.

Then he thought about it and put it in the gourd.

This way, it won't attract monsters.

Since fish can grow in gourds, it should be possible to put spiritual plants in them.

Let's try it first.

Finally, there is the fire spirit grass that Yushan stole.

According to Yushan, this spiritual medicine is one of the five spiritual herbs of wood, fire, earth, metal and water.

Collecting these five spiritual herbs can refine the foundation-building pill. Taking one pill of the foundation-building pill can increase the success rate of foundation-building by 20%.

Fire spiritual grass must be planted in a place with rich fire spiritual energy, and it consumes a lot of spiritual energy.

Even with the best one-acre spiritual field in Chengxi Town, only two fire spiritual grasses can be planted.

These two spiritual grasses absorbed all the spiritual energy and nutrients, and no grass can grow around them.

It is said that no matter how fertile the spiritual field is, the spiritual power will be exhausted after planting a round of five spiritual herbs.

It will take 100 years of abandonment before other spiritual objects can be planted again.

There are only these two fire spiritual grasses in the entire Anchang County, and the county magistrate is still counting on using the fire spiritual grass to exchange for foundation-building pills in the county city.

But he didn't expect that Yushan stole one of them.

In order to plant this Fire Spirit Grass, Er Gouzi deliberately left the medicinal field, reclaimed a small piece of land, planted the Fire Spirit Grass, and then watered it.

Fire Spirit Grass can only grow when the Fire Spirit Qi is strong, but there is no spiritual Qi on Shekou Mountain.

Now we can only hope that the water in the yellow gourd will create a miracle.

After another three days, the Fire Spirit Grass was planted and survived.

At the same time, the Fire Spirit Grass died, and the surrounding weeds and trees began to die. Even if the water in the gourd was poured, it could not be saved.

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