Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 75 Reflect on your mistakes

Gouzi had caused trouble himself, and he felt guilty.

He just bought some black salt, a few pieces of coarse cloth, and a few ingots of iron in the city, and left the city overnight.

But this time his luck was good. The iron ingots he bought weighed at least more than 50 kilograms, and he could make a lot of weapons with them.

There were still a lot of refugees gathered outside the city, but they were stopped by the soldiers guarding the city and were not allowed to enter the city.

Some refugees stayed outside the city and were unwilling to leave. They gathered in piles with their families and were on guard against each other.

There were a few fallen trees beside the official road. The bark had been stripped off long ago, and even the roots had been dug out and eaten.

At this time, a few people were still unwilling to give up, and they still surrounded these dead trees and gnawed on the trunks with their teeth.

Bit off some wood chips, chew slowly in the mouth, and then swallow it with difficulty.

A family hid in a corner and ate food secretly.

It turned out that they got some fresh bark, mixed it with some locust powder, and made it into cakes, which tasted so delicious.

In a farther corner, several people were mysteriously dismembering a body.

At this time, two families in the crowd suddenly fought.

"This is mine..."

"I found it first..."

"I killed it first..."

It turned out that the two families were fighting for a dead mouse, and they didn't hesitate to fight for it.

Seeing this scene, Gouzi felt that the dead mouse thrown into the soup pot was a bit wasted.

It was a bargain for the old man of the county magistrate.

Remembering that he had stolen a lot of ingredients in the kitchen of Hongyan Building.

Anyway, it was all ill-gotten gains, so today I would do a good deed for the county magistrate.

He walked to an empty corner and let the goose fly away first, then changed himself into a worn-out piece of clothing and put on a black mask on his face.

Then he came out with a bunch of food on his back.

He took out two chickens from the sack and threw them to the crowd, which immediately caused a scramble.

Two people even picked up wooden sticks and walked towards him, with a fierce look on their faces. It was really a good deed that was not rewarded.

He kicked the two people away and said loudly:

"No one is allowed to grab it!"

"Otherwise I won't give it out!"

"Everyone, sit back in your original position."

After seeing the fierce means he used to kick people just now, no one dared to fight for it anymore.

They all sat in their original positions honestly, waiting for the dog to distribute food.

Immediately, he threw a chicken into each pile according to the families gathered together.

Fortunately, there were enough chickens and ducks stolen from the back kitchen of Hongyan Building, and there was still some left after all of them were distributed.

After distributing the chickens at the city gate, he turned around and left without saying any more nonsense.

He didn't even dare to ride the goose, for fear that the county magistrate would know that he was the one who did it.

When he passed by the small village where Guanyin soil was abundant again, people were still picking up soil to eat at night.

Eating a small amount of Guanyin soil can relieve hunger, but it can't defecate, and eating too much is still a dead end.

The refugees eating like this is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst, but they just want to have a full meal before starving to death.

A refugee picked up a piece of Guanyin soil, closed his eyes, and imagined the soil as fat pork.

Just as he was putting the soil into his mouth, a piece of pork suddenly fell in front of him.

He opened his eyes and found that it was really a piece of pork.

He looked up and looked around, but didn't see any figure.

Could it be a miracle?

From then on, this refugee would close his eyes and imagine it every time before eating.

As for the fact that he never succeeded again, he just attributed it to his lack of sincerity.

The dog wore a black mask and threw some stolen food to refugees wherever he saw them.

Many refugees were so hungry that they were dizzy and suddenly saw chicken legs, pork, and rice falling from their bodies.

They thought they had encountered some miracles, and many refugees exchanged their experiences afterwards.

That night he went to several places where refugees gathered.

By dawn, most of the food stolen from Hongyan Tower had been thrown to the refugees.

Only then did he ride on the white goose again, fly into the sky, and fly towards the direction of She.

After a passionate night, the passion subsided, and he returned to calmness. Gouzi sat on the back of the goose and thought about his mistakes.

He regretted that he was too impulsive last night.

There are so many masters in Hongyan Tower. If he is caught, Sima Yi may not be able to save him this time.

Moreover, it is really wrong to use such an expensive invisibility talisman.

I originally thought that I would eat more to make up for my investment, but in the end I had to pay an extra invisibility talisman. I didn't make up for my investment, but my loss was even greater.

I stole so many ingredients from the kitchen, and I could barely make up for my investment.

But after leaving the city, I gave them all away on impulse.

Alas! It seems that he is destined to be poor. As soon as he has a little money, he will think of extravagance.

He will definitely change in the future. Wealth is accumulated bit by bit.

Just when Gouzi was thinking about his mistakes and decided to be cautious in words and deeds and frugal in the future.

He saw two people chasing each other.

The young man in front was desperately running away, hiding here and there, looking quite embarrassed.

The man chasing behind him seemed to be impatient. He was so anxious that he roared and yelled when he couldn't catch up.

After finally catching up with him for a few steps, the man behind him couldn't help but touch him and bite him.

"Fellow Taoist on the goose, help me!"

The people below finally found Gouzi riding on the goose's back and shouted for help.

껩Okay, let the 꺶goose lower its height and take a look first.

When he descended to a certain height, he used the qi-gazing technique to take a look and was shocked.

Neither of them is simple.

Qing Mo, who was chased and bitten in front, looked to be about the same age as Sima Yi, and the aura exuding from his body was extremely strong and unpredictable.

As of now, he has never seen anyone with such a strong aura in the entire Anchang County. Could it be that he is a strong foundation builder?

As for the man chasing Qing 뎃, it was even more terrifying. He was not a human at all.

This guy is a terrifying zombie.

It was many times stronger than the zombie he killed last time.

괗A thought arose in Gouzi's mind, could this be the escaped drought demon?

Look here, the dog makes the goose fly higher.

It's not that he doesn't want to save people, but the difference in strength is too great.

The two masters are both above the level of foundation building. How can he, who is a small Qi refining level, qualified to join in?

I'm afraid just a little bit of contact will cost you your life.

"Fellow Taoist, thank you very much for helping me!"

The dog did not leave immediately, but rode a goose in the air, circling around the human body.

After wandering around for a long time, he discovered that although this zombie was extremely fast and powerful, it could not fly yet.

In this way, he will be very stable on the ground.

Even if I can't save anyone, my life is not in danger.

"Try to keep the distance as far as possible."

괗Gouzi directed the young man who was escaping below, and he thought of a way.

The flying arrows that Huang Fugui was asked to build before have never been used before. Today, we can try them on zombies.

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