Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 83: Yizi Camp

Sima Dong held the sword in his hand, and first killed his dearest brother.

When he swung it to chop at other people, he didn't have much psychological burden.

One is killing, two, three, dozens are killing.

Uncle, uncle, grandfather, brother...

Anyway, they all have to die, and it doesn't matter who they die in.

When he was covered in blood and walked in front of Sima Yi, he didn't hesitate to chop him.


Sima Dong stopped the sword in his hand and looked at the place where the sound came from.

It turned out to be a little beggar squeezed in the crowd.

"What's the matter, beggar?"

The county magistrate had just been called the upright master by the people of the city, and he wanted to maintain the image of the upright master.

At this time, he didn't get angry, thinking that a mere beggar couldn't make much waves.

The little beggar glanced back inadvertently, and did not see the figures of his companions, so he began to say:

"Your Excellency, the other members of the Sima family may have been corrupt, but this Sima Gong is a very kind person."

"He often gives alms to the hungry people in the city, and treats the poor people with less money, or even no money."

"I believe that many people present have received the favor of Sima Gong."

"I dare to ask the county magistrate to show some leniency and spare Sima Gong's life."

After being told by this beggar, many people also regained some reason from their previous anger.

Indeed, many of them had drunk the porridge donated by Sima Gong, which helped them through the most difficult days.

Many people went to Huichuntang to see a doctor and buy medicine. The price was very fair. If the family was in difficulty, Sima Gong would also give medicine for free.


"This Sima Gong is a good man!"

"Please show some mercy, my Lord."


Instantly, a large number of people in the square knelt down again.

This time, they were begging for mercy for their benefactors.

These ordinary people have little knowledge and are easily deceived, but they also have the most basic moral concepts and can distinguish between good and evil.

Sima Yi, who was tied to the pillar, opened his eyes and looked at the ordinary people kneeling down.

He used to be rich, and when he helped others, he never thought about asking for anything in return.

Unexpectedly, one day, everyone was begging for mercy for him.

I am satisfied!

The county magistrate was still thinking about his words in his heart. He had to maintain the image of a great justice just established.

But he couldn't let him go for nothing.

I heard from the county lieutenant before that this person has good talent. If he keeps this person, there will be endless troubles.


"You've all been fooled by his hypocritical appearance!"

The one who spoke was not the county magistrate, but Sima Dong, who was covered in blood.

Everyone looked at Sima Dong in confusion.

Sima Dong's robe had long been stained with blood, his face was twisted and hideous, and blood was dripping from his hands and waist.

"I want to ask, where does he get the money and food for distributing porridge and medicine?"

"It's all from you, and now I give you a little favor, which has moved you."

"He uses your money and food, squeezes a little from his teeth, buys people's hearts, and seeks fame."


After Sima Dong said this, many people thought to themselves that it seemed to be true.

Almost fooled again.

Sima Yi stared at this cousin who used to be well-behaved and loving.

Others don't know, but everyone in the Sima family knows it.

He distributed porridge and food, and earned money by doing business with his dog and selling powerful pills.

When Sima Dong said this, he raised his hand without waiting for the county magistrate's order, and was about to chop Sima Yi.

The little beggar who stood there before had already prepared for this move. The moment he turned around and raised his hand, he immediately rushed over and hugged Sima Dong tightly with both arms.

"Let go!"

"You bitch, let me go!"

The little beggar fought with brute force, and no matter how Sima Dong beat him, he would not let go.

Sima couldn't break free in a short time, so he raised the waist in his hand and stabbed it into the little beggar's body.

As the blood rushed, the little beggar's hands and feet gradually softened.

"It's on fire!"

"It's on fire!"

At this time, someone shouted, causing everyone to turn their heads to look.

In the distance, black smoke billowed from several houses and rose to the sky.

"Put out the fire!"

"Others, follow me to the city wall!"

The county magistrate roared and used the wind control technique to run towards the city wall.

The fire in the city, the bandits outside the city are very likely to take advantage of the chaos to attack the city.

If they cooperate with the spies in the city, it will be even more troublesome.

Compared with the loss of the city, a wanted criminal is not so important.

The county magistrate took away a large number of masters at one time, and the rest were busy putting out the fire.

But Sima Dong did not intend to let go of this cousin who had a good relationship with him.

He even killed his own brother, and his whole family died under his hands. How could he leave this trouble behind?

When he pulled his waist and raised his hands again, he found that a large group of little beggars emerged around him.

These beggars were a few years old, most of them were in their teens, and some were disabled with missing arms and legs.

These little beggars held sticks and knocked out two yamen runners, surrounded Sima Dong, and protected Sima Yi in the middle.

"You beggars, why don't you get out of here!"

Sima Dong raised his hand and chopped it down, one person fell to the ground, but no one retreated.

The other few people had already untied the ropes on Sima Yi with their hands and feet.

As soon as Sima Yi's hands and feet were free, he picked up a wooden stick and smashed it on Sima Dong's head.

Although Sima Dong has practiced martial arts for a few more years, he has not been able to sense Qi. He is no match for Sima Yi.

In addition, he originally had a guilty conscience, but now he did not dare to fight Sima Yi, so he turned around and fled into the county government office.

"Sir, let's run!"

Sima Yi picked out the numbness in his mouth, knelt down in front of the corpse, and kowtowed three times.

Then he left with the group of little beggars.

There are still many people who have not dispersed in the same place, and many of them have received Sima Yi's favor.

Not wanting to embarrass him at this time, they all moved out of the way to let Sima Yi's little beggars leave.

After a while, Sima Dong and several government officials came after him, but they were blocked by a group of unruly people. They stumbled along, but Sima Yi could no longer be found.

Sima Yi, a group of little beggars, had walked into an alley at this time.

"Thank you very much."

"My benefactor has given us life-saving grace. You saved our lives."

These beggars are the same group of people who always guard the gate of Huichun Hall.

Among ordinary beggars, it is difficult for children to survive. They will be controlled by big beggars, harvested and cut into pieces, made into various disabilities, and used as tools for begging and performing arts.

This group of little beggars can live peacefully until now thanks to Sima Yi's protection.

"Did you set the fire just now?"

"It's the mangy dog ​​who wants to make a plan, and he will set fire to it together." A beggar replied.

"You are brave and resourceful."

Sima Yi praised that he had already prepared to die, but he didn't expect to be saved by these little beggars.

"We started planning on the day we were arrested in public, and we also formed a "righteousness camp".

Using this time, a small strip of ground was dug, leading directly to the moat outside. "

The little beggars took Sima Yi to a remote place, pushed aside a pile of garbage, and revealed a dark cave.

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