Mortal Immortal Palace

Chapter 17: One million taken, robbed and killed in the street

Everyone who heard this was silent!

A cold female voice slowly sounded, "Mr. Chen, I wonder if you can give me a face for the Tianhan Sect. My ancestor wants this thing!"

Mr. Chen heard this and smiled coldly, "Haha, the face of the Tianhan Sect is worthless to me!"

"I want this thing!"

"Whoever buys it today can't leave Beiyuan City!"

A cold female voice snorted, "Chen Qingyi, do you really think that just because your father is the governor of the state, you can ignore my Tianhan Sect?"

"Hehe, I don't take you seriously. What? Do you want to fight?"

"I bought it with money. If you have the ability, you can smash it with money. If you don't have money, shut up!" Chen Qingyi's face was full of pride, and he laughed contemptuously.


A huge muffled sound, obviously the woman in the box seemed to have smashed something!

"Very good!"

"I want to see if you can take this thing away!"

Fang Baowan said indifferently, "Lady of Tianhan Sect, this is Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, a place for business?"

"Not a place for you to show off your power!"

"If you have money to buy, the things belong to you. If you don't have money, don't disturb us doing business!"

"Others are afraid of your Tianhan Sect, but my Wanbao Chamber of Commerce is never afraid!"

The woman on the second floor took a deep breath, but she was a middle-aged woman in her forties!

He only heard his cold voice saying, "The rules of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, my Tianhan Sect knows, and will not make trouble in Wanbao Chamber of Commerce!"

Fang Baowan nodded, "Mr. Chen, one million for the first time!"

"One million for the second time!"

"One million for the third time!"


Chen Qingyi's face was full of smiles and looked down on the audience!

Fang Baowan said loudly, "Everyone, today's auction ends here!"

The crowd dispersed one after another!

Zhou Qing turned around and left Wanbao Chamber of Commerce!

When he came outside, he went directly to the direction of the state governor's mansion.

Soon, they came to an alley halfway, surrounded by low bungalows!

He turned over and jumped directly onto the roof of a nearby building, and Zhou Qing lay slightly on the tile!

He took out a ginseng of forty years from his arms and ate it all in a few bites!

A wave of heat was slowly released, constantly transformed by internal force, but more internal force was deposited in the body, causing his body temperature to rise a few degrees.

Zhou Qing held the long knife in his right hand and looked silently in the direction of Wanbao Pavilion.

In just a quarter of an hour, a gorgeous carriage came from a distance!

Zhou Qing saw the driver of the carriage at a glance, it was a middle-aged man in his fifties.

He had been following Chen Qingyi on the second floor of the auction pavilion!

With his eyes narrowed, Zhou Qing rushed out in the next moment.

Zhou Qing, who fell from the sky, said nothing, and the White Phoenix Sword Technique unfolded in mid-air.

This is a sword technique that fell from the sky-White Phoenix Falling on Wutong!

As if a real phoenix was singing, the white knife light turned into a phoenix, and under the sunlight, it exploded with brilliance!

The terrifying knife light swept down, and the coachman who was driving the carriage felt horrified.

The moment he looked up, he saw the brilliance in the sky, and instinctively swung the long whip in his hand.

Under the infusion of his internal force, the long whip diffused a dark brilliance, and directly turned into a dark cloud, sweeping towards the knife light.

The whip shadow and the knife light collided together!


The long whip was chopped into pieces in an instant!

The knife light flashed across the coachman!

There was still a trace of horror on the coachman's face, and the next moment, his whole body was broken into a pile of minced meat.

At this time, the knife light even cut the carriage in half, revealing two women and a man inside.

Before Chen Qingyi came to his senses, a cold and ruthless face appeared in his eyes.

"It's you!" His face changed drastically!

Just as he was about to speak, Zhou Qing had already swung the knife in his hand.

The brilliant blade light almost instantly split him in half, not giving him any chance to talk nonsense.

"Ah..." The two women screamed, then rolled their eyes and fainted.

Zhou Qing stepped into the wreckage of the carriage and found two boxes after searching.

One contained the "Vajra Divine Art" and the other contained the Immortal Cultivation Jade Slip!

Putting the things in his arms, Zhou Qing jumped away!

Passing through the alley, his clothes had been taken off, the hair on his face had all disappeared, and the white scarf on his head had also been taken off.

Shuttled through the dark alley at high speed, it took only a moment to reach the entrance of one of the passages he dug.

Opened the entrance and went straight in, and soon came to a yard.

After entering the yard, he quickly went to the kitchen, lit a fire with a fire starter, threw all his belongings in and burned them to ashes.

The flames were still burning, and he had turned around and left here, heading towards the east of the city.

In the governor's mansion, Chen Wenliang was furious, "What did you say? The young master is dead!"

The butler of the governor's mansion was sweating profusely, "Yes, sir, the young master was robbed and killed on the way back!"

"The other party came for the immortal cultivation method that the young master bought at the Wanshang Pavilion!"

When Chen Wenliang heard this, he felt black in front of his eyes!

Chen Qingyi was his only son, and he couldn't bear the pain of the old sending the young.

"Ah! It hurts me..." Chen Wenliang covered his chest, his face pale.

The old servant next to him quickly supported him!

"Sir, take care of yourself, we must close the city gate now, otherwise the murderer will run away!"

Chen Wenliang's eyes were fierce, "Ring the alarm bell immediately, close the four gates, and kill anyone who dares to trespass without mercy!?"

Soon, the sound of a golden bell rang in the governor's mansion, and the sound quickly spread across the sky.

The guards on the four city gates also changed their faces when they heard the bell!

He shouted urgently, "Close the city gates immediately!"

A series of shouts rang out on the four city gates.

At the east city gate, Zhou Qing had already arrived here!

He was about to pass through the city gate, but the guards guarding the city gate had instantly raised their guns and aimed at everyone who intended to leave the city.

"The city gates are urgently closed, and everyone retreats three feet. Anyone who dares to trespass will be killed without mercy!"

Zhou Qing saw this scene, and his heart suddenly condensed, "It's so fast!"

Without any hesitation, Zhou Qing's internal force circulated throughout his body, and the next moment he suddenly rushed out of the crowd.

The White Phoenix Sword Technique exploded in an instant, and the terrifying internal force was injected into the sword light, and a gorgeous sword light extended directly one foot away.

The knife swept across, and the armored soldiers in front couldn't even block it, and were cut in half in an instant!

"Enemy attack!" A piercing scream has already sounded.

On the tower, a large number of officers and soldiers are coming towards the city!

Zhou Qing has already rushed out of the city gate!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

A group of sharp arrows swept towards him from the city wall!

Zhou Qing turned around and a knife flashed!

The huge knife light connected into one, as if it turned into a knife curtain that could not be splashed with water!

Dozens of long arrows were all blocked!

Zhou Qing blocked and retreated, and soon he was more than twenty feet away!

Ordinary bows and arrows could no longer have an effect on him, and he turned around and rushed to the forest in the east.

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