Mortal Immortal Palace

Chapter 3: Ambush and counterattack, Heishan County

Zhou Qing got out of bed and tiptoed to the door!

His eyes were cold, and he held the scythe tightly in both hands, waiting silently behind the door like a hunter.

About a moment later, there were slight footsteps outside.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The footsteps stepped on the gravel in the yard, making a faint friction sound.

In the dark night, the sound was quite harsh.

Every time he takes a step, the other party will pause for a moment, listening carefully for any movement in the house.

Zhou Qing narrowed his eyes and was completely sure that someone was targeting him.

Even without asking, he knew who it was and raised his sickle slightly.

If you dare to kill him, he won't make it easy for him!

Soon, the other party came to the door, and a sharp dagger was thrust through the crack of the door.

The dagger touched the door bolt, twisted bit by bit, and slowly opened the door bolt.


In the faint voice, a figure pushed open the door and entered!

The other party stretched out his head and looked into the house.

But the room was so dark that he couldn't see anything!

He paused slightly, then raised his foot and touched in. His backside was exposed to Zhou Qing's eyes!

Zhou Qing's eyes turned cold, and the sickle suddenly slashed towards the opponent's neck!

The knife accurately cut half of the opponent's neck.

"Ah..." Wang San's familiar and sad voice sounded.

But the sound only sounded halfway, and he couldn't scream.

His body went limp and fell to the ground, blood flowing out and his whole body twitching.

Zhou Qing's whole body felt a little weak at this time. This was also his first time to kill someone.

Looking at Wang San struggling on the ground, Zhou Qing stood quietly waiting for his death.

It wasn't until the other party was completely motionless that Zhou Qing let out a breath of turbid air.

Crouching next to the other party, he quickly stretched out his hand to fumble around, and a money bag fell into his hands.

A sharp dagger looks worth a few taels of silver.

After putting these two things away, looking at Wang San's body, his heart moved slightly.

"This corpse can be put to good use, just in time to fake death and escape!"

He dragged Wang San's body and moved him to his bed.

He turned around and took out bundles of straw and dry firewood from the woodshed and spread them around the room.

He took out the fire stick and blew it slightly, then raised his hand and threw it into the straw.

A fire ignited, and Zhou Qing's face was illuminated red.

With complicated eyes, Zhou Qing turned and left here.

Leaving the village from one side, taking advantage of the darkness, holding a torch, headed towards the nearest Heishan County.

The flames soaring into the sky behind caused the barking of dogs in the village, and soon many villagers heard the sound and came out.

"It's gone, it's gone!"

Shouts echoed throughout the village.

In the morning, the sun rises high.

A dusty figure appeared outside Heishan County.

Heishan County is located where a river flows. It is a water transportation hub with a radius of 100 miles. With a population of more than 100,000, it is the largest county in this area.

The city gate was opened early in the morning, and a large number of merchants came in and out one after another, and farmers who were engaged in farming also left!

After Zhou Qing entered the city, he checked into a cheap inn directly.

After putting away my things, I wandered around the county town, looking for suitable martial arts schools and medicine shops!

In one day, Zhou Qing had a certain understanding of Heishan County.

There are three martial arts schools in Heishan County: Diamond Fist, White Phoenix Sword, and Thunder Kick!

There are two famous herbal medicine shops and several small pharmacies!

After asking around, the ones with the best reputations were Vajra Boxing and a shop called Wang's Pharmacy!

At night, Zhou Qing was eating fresh meat buns in his room, thinking silently in his mind.

"Go to the Vajra Fist Martial Arts School to become a disciple. The money alone is twenty taels!"

"Wang's Pharmacy often purchases medicinal materials, and medicinal materials that are ten years old cost at least ten taels of silver."

"You can't sell too many. Three plants are enough. Any more will attract attention."

Zhou Qing had a plan in his mind, so he blew out the lights and went to bed to rest!

Early in the morning, the apprentices at Wang's Pharmacy were already busy.

Zhou Qing was wearing rags, his face was stained with dirt, he had a long beard at the corner of his mouth, he was quite strong, and he didn't look like a beggar.

As soon as he entered Wang's Pharmacy, an apprentice greeted him.

"This guest, do you want to see a doctor?"

Zhou Qing shook his head and held up the rag bag in his hand, "I have a few ten-year-old medicine here, in exchange for some money."

The apprentice's eyes lit up, "Please wait a moment, I'll call the shopkeeper."

Zhou Qing was taken to a side hall, and a moment later, an old man in his forties or fifties walked in.

The old man smiled and said, "This brother, I am Wang Dequan, the shopkeeper of Wang's Pharmacy. I wonder what kind of old medicine you want to sell!"

Zhou Qing didn't waste any time and took out three decades of Polygonum multiflorum from his rag pocket.

Shopkeeper Wang looked at the 10-year-old Polygonum multiflorum, his eyes lit up, and he hurried over.

He picked it up and looked at it carefully. He was a little surprised and said, "This must have been picked not long ago!"

"It's full of life. If you plant it again, you can continue to cultivate it!"

"Yes, the shopkeeper has a good eye. I accidentally dug this up somewhere yesterday afternoon."

"I wonder how much money the shopkeeper is willing to give?"

Shopkeeper Wang looked at it carefully, "The market price is thirty taels of silver!"

Zhou Qing grinned, "Deal!"

Shopkeeper Wang also had a smile on his face, "Refreshing!"

Zhou Qing took the silver and quickly turned left and right in the alleys of the county town. When he was sure that no one was following him, he pulled off the fake beard on his mouth in a corner.

He washed his face with the water gourd on his waist and went directly to the Vajra Fist Martial Arts Hall.

When he arrived at the gate of the martial arts hall, the eyes of the two disciples who opened the door fell on him.

"Sir, what can I do for you?" said a sturdy and honest man.

Zhou Qing clasped his fists slightly, "I am here to learn from you!"

The man nodded slightly when he heard this, "Do you know the rules?"

"I know, twenty taels of silver are ready!" Zhou Qing smiled.

"Okay, follow me!" The honest man waved to Zhou Qing slightly, and the two entered the martial arts hall one after the other.

Entering the gate of the martial arts hall, you can see a martial arts training ground. At this time, there are several men standing and boxing in it!

Zhou Qing didn't look at it much, and followed the man to the end of the martial arts training ground, where an old man was sitting quietly on a recliner.

The old man had a lean face, but a strong body, and there was a cold air between his eyes.

At this time, he was sipping a pot of tea!

He fanned himself with his left hand, looking very comfortable.

The honest man brought Zhou Qing to him, and he said respectfully, "Master Tang, this little brother is here to learn from you!"

Master Tang opened his eyes, looked at Zhou Qing and said, "Twenty taels of silver!"

"You can stay in the martial arts hall for three months. After three months, if you can generate a ray of internal force, you can continue to stay in the martial arts hall!"

"Otherwise, you have to leave and make a living on your own, or pay another twenty taels of silver!"

"Don't think I'm asking for too much!"

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