Mortal Immortal Palace

Chapter 33: The Way of Spiritual Food, Sea Beasts Attack

"My journey to immortality officially begins here!"

Zhou Qing murmured to himself, his eyes gradually became hard, without any nostalgia!

On the sea, there is an endless horizon, and you can only see the clear sky and the steam rising in the distance.

Sitting cross-legged on the wooden bed, Zhou Qing closed his eyes.

At this time, his spirit has entered the Immortal Mansion!

There are 440 elixir plants planted on only one acre of land!

Forty of them have been used as medicine for more than 200 years, and the remaining 400 have all reached 90 years of medicine age!

Ginseng, Polygonatum, Ganoderma lucidum, Fire Lotus, Fire Spirit Flower, Ice Crystal Grass, White Jade Fruit and more!

There are one hundred and thirty species, and about two or three plants of each species are planted.

Seeing the growth of these elixirs, Zhou Qing's eyes were full of satisfaction.

"There are only three days left before we can officially start practicing Bailing Body Refining!"

"When you get to the Rogue Cultivator Alliance, you can raise your cultivation level to the peak of Qi refining in the shortest possible time."

"The flaming fireballs combined with the raging wine, the magical weapons Flaming Flying Sword, Ten Thousand Soul Flags, Magic Orbs, and Trident should be enough, and the defense is the Star Robe!"

"Anything else that is not needed can be disposed of!"

The future arrangements flashed in my heart, and suddenly my heart moved slightly.

There was a knock on the door!

dong dong dong

Zhou Qing stood up carefully, holding the red flame flying sword in his hand and hiding it in his sleeve. If there was any threat, he would explode immediately.

He came to the door, the token in his hand waved slightly on the door, and the blockade slowly receded towards the surroundings.

Zhou Qing's voice sounded, "What's going on?"

"I am the meal delivery boy on the ship, and I would like to ask you if you need some spiritual food!"

Zhou Qing's heart moved, and he opened the door directly. A man in uniform stood outside the door!

The other party is a mortal, but he is a warrior, at least a first-class one!

“Sir, would you like to order spiritual food?”

Spiritual Food Tao is also one of the hundred arts of cultivation.

Paired with a variety of exquisite ingredients and used in different orders, wonderful effects can be produced.

Some can restore cultivation, some can heal injuries, and some can slowly nourish the body.

"How much? How to order?"

"Spiritual food is divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower. The upper level has ten low-grade spiritual stones per meal, the intermediate level has six low-grade spiritual stones per meal, and the lower level has two low-grade spiritual stones per meal!"

"The lower level has three dishes and one soup, including monster meat, spiritual vegetables, and spiritual grains!"

"Zhongji Qi Refining Spiritual Banquet, five dishes and one soup, three meat and three vegetarian dishes!"

"Superior, a fine Qi Refining Spiritual Banquet table, eight dishes and one soup, six meat and three vegetarian dishes, the meat is all from the monster beasts in the late stage of Qi Refining!"

When Zhou Qing heard what the other party said, his index finger suddenly moved in his heart.

Since entering the world of immortality, he has hardly eaten.

After thinking for a while, he took out two low-grade spiritual stones and said, "A low-grade spiritual food!"

The other party accepted the money, took out a jade plaque and handed it to Zhou Qing with a happy face.

"Uncle, please wait a moment, someone will bring it to you during lunch!"

Zhou Qing took the token and turned back to the room.

Looking at the sea passing by outside, you can see fish or sea animals jumping out of the sea from time to time.

A magnificent world that makes people feel relaxed and happy.

"I don't know what kind of world the loose cultivator alliance in the ocean is like!" Zhou Qing murmured!

After traveling through time, there was a knock on the door.

After Zhou Qing opened the door, a clever boy respectfully handed him a food box!

"Uncle, your spiritual food!"

Zhou Qing took the food box, returned to the room and took out all the spiritual food.

There are three dishes and one soup, two meat and two vegetarian dishes, which doesn’t look too bad.

A faint aura surrounds it!

The soup is a fish, which has been washed and peeled cleanly. It is filled with a kind of light water aura, which gathers on the soup dishes like clouds.

The meat dish is a plate of fried meat with green peppers. A kind of wood and water aura are intertwined, and the dishes are filled with a wonderful color!

The two vegetarian dishes are intertwined with fire and wood auras, and they look like two faint flames!

One is fried shredded vegetables, the other is fried slices.

The aroma of a bowl of Linggu rice hits your face, the rich aroma of rice.

Just watching, Zhou Qing was thoughtful.

"Everyone in the spiritual world has his or her own way of clothing, food, housing, and transportation!"

"Spiritual wine and spiritual food are very popular because they have low entry barriers and the utilization rate of spiritual objects is not low. They can give full play to the effects of various spiritual objects."

"Alchemy is an advanced skill. It is about refining the essence of spiritual objects to produce more powerful effects. One plus one is greater than two. The entry barrier is high, so the scope of popularization is relatively low."

"The various arts of cultivation have their own differences, and they are different skills that can only be mastered by different classes!"

Zhou Qing raised his hand, took out a can of spiritual wine, poured it out from a jade wine cup, and began to taste the table of spiritual food!

The first is a piece of fish, which melts in your mouth, plump and tender, and fills your mouth with a trace of aura.

Zhou Yi was surprised to find that this kind of spiritual energy seemed to nourish his body very much, making him feel like his life was more active.

After taking a sip of spiritual wine, the majestic spiritual energy surged in his body, and a feeling of being slightly tipsy made him feel relaxed.

Zhou Qing was drinking wine and eating delicious food while looking at the beautiful scenery in the ocean. For a moment, he couldn't tell whether he was a mortal or a cultivator!

After half an hour, a table full of good wine and good food was consumed, and Zhou Qing couldn't help but feel a little tipsy.

The spiritual power in the body continues to circulate, digesting the spiritual energy brought by all food.

Lying on the bed, Zhou Qing emptied his mind and fell asleep slowly.

Zhou Qing slept soundly this time, and he didn't wake up until two days and one night later.

When Zhou Qing woke up, he felt relaxed all over, and all the fatigue from mental to physical was swept away.

He felt that his spiritual power had improved a lot!

Feeling the changes in his body, Zhou Qing was a little surprised, "I actually fell asleep!"

Looking up outside, the sky full of stars was shining on the sea, and the whole world was as beautiful as a fairy tale.

Zhou Qing was interested and pushed the door out, and soon came to the deck!

There were actually quite a few people on the deck at night!

Some stared into the distance, some looked up at the sky, and some moved a chair to lie on it and blow the sea breeze.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Qing was stunned again!

Zhou Qing came to the edge of the deck and looked at the distant starry sky.

The entire sea surface was extremely wide, and there was no end in sight.

There was a layer of light blue spiritual light around them, covering the spiritual boat.

Zhou Qing was intoxicated by the beauty and greatness of nature, and he stood there for two hours.

Suddenly, some waves appeared on the sea in the distance. The waves were very turbulent and were coming towards them quickly.

The alarm sounded suddenly!

"Beep beep beep..."

A harsh sound echoed in the spirit boat!

"A sea beast is attacking, everyone return to the cabin immediately, the spirit boat is going to speed up!"

A rough voice sounded from the deck.

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