Mortal Immortal Palace

Chapter 35: Invulnerable to swords and guns, sea snake attacks

The flaming flying sword slashed on it, bringing up a stream of sparks.

He used at least three-tenths of his strength in this sword!

The flying sword was like a stream of light, constantly circling Zhou Qing, and one sword after another fell on him.

The sound of metal collisions continued to ring, and a series of sparks continued to burst out on the milky white skin.

As the power of the flying sword gradually increased, in addition to the huge impact force, the sharp cutting of the flying sword only left a trace on the skin!

All his muscles, skin, bones and internal organs from inside to outside were in a strange state.

Until his spiritual power was almost completely infused into the flying sword, the power of the flying sword reached its maximum, and it could not leave a wound on his skin.

The flying sword flashed and floated quietly beside Zhou Qing.

A trace of shock appeared on his face, "Isn't "Hundred Spirits Refining Body" too strong!"

"If I can do it, I'm afraid those proud sons of the sects can also do it!"

"It only takes one hundred hundred-year-old spiritual medicines to do it, and the price is not expensive!"

Thinking in his heart, Zhou Qing did not become arrogant because he had refined a body refining method.

In fact, he didn't know that it was not easy to collect one hundred completely different spiritual medicines!

Ordinary hundred-year-old spiritual medicines can be bought with a low-grade spiritual stone, but there are many spiritual medicines that are difficult to grow to a hundred years old.

Most of them can only be cultivated in the medicine gardens of small or large forces, and they will not be sold at a reduced price.

So it is not so easy to refine this "Hundred Spirits Refining Body".

Zhou Qing also had a detailed understanding of his own defense at this time!

Slowly retracting the flying sword, his body returned to normal.

"Now I finally have some power to protect myself!"

"If I really encounter force majeure, I still have some chance of survival with this body of body refinement!"

With some confidence in his heart, Zhou Qing's original pressure dissipated a little.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and the initial novelty of sailing on the sea became boring.

In addition to drinking spirit wine every day, Zhou Qing continued to familiarize himself with various methods.

He has figured out a lot of mysteries for each magic weapon!

The flaming fireball is becoming more and more proficient, and it only takes three breaths to conclude the seal!

One day, Zhou Qing was practicing in the room, and suddenly an alarm sounded outside.

A huge voice echoed throughout the cabin.

"Everyone pay attention, the sea snake beast is attacking, all cultivators listen to my orders, and be ready to go on deck to fight at any time!"

Hearing this sudden voice, everyone in the boat jumped in their hearts!

Zhou Qing's face condensed, and his eyes went out of the window.

At some point, waves suddenly appeared on the sea, and a large group of giant snake monsters with bodies at least ten feet long were attacking them.

He looked around and saw that the cabin was surrounded on all sides.

His face suddenly became solemn, "It looks like there will be a big battle!"

It is inevitable to encounter monsters while sailing on the sea, and dangerous wars often break out.

If one is not handled properly, the boat may be destroyed and people may die.

The atmosphere in the cabin became quiet, and everyone held the magic weapon tightly, ready to fight at any time.

On the deck, an old man appeared at some point.

He was very old, and there was a trace of old age!

A water-blue flying sword surrounded his body, and there was a flaming red flag on his head.

His eyes were fixed on the right side, where a large group of monsters were sweeping towards them.

Among them was a huge sea snake beast three meters long, hiding in the middle of this large group of sea snakes.

At this time, the upper half of the spirit boat was emitting a wonderful glow.

A piece of wood about one foot long stretched out from the sides of the spirit boat at some point!

The wood was cone-shaped, and it was densely covered with mysterious patterns.

At this time, the spiritual energy around was converging into the patterns, and a few sharp ice spikes appeared at the tip of the wood!

There were hundreds of these woods, forming a row on each side.

Just when these sea beasts approached the spirit boat within ten feet!

The condensed ice cones suddenly burst out, and hundreds of ice cones rushed in all directions.

The rushing sea beasts were immediately hit by the ice cones, and more than a dozen sea beasts exploded under the attack of the ice cones.

But these sea beasts were also filled with heavy demonic energy, covered with blue waves and water, blocking part of the ice spikes!

At this time, the spirit boat was rapidly breaking out in one direction, but the encirclement made it difficult for it to escape in a short time.

The three-foot-long sea snake suddenly opened its mouth and sprayed a stream of black water.

This water flow came from the air and turned into a huge torrent of dozens of feet in radius in mid-air!

It was like a black torrent falling from the sky, which was also full of corrosiveness.

At this critical moment, the flame flag on the old man's head shook suddenly!

A large group of fire crows flew out of it and rushed madly into the sky.

The black torrent suddenly exploded with violent fluctuations.

The old man successfully blocked the attack of the second-level monster!

But the violent explosion and impact still had a certain impact on the spirit boat.

More sea snake beasts rushed in from all sides, hundreds of sea beasts leaped up and jumped onto the deck one by one!

Hundreds of ice spikes burst out again and went in all directions.

These ice spikes were obviously controlled by someone, and the direction of attack had a unique trajectory.

Hundreds of sea snake beasts that pounced into the air were hit on the spot.

Bang bang bang.

Amid the huge explosion, a bloody rain exploded, and dozens of them died on the spot.

But some sea snake beasts fell on the blue light of the spirit boat!

They began to slap the light frantically, trying to destroy the defense of the spirit boat.

A voice sounded again in the cabin!

"All monks come to the deck immediately and clear the monsters on the defensive light curtain!"

One by one, the monks came out of the cabin and rushed to the deck quickly, no matter which cabin was no exception.

Hundreds of monks gathered on the deck, and it seemed a bit crowded for a while!

But everyone took out their own magic tools or spells, and attacked the sea snakes that pounced on the light curtain of the spirit boat.

Facing the attack of the group of cultivators, these sea snakes were completely lambs to be slaughtered. The next moment they exploded and turned into countless flesh and blood!

Zhou Qing sacrificed another blue flying sword in his hand!

Under his control, it turned into a light water torrent, and a sea snake was swept into it.

In an instant, the sea snake was cut into countless flesh and blood, and only one inner pill was swept into the water and fell into his hands.

The inner elixir is a good trophy. As long as the monster reaches the middle stage of the first stage, it can condense the inner elixir!

In his "Wine Tasting Record", there is a "Siren Wine", which requires the inner elixir of a water monster.

This kind of wine has a wonderful effect. It can nourish the body and make it stronger and stronger!

The huge second-stage sea snake roared angrily and spewed out another black torrent, covering an area of ​​dozens of feet, and pressed down on the entire spirit boat again.

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