Mortal Immortal Palace

Chapter 84 Foundation Building Pill Completed, War Mission

Every time he leaves, he will use the invisibility talisman to superimpose the God-avoiding Bell to easily avoid the other party's surveillance.

He had discovered that the two Qi Alchemists who were monitoring him would appear in rotation near his palace and quietly observe his palace.

Zhou Qing went to various shops on Qinglong Island to purchase century-old medicinal materials in batches.

In the end, two hundred copies of a total of 3,600 hundred-year-old elixirs were collected.

It cost him thirty-six middle-grade spiritual stones to buy it!

As for the rest of the spiritual stones he earned before and during this period, they were all used in the Immortal Mansion to cultivate the century-old marrow-washing flower!

In Zhou Qing's palace, two hundred foundation-building pill ingredients have been neatly packed!

The invisible magic array covered the entire room, and the changes in the palace were absolutely undetectable from the outside.

Looking at the two hundred pieces of materials that had been sorted out, Zhou Qing's eyes showed a trace of solemnity.

"One year is very fast. I want to become the Alchemy King as soon as possible."

Sitting cross-legged in front of his big black cauldron, Zhou Qing started refining the Foundation Establishment Pill for the first time.

The hands are filled with the golden light of the true fire of the sun!

The Nine Dragons Divine Fire Spell can make this true fire move like an arm!

Each medicinal plant was quickly refined into its essence in his hands.

As more and more elixirs are refined, it becomes easier and easier for him to get Qi-level elixirs in his hands.

And because he frantically sold elixirs to the alchemy hall, everyone knew that his elixir success rate was at least 40%.

His fame has grown more and more in the past few months!

However, because he never leaves his palace, he appears mysterious and unpredictable, and few people can see him.

At the same time, some people felt strange and didn't understand why Zhou Qing didn't exchange the extra elixirs for contribution, but exchanged them for spiritual stones!

Someone has calculated that he has at least thousands of low-grade spiritual stones on his body!

Even ordinary foundation-building monks may not have such a rich net worth.

There are more and more rumors about Zhou Qing. Some people say that he is compulsory for public and private affairs, while others say that he is obsessed.

All kinds of words blew him higher and higher, attracting the attention of countless people.

In Dongmei Hall, Leng Wenyuan frowned.

Zhou Qing's behavior was full of confusion, and he couldn't see what this guy was doing.

"Is he really an alchemy fanatic?"

"No, I always feel like this guy has a secret."

"He has become more and more famous recently. It seems that it will take a year before we can deal with this person."

"No, I want to find an opportunity to transfer this person out."

"Then create opportunities for Ghost Pavilion!"

Demon Star Sea!

The moonlight shrouded the sea at night, and the silver moonlight illuminated the rolling sea.

Suddenly, a pair of eyes appeared under the sea!

As far as the eye can see, the endless sea monsters are gathering from the more distant ocean.

On a reef island, an eleventh-level Qi Refining monk was sitting on the altar!

Watching the sea ahead vigilantly, night is the time when sea monster attacks are most likely to occur, so he needs to be alert at all times.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank, revealing a hint of shock.

In the distant sky, there is a dense cloud of thunderclouds!

Dense rays of lightning fell from the sky.

A huge wave rose from the sea, and blue light shone on the huge wave.

A terrifying ocean whale is rising from the sea!

There is a huge palace on it, and giant whales of different sizes rise in all directions.

Countless blue auras erupted from the head of the giant whale, and these auras quickly connected together.

Countless thunderbolts in the sky all fell on it!

Boom... boom... boom.

The entire sea shook, and the sky was filled with blue light, which withstood the surge of thunder.

Immediately afterwards, countless sea monsters rushed towards the island of Monster Star Sea like a torrent.

Many reefs and islands immediately issued severe warnings.

Bright rays of light rise from each island!

The entire sea was illuminated like daylight at this moment.

The Yao Xing sea defense line directly entered a state of emergency.

The huge formation covering the demon star sea started to operate crazily.

The light pillars rising from the island brought more and greater power, triggering endless thunder.


At this moment, the world was once again illuminated, and lightning ten times more powerful than before surged down.

The huge whale covering the entire sea surface spewed out more blue auras!

The endless sea water rises from the distance, covering the sky and heading toward the sky, blending with the endless blue aura.

Two natural disaster-like mighty forces collided crazily!

Countless water splashes exploded in the huge waves, and the world was completely torn apart.

Soon the remaining huge waves carried countless sea monsters towards countless islands and reefs.

The tragic war broke out silently at this moment, especially the island altar was in crisis.

Rays of light flew out from the city and were heading towards the islands. They were the foundation-building monks one by one.

Normally, when there is no large-scale attack, the Qi Refining Monk can sit back and refine elixirs.

But now that the army is pressing down on the territory, only the foundation-building monks can hold it!

The frontline battle report was sent back to the headquarters of the Loose Cultivator Alliance in a very short time.

Soon the orders from the headquarters of the Loose Cultivator Alliance were sent to all the islands in all directions!

One after another, the spirit boats rushed out from the islands and quickly headed towards the Demon Star Sea.

Golden elixir and Nascent Soul powerhouses are also coming from everywhere!

The entire loose cultivator alliance immediately started moving!

At this time, Zhou Qing was still immersed in his alchemy.

He was very cautious in refining the foundation-building pill. Whenever a furnace failed, he would analyze and record it in detail to find the reason for the failure.

He had only refined fifty furnaces, and he had successfully refined the first foundation-building pill!

Although the quality was only low-grade, the success of refining meant that he had mastered the method of refining pills.

At this time, the second batch of marrow-washing flowers were still being cultivated in the Immortal Mansion!

A piece of news suddenly came, breaking Zhou Qing's tranquility!

In the main hall of Chunhua Hall!

Huang Ming looked serious, looking at all the alchemists in Chunhua Hall.

"Everyone, war reports from the front!"

"The sea tribe launched a large-scale attack, and we have received orders from the headquarters of the loose cultivator alliance!"

"Make all kinds of pills with all your strength. According to your level, everyone must go all out to make pills to support the front line!"

"Because this is an emergency mission, and you need to make pills day and night, the success rate of the pills can be reduced to 15 furnaces!"

"Remember, this time is important. Whoever goes against his conscience will be punished later!"

Huang Ming looked very solemn and gave everyone a death order.

"At the same time, try to exchange the extra pills you make in the form of merits!"

"When the war comes, spirit stones are the most basic war supplies!"

"We alchemists don't need to go to the battlefield, but if we hold too many spirit stones, it is easy to provoke hatred!"

"Don't lose the big picture for the small!"

Huang Ming glanced at Zhou Qing and several alchemists with a high success rate of alchemy.

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