Mortal Seeking Immortal

Chapter 44: The mission of exorcising the evil spirits

The soldiers guarding the city suppressed their impatience and stood there for a while.

"Thank you." Ye Zhou, who finally arrived, thanked the soldiers guarding the city and was about to enter the city.

"Stop, you kid don't know the rules, the entrance fee is 5 coins!" The soldiers guarding the city hurriedly stopped Ye Zhou and shouted.

Ye Zhou was slightly stunned.

He had lived in a small mountain village since he was a child and had never been to the city, so he naturally didn't know this rule. Fortunately, he had obtained a lot of gold and silver from the scholar, but he didn't have copper coins. He took out a piece of broken silver ingot and threw it to a soldier guarding the city beside him.

The soldiers guarding the city widened their eyes and their tone changed.

"Young man, we don't give change here."

"No need to change, please tell me where the city lord is now?" Ye Zhou asked.

The person who reported the ghost plague this time was the city lord of Luofeng City. After the exorcism was over, he needed a letter to prove that the ghost plague here had been eliminated and take it back to the sect for delivery.

"What do you want to do?" The soldiers guarding the city looked at Ye Zhou vigilantly. It was suspicious that a boy of twelve or thirteen years old casually gave away small silver coins and asked for the city lord.

Ye Zhou said lightly: "What I want to do is not something you should know. Just be responsible for telling the location and reporting."

As he spoke, Ye Zhou's breath burst out slightly, and the two soldiers guarding the city immediately felt a breath that made them tremble with fear, and their faces turned pale with fear.

"Sir, the city lord should be in the city lord's mansion at present, not out!"

Sensing Ye Zhou's terrifying breath, they also understood that no matter who Ye Zhou was, he was not someone that small shrimps like them could interrogate and offend.

The soldiers were full of respect and quickly pointed out the direction of the city lord's mansion. One of them had already reported to the city lord, and the others stood there and dared not breathe.

The person in front of him was a little immortal, and even the city lord had to treat him with respect. How dare ordinary soldiers like them offend him?

The soldier who received Ye Zhou's silver ingot quickly handed the silver back.

"Since it is the city's rule, you should keep it.".

He was just a poor kid from a small mountain village before, and he never thought that one day, these majestic-looking soldiers would also be respectful in front of him.

This is the difference between immortals and mortals.

Not long after, the fat city lord in official uniform came panting, followed by several people behind him.

Others didn't know who Ye Zhou was, but he knew very well that he had been looking forward to the immortal of the Blood Spirit Sect to help him exorcise ghosts.

"Where is that adult?" As soon as the fat city lord arrived, he began to twist his fat neck and look around, as if looking for the trace of the immortal, completely ignoring the ordinary-looking boy in front of him.

Ye Zhou didn't care. After all, in the minds of ordinary people, the immortal is usually an old man with a white beard, or at least a mature and steady young man.

At his age, there are indeed very few Blood Spirit Sect disciples who can take Class C tasks.

"Lord City Lord, this lord wants to see you." A team leader among the soldiers guarding the city came forward and introduced.

The city lord then noticed Ye Zhou, and his expression was slightly puzzled.

"Lord City Lord, can you please have a word with me?"

Although he doubted Ye Zhou's identity, he did not dare to offend him easily. As the city lord, he also knew some things about the immortal sect. He heard that some of the immortal sect's geniuses with extraordinary talents were young but very capable.

The two came to an empty corner, and Ye Zhou took out the token of the outer disciple of the Blood Spirit Sect.

The city lord became more respectful after seeing it: "My little immortal has been waiting for a long time, and it is all my fault. Tonight, I will host a banquet in the city lord's mansion for my little immortal. Please move."

Ye Zhou put away the token and said lightly: "Forget the banquet. I came here to get rid of the ghost plague. I don't know where the ghost plague is? You need to tell me the information about the ghosts one by one."

Ye Zhou had been fasting for a long time, and he had no obsession with the desire for food. He just wanted to get rid of the ghost plague as soon as possible and go to the next mission point.

If he delays here for one more day, dozens of civilians may die.

Although Ye Zhou is not a good man, he was once a poor citizen and knows their sufferings.

The city lord immediately showed a bitter look on his face, shook his head and sighed: "We don't know where this ghost plague is..."

"This evil ghost is a bit strange, and the ghost plague cannot be explained in a short time. Please move to the city lord's mansion, and I will call out the files and tell you in detail."

Ye Zhou had no choice but to nod, got into the city lord's carriage, and came to the city lord's mansion.

As soon as he entered the city lord's mansion, what caught Ye Zhou's eyes were the quaint pavilions, carved railings and painted buildings, and bursts of pleasant flower fragrance.

Ye Zhou took a closer look and found that the mansion was full of colorful and exotic flowers and plants. Although they were not as precious as the spiritual herbs in Shu Lao's courtyard, they were also rare in the world.

Seeing this, Ye Zhou sighed in his heart: "No wonder everyone wants to be an official, it turns out that the life of an official is so comfortable."

The city lord took Ye Zhou to a room where files were stored, and asked someone to take out the files about the ghost plague, while saying: "Master, the ghost plague in the city started more than a year ago..."

Ye Zhou suddenly interrupted the city lord and asked seriously: "Since you said that this ghost appeared more than a year ago, why did the city lord wait until two months ago to ask for help from the immortal gate?" Ye Zhou looked at the city lord puzzled and asked.

"Master, you don't know that although the ghost was causing trouble in the city at the beginning, it only peeped at the women bathing in the city and did not harm anyone. I thought it would leave or disappear after making trouble. In fact, such a small ghost appears every once in a while. I dare not disturb the immortal gate for this trivial matter."

Ye Zhou nodded, his face slightly strange. He had only heard of ghosts harming people before, but never heard of ghosts liking to peek at women bathing.

"Until more than two months ago, a ghost murder occurred in the city. The ghost first killed one person every ten days, then one person every five days, and now one person every two or three days."

The master beside him added: "Because the ghost only appears at night, the city lord sent all the soldiers in the city to patrol, but still could not stop the ghost from harming people. The people in the city are now in panic, and no one dares to go to the night market in the city. Many vendors in Luofeng City have lost money and can't even eat. The city lord is even more sleepless all night because of this."

As he said, the detailed files about the ghost plague were also sent over.

Ye Zhou picked up the files and checked them one by one.

"Go and get me a detailed map of Luofeng City." Ye Zhou glanced at the sky. It was almost dusk and it would be dark soon. He had to take this time to investigate the terrain in the city.

"Yes! Immortal Master, please wait."

Not long after, the master brought the map.

Ye Zhou checked the map and found that at first the ghost was active in the fireworks area and the rich residential area, and the people it spied on were all singing girls and rich girls. Later, the ghost went to the slums to kill people, and the distance between the areas was very large.

At the same time, the ghost did not stop peeping during the killing, and several crimes were committed only a cup of tea apart.

"It's not certain whether it was done by one ghost."

Ye Zhou believed that the self-awareness of ordinary evil spirits was relatively shallow, and they were driven by the obsessions before they died. Generally, only one obsession would be left after a person died. He had not heard of evil spirits with a lot of obsessions, so it was unlikely that their hobbies were so wide.

"It seems that the slums and the fireworks alley are the key areas to be patrolled tonight!"

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