Mortal Seeking Immortal

Chapter 49 Class B Mission

How dangerous are Class B missions?

Even some powerful inner disciples may die while performing Class B missions.

However, the sect contribution points obtained after completing a B-level mission are as high as four to five hundred, and the ghost cultivators who need to be eliminated in the B-level mission have higher cultivation levels, which is suitable for improving Xiaoshan's cultivation level.

After three months of missions, after Xiaoshan devoured Zhao Qiang, he devoured more than ten fierce ghosts one after another, and his cultivation level had reached the peak of the sixth level of Qi training.

Now that Xiaoshan has swallowed up Li Gui who is at the third or fourth level of ordinary Qi training, the improvement in his cultivation level is no longer obvious.

There are still a few months until the inner sect disciple examination. With his strength, it is not difficult to pass the examination. What will be difficult is to become an inner sect disciple two years later and compete with the best among the many inner sect disciples for the Foundation Establishment Pill.

And the best among the inner disciples all possess the tyrannical strength of the eleventh and twelfth level of Qi training.

At that time, Ye Zhou could not reveal his true cultivation level.

In order to obtain the Foundation Establishment Pill, Xiaoshan can only be cultivated into a powerful ghost at the 11th or 2nd level of Qi training. At that time, the Hundred Ghost Banner can be advanced to become the best magic weapon for Qi training, plus the Sky-shattering Seal and the Three Dragon Breath. The Bead Furnace should be able to make up for the lack of cultivation, defeat a lot of competitors, and get the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Having made up his mind, Ye Zhou came to Wu Yong and explained his intention.

After hearing this, Wu Yong was so shocked that he jumped up from his chair and looked at Ye Zhou with an expression of 'you're crazy': "You shouldn't have become obsessed with cultivation, right? Even the inner disciples may not be able to do it all over the body." It’s about quitting!”

Without waiting for Ye Zhou to answer, Wu Yong continued: "I have a list here. Please take a look at it before making a decision. Every year, more than 2 inner disciples of our sect are killed in battles during B-level missions, and 2 are injured. There are more people, Ye Zhou, don’t get carried away just because your cultivation level rises relatively quickly, you have to think clearly.”

"I think this level C alchemy task is very suitable for you. Alchemy is also your specialty. It is not only safe, but also contributes more points." Wu Yong pointed to a level C task in the jade slip and advised.

Although he would earn more spiritual stones by arranging B-level tasks for Ye Zhou, Wu Yong did not want to ruin Ye Zhou's life for this spiritual stone, and also ruin his stable source of spiritual stones in the future.

Ye Zhou is his rich man.

However, Ye Zhou still insisted: "I appreciate the kindness of senior brother. I know how dangerous the B-level mission is, but you can give me the jade slip for the B-level mission."

"Oh, that's all. This is a Grade B mission jade slip. You can choose it yourself."

Seeing that Ye Zhou had made up his mind and that his persuasion was ineffective, Wu Yong immediately sighed and shook his head, took out a jade slip from his storage bag and handed it to Ye Zhou.

From the dense pile of tasks, Ye Zhou solemnly selected a ghost exorcism task that seemed simpler than other tasks as a try. After paying Wu Yong the favor fee, Ye Zhou was about to leave.

"Ye Zhou." At this time, Wu Yong hurriedly called him, and Ye Zhou looked at Wu Yong doubtfully.

"If you see something is wrong, give up the mission. Don't hold on. If you fail to complete the mission, you will at most be subject to a small penalty from the Law Enforcement Hall. If you lose your life, everything is really lost!" Wu Yong warned seriously.

"Okay." Ye Zhou nodded, although he didn't show it on his face, he felt warm in his heart.

Although Wu Yong is greedy for money, who in the spiritual world is not greedy for money? Every monk is short of training resources, and his mind is not that bad, at least it is much better than most of the monks in this sect.

As mentioned above on the mission slip, Furong Town sent people to ask for help three days ago. Three powerful evil spirits broke into the town and caused trouble, causing trouble for the people.

Furong Town is about a thousand miles away from the Blood Spirit Sect, and Ye Zhou traveled two days to get there.

In the clouds, the spiritual power of Ye Zhou's flying sword flowed in his eyes. He looked towards the destination of Furong Town not far away, and saw a majestic gray-black ghost energy rising into the sky above Furong Town.

Seeing this, Ye Zhou's complexion changed slightly and his brows also wrinkled.

"It's just three evil ghosts causing trouble. It's impossible to have such a majestic ghost energy? I'm afraid it's not safe to go there rashly!"

Ye Zhou landed on the ground from the air, put away his flying sword, slapped the storage bag, and the Hundred Ghost Banner flew out of the storage bag. He waved the Hundred Ghost Banner, and the hill appeared in front of him.

"Xiaoshan meets the master!"

"Go to Furong Town ahead to check out the situation. If you encounter danger or are discovered, immediately turn invisible to ensure your own safety."

Now Xiaoshan's cultivation level has increased, and his invisibility time has also increased to two quarters of an hour. It is perfect for him to go to the ghostly Furong Town to inquire about the situation. Even if he encounters a ghost with a much higher cultivation level than him, he can still be completely intact. retreat.

"As you command!"

The hill turned into a ball of black smoke and quickly disappeared from Ye Zhou's sight.

At the entrance of the town, several groups of relatively powerful black gas were floating back and forth, like a warning.

On the ground not far from the black gas, there were several rotting corpses lying on the ground. There were some rotten vegetables and grain piled next to the corpses. They looked like villagers from a nearby village going to the market to buy vegetables. They didn't know that there were evil spirits causing trouble in Furong Town. Ghost killings.

The expressions of these corpses were extremely ferocious, and their eyes were wide open, as if they were unwilling to rest in peace.

Fortunately, Xiaoshan's cultivation level was much higher than that of these evil ghosts. After hiding their aura, these evil ghosts did not notice Xiaoshan's arrival at all. Xiaoshan detoured for a while and floated into Furong Town.

Furong Town, the doors and windows of the houses in the town are wide open, debris is everywhere, and the mutilated and rotting corpses of the townspeople are everywhere.

From time to time, groups of black air floated over the corpses like patrolling soldiers, and sometimes dull faces appeared in the black air. They were only responsible for searching for living people in the town, and ignored the "same kind" Xiaoshan who sneaked in.

"Don't be lazy, don't go and search for living people for the adults, otherwise you will be in trouble!"

"Yes, yes, I'll go right away!" Xiaoshan said.


The central square of Furong Town, the ghost energy here is thicker than any other place in the town.

In the center of the square sat a middle-aged man in a black robe with a sinister face. He was skinny and pale, with a group of black air between his eyebrows, and a hundred ghosts banner was floating in front of him.

There were several large cages on the left hand side of the black-robed man, which were full of living people. They looked at the black-robed man with horrified expressions, trembling all over, for fear of attracting the black-robed man's attention.

The open space to the right of the black-robed man was filled with mummies, and more than a dozen evil spirits were floating around the mummies, waiting for the black-robed man's orders.

Not long after, the black-robed man finished his practice, opened his eyes and said coldly: "Bring the people up."

The evil spirits who had been waiting for a long time took the order and floated straight to one of the large cages.

The lock on the cage opened with a "click", and the people in the cage shivered and shrank inside, but were still driven out one by one by the ghosts and driven to the black-robed man.

"Master, please spare me, I am willing to be your slave and believe in the immortal sect forever!" Many people in the crowd knelt on the ground and cried for mercy, but the black-robed man was not moved at all.

The black-robed man waved his hand, and several spells hit the Hundred Ghosts Banner. The Hundred Ghosts Banner shook all over, and a black light flashed for a while, and a black vortex appeared around the banner.

"Kill them!"

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