Mortal Seeking Immortal

Chapter 869 Qingyuan Palace is about to open

Ye Zhou asked: "Why did Daoist Qi suddenly mention Qingyuan Palace today? Do you also want to fight for the opportunity in Qingyuan Palace?"

Qi Rongyin sighed: "Someone calculated not long ago that Qingyuan Palace will be opened soon, and the specific time is about half a year later."

"Originally, my uncle planned to arrange people to escort me to Qingyuan Palace, but recently the demon cultivators outside the city are rampant. My uncle is worried that they will make a big move, so he transferred some people to the desert to explore. I am afraid that they will not be able to escort me to Qingyuan Palace by then."

"There are many treasures in Qingyuan Palace. The rebels will definitely send people there. If there is no escort, I am afraid that I will be hunted down by those rebels as soon as I leave Xianliu City. It was a fluke that I met Daoist who escorted me back to the city last time. It seems that I will not be able to open Qingyuan Palace this time."

Ye Zhou nodded.

It turns out that the opening time of Qingyuan Palace is half a year later, which is a bit rushed.

There will be a lot of Jindan cultivators going to the palace to compete for opportunities, and there will probably be quite a few Yuanying cultivators. He is alone and does not plan to form an alliance with others. If he does not prepare some means, he may lose his life in the palace.

Ye Zhou has secretly planned in his heart that he will use this half year to practice more life-saving skills. Even if he cannot beat the Yuanying cultivator, he must be able to escape from the hands of the Yuanying cultivator.

Since he has learned important information from Qi Rongyin, Ye Zhou does not want to take advantage of it. After thinking about it, he said to Qi Rongyin: "If the city lord wants to find out the news of the demon cultivators in the Guijue Desert, you might as well go to Hei Lao Mountain to find out. I believe there will be some discoveries."

Ye Zhou originally planned to tell the city lord that the demon cultivator base camp might be in Hei Lao Mountain, but he could not find a suitable opportunity. Besides, he did not know what the city lord's attitude was towards the demon cultivators outside the city.

Just now, he heard Qi Rongyin mention that the city lord had sent people to the Guijue Desert to find out the news of the demon cultivators, so he decided to tell Qi Rongyin this news.

First, to compensate for the news of Qingyuan Palace that Qi Rongyin had just told him, and second, perhaps he could use the city lord's hand to rescue Lin Yunshan and others.

Qi Rongyin frowned slightly: "Hei Lao Mountain? I have never heard of this place."

Ye Zhou told Qi Rongyin the specific location of Hei Lao Mountain recorded in the book, and reminded him: "I hope that fellow Daoist Qi will not tell others. I told you the specific location of Hei Lao Mountain."

Ye Zhou was afraid that there were spies planted by the demon cultivators in the city lord's mansion. If so, once the matter was reported, the demon cultivator spies lurking in the city would definitely kill him.

Qi Rongyin said: "If my uncle finds something in Hei Lao Mountain, he will definitely reward you. Daoist, are you sure you won't tell others?"

Ye Zhou nodded. He had to be alive to get the reward. He was not a person who would disregard his life for the sake of profit.

Qi Rongyin nodded and said, "Daoyou, rest assured. I won't mention this to anyone else. I just want to ask you for such an important piece of news. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and said, "Daoyou Qi, you are willing to take time out of your busy schedule to see me. You saved me some trouble just now. I'll just thank you for this news. Besides, I don't know if this news can help you."

Qi Rongyin couldn't help but feel a little fond of Ye Zhou when she heard this.

She had seen many cases of people taking advantage of others to repay their kindness in the world of immortal cultivation. She hated such cultivators very much. However, Ye Zhou's behavior was something she had never seen before.

Qi Rongyin chatted with Ye Zhou for a few more words, but Ye Zhou was worried about going back to practice "Heavenly Soul Art" and said goodbye to Qi Rongyin in a hurry.

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