Mortal Seeking Immortal

Chapter 89 Hatching Mysterious Bugs

Inside the cave, it still looks like it did before Ye Zhou left last time.

Originally, Ye Zhou only regarded this place as his temporary residence, so except for the original furnishings such as stone beds and tables, no other furnishings were added.

Now Ye Zhou can't go back to Mr. Shu's place. Thinking that he will live here for a long time in the future, Ye Zhou plans to simply renovate this cave.

He had heard Wu Yong say before that as long as they did not infringe on other people's caves, the sect allowed disciples to expand the caves but they needed to report to the steward.

There are no other caves near Ye Zhou's cave. With his status, there is no need to report, and he can expand as he wants.

Ye Zhou immediately took out a flying sword and controlled the flying sword to quickly cut through the stone walls around the cave.

I saw a silver sword light flashing in the cave, and the area of ​​the cave was gradually expanding. After a while, the cave was expanded by Ye Zhou by more than three times. Ye Zhou expanded the cave. The cave is divided into three stone rooms.

Seeing that the originally narrow cave had become much more spacious, Ye Zhou put away his flying sword with satisfaction, then summoned a group of ghosts and ordered them to move all the discarded stones out of the cave.

Then, Ye Zhou began to arrange the three stone rooms in the cave.

The outermost stone room connected to the entrance of the cave was decorated by Ye Zhou as a front hall, with some stone tables and benches placed, and some ordinary spiritual plants of low age planted around it. Although these spiritual plants were not very It's expensive, but it adds a touch of medicinal fragrance to this stone room, which makes people feel relaxed and happy, and relieves fatigue.

The stone room in the middle was decorated by Ye Zhou into half a bedroom and half a study. There were desks, bookshelves, stone beds, small tables and other furnishings here. Ye Zhou also specially selected several spiritual plants that had been transplanted for decades. Planted beside the stone bed, the faint medicinal fragrance exuded by these spiritual plants has the effect of calming the mind, calming the mind and calming the energy, which is very helpful for Ye Zhou to meditate here on weekdays.

The innermost stone chamber is also the largest of the three stone chambers. Ye Zhou has opened up several small medicinal fields and planted some spiritual plants that Ye Zhou brought from Shu's old place.

Because the spiritual energy here is thin, it is logical that the spiritual plants are inactive. Ye Zhou also specially arranged a simple spirit gathering array. By consuming ten spiritual stones, the spirit gathering array can operate for one year for the spiritual plants to absorb the spiritual energy. .

In fact, the total number of spiritual plants planted by Ye Zhou is estimated to be less than ten spiritual stones a year. If Wu Yong knew about this wasteful loss of natural resources, he would probably be heartbroken to death.

But Ye Zhou just wanted to make it convenient. He didn't have to go out to plant spiritual plants if he had a place. He could plant whatever he needed. If the spiritual energy wasn't strong enough, he could just add some more spiritual stones to the spirit gathering array.

In Ye Zhou's storage bag, there are a large number of good elixirs given by the master and the mysterious woman, as well as the Huangyundan that he had not used up before refining by himself, plus the spiritual stones exchanged at the gathering of casual cultivators. It can be said that the resources are rich. There is no shortage of spiritual stones and elixirs.

After arranging these, Ye Zhou made a few more Qingfeng Jue, simply swept away the dust in the three stone rooms, and placed hundreds of jade beads emitting soft light on the walls of the three stone rooms. To serve as the light source in the cave, and inlaid with a red flame stone that shines with a faint fiery red light, the originally cold cave has become warmer.

In this way, Ye Zhou was barely satisfied with the current cave.

When he came to the bedroom, Ye Zhou sat cross-legged on the stone bed, took out a jade box from his arms, opened it and looked inside the jade box, only to see inside was a withered green blood grass fruit that had long been drained of its spiritual energy. There is also a black insect egg the size of a rice grain attached to the fruit.

It was the strange insect egg that Ye Zhou obtained from Shu Lao's medicine field that could absorb spiritual energy.

Over the past six months, this insect egg has devoured the spiritual energy in dozens of green blood grass fruits in Ye Zhou, but the insects inside have not hatched yet. This really makes Ye Zhou feel like a cat scratching him, itching so much that he can't help it. Several times he wanted to break open the eggs on the spot to find out what was going on, but thinking that there was a strong vitality emanating from the eggs, he had to give up and continue to wait.

Today, Ye Zhou was preparing to replace the insect eggs with a fresh Blue Blood Grass fruit as usual. He saw that the insect eggs that had remained motionless no matter how Ye Zhou fiddled with them in the past actually shook slightly today!

This scene made Ye Zhou's heart beat faster and he was slightly excited.

Ye Zhou once saw the jade slips for cultivating insect beasts in Shu Lao's study, and understood that this was a sign that the insects were about to hatch.

It’s true that hard work pays off. My hard work over the past six months, feeding so many 500-year-old bloodgrass fruits, finally paid off today.

Ye Zhou hurriedly took out the dried green blood grass fruit in the jade box, cut his finger according to the method taught in the jade slip, and dropped a drop of blood on the eggs to let the insects in the eggs become familiar with his scent.

As the drop of blood was completely absorbed by the egg, a black light lit up on the egg. A flash of light flashed in Ye Zhou's eyes, and he immediately shot a soul mark into the egg.

After the soul was branded into his body, Ye Zhou actually felt a resistance from the insects inside the eggs, which made Ye Zhou stunned.

This was the first time he felt resistance since he learned to imprint his soul.

This shows that this guy has already developed self-awareness before he hatches, and is unwilling to be enslaved by Ye Zhou.

There was a hint of surprise on Ye Zhou's face, which just showed that the bug inside the egg was extraordinary.

Could it be that I really found a treasure this time?

Excited, Ye Zhou concentrated his mental power and began to use his powerful mental power to put pressure on the insect inside the egg. The insect inside the egg struggled and shook desperately. Under Ye Zhou's powerful mental power, it resisted for half a quarter of an hour, and was finally forced to accept Ye Zhou's soul imprint.

Seeing that his soul imprint had finally entered, Ye Zhou removed the mental power covering the egg and carefully observed the changes on the black egg in the jade box.

"It's a good thing that I swallowed so many jade branches. My soul is comparable to that of a foundation-building cultivator. Otherwise, I really can't do anything about it!"

A quarter of an hour, half an hour, an hour passed...

The egg twisted slightly at the beginning, and slowly developed into frequent and violent twisting under Ye Zhou's eyes.

With a slight "click" sound, a tiny crack appeared on one side of the egg. As if sensing the breath from the outside world, the egg twisted more and more, and the tiny crack slowly expanded. In the blink of an eye, it covered most of the egg.

Under Ye Zhou's expectant eyes, a black hard beetle slightly smaller than a grain of rice struggled to crawl out of the crack. As soon as the hard beetle crawled out, it tried to stretch the soft and transparent wings under its shell.

This mysterious insect finally hatched!

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