Mortal Seeking Immortal

Chapter 93 Taking the Pill

While they were talking, the two had already arrived at the door of the storage store.

Ma San said to Ye Zhou respectfully: "Sir, we have arrived at the storage store you are looking for. The city stipulates that ordinary people cannot enter and exit these stores at will. I will wait for you outside."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly to Ma San and walked into the storage store.

Unlike the luxurious and spacious stores that Ye Zhou had seen along the way, this storage store only had a simple and narrow storefront. There was not even a waiter to greet the customers in the store. There was only a shopkeeper who was in the third level of Qi training and dozed off on the counter. It seemed that the business of this storage store was not very good on weekdays.

Ye Zhou walked to the counter, and the dozing shopkeeper woke up instantly. He looked at Ye Zhou and yawned, saying, "Sir, are you going to deposit or take something?"

Ye Zhou took out the telescope from the storage bag and handed it to the shopkeeper, saying, "I'm here to take what Miss Qing put here."

The shopkeeper took the telescope, checked it carefully, and became respectful. He handed the telescope and a copper key with the number twelve written on it to Ye Zhou, and pointed to the room and said, "The things Miss Qing put here are in the twelfth cabinet. Go and take them yourself. Remember, you can only take your own things, and you are not allowed to touch anything else, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

After that, the shopkeeper fell asleep again on the counter, and Ye Zhou couldn't help complaining in his heart. With this attitude towards doing business, it's no wonder that the business in the store is so bad.

Putting the telescope back into the storage bag, Ye Zhou took the key and walked into the inner room.

After entering the inner room, Ye Zhou's vision suddenly became extremely wide. The room in front of him was not as narrow as the door outside, and it could even be described as extremely spacious.

Hundreds of cabinets of the same size and three feet square were neatly arranged in the room. Ye Zhou looked around the room and found that most of the cabinets here were locked with ordinary locks, which could be opened at will by cultivators with just a light pinch.

Ye Zhou thought, if the person who came here to take things had bad intentions, wouldn't he be able to take away many things that did not belong to him?

Ye Zhou was thinking about this, when suddenly his sight was fixed on a very inconspicuous dark corner in the room, where there was an old recliner, and a man with gray hair and unclear face was lying on the recliner to take a nap.

This person's aura was very well hidden, almost integrated with the whole room. If it weren't for Ye Zhou's sharp eyes, he would never have found this person.

Ye Zhou saw that the aura released by this person had reached at least the foundation-building stage. Thinking of his previous thoughts, he couldn't help but feel a little funny. With this person here, I'm afraid no one who is blind enough would dare to take things here at will.

Ye Zhou couldn't help sighing in his heart. A small storage store in Pingsha City is guarded by a master in the foundation-building stage. It seems that Pingsha City should not be underestimated.

Following the numbers marked on the cabinets, Ye Zhou quickly found the twelfth cabinet.

When opening the cabinet, Ye Zhou clearly felt a divine sense coming from that person. The divine sense swept across the key in Ye Zhou's hand. After confirming that the number on the key was consistent with the number on the cabinet, the divine sense disappeared again.

Ye Zhou quickly took out some jade bottles and jade boxes in the cabinet, closed the cabinet door, and hurriedly left the inner room.

When he came to the outer room, the shopkeeper was already asleep. Even if Ye Zhou walked to the counter, he failed to wake the shopkeeper up. Ye Zhou couldn't help but complain, how sleep-deprived are the people in this storage store? They all like to doze off.

Ye Zhou didn't wake him up, but put the key on the counter and left the storage room.

Outside the storage inn, Ma San came up to Ye Zhou as soon as he saw him coming out: "Sir, the auction held by Wanbao Auction House will be held in five days. Do you need me to find an inn for you to rest in the city?"

Ye Zhou nodded, and was about to ask about the inns in Pingsha City when he heard Ma San's skilled introduction: "There are only two inns in Pingsha City that specialize in receiving immortals. One is located in the south. The advantage is that the environment is relatively quiet. The disadvantage is that there are not many shops around, and it is a little far from Wanbao Auction House."

"The other is located in the north. The disadvantage is that the environment is a little noisy. The advantage is that it is near Wanbao Auction House. The prices of these two inns are similar. Which one do you want to stay in?"

Ye Zhou said without hesitation: "Go to the one in the south."

For him, a quiet environment is more important than anything else. Besides, Pingsha City is so small, even if it is far away from Wanbao Auction House, how far can it be.

Ma San took Ye Zhou to the inn in the south, and introduced the shops on both sides to Ye Zhou.

Ye Zhou looked around and found that the things sold in these shops were nothing more than elixirs, magic tools, talismans, and spiritual plants, and the quality was not very good. Ye Zhou had no interest in buying anything, and just wanted to get to the inn to meditate and practice.

As if he saw what Ye Zhou was thinking, Ma San, who was leading the way, quickened his pace. Soon, the two arrived at the door of Qingfeng Inn in the south.

Ma San asked, "May I ask if there is any store you want to visit in the next five days? If not, I will wait for you at the door of the inn in five days and take you to Wanbao Auction House."

Ye Zhou replied, "Come here to pick me up in five days."

Ma San nodded quickly, then looked around, carefully approached Ye Zhou and whispered, "Sir, I have to tell you a few words. If you have nothing to do in the next five days, please don't go out to remote places, and don't meddle in other people's business. Anyone who meddles in other people's business in Pingsha City will not end well."

Ye Zhou laughed dumbly. Although he looked young, he was probably the person who would least meddle in other people's business in the world.

Ye Zhou knew that Ma San had good intentions, so he nodded to show that he understood, and then turned to enter the inn.

Because there were still five days before the auction at Wanbao Auction House, there were not many cultivators coming to Pingsha City, so there were many empty rooms in Qingfeng Inn.

The shopkeeper who was counting the bills behind the counter saw someone coming to stay in the hotel, and hurriedly greeted him with a smile on his face and asked: "Senior, our guest rooms are divided into sky-shaped, earth-shaped, and human-shaped rooms. The daily prices are five low-grade spirit stones, three low-grade spirit stones, and one low-grade spirit stone respectively. I wonder which room you need?"

Ye Zhou looked at the shopkeeper and saw that he was only at the second level of Qi training, so he asked: "What is the difference between these three rooms?"

The shopkeeper introduced fluently: "The sky-shaped room is the best room in our store. Each room is equipped with a formation, which can completely block the movement and breath in the room, allowing the senior to practice in the room with peace of mind."

"The earth-shaped room is only equipped with the lowest level of soundproof formation, which can isolate the sound of the outside world and will not disturb the senior's practice, but the senior's breath in the room will be revealed without a doubt."

"The human-shaped room has no formation. If the senior practices in the room, it will inevitably be disturbed by the sound of the outside world."

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